Doctors Fareed and Tyson have collectively treated 20,000 COVID cases with no deaths. Do you know why it's not in the peer-reviewed literature?
Fareed was recently attacked by Dr. David Gorski who said if Fareed really saved so many lives, why didn't he write it up and submit it to a medical journal? He's the reason...

Executive summary
Fareed and Tyson treated over 20,000 COVID cases without a single death.
After they wrote up their protocol for publication in a medical journal, they were rejected because they didn’t apply for IRB approval to do the retrospective analysis.
How many lives do you think they saved by rejecting the paper?
The attack piece
Former Harvard professor, Dr. George Fareed, was recently featured in an attack piece written by Dr. David Gorski aka Orac:
They actually wrote a paper and tried to get it published
Mathew Crawford wrote the paper. I read it. It’s excellent. A wonderful paper.
They submitted it to medical journals who all refused to publish it. The reason given: because they didn’t get IRB approval for the retrospective analysis of the data.
This is beyond ridiculous.
IRB approval is generally not required for retrospective studies that use anonymized data and meet the criteria for minimal risk. Minimal risk research is similar to everyday medical practice and involves minimal additional risk to the patients. These were all FDA approved drugs and no one died.
Their study was done retrospectively so IRB approval, which is done to protect the safety of the participants, would be pointless.
The paper is written up in Chapter 8 the book Overcoming the COVID Darkness.
From Mathew Crawford
“I hope it gets IRB approval. But I personally don't think people should judge it by review in a corrupt publication system. Most of the reason I dropped out of college and went to Wall Street was being offered money to write fake papers. The data is the data, and if anyone doubts it, one journalist should fly out and talk to some of your patients. That would end all debate, most likely.”
Yes, it would. But no mainstream journalist is ever going to do that because it’s counter-narrative.
These heroic doctors saved lives with their COVID early treatment protocol.
The medical community, on the other hand, refused to publish the paper they wrote to let other physicians know how to save lives.
The medical community needs to look at itself in a mirror and ask, “How many lives did we save worldwide by suppressing that research?”
I would love to hear the answer to that question.
Because the peer review process is a scam just like this entire plandemic has been.
I wonder just how many other "hydroxychloroquines" there are out there for "incurable" diseases that "for some mysterious reason" weren't published in the Pharma-controlled "peer-reviewed literature." Confidence in "Cartel Medicine" is rapidly collapsing, which is another Covid dividend.