Two new ways to prevent vision loss (proven in 3 clinical trials)
I've invested millions of dollars over the past 25 years in glaucoma research. Last night, at the Glaucoma Research Foundation annual dinner, I learned about two new ways to prevent vision loss.

Executive Summary
I have glaucoma and I’m slowly losing my vision. I wrote about this 10 years ago on my old website.
Last night, at the Annual Gala of the Glaucoma Research Foundation, I learned about 3 ways that vision loss can be halted and even restored.
Two of them are available now to anyone. You do NOT need to enroll in a clinical trial!
The third is probably 5 or more years from clinical trials (it’s a gene therapy that corrects a defect that we all have that causes central nervous system (CNS) axons not to be able to spontaneously regenerate after injury in adult mammals.
But you’d never know about either treatment because both are inexpensive treatments using supplements and medications that are already on the market.
In fact, the prescription drug for vision preservation is a drug that I’m already taking (just not in my eyes)! The supplement is readily available and very cheap.
None of my glaucoma doctors told me about either treatment! I just happened to be sitting next to the right people at the dinner last night or I’d remain clueless!
Since there is no money to be made by big pharma, you’ll never see a TV ad for either of these vision-saving techniques.
One supplement is so simple that everyone should consider taking it because once vision is lost, it can be very hard to restore. And by the time you have “visual field loss” showing up on tests, you’ve already lost a lot of vision. They really should measure your retinal nerve fiber layer instead of giving you the visual field test, but that’s another story which I go into in this article I wrote 10 years ago entitled: “Glaucoma: what my doctors never told me that could have saved my vision”
The two methods are immediately actionable. I’d personally be doing both right now, but I’m volunteering to start with just one so Stanford scientists can track my progress using some cool new devices not commercially available!
It turns out that they can learn more from me than from any of the people in their trial because the FDA only let them try this on people with nearly complete vision loss.
If you are losing your vision, or know someone who is, you’ll likely find this extremely valuable.
Even if you just want to prevent vision loss from glaucoma, you’ll find this valuable. I wish I knew this earlier.
If you are a paying subscriber, I want to share with you these 2 methods that can halt and possibly reverse your vision loss as well my personal story with vision loss which started nearly 25 years ago.