How to restore trust in the CDC and FDA
There is a conference at GSU on March 24 that I will be attending. They didn't invite me to speak, so I'm writing this Substack to submit my suggestions. I bet mine are better than theirs.
Executive summary
There are many ways for the CDC and FDA to regain the trust of Americans. This article lists over 20 ways.
I was not asked to speak at the conference, so I thought I’d prepare my list for people who attend.
The conference to restore trust
More details here. You can still register. It is free.
20 ideas for how to restore trust
Admit your mistakes, starting with the COVID vaccine, the biggest mistake of all time. Admit the COVID vax did the opposite of what you promised, mandates were a mistake, masks don’t work, every mitigation strategy made things worse.
Stop lying to people
Start telling people the truth about the vaccines (like how dangerous they are)
Stop hiding the data; be the champion for data transparency: Show us all the data that you’ve been hiding instead of making us spend millions in lawsuits to release it (v-safe data for example). Don’t force us to use FOIA to have you release the safety signal information. And so on.
Engage with people who disagree with you: Answer questions/engage in meaningful dialog with people who disagree with you starting with the people you want to censor. Those are the people you should be listening to.
Condemn censorship: Instead of encouraging high tech companies to censor scientists, criticize them publicly if they censor alternative views.
Public accountability: Top leadership should accept debate challenges from qualified experts.
Replace the current leadership with people who are committed to the truth and data transparency
Ignore the people you listened to and listen to the people you ignored. Surely someone inside the FDA and CDC got it right. Those are the people you should be listening to.
Acknowledge all the past mistakes that have been made. For example, admit that fluoride in drinking water was a huge mistake, that vaccines cause autism, that thimerosal deposits in your brain, that the COVID vaccines were a disaster, that masks never worked, that you simply made up the 6 foot rule out of thin air, that lockdowns were a huge mistake, that masking kids was idiotic, that vaccinating kids was a grave mistake, that the vaccines cause severe injury and death, that the vaccine injured should be compensated, etc.
Rebuild the organizations from scratch. This may be required to restore trust.
Require solid science before making recommendations. Stop trusting “experts” and look at what the data says, including the anecdotal data. Instead of just trusting papers, double check it out with physicians on the front line to see if it is consistent. Also do polls. Trust but verify.
Replace the outside committee members with people who got it right on the COVID vaccines and who are not afraid to look at data that might be counter to their belief system. You need to get rid of all the current members. There isn’t a single person who got it right about the COVID vaccines, for example.
Establish an oversight commission for each agency. That commission should be headed by people like Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, etc. The oversight committee should have the power to replace any of the top management at any time.
Seek out ideas for improvements on a regular basis from qualified experts who are critical of the organization.
Require that clinical trials be carried out by qualified third party firms and have zero tolerance for protocol violations.
Reward and protect whistleblowers
Eliminate the liability protection for the vaccine manufacturers
Replace the inspector generals with people who realized that the COVID vaccines were a disaster.
Make it a criminal offense for these agency heads to misrepresent health data or make decisions that are not in the best interest of the public.
Make all the public health data publicly accessible to all at no charge
Create special outside committees to recommend sweeping changes to the FDA, CDC, and NIH. These committees should be headed by and populated by experts who were calling these organizations out on their corruption.
Stop publishing bogus studies
Embrace people who are courageous with different opinions
Let doctors be doctors
Be an advocate of the public instead of the Administration and drug companies
Stop blocking people like me who are offering you constructive feedback on what you are doing wrong. Why not respond to my emails and phone calls?
Stop hiding the URF in VAERS
STOP propagating the myths, e.g., that VAERS can’t be used to establish causality
Demand that the histology slides for people who die within 30 days of a vaccine injection be made publicly available
Instruct pathologists in the proper method to assess whether the COVID vaccine caused the death.
Train all senior leadership on the precautionary principle of medicine.
Independently QA medications purchased at a pharmacy on a regular basis looking for efficacy, contaminants, gene sequencing
Make it legal for any researcher to obtain vaccine vials and analyze them
Re-examine the safety of all vaccines. Assess benefits against all cause morbidity and mortality.
Drop the childhood vaccine schedule
Speak out publicly against doctor witch hunts like Meryl Nass
If a drug like ivermectin is controversial, hold public hearings like Congress does where the public can hear from experts like Pierre Kory.
be on the lookout for early treatment procols like Fareed and Tyson. Educate doctors on protocols that work. Encourage innovation rather than conformity with respect to treatment procotocols.
Reward doctors who achieve superior clinical outcomes instead of seeking to remove their license to practice medicine or having them fired.
Publicly rebuke ACIP Chair Grace Lee for refusing to see the Israeli MoH safety data. What kind of scientist tuns for cover instead of embracing the receipt of data that can save lives?
Investigate allegations of clinical trial fraud expeditiously in public hearings. Why haven’t we heard about Maddie de Gary or Brook Jackson?
Investigate allegations of vaccine injury and death expeditiously and publicly.
Eliminate commissions, royalties and incentives that lead to decisions not made in the public interest
Eliminate the revolving door with Big Pharma, which is clearly being used to impart influence within those agencies.
Added more items. Now at 32!!
I'm pretty certain I'm talking for many when I say this:
For those of us who are totally awake to what is happening, and completely aware of the genocidal tyranny we've been experiencing at the hands of these people...we don't actually think there is any way to restore trust in the CDC and FDA. That list of things you came up with are great but not even remotely feasible with these people. Not even after finding an authentic, 2lb bag of fairy dust on Etsy.
They are clearly SOLD OUT to the luciferian-globalist, WEF 4th industrial revolution agenda. They are completely compromised, taken over and CONTROLLED. Nothing short of Nuremberg 2.0 is going to allow us to restore justice, nor two steps closer to any new trust in these organizations.