VSRF LIVE: Episode 140 - Dr. David Martin Discusses Monkeypox, Bioweapons and More...
Thursday, August 22nd: 7pm Eastern | 4pm Pacific
Tonight on VSRF LIVE we host our 3rd show in the series entitled, “Down the Rabbit Hole” where we bring on fascinating guests and experts who discuss a wide range of mind-blowing topics strangely interconnected in our increasingly confusing world.
This week’s guest, Dr. David Martin, PhD., is just the person to take us down this wild ride. A speaker, author, business executive and futurist, Dr. Martin’s work has been highly sought after globally. Currently, he is the Founder and Chairman of M·CAM Inc., the international leader in innovation finance, trade, and intangible asset finance. Dr. Martin never fails to deliver eye-opening revelations of the well-orchestrated maneuvering which has occurred over the last decades between military groups, big pharma, world governments and clandestine cabals, all of which have created these chaotic times we now inhabit.
Join us for this mind-blowing discussion and as always, please share this link and bring some friends..
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I Just Finished Writing A Book.
It’s Called:
“Vaccines For Dummies”
That’s As Far As I Got.
I Figured I ‘Nailed It With The Title.
My Publisher Agreed.
I Made So Much Money From It That I Am Going To Publish The Sequel For Free:
“Vaccines For Dead People”
I will get the monkeypox vax when the Clintons, the 0bamas, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Gates all donate their entire net worth to the Mises Institute.