Sitemap - 2024 - Steve Kirsch's newsletter

Survey results: Did anyone in your family take the COVID shot?

Did anyone in your family take the COVID shot?

My rebuttal on the claims that vaccines have saved >> killed

Did the COVID vaccine save more people than it killed?

Why you should avoid Ozempic, Mounjaro, etc.

The CFR from the Pfizer trial show the vaccines make you 5x more likely to die from COVID

EXCLUSIVE: The CDPH is unable to explain the rise in the COVID Case Fatality Rate (CFR) after the COVID shots rolled out

Did the COVID vaccines save lives? I've got a $1M wager that they killed > saved. Want to help me win?

Researchers have never looked at autism onset rates post vaccine in the short term

VSRF LIVE TONIGHT: Episode 157 - DNA Contamination Confirmed!

My autism survey shows very clearly vaccines cause autism

Pfizer's own study shows their COVID vaccines increase your risk of serious adverse events (up to 71% higher)

Who wants to be a millionaire?

Do vaccines cause autism?

VSRF LIVE TONIGHT: Episode 156 - The Sepsis Epidemic

VSRF LIVE TONIGHT: Episode 155 - The Misinformation Squares Gameshow!

Australian excess deaths are highly correlated with the number of booster vaccinations

House COVID report claims the COVID vaccines saved millions of lives by citing statistical models as the proof

Another Desperate move by Pro-Vax Propagandists

Santa Clara County non-COVID all-cause mortality increased 50% over baseline in elderly in Q1 of 2021

Misinformation Squares

Top Media Outlet Killed My Piece Praising "Make America Healthy Again" Coalition After Editorial Board Lambasted RFK Jr.

Pfizer pregnancy trial showed the COVID shots increased AESIs (like major congenital abnormalities) in newborns by over 4X

VSRF LIVE THIS TUESDAY: Episode 154 - $13 MILLION IN DAMAGES! We interview attorney Jonathan Marko and plaintiff Lisa Domski about their landmark legal battle over C19 mandates

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Episode 153 - More Damning Evidence from John Beaudoin Sr. PLUS! NH State Representatives Share MORE DAMNING FINDINGS from Their Recent Report!

BREAKING NEWS - Twice-Censored Landmark COVID-19 Vaccine Autopsy Study Fully Peer-Reviewed and Published

Over 300 pages of evidence from the CDC show that vaccines cause autism

New Hampshire legislature special committee issues scathing report that eviscerates the federal and state COVID response

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Episode 152 - Dr. David Martin, Part 2 of 2!

My latest email to Santa Clara County

Could DMSO drops restore my vision?

Nature paper shows the COVID "vaccines" increased your risk of getting COVID

What would happen if the government required AI models to tell the truth?

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Episode 151 - Election Results and Health Outcomes Discussion with Shannon Joy.

Today I filed a formal complaint in Santa Clara County alleging malfeasance by the public health department

My "to do" list for the new head of HHS (unburdened by what has been)

Santa Clara County's wastewater shows the COVID vaccine increased infections

The inside story of the battle inside NIH regarding fluoride in drinking water

What are the best "gold standard" data sources for determining COVID safety and efficacy?

In today's society, you are not allowed to ask about certain topics like the best sources of data on vaccine safety and efficacy!

Pet owners, beware! FDA-Approved Drug Linked to Severe Health Issues and Fatalities in Pets

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Episode 150 - Santa Clara County Case Fatality Rate Analysis after C19 Vaccination

A County health officer was asked by a Sacramento Supervisor to explain why the COVID data showed the vaccine made things worse

The $1M COVID vaccine debate is now fully funded

The single most misleading graph of the pandemic

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Episode 149 - Self-Amplifying MRNA with Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD.

VA data shows the flu and COVID shots don't reduce your risk of hospitalization

My $100,000 offer to UC Santa Cruz

NEJM paper (2022): COVID vax will prolong the length of time you can spread COVID + flu shot stats show they don't work either

Over 200,000 Americans killed by the COVID vaccine: 10 methods, same answer

What happens when health authorities are forced to answer my questions?

New paper shows COVID boosters increased mortality in nursing home residents. The effect was highly statistically significant after 4 weeks.

COVID case fatality rate (CFR) increased by 2.6X after they rolled out the jabs in Santa Clara County in 2021

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Episode 148 - The Misinformation Epidemic with Dr. Raphael Lataster, PhD.

Brand comparison studies show that there are differences between the COVID vaccines. But if one is unsafe, so is the other one.

An open invitation to resolve the vaccine misinformation problem

Why do confounders always work to make the COVID vaccines look unsafe? I asked an expert!

URGENT: Authors of a big new paper on Covid's heart risks presented its results in a misleading way likely to scare people the paper itself shows are not in danger

The Takada paper shows very clearly that the COVID vaccines are not safe

Yang paper: US data shows COVID vaccinated kids 5 - 18 die at a 5.7X higher rate than their unvaccinated peers

Exclusive interview: How FDNY treats those they disabled with the COVID vaccine

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Episode 147 - C19 Vaccine Injury in Extreme Athletes - with Heiko Sepp

New Harvard, Oxford study CLEARLY shows the vaccines cause myo/pericarditis, not the virus

Jeffrey Morris won't show us the correct analysis of the Czech Republic data

The VSRF Misinformation Superspreader Library Raffle

Official US Nursing home data shows that the COVID vaccines did NOTHING to reduce COVID mortality. ZERO.

The COVID vaccine: all risk, no benefit

In the US, you can go to jail for disclosing record-level vaccination data

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Episode 146 - Childhood Vaccines through the Decades with Dr. Bob Sears

Guess what happened when I asked ChatGPT to analyze the Czech Republic data?

50X increase in natural death reports in a large US metro area after vax rollout

If you are a doctor, nurse, or paramedic who has observed DEATHS from the COVID vaccine, please take this short survey

I have been fully vindicated by the world's most objective epidemiologist. The COVID vaccines are not safe.

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Episode 145 - Rescue The Republic!

It's ridiculously easy to calculate a lower bound estimate on the number of Americans killed by the COVID vaccine: 500K

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Episode 144 - Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D.

BREAKING: Forced to get 3 vaccines to receive medical care, 23-year-old Alexis Lorenze is now fighting for her life

The New Zealand data released by Barry Young can be used to prove the COVID vaccines are unsafe

New Zealand First lawmakers are insisting on an honest COVID vaccine inquiry. GAME CHANGING? We'll see.

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Episode 143 - Dr. Stella Immanuel M.D.

How vaccines cause autism

COVID vax: Some batches increase your all-cause mortality by 9X or more.

Exclusive: VA whistleblower exposes the official VA medical claims data showing the COVID shots are a healthcare disaster

RFK Jr's 12-part plan to make America Healthy again

Do vaccines cause autism? Finally, a definitive answer!

Singapore's Ministry of Health is killing the people of Singapore

The official data from British Columbia shows the COVID vaccine is killing people

Senator Johnson asks the FDA, CDC for data that will show the COVID vaccines are not safe

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Episode 142 - Back to School with Dr. Larry Palevsky, M.D. and Lucia Sinatra

In the Netherlands, they keep two sets of books for the COVID vaccines

Insight into what US House members are thinking about COVID vaccine injury

The Persecution of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich

COVID vaccinated kids are dying regularly from cardiac arrest

A clever way to stop "misinformation superspreaders" like me

If the COVID shots are so safe, then why have over 80% of NHS employees refused to take another booster?

In-depth analysis of New Zealand COVID vaccine data shows that the shots make you more likely to die

Legal updates: US and New Zealand

There are only 4 ways to extract the truth from doctors about the harms caused by the COVID vaccines

My email to SAG-AFTRA execs

The COVID shots are fueling the rise of ME/CFS cases

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Episode 141 - the Autism Epidemic with Dr. Christian Bogner, M.D. and Alex Zaharakis, M.A., M.S., DABR

Interviews by Alex Jones and Sarah Westall

The RFK Jr. Interview They Don’t Want You to See

The simplest way to show the COVID shots increase ACM

US, UK, Denmark, Finland, Norway: cumulative excess deaths kept rising after the shots rolled out

US and UK all-cause cumulative excess mortality graphs clearly show that our interventions were counterproductive

Starting a week-long water-only fast at TrueNorth (so I'll be posting a lot less for a week)

UK ONS: Excess deaths in the UK cannot be caused by the COVID shots

RFK Jr suspends campaign; endorses Trump

VSRF Super Substack Subscription Raffle

VSRF LIVE: Episode 140 - Dr. David Martin Discusses Monkeypox, Bioweapons and More...

NewsGuard tries to fact check me. Here are my answers.

More evidence that the COVID shots did NOT reduce mortality: the CFR for the US didn't drop! Whoops!!

Merck MMR case ruling: "You can defraud the American people when government agencies go along with it"

New Oxford study shows ONLY the kids who took the COVID shots had heart problems and died

Did the COVID vaccines really save 20M lives worldwide?

Google AI cannot find a single COVID vaccine success story

Did the COVID shot kill former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki?

Want to help cure type I and type II diabetes?

We got Google AI to finally admit the truth about the COVID vaccines and the US childhood vaccine schedule

Eye issues skyrocket after the COVID shots rolled out

VSRF LIVE: Episode 139 - First Responder Whistleblowers Speak Out

ABIM: "Follow the consensus, not the science. Saving lives is not a priority."

Prasad vs. Morris: Who is telling you the truth?

VSRF LIVE: Episode 138 - The Integrated Medicine Revolution with Dr. Alan Goldhamer

Paper showing COVID and flu vaccines do NOT reduce hospitalization was published today

My new investment fund launched today

The virus was safer than the vaccine. Whoops!

Why Was Moderna Allowed to Use A Toxic mRNA Dose?

The pulmonary embolism "reality gap"

VSRF LIVE: Episode 137 - COVID Legal Victories Update...Will History Repeat in the Next Pandemic?

A closer look at the Czech Republic data confirms the mRNA vaccines are too deadly to be used

A summary of why the Czech Republic data is so devastating to the "safe and effective" narrative

I have a lot of blood under my RPE... that is the problem

I'm currently blind in one eye from a subretinal hemorrhage (SRH); with your help, it won't be permanent

VSRF LIVE: Episode 136 - Pfizer Whistleblowers

The Apprentices

While working on the Czech Republic data I went blind in my right eye

VSRF LIVE: Episode 135 - Canada's Privacy Warriors!

Attempts to debunk my "Moderna and Pfizer are kill shots" post fail badly

Initial analysis of record-level data from Czech Republic FOIA proves that the Moderna vaccines increased all-cause mortality by over 30% (and the Pfizer vaccines weren't safe either)

VSRF LIVE SPECIAL TUESDAY EVENT - Czech Record Level Data Reveal

VAERS data shows Moderna causes 30% more deaths per dose than Pfizer

Former CDC Director now admits that the COVID "vaccines" NEVER should have been mandated

My emails with the County Executive's office of Santa Clara County

VSRF LIVE Tonight - Virologist Dr. Jennifer Smith, PhD., and a quick visit with a few of my favorite authors.


VSRF LIVE Tonight - A Week in My Life!

BREAKING Publication--A Critical Analysis of All-Cause Deaths during COVID-19 Vaccination in an Italian Province

Watch the real presidential debate tonight with all 3 candidates

VSRF LIVE Tonight - Ex-Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies and the Future of AI in Healthcare

Protocol 7 opens July 10 in theaters

Over 100M Americans think the COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Is Killing Large Numbers of People’

German CDC documents show politics drove COVID response, not science

What the data tells us (presentation)

VSRF LIVE Tonight - Dr. William Makis and the Undeniable Rise of Turbo Cancers

Te Whatu Ora: Here's an offer you can't refuse!

Febrile Seizure Risk after Vaccination in Children One to Five Months of Age

New Zealand data leaked by Barry Young has a smoking gun: a 27% increase in all-cause mortality over 12 months if you got the jab

The COVID "vaccine" had no benefit. Zero. Zip. Nada.

Using a scientific experiment to settle a scientific question: Is virology fraudulent?

Alec Zeck's claims of the "end of virology" are VERY seriously flawed

How can millions of people, all exhibiting signs of COVID have whole genome sequences that match the SARS-CoV-2 reference genome if viruses don't exist?

VSRF LIVE Tonight - I Debate Dr. Andrew Kaufman, M.D. about the Existence of the COVID 19 Virus

NOBODY can explain what happened at Apple Valley Village

VSRF LIVE Tonight - Live from the #ReAwaken Tour in Detroit

How many kids under age 21 did the COVID vaccines kill?

HPV Vaccine


Two new studies suggest mRNA Covid vaccines can contribute to cancer formation

VSRF LIVE Tonight - Canada Has Gone Full Gulag. An Interview with Shawn Buckley, Esq.

Myocarditis rates increase 5X in Guernsey after COVID vax rollout

Can you spot the problem with this very important video on YouTube?

Dr. Paul Offit says the vaccine misinformation problem won't be resolved until more and more children suffer and die

BREAKING PUBLICATION--Excess Cardiopulmonary Arrest and Mortality after COVID-19 Vaccination in King County, Washington

Doctors Fareed and Tyson have collectively treated 20,000 COVID cases with no deaths. Do you know why it's not in the peer-reviewed literature?

Google AI just estimated that as many as 1.1M Americans may have been killed by the COVID vaccines

Will NZ epidemiologist and COVID expert Professor Michael Baker have a civil discussion with me on the NZ and US data?

Despite progress in data transparency, the FDA still keeps its data secret

Measles vaccine math

Latest Rasmussen survey shows that the "cure" was nearly as deadly as the disease

5 SCIENTIFIC Reasons Your 'Vaccinated' Friends & Family Won't Listen (And What to Do About It)

The mRNA Death Toll Is "Bigger Than The Holocaust"

Official US government data shows that the COVID vaccines cause Guillain-Barre, Bell's palsy, pulmonary embolism, DVT, ischemic strokes,and other serious side effects

VSRF LIVE - TONIGHT!: VSRF is Stayin' Alive Fundraiser

Near 0 deaths per year from MMR in the US over the last 6 years. So why do we REQUIRE kids to get the measles jab?

My secret plan to expose the harms created by vaccines

Here's what happened when I tried to convince Gemini that the COVID vaccines are unsafe

A better way to challenge scientific consensus

VSRF LIVE - TONIGHT!: Special Episode on W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty Hosted by Dr. Kat Lindley

VSRF LIVE - TONIGHT!: Clay Clark and America's ReAwakening

Did the vaccine save lives?

Live in Santa Clara County? Want to help me hold the public officials accountable?

COVID19 vaccines linked to myocarditis, pericarditis, ITP, Guillain Barre Syndrome, Bell's Palsy, ADEM, PE, Febrile seizures & more

What the data says about vaccines

Survey indicates sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender dysphoria are all primarily caused by vaccination

Sexual orientation / gender identity survey

The CDC lied; people died

VSRF LIVE TOMORROW!: Dr. Robert Malone, M.D.

Turbo cancer in New York

The easiest way to show the COVID vaccines are a disaster and that the medical community is looking the other way

Diabetes increases your risk of glaucoma

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Save Our Pets!

Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?

National Academies are flat out wrong about the safety of the COVID vaccine

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Down the Rabbit Hole with Dan Dicks

My email to Dr. Anne Bass re: National Academies evidence review on COVID shot side effects

Were you (or someone you know well) injured after getting a COVID vaccine?

I just challenged Dr. Paul Offit to a public debate

Are there any mainstream media reporters who want to know the truth about vaccines?

Math professor validates my survey conclusions: vaccines ARE the main cause of chronic diseases

Is there an honest member of the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors?

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Our Food Supply Under Attack! An interview with Sasha Latypova

UK ONS denies request from 7 MPs by claiming that the vaccines are safe so there is no need to do any analysis that might show otherwise

The head of media relations for Santa Clara County Dept of Public Health has been missing since March 25, 2024

It's time to amend the US Constitution to protect medical freedom

Head of the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) ignores data request from 7 Members of Parliament

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Epidemic of Fraud - An interview with Hollywood director John Davidson

Pfizer post PARTIAL results of their "COVID vaccine in pregnancy" trial

New survey confirms that vaccines are, by far, the #1 cause of chronic disease in America

Important new survey!

Two easy ways you can help me hold them accountable

A Very Special VSRF LIVE Tonight: Victory for Ivermectin!

Whoops! FOIA response from Santa Clara County reveals that the COVID shots INCREASED your risk of getting COVID!

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Tragic Deaths in Young Adults

US geriatric practice reports that COVID vaccines increased mortality by nearly 5X

Know anyone thinking of getting another COVID shot? Urge them to watch this short video on vaccine injuries first!

Watch the live free speech broadcast starting Monday March 18 at 9am EST

How to prevent long-haul COVID symptoms (PACS)

It's not the COVID vaccine that deserves the credit for the reduction in MIS-C cases. It's the virus!

Gates Foundation isn't interested in stopping vaccine misinformation

New Thailand randomized clinical trial shows early treatment with just 2 drugs was 100% effective in eliminating risk of hospitalization from COVID

I finally was able to talk to a top official at FDA media relations live. Here's what happened...

W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty Looms: Countdown to Global Tyranny

Why C-19 Vaccines Don't Prevent Infection

The new rise of "shaken baby syndrome"

Two "must see" films

Harvard achieves scientific consensus by eliminating those who disagree

Covid Litigation Conference II Update: Presenting Live from Las Vegas!

We're suing Springer Nature for $250M in punitive damages for the unethical retraction of our COVID harms paper

My Tucker Carlson interview

Pathologist reports a stunning 52% increase in cancer risk for ages 15-59 who were vaxxed

How I buy crypto at the best price

BREAKING: Seven MPs request comprehensive data transparency from the UK ONS

New Zealand Data Update: An Interview with Whistleblower Barry Young

Freedom Movement Takes Las Vegas!

VSRF LIVE - The Ugly Truth: An Interview with data experts John Beaudoin, Sr. and Carl Heneghan

99 million patient records and they concluded that the benefits outweigh the risks!?!? We respectfully disagree.

Epic 4 hour VSRF episode: What the nurses saw (COVID whistleblower episode) follow up

CDC releases V-safe free-text data because they want everyone to know just how unsafe the COVID vaccine really is

New Zealand OIA request reveals the COVID vaccines increased your risk of dying

Our paper critical of the COVID vaccines will be retracted by Cureus!

VSRF LIVE - The Fight for Our Kids: An Interview with Informed Consent Warrior Barbara Loe Fisher

Share this post with every lawyer you know.

Two new ways to prevent vision loss (proven in 3 clinical trials)

VSRF LIVE - Embalmer Data Revealed! Special Episode with Retired Air Force Major Thomas Haviland

I'm debating Kevin Bass about vax risk/benefit at 6:30pm PST today. You can watch it live.

Large geriatric practice reports 3X increase in deaths AFTER the COVID vaccines rolled out

How I replaced my home NAS to "the ultimate NAS" for just $500 total including drives

The "TransferX" project

Viva Frei interview posted on Rumble

VSRF LIVE - Vax Mass Homicide With Special Guest, Denis Rancourt, PhD

No doubt about it: the COVID vaccines CAUSE dementia

Survey: Nearly half the deaths observed in US households judged to be due to the COVID vaccine

Evidence supporting >100,000 excess US deaths from the COVID vaccine in 3 months

Former 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan drops a bombshell on VSRF

Health New Zealand is at it again! They are trying to get my site taken down. Not going to happen.

My generous offer sent to Health New Zealand today... you're going to love it!

Published today in the medical peer-reviewed literature: The COVID vaccines should be stopped

Defeat the Mandates Two Years On

22% of households who took the shots have a COVID vaccine injury

UK ONS admits that they are not interested in exploring ways to increase data transparency

The UK ONS isn't ignoring me anymore, thanks to help from an influential MP Andrew Bridgen

The New Zealand data leaked by whistleblower Barry Young is unassailable proof the COVID vaccines increase your risk of death

Major DEBATE Tonight (To Help A Charity)! Have Covid Vaccines Killed 17 Million People? If Not, How Many?

The Most Important VSRF LIVE Episode Ever!

Misinformation is the #1 concern at WEF: A concise guide on how to stop it

How to Escape the Dysfunction of Corporate America

Excess deaths in the UK are being caused by circulatory issues

I challenged Alex Berenson to defend his defamatory remarks about me. He refused.

Acute kidney injury after vaccination: New Zealand government scientists changed their data without explanation

Cardiologist Regrets Vaccinating Young, Healthy People At His Clinic: "That Was A Mistake On My Part"

Medicare data on flu shot makes it clear that the COVID vaccines have killed millions worldwide

The Deadly Rise of Scientism

The Magnificent Seven

VSRF LIVE Tonight: Covid-19 Vaccines and Turbo Cancers with Dr. Paul Marik, MD (Part Two)

Embalmer survey 2023: Over 75% are still seeing novel white fibrous clots

Let's build an UnCanceled America

A summary of the evidence against the COVID vaccines

Saving the Covid-19 Vaccinated from Turbo Cancers

The single most important interview I've ever done: former Kaiser nurse Gail Macrae