Mark Skidmore's paper showing the vaccines killed over 200,000 people in 2021 will be retracted by the journal
There wasn't a valid reason given to justify the retraction decision; it's basically because they don't like the truth. Now we get to find out if there is an honest medical journal anywhere out there.
Executive summary
Mark Skidmore wrote a paper that showed that over 200,000 people were killed by the vaccine.
It was published in a peer-review medical journal, but some readers didn’t like the message so the editor is retracting the paper. They just told Mark Skidmore the news.
I’ve reached out to the editor for a comment. I wanted to know why the issues couldn’t be addressed by modifying the paper. It’s an important result so every effort should be made to correct any deficiencies first since it did pass peer review. What was the deficiency that was so big that all the reviewers missed it and that can’t be corrected?
After all, the conclusions are solid since Skidmore’s paper confirmed the poll that Rasmussen just did (see Vax death count = COVID death count according to latest Rasmussen Reports poll).
Is there an honest medical journal?
Is there an honest medical journal that will publish Mark’s paper?
Wouldn’t it be great to have this paper republished in the BMJ or NEJM or JAMA??
The Skidmore interview
Watch it on Rumble:
Reach out to the editor of the journal
You can contact the editor of the journal here and ask him why the Skidmore paper couldn’t be amended to address any issues and why retraction is warranted.
Professor Mark Skidmore has published over 70 papers without incident. Now, when he writes about vaccine harms, for the first time in his career, his paper is retracted for no valid reason.
Is there an honest medical journal that will publish his paper? What do you think?
Awesome that you’re getting the emails going! I sent this:
Skidmore Paper
Hello Adrian,
Like many other medical journals that were trusted and respected in the past, you have now retracted a valuable and valid paper for no apparent or stated reason.
Therefore, medical professionals and the public have no choice but to deduce that you chose to reject legitimate science and deprive your readers of valuable information in order to go along with a narrative.
This narrative is now widely known to be bogus and motivated by corruption.
Your journal will now be known for the same.
Lisa Kay
I've picked up on another technique the CDC uses. They often publish their own papers at their own site. The Red Cross antibody study, The USS Teddy Roosevelt antibody study and the "study" that showed the novel coronavirus didn't begin to "spread" in America until "latter January" 2020 are three examples of this. They write their own dubious studies with their own dubious conclusions (and none of these papers are "peer reviewed.") And everyone just accepts these conclusions as the gospel truth. If you've read as many of these papers as I have, you pick up on all the important facts that aren't included in these papers.