How many kids under age 21 did the COVID vaccines kill?
We know there were no benefits. How many kids, aged 20 and under, died from the COVID shots? PLEASE HELP ME FIND OUT.

Executive summary
According to a study of 820,926 children in the UK, not a single child was killed by the COVID vaccine. Remarkably safe, isn’t it?
I’m not buying it. Not for a second.
I’ve read about (and know of) far too many kids who died suddenly after getting the COVID shots.
If you are aware of any child, under age 21, who died from the COVID shot in any country, please report the death here.
The VAERS data
There are 85.1M kids in the US aged 20 and under.
Here are the latest VAERS stats:
You should assume an under-reporting factor (URF) of at least 40, so we’re looking at a minimum of 5,000 deaths of kids under 21, or roughly 1 per 10,000 kids.
So basically, these researchers missed somewhere around 100 COVID vaccine deaths in their study (they found none).
Let’s see what we find in the survey. It should be quite stunning.
The actual “benefit” of the vaccine is you are 2x more likely to die from COVID than your unvaccinated peers
This TrialSiteNews article shows a study at Ohio state that showed you were 2X as likely to die from COVID if you got the COVID vaccine. Yes, it made things worse, just like we’ve been saying.
The mainstream press ignored the study, of course, because that’s their job: hide the deaths.
In Marin County, at least 4 kids have died from the vaccine, 0 from COVID
In Marin, the harms greatly outweigh the benefit: at least 4 vaccine deaths vs. 0 COVID deaths in kids under 21.
There are 250,000 residents in Marin. If we extrapolate these results to the entire country, we get 5,000 deaths in kids < 21 which is the same number we estimated from VAERS.
Is there anywhere in the country where kids died from COVID before the vaccines rolled out, and are not dying now?
View the results here
There are 22 child deaths reported by my readers so far. You can view them here.
If you are aware of any child, under age 21, who died from the COVID shot in any country, please report the death here.
My best estimate right now is around 5,000 kids under 21 died from the shots.
From what I have been told by friends who have children in some of the private parochial schools (Catholic, Jewish, etc ) in the NY/NJ area, there are clusters of teenage children with cancer. Childhood cancer used to be a rare thing. Not anymore. I believe that previous childhood jabs were the bullets loaded in the gun and that the covid jab pulled the cancer trigger.
I personally learned of a local High School football star who'd died almost immediately after the school required the athletes to take the jabs in order to stay on their sports team. He was 17, very fit. I saw his obit at the funeral home as a "sample" of what they would print for my recently-deceased 94 year-old mother. When I asked the funeral director if they'd seen an unusual number of youngsters coming through lately, he affirmed that it was "very busy" with young people of late. He wouldn't say much more, but did confirm that these kids were not coming in because of car crashes or any sort of "violent" death.
I KNOW these people have been threatened in some way, to keep them from speaking about this publicly. The funeral director looked AFRAID to speak on the subject of the sudden increase in youths dying. This killing and coverup machine was well-oiled long before they rolled out the new "warp speed" death jabs.