BREAKING: Forced to get 3 vaccines to receive medical care, 23-year-old Alexis Lorenze is now fighting for her life
No vax, no care. So she had to get 3 vaccines. Within 10 minutes, she was blind in both eyes. She's now fighting for her life. Doctors are baffled as to the cause since it can't be the vaccines.
Executive summary
This is one of the most horrific vaccine injury stories I’ve ever heard of.
Alexis Lorenze is a 23-year old young woman with a history of Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) since January 2024.
The hematologist at her hospital (UC Irvine Health) refused to give her further care for her PNH unless she took the Tetanus, Pneumococcal and Meningitis vaccines.
Within 10 minutes of the 3 vaccines which were given all at the same time, Alexis went temporarily blind in both eyes, had a locked jaw, began vomiting and then things went horribly downhill from there.
Watch this short video:
Latest updates
The family has asked me to post updates to social media. Here are the latest updates.
Sep 18 4pm
The doctors decided to go ahead with Soliris. After that, they will probably do plasmapheresis where the patient’s blood is filtered real-time and returned into the other arm. I’ve done this myself and it’s not the most comfortable thing in the world, but usually they let you watch movies while this is happening (it takes hours).
Here’s the a post of the latest video from nurse Angela and the latest CHD video:
Soliris (eculizumab) is a powerful medication used to treat certain blood disorders, including paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH). However, like any medication, it carries potential risks.
Some of the potential risks associated with Soliris include:
Serious infections: Soliris can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to infections. These infections can be serious, including bacterial, fungal, and viral infections.
Meningitis: There is a risk of developing meningitis, especially in people with certain genetic factors or who have had a recent spinal tap.
Hemolytic anemia: In rare cases, Soliris can cause hemolytic anemia, a condition where red blood cells are destroyed.
Allergic reactions: Some people may experience allergic reactions to Soliris, including hives, swelling, or difficulty breathing.
Other potential side effects: Less common side effects may include headache, nausea, fatigue, dizziness, and joint pain.
Sep 18 2:39pm blood draw
Sept 18 11am
Alexis is doing much better. She’s much calmer as well which is important. See this post for the latest video.
Sep 18: 4:30am blood test
A new high for D-Dimer and a new low for platelets. This is not good.
Sept 17: 7pm
Alexis has been transferred to the ICU and is now starting to get the treatments she needs. The hospital management is aware of who I am, who Angela is, etc. This is helping because they now know the world is watching. This has elevated her treatment to be what she should have gotten in the first place. The doctor who required the 3 vaccines is nowhere to be found. I want to see the scientific data justifying her refusal to treat Alexis without those 3 vaccines. There is no data whatsoever that I’m aware of. The legal team was hoping to press criminal charges against me for publishing Alexis’s medical records, but they’ve learned that this was done with permission, so now they have no case.
Sept 17: 5:45pm
Alexis can’t transfer to another hospital. She’s covered by Medicaid, and the other hospital doesn’t take Medicaid. So she’s stuck at UCI. But Angela has arranged to get her many of the drugs she needs to get better.
Sept 17: 5pm
CHD and Polly Tommey (Producer of Vaxxed) cover the event live from UCI with a camera crew:
Sept 17: 4pm
Short video and thread for the latest updates on the story.
This is a very serious vaccine injury and Alexis is now fighting for her life in the hospital. After her vaccine injury, UCI Health did nothing to alleviate her condition. They just gave her medications for dealing with the pain.
VSRF has sent Angela Wulbrecht, RN to try and save her life with our trusted team of doctors by our side.
Angela arrived Tues, Sep 17 at UCI.
Step 1: transfer her to another hospital where she can get treated for her vaccine injuries.
Alexis has no health insurance in California. She is being transported today to a private hospital in Los Angeles for specialized treatment.
Official Fundraiser website
People have asked what they can do to help.
Please consider making a small donation to her official fundraising site which is sponsored by VSRF. 100% of funds collected (minus processing fees) goes to Alexis.
Alexis Lorenze key events
Tues, Sept 10: She has PNH and had terrible migraines for the last 2 weeks. Went in for help. Checked into UCI Hospital. ABNORMAL ECG - Sinus tachycardia Abnormal T, consider ischemia, anterior leads. Her HR is 131 bpm. Her hemoglobin was 3.1 (severely low). Her platelets were
Her Troponin I was high at check in which is an indicator of heart damage.
Her platelets (needed to prevent bleeding) were very low (28) at check in and got worse.
Fri, Sept 13: Given platelets by IV. Doesn’t seem to increase her counts. They did bone marrow biopsy and 2-3 transfusions.
Sat, Sept 14, 2pm: Hematologist (Zahra Pakbaz) tells Alexis they will not treat her any further unless she is up-to-date on her vaccines. They gave her tetanus, meningitis and pneumonia all at once. She has had ZERO V’s with the exception of when she was a baby. 2 V’s in her left arm and 1 V in her right. Within 10-minutes post vaccines, she couldn’t move her arms and was blind in both eyes.
Alexis Lorenze medical records
Alexis gave me permission to retrieve and post her medical records.
You can download the records since vaccination (Sep 14) here.
Any X Community Note saying her condition is not verified should check here first and contact me if you want to see any more medical records so we can stop the ridiculous misinformation campaign that is being put on by advocates of vaccines.
She started with PLT of 28 on check in. Look what has happened since then: from bad to worse. There is NO PLAN OF ACTION. Just pain meds.
D-dimer is an indicator of clots breaking down.
Look at the value on check-in (Sep 10) for PLT and D-Dimer:
Look at the value Sep 16 9:21pm after just 6 days of hospital care where they did nothing. Significantly worse for PLT and D-dimer. D-dimer is nearly 10X higher.
UCI is treating this with additional pain medicines.
News stories
TimesNowNews: What Happened To Alexis Lorenze? Florida Woman Shares Health Updates On TikTok After Severe Vaccine Reaction
TikTok site with videos
Dramatic before vaccines vs. post-vaccine video. Click the image to see and play all the videos.
Other posts on X
Too many to list.
Did UC Irvine treat Alexis properly?
No, not according to the standard of care listed in UpToDate.
In the words of one doctor, “they royally fucked up.”
I’ll be updating this story as we learn more.
The videos should be required watching before anyone takes ANY vaccines. A safe vaccine cannot trigger a reaction like this.
Just 3 vaccines and 10 minutes later her life has changed dramatically.
I wish I knew what the medical necessity of getting these vaccines was. Is there any data justifying these three vaccines must be given before medical care is given?
The hospital took down their own link to Dr Zahra Pakbaz but here is the archive of it: https://web.archive.org/web/20240918003903/https://www.ucihealth.org/find-a-doctor/p/zahra-pakbaz
BTW, Facebook immediately removed this story. They don't want us to know about any of this medical harm. So screw Zuckerberg and his fake mea culpa - he's still doing this shit.