"Is it safe?" (part II)
If you work in public health and have access to record level data on vaccinations and deaths, I'm going to show you how you can tell whether your vaccines are safe or not. Works for all vaccines.

Executive summary
Six months ago, I wrote an article “Is it safe?” explaining how anyone who has access to vaccination/death record-level data can determine whether a vaccine is safe or not.
The response I got to my first article was underwhelming (but it was not zero), so I’m going to repeat my offer again, but this time make it much easier to execute since we’ve refined the tools after the first offer and they work great.
How to find out if the vaccines you give people are safe
If you work in public health and have access to vaccination and death record level data, use the Contact me form and check the box “Is it safe?” for the reason for contact, I will send you the access credentials to the tools so you can analyze your own data (in the privacy of your own data center) and see whether the vaccines your agency is giving people are safe or not.
The tools are only two files: bucket.py and an Excel spreadsheet where you import the ts_ bucket file of your choice. It’s about 5 minutes of effort. Anyone can do it.
If you find a safety signal (anything other than a flat line when you vary the three independent variables age, dosage, and observation window), you need to immediately write an email to all of your superiors and top management in your health agency informing them that you have a MAJOR public health disaster that requires their IMMEDIATE attention.
Our code has been thoroughly tested and does not generate false signals.
Our operators are standing by.
Thank you to Aaron Siri
Acknowledgement to attorney Aaron Siri for inspiring this idea many months ago. I love that guy.
It is the duty of everyone working in public health to protect the health of the public.
If you are experiencing excess deaths and/or unexplained deaths (such as people “dying suddenly”) in your area and would like peace of mind that you aren’t causing the problem, I will provide you with free tools and consulting on how to use the tools so you can now see for yourself if your vaccines are safe. The tools have been refined over time with other whistleblowers.
I look forward to hearing from you.
If even just one person in the world in the right position sees this and acts on it, the truth will finally surface. And then it will be all over. Just like that.
Sadly the only person I know who works in public health is my bro-in-law, who is a pharmacist. He swallowed the lies hook, line, and sinker, and has had every shot he could take. He was really sick for a while, but since my family is unjabbed, we are considered "unclean," so cannot see him or his family-STILL!!! So Idk if the jabs caused his issues, but I suspect so. So sad he won't even consider doing this to see the truth in the data.
Steve, Happy Thanksgiving! Grateful for all your work and dedication.