VSRF Weekly Update
Thursday, June 22
7pm Eastern | 4pm Pacific
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I am traveling this week, but I was very lucky to pre-record an interview with one of our favorite scientists, Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD. Dr. Rose hardly needs any introduction but it is important to remember that two years ago she published a peer-reviewed paper with Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Association with COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products that proved the danger of the Covid-19 “vaccines”, especially to young men.
In this episode, Jessica and I discuss the latest developments in Covid-19 vaccine research and whether or not mainstream science can ever recover from its lies, censorship, and harms over the last several years.
With a rockstar academic background in Applied Mathematics, Immunology, and Computational Biology, Jessica Rose, PhD is a force to be reckoned with. Her expertise spans continents, from completing her MSc in Immunology at Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada to earning a PhD in Computational Biology at Bar-Ilan University and conducting groundbreaking research at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
I would need a few more paragraphs to further highlight her accomplishments, but you will learn more about Dr. Rose tomorrow.
Please bring a friend.
Thank You
Thank everyone who has reached out to donate over these past few weeks. I am simply unable to personally fund the organization on my own any more. VSRF is still struggling and our team members are now donating most of their time to bring you content, support for our vaccine injured community, planning our next event and keeping alive our VSRF Live shows. Your commitment to our cause is deeply inspiring and is enabling us to produce our show this week and in the coming few weeks. I appreciate everyone contributing as much as possible to ensure that VSRF continues to carry out our mission, which includes critical support and care for the vaccine injured.
With your help, we will win!
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My prayer...This entire fiasco will be over and the entire world will be aware that there is no such thing as a safe & effective vaccine. When I read forty years ago how the immune system worked, it gave me food for thought. Then, I learned in the 2000s information related to The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 which came about, because of all the major multi-million dollar lawsuits facing vaccine mfgrs. stemming from toxic products causing injuries and deaths. Our own goverment permitted an industry to exist without any liability for injuries or deaths with the passage of the NCVI Act of 1986. It was mindboggling! The human body was not designed by our Creator to be used as a pincushion, so vaccine manufacturers and the government could make money. Vaccines lowered the intelligence and health of all those children who were given these toxic products over many decades; required by the educational system in order to enter schools. The number of shots increased from 11 up to 72 injections. The vaccine manufacturers did not live up to the agreement in this Acto - having an unbiased third party test these vaccines every two years. No testing was ever done.
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, 30 year pediatrician - told it like it was in How To Raise a Healthy Child: In Spite of Your Doctor. He started out believing in vaccines...but after seeing the health issues they caused...would not give them to his own family or young patients. How could the AMA force them on the public? Most doctors went along with the AMA. How could they knowingly harm children? It's hard to believe a profit-seeking drug industry's greed for money and our mercenary government accomodating this industry. ...would wind up with all the chaos that has been going on the last several years. I'm sure many would like to know, when will all this radical insanity end?
Dr Rose is a treasure. thanks for bringing her on. her work w/ dr McCullough has been illuminating in this dark crisis.
So is Sasha Latypova. Sasha just did an intv with Epoch Times' Jan. worth a listen.