Will NZ epidemiologist and COVID expert Professor Michael Baker have a civil discussion with me on the NZ and US data?
I just sent him an invite. Here's what I wrote...
The email I just sent to Professor Baker
Hi Professor Baker,
My name is Steve Kirsch. I am one of the world's top misinformation superspreaders on the COVID vaccines. I have personally written over 1,500 articles about the COVID vaccines.
I was also the one who published the NZ vaccination/death data for the world to see. I received that data from Barry Young.
I did a time-series cohort analysis of the NZ data. Nobody has found a flaw in the code. But it clearly shows that the COVID vaccines killed massive numbers of people. I don't see how you can interpret the data any other way.
So I think you are misleading people about the COVID vaccines.
I see you are willing to debate those who disagree with you, e.g., Simon Thornley.
Are you willing to discuss the evidence with me in a public forum with a mutually agreeable neutral moderator? Someone like Peter Williams for example.
Perhaps you can show me and my millions of followers that I've misinterpreted the data?
You could potentially save hundreds of thousands of lives by agreeing to debate me so that we can expose who is telling the truth about what the government data (NZ and US) shows.
You have been quoted as saying that we will look back on COVID-19 as "the most profound public health intervention in our history".
I agree with you on that.
We just disagree as to whether it was a positive or negative.
Can we engage in a civil discussion to resolve the ambiguity?
I know your time is valuable and I'm always willing to compensate you for your time for this huge public service.
Give me a call on WhatsApp if you are interested. I'm at +1-xxxxxxxxxx.
Don't hold your breathe.
Baker is not even a good epidemiologist. He read a script that any untrained person could have read. He failed to grasp the essentials, like the jab did not prevent infection, or transmission, unlike the Finnish expert who now testifies they had zero effect in preventing both.