EXCLUSIVE: The CDPH is unable to explain the rise in the COVID Case Fatality Rate (CFR) after the COVID shots rolled out
The California Department of Public Health supplied a nonsensical answer when asked to explain the rise in the California COVID case fatality rate (CFR) after the COVID shots rolled out.
Executive summary
There are only two ways to get a public health department to answer questions they want to avoid:
Under oath
If a public official they report to asks them
I chose method #2.
Supervisor Sue Frost (Sacramento), the only red pilled Board of Supervisors member in the US (as far as I know), asked the question of her county health officer as to why the CFR went the wrong way after the shots rolled out (it went up instead of down) in their own graph.
The county health officer didn’t know so she had the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) respond directly.
Their answer was nonsensical.
So now you know too.
The question Supervisor Frost posed to the Health official in Sacramento
The Fatality Ratio graph from the CDPH that you provided in your previous response shows that the Fatality Ratio reversed direction (went up) instantly after the COVID shots were introduced, and then remained flat for nearly a year until Omicron. If the COVID vaccine worked, wouldn’t you have expected the Fatality Ratio to go down over time as more people were vaccinated rather than remain flat? The variant didn’t change until later in 2021! And why would it go up right after vaccination? Was it predicted it would go up and then remain flat?
The CDPH answer
COVID-19 vaccines first became available in the middle of a surge in COVID-19 disease in late 2020 and early 2021. The risk of death increased during the surge for those who were not yet vaccinated. Meanwhile, it took several months after COVID-19 vaccines first became available for many long-term care residents to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
The Fatality Ratio of residents in facilities included a mixture of unimmunized individuals and immunized individuals. Comparing the mortality between unvaccinated versus vaccinated residents would better indicate the protective effect of vaccination.
More rigorous evidence of the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine in protecting residents of long-term care facilities against severe COVID-19 infection and death includes, but is not limited to, the studies linked at:
My analysis
If you have a FIXED known group of people and you give 98% a vaccine that is supposed to reduce their COVID mortality by 50%, the mortality should go down.
It doesn’t get any more complicated than that.
No fancy math required. No Cox regression analysis needed. All raw data.
If the vaccine works, the numbers have to go down.
The CFR didn’t go down. It went up and flatlined for a year.
The first paper they cited claims nearly a 50% vaccine efficacy against death after 2 doses for the elderly. So there should have been close to a 2X reduction in the CFR since they were diligent about vaccinating everyone in every SNF.
Per ChatGPT:
Shortly after the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in California, vaccination rates in skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) were notably high among residents and staff. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) reported that approximately 98% of SNF residents had received at least one dose of the vaccine, with 89% being fully vaccinated.
Claiming that there was a COVID “surge” is a red-herring. The CFR is a rate. It doesn’t depend on the number of cases. “COVID surges” would only increase the CFR if hospitals are overloaded so that people weren’t getting the same level of care and were left to die.
But I checked… There was no evidence of a “surge” because cases were falling like a rock on Jan 9, 2021 which means healthcare resources would have been available and the CFR would have fallen as more and more people were vaccinated.
Yes, it did take a few months for everyone to be vaccinated so we should have seen the CFR drop by 50% over 3 months to a new, lower than pre-vaccine level.
It simply never happened.
Key point:
The CFR only breached the pre-vaccine CFR level more than 1 year later, after Omicron (which is much less deadly) became the dominant variant.
A deflection to “look over here at these studies” is there simply to distract you from the fact that they cannot explain what their own data shows.
I have been waiting patiently for nearly 4 years for a health official to explain their own data. Whenever I tried to ask for an explanation (since I don’t want to spread misinformation), they would never answer. I’ve always said that failing to explain the data only fuels more misinformation.
So now I know why they ignored me. Because they simply cannot explain how their data is consistent with their benefit claims.
Why? Because it isn’t consistent.
So now you know. Their claims of efficacy don’t match their data. The CDPH lied and people died.
And no State public official has the courage to hold them accountable.
These morons will defend these shit shots until the day they die. I've totally given up on Establishment "healthcare" institutions and their "sage" advice and recommendations.
Thank you for reporting, thank you for your persistence.
Re: "CDPH lied and people died." YES THIS IS EXACTLY SO. And may those who committed fraud and malfeasance be held accountable before the law. It may be the case that most people who would hold them accountable are still under the spell of groupthink-dream-logic, however spells don't last forever.