Insight into what US House members are thinking about COVID vaccine injury
You'll find this really interesting and I don't think you'll be surprised.
Executive summary
Insights from a vaccine-injured celebrity who went to Congress to advocate for the vaccine injured. He was able to get the meetings due to his celebrity status. Here’s what he learned.
There is no appetite whatsoever to remove the liability protection for vaccines. Too many members are dependent on support from the drug companies.
It’s unlikely they will be able to create a $15B fund for the vaccine injured. Only about 5% of the members/staff believe vaccine injured people exist and there is no budget for this. It has to be allocated using a special mechanism that is hard to access.
There are only 6 members of Congress where the staff members have realized that the vaccine harms > non-existent benefits. There are 425 members of the House so that’s only 1.5% who have figured it out.
All the rest believe the benefits far outweigh the risks, so they have no regrets about the COVID vaccination program.
Those members of Congress who do acknowledge the harms privately are afraid to speak out publicly about them for fear of retribution from their colleagues and the mainstream media.
Members of the Freedom Caucus are reluctant to speak out because they know that if they support a bill, the Democrats will vote against it on that basis alone.
So there you go. This explains why we have to get Trump elected in November if there is going to be any hope of change.
Now, can you guess who I talked to? I won’t reveal the answer, but it will be interesting to see who you think I talked to.
Heiko Sepp vaccine injury story
One clue: it was not Heiko Sepp because he lives in Norway. But if you haven’t seen his story, go watch it now. It’s tragic.
He went from world-class athlete to severely disabled within hours of his second Pfizer shot.
11 minute Heiko Sepp story on X
Full 36 minute Heiko Sepp documentary
I reached out to him right after I first saw his story. We are talking tomorrow!
As far as Congress goes there should have been term limits. I think the longer they’re in office the more they get entrenched in corruption. I don’t have much faith in the voting system but I will still do my part and vote. The world is so evil right now - not just here in America but globally. How do you get that many leaders to agree to this evil? It says in the Bible that in the end times there will be a one world government - it seems that the leaders are doing everything within their power to make this happen. This is a spiritual battle.
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