Sitemap - 2023 - Steve Kirsch's newsletter
VSRF LIVE Tonight: Civil Rights Attorneys Dale Saran and Brian Festa
Yet another flawed "fact check" on the NZ data
The NZ data is crystal clear evidence that the COVID vaccine is deadly. A simple, stunning example.
Tonight: The Immune Escape Pandemic and 'White Lung' Pneumonia.
My email conversation with Sarah Caul at the UK ONS
People who run from debate challenges aren't scientists
Newly Leaked Data Shows Just How Dangerous the COVID Vaccines Are
"Shootout at the OK Corral" this Sat, 9am PST on X Spaces
VSRF LIVE Tonight: John Beaudoin, Sr. on CDC Corruption
Health New Zealand: Where is your analysis of your data? Why aren't you publishing it?
It's always the last dose that gets you
It's time for criminal charges to be filed against the NZ Ministry of Health officials. NOW!
Russell Brand joins the VSRF Roast tonight!
Can you spot the unsafe vaccine?
Was John Senden's Parkinson's disease caused by the COVID vaccine?
Don't worry. The "Counter Disinformation Project" will go after the evildoers!
I'll be speaking at MIT on Nov 30 on what the record-level data shows about the COVID vaccines
Don't worry. The FDA and CDC looking out for your safety!
Meet Ben Haynes: Director of Media Relations for the CDC
Did you know that metformin can be used to treat COVID? It is truly "safe and effective."
My MIT talk on Nov. 30: The red-pill event of the decade.
An open letter to the New Zealand Ministry of Health: an offer you can't refuse
Remembering Jane Thomsen of New Zealand
VSRF LIVE Tonight: Celebrating Music UnCancelled
Opportunities like this don't come often
Epic Fail: MedCram founder tries to prove that anecdotes are unreliable
VSRF LIVE Tonight: We the People vs. the W.H.O.
Something really big is going to happen in the next 90 days
The one question they cannot answer
VSRF LIVE Tonight: The Legal Fight for the Soul of Medicine
How long will it be before the public demands that the COVID vaccines be banned?
My current thinking on Moderna stock
Today only: My "double your money back" subscription guarantee
BREAKING: "Died Suddenly" is being caused by the COVID vaccines
If you control the data, you control the narrative
The most important poll of my life
"Vaccine" killed 3.5X more Americans than COVID virus
VSRF LIVE 100th Episode Tomorrow: Time To Sue Pfizer?
Please take my 90 second reader survey!
The UK government's COVID vaccine data is unreliable
Please join me at the RFK Jr. fundraiser in Silicon Valley on October 28, 2023 at 6:30pm
How accurate are X polls? Let's find out!
Tonight on VSRF LIVE: How to defeat America's corrupt elite with Will Witt
The "died suddenly" vax vs. unvaxxed statistics tell you everything you need to know
One of the most important health events of the year in San Jose.
Dr. Aseem Malhotra, MD Tonight on VSRF LIVE!
Why litigation is our best path forward
The US nursing home data is devastating for the narrative: FINAL GRAPHS
Tonight on VSRF LIVE: Healing Vaccine Injuries and Other Chronic Diseases with Dr. J.P. Saleeby, MD.
Join me tonight in San Mateo to peacefully protest Anthony Fauci
They are coming after our kids.
Invite your friends to read Steve Kirsch's newsletter
Will you help sponsor "The Great Autism Debate" for just $5? It likely won't cost you a dime!
Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak is highly recommended
Former Omaha police detective reveals 50% of SIDS cases happened within 48 hours post vaccine
Investment opportunities (available only to my high net worth followers)
VSRF LIVE Tonight: The Crisis of the Vaccine Injured
Even more evidence that nobody should wear a face mask
I'll be attending the RFK Jr. fundraiser in Silicon Valley on October 28, 2023 at 6:30pm
VSRF LIVE Tonight: An Update from the RFK Jr. Super PAC
Do you know what "safe and effective" means according to the CDC? I'm going to tell you.
Major whoops: JAMA paper shows the COVID vaccines didn't help the elderly at all
VSRF LIVE TONIGHT: The Next Covid "Crisis"
CDC Nursing Home Data: The vaccine increased the risk of the elderly dying from COVID
VSRF LIVE Tonight: One-on-One with Former Pfizer Executive, Mike Yeadon, PhD
Save Maui Concert this Saturday, September 2 on Rumble
Vaccinated people are over 2X more likely to get COVID than the unvaccinated. Whoops!
How many times have you had COVID?
VSRF Live Tonight: Update from Maui and the Return of the Mandates
UPenn Professor Jeffrey Morris tries to discredit me and fails...badly, very badly
83% of the residents of a nursing home died in a month. Can we talk about it?
VSRF Live Tonight: Pediatrician Dr. Renata Moon, MD and the Purging of Academic Dissent
Go ahead... get your COVID booster. Nothing to worry about. These are all coincidences.
Vaccines are causing most Type I diabetes
Why you can't trust the US government data
My "conversation" with Consumer Watchdog Executive Director Carmen Balber about vaccine safety
Nurse reveals that the COVID vaccine killed nearly 20% of patients at her facility
BREAKING: Early onset dementia is being caused by the COVID vaccine (~25X increase)
VSRF Live Tomorrow: Dr. Peter McCullough, MD
Jay Bonnar's anecdote is "statistically impossible" if the COVID vaccines are safe
Two verifiable anecdotes are the mathematical proof that vaccines cause SIDS and autism
VSRF Live Tomorrow: Young Athletes Falling
COVID vaccines increase risk of serious cardiac events by 18X
The more early childhood vaccines, the higher the infant death rate
If you have any family members aged 10 to 25, please take this very short survey now
How often do USC basketball players get cardiac arrests?
Rob Schneider on VSRF Live Tonight
How I turned my health dramatically around making a few simple changes
Doctor call provides even more evidence that vaccines are the leading cause of autism and SIDS
I'll be on Dr. Drew today at 3pm
VSRF LIVE Tonight: Dr. Aaron Kheriaty vs The Censorship State
Can anyone explain the alarming rise in disability in both the US and UK?
VAERS data shows that vaccines cause autism
Is the CDC totally blind to all the adverse events from the COVID vaccines?
A golden opportunity to stop the vaccine misinformation spreaders
Over 1M Americans are likely severely vaccine injured by the COVID vaccines
Are death and taxes both inevitable? You'll be surprised to learn this may not be true.
VSRF LIVE Tonight: We Will Not Comply
Tonight: VSRF LIVE: Investigating Covid Vaccine Contamination with Kevin McKernan
Health Feedback attempts to discredit me
Why can't we talk about the evidence that vaccines cause autism and other "untouchable" topics?
Why my informal Twitter polls are so valuable
The best way to settle an argument about "what the science says" is with a collaborative experiment
Doctors Heather Gessling & Kat Lindley on VSRF Live Tonight
How you can show the world that I am spreading misinformation
James Lyons-Weiler challenges Professor Martin Kulldorff on vaccines and autism
Paul Offit is trying to gaslight you. Here are the facts.
No honest government anywhere in the world (but here's how YOU can change that)
If they try to gaslight you with their data, simply respond with better data
Highly acclaimed Madsen study (2002) is the wrong way to determine whether MMR causes autism
My written debate with Jonathan Howard MD on COVID vaccines for kids
My written debate with Jonathan Howard MD on whether vaccines cause autism
Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD on the VSRF Update Tomorrow
I'll donate $50K if Paul Offit takes the entire CDC recommended vaccine schedule in one sitting
Second Cleveland Clinic study: Shots make you MORE likely to get COVID, not less likely
If vaccines don't cause autism, then how do you explain all this evidence?
The full story behind the alleged bet with Avi Bitterman
Tonight on VSRF LIVE: Mikki Willis
Gorski's latest hit piece about me: Epic fail
FOIA request reveals that California isn't able to do adequate vaccine safety studies
Do you have a child or grandchild who died from SIDS?
Who is "Dr. Jonathan E. Canuck" really?
Will any qualified person challenge me 1-on-1 on anything I claim to be true? I doubt it.
VSRF Update Tomorrow: Tom Renz
Is your medical practice willing to participate in IRB-approved medical research?
Join us: Elon Musk and RFK Jr today at 11am PST
Will you help me to redpill America?
VSRF Update Tomorrow: Mattias Desmet
You can prove that vaccines cause autism in one VAERS query
Proof: author of #1 paper showing no link between vaccines and autism is corrupt
BREAKING: The US COVID mitigation measures resulted in 90X higher COVID deaths
COVID vaccines have likely caused over 25,000 new cases of multiple sclerosis (MS)
Parent survey results: vaccines increase the risk of autism, autoimmune disorders, etc.
The simplest way to prove vaccines cause autism
I'm willing to bet $1M that fully unvaccinated people are healthier than fully vaccinated people
Proof of malicious manipulation of data to support their agenda
I'm willing to bet $5M that vaccines trigger autism
Announcing a Special Edition of the VSRF Weekly Update Tomorrow
Generation Z takes over our socials this weekend.
The most important survey I've ever done
Thurs VSRF call made possible by your donations
Epic fail: Dorit Reiss and friends try to discredit Turtles
Dr. Marcus Law believes that physician obedience is more important than patient outcomes
I Had to Press Pause on VSRF today
Want to debate the world's top misinformation superspreaders? Here's how.
My failed attempt to red-pill Dorit Reiss
VSRF Call Thursday: Sasha Latypova!
Is Imperial College Professor Robin Shattock a liar, stupid, or just ignorant?
The COVID vaccines have an estimated death rate >1,000 higher than the acceptable safe limit
Why you should NOT get the flu vaccine
My tweet storm this morning targeting the health authorities
Do you know why California hasn't found any deaths linked to the COVID vaccines?
NPR's article about the COVID Litigation Conference: How accurate was it? Not very.
Could the COVID vaccines be causing a rise in heart attack deaths in young people?
VSRF Call Thursday: Saving Lives, Solving Deaths!
Don't let anyone gaslight you on VAERS
Why is Bill Gates ignoring all the adverse data on the COVID vaccines?
My offer to Dr. Celine Gounder to end COVID misinformation
Suzanne Gazda, MD: Vast majority of her patients got significantly worse after the shots
If your results are too good, NEJM will reject your paper
VSRF Call Thursday: In Dallas for the FLCCC Conference
The COVID vaccine causes tinnitus and many other adverse events: there is no doubt about this
RFK Jr. speech launching his run for President
Interested in taking action to hold people accountable for their actions?
Did I just find a medical review board that is not corrupt??
VSRF call this week: Dr. Kirk Moore
ICAN wins religious exemption decision in Mississippi: Why this matters
Did anyone hear back from Springer Nature on the Mark Skidmore paper retraction?
Daniel Wilson, PhD: A master of misdirection
VSRF call this week: COVID Litigation Conference Recap
The Lancet Commission on Vaccine Refusal has failed miserably
What a medical transparency law might look like
VSRF survey: How can we make it attractive for you to support VSRF on an annual basis?
Surprise! The COVID vaccines were never tested for safety
It's time to hold the medical journals accountable
The US Attorney in Utah has given the anti-vax movement in America the greatest gift ever
It's time we hold these people accountable; let the lawsuits begin
COVID deaths up 39% after vaccines rolled out in Ontario Canada
I want to fund a study of people who died within 30 days of vaccination
Two very different versions of the Passover story as told by ChatGPT
Here's what happens when you investigate why young people are dying
Stanford has fallen: they will no longer be requiring vaccination for students on April 10, 2023
It's official: RFK Jr is running for President
Thursday on the VSRF Weekly Update, Dr. John Littell
The Medicare records clearly show the vaccines are killing people
Vax death count = COVID death count according to latest Rasmussen Reports poll
Watch for the Rasmussen poll coming out on Friday, March 31
Want to help out? Here's where you can register
Thursday on the VSRF Update: LIVE from Atlanta
RFK Jr. exploratory committee is now live
If you live near UCSF and are willing to help expose the corruption there, fill out this form
Recap of last week's VSRF update: Pfizer whistleblower
UCSF orders their doctors to ignore COVID vaccine injuries
New Zealand's Medical Regulator admits the risk-benefit of the Pfizer vax is UNCLEAR
Kylan deGhetaldi's story: Why YouTube removed all his music videos
How the "misinformation busters" could be more effective
How to restore trust in the CDC and FDA
Australia government numbers confirm rate of serious AE's is >1 in 100 doses
The Schwab study proves the COVID vaccines are killing massive numbers of people
Why aren't any colleges showing us their research that justifies the mandates?
The flu vaccine is too deadly to be used and should be pulled from the market
60 years later, they still are hiding the flu vaccine data
"Would you take off your mask for $100,000?"
Thursday on the VSRF Weekly Update: FDA Whistleblower, Dr. David Gortler
Susan Northrup, FAA's federal air surgeon, should resign: Part II
Open letter to CPSO head Nancy Whitmore to stop COVID misinformation
Please help stop college vaccine mandates by filling out one simple form
Good news! The finger pointing phase has started; Germany's Karl Lauterbach
Three talks from the Rochester health summit
FDA + CDC cannot explain the Florida VAERS data (so they change the subject)
Why isn't the CDC warning parents that masking their kids creates unacceptably high levels of CO2?
I offered people $10,000 to take off their face masks for 60 minutes. Here's what happened.
Georgia State Law School is putting together a conference on "Restoring trust in the CDC and FDA"
New Israeli MoH study shows COVID vax increases your risk of death over time
Are vaccine mandates constitutional? Yes. But are these "vaccines"?
VSRF Call Thursday: The WHO and a future pandemic.
Excess dementia deaths in Australia seems to have only one possible explanation
In San Francisco, if you don't wear a mask, they can put you in prison
Why is US Senator Diane Feinstein hiding her medical history w.r.t. shingles?
The simplest thing you can do to stop the COVID vaccines and end the corruption in Washington DC
What killed over 24 people at the BSL-Clifton Hill facility in Melbourne, Australia in <12 months?
How are they ever going to explain the excess mortality data in Australia?
I finally found out why they don't make the data we need publicly available
A simple, easy way to reduce your risk of getting COVID by over 70%
Worldwide COVID litigation lawyer directory
Why is everyone so afraid to talk about the elephant in the room? A new presentation.
More vaccines -> higher infant mortality
GAME OVER: Medicare data shows the COVID vaccines increase your risk of dying
The latest UK data is still DEEPLY flawed
VSRF call Thurs: Dr. Ryan Cole
>20X increase in perinatal death rate at funeral home used by UCSF in H2 2022
My secret plan to get the FAA to investigate pilot injuries and deaths
Michael Huang, MD in California has treated THOUSANDS of vaccine injured...
Most vs. least vaccinated states: Can you guess which did better when COVID broke out?
Florida Surgeon General Joe Ladapo sends scathing letter to FDA and CDC
Q&A on VSRF Weekly Update this Thursday
COVID litigation conference next month in Atlanta
GMA video provides new evidence that Damar Hamlin was vaccine injured
I'm forming a Super PAC to Draft RFK Jr. to run for President
New paper: An estimated 13 million people worldwide killed by the COVID vaccines
I tried to redpill ChatGPT. I failed.
What funeral directors know that you don't
VSRF call: Media censorship and the path to recovery from the jabs
Exclusive: What the Medicare data from Connecticut tells us
A worldwide call for data transparency: Show us the data!
Cochrane study shows that the debate is over: Masks do NOT work
Could Fauci's replacement be even worse?
Saar Wilf, founder of Rootclaim, has accepted my $1M bet... but only for $500K :(
How you may be able to instantly show whether the vaccines are helpful or harmful
How governments pay people to discredit the "misinformation spreaders"
Wow! Pfizer does NOT deny anything in the Project Veritas video!
What is the chance that Damar Hamlin's injury was caused by the vaccine? 100%!
TODAY: Dr. Robert Malone at 4pm PST / 7pm EST on the VSRF Weekly Update
An open offer to Damar Hamlin: A free second opinion?
The death records show the COVID vaccines are shortening lifespan worldwide
BOMBSHELL: New Project Veritas video hits it out of the park!!! Watch now!
Reuters wants to fact check me!!
Both the FDA and CDC are violating my free speech rights so I'm going to sue them
The FAA wants to play hardball with the pilots and flight attendants. Game on!
My email to the FAA leadership was ignored; are you surprised? I wasn't.
Professor Byram Bridle: "No evidence of any vax benefit"
US Federal Air Surgeon Susan Northrup should resign
UK ONS admits their data is flawed; the vaccines may not be beneficial after all. Sorry about that.
Join me in demanding that CDC Director Rochelle Walensky resign
My email to FAA Surgeon Susan Northrup: explain this or I will call for your resignation
EXCLUSIVE: Proof the BBC is trying to gaslight the UK
Very large Cleveland Clinic study shows more vaccines make you more likely to get COVID
Thursday on the VSRF Weekly Update: Ending Covid Cancel Culture
They forgot to tell you: the new bivalent vaccines make it MORE likely you'll get COVID
Proof: Strokes are caused by the COVID vaccines
The CDC could end all the COVID misinformation in a heartbeat... why aren't they?
EXCLUSIVE: Pfizer's secret guide for how to make a vaccine "safe and effective"
Epic fail: Kirsch vs. the "debunkers" on the CDC data hiding accusations
Former US Surgeon General Jerome Adams runs for cover when challenged
Jonathan Bing just bet me $50K that I'm wrong about cardiac injury post-vaccine
Neil deGrasse Tyson: There is NFW that the COVID vaccines have saved tens of millions of lives
Proof: The Lancet is a very corrupt journal
Pro-vaxxer tacitly admits: They cannot find an error in Norman Fenton's paper
Reuters: "Pfizer jab linked to stroke but only in VSD; nothing to see here folks, move along."
Even more proof: Masks don't work
What is REALLY going on in hospitals?
Tonight on the VSRF Weekly Update: Pediatric Cardiologist Dr. Kirk Milhoan, MD, PhD
Kaufman Institute for Coincidence (KIC) launches nationwide ad campaign
I finally made it on the Kim Iversen show!
You can now register to speak for 3 min at the VRBPAC meeting on Jan 26
Exclusive: 2X higher death rate post-vax in Australia nursing home!
An open letter to the British Heart Foundation
If the Buffalo Bills want to know if any of their players are vaccine injured, it's easy to do so
The Israeli Ministry of Health hid COVID serious adverse event data from the public
I interview Robert F. Kennedy, Jr on VSRF
Is it illegal to question the safety of the polio vaccine, even if you are right?
Safety signals for 770 different serious adverse events in VAERS were ignored by the CDC
How the COVID vaccines can kill athletes
The COVID vaccines: "unsafe and ineffective"
How we can eliminate spam from Substack with a few one-time changes
Comments are now disabled on all my articles until Substack fixes the spamming problem
Damar Hamlin is alive and speaking!
Do the COVID vaccines reduce your risk of dying from COVID? (Part II)
Damar Hamlin suffered a cardiac arrest and will not make a full recovery
Proof: The COVID vaccines do NOT decrease your chance of dying from COVID