Could the COVID vaccines be causing a rise in heart attack deaths in young people?
Absolutely! But the medical community is willfully blind so they don't even consider this as a possibility. There is no excuse for this. That's no how science is supposed to work.

Executive summary
One of my readers, a doctor at Kaiser Permanente, brought this video of Celine Gounder to my attention.
In the video, Dr. Gounder discusses a study showing young people are disproportionately dying from heart attacks during the pandemic.
The study looked at acute myocardial infarction (AMI) which is ICD-10 code I21. Most people know it as a “heart attack.”
What is stunning is that the authors of the paper never considered the possibility that the COVID vaccines could be causing the effect they are observing.
Dr. Gounder then goes on national TV and compounds the mistake by also not mentioning this as a possibility when she talks about the study.
Seriously?!? How could they miss this effect which is documented in the peer-reviewed scientific literature.
Who’s to blame here? The authors, Dr. Gounder, and the people who did the peer-review on the paper.
It is this “willful blindness” of “scientists” that allows the “safe and effective” narrative to continue.
Will the authors of the paper and Dr. Gounder ever acknowledge their omission?
What do you think?
The email I sent to the authors of the paper
Here’s what I sent the authors (the email to the second author bounced):
Subject: Question about your paper "Excess risk for acute myocardial infarction mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic"
I just finished reading your excellent paper "Excess risk for acute myocardial infarction mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic"I had a question. Your paper doesn’t consider the possibility that the COVID vaccines could have caused a large portion of these deaths.
Mechanistically, the vaccine produces similar effects and has been clearly shown (such as in the Schwab paper) to cause AMI-related deaths.
We also know from the Thailand study that the COVID vaccines cause myocarditis. The kids who are hospitalized are considered lucky. It doesn’t take much of a leap of instinct to realize that some portion of those kids end up in the morgue. The kids who die seem to die suddenly of unknown causes. There is never an autopsy using stains that would definitely show vaccine causality. For example, there is only one pathologist in the US doing these stains.
So my question is simply why didn’t you examine or even discuss the COVID vaccines as a possible cause of the effects that you observed?
Thanks in advance for your response.
The key resources
The paper: Excess risk for acute myocardial infarction mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s behind a paywall unfortunately. I had to buy access.
The supplemental data from the paper
The video of Dr. Gounder not mentioning the COVID vaccines as a possible cause
The CDC mortality database
This is an easy-to-use tool to do your own queries on people who have died. This is the tool used in the paper.
CDC Archive: COVID-19 Vaccination and Case Trends by Age Group, United States database
You can use this to look at the vaccination percentages over time by age group
Biden mandate on Sept 9, 2021
So, tonight, I’m announcing that the Department of Labor is developing an emergency rule to require all employers with 100 or more employees, that together employ over 80 million workers, to ensure their workforces are fully vaccinated or show a negative test at least once a week
Biden vaccine deadline is Jan 4, 2022
Figure 1 from the paper
This is the key figure. Click the image to see it in a larger size.
The four colored bars are 6 month intervals starting with a pre-vax interval (4/20 - 9/20).
What I find very interesting is that the peak of excess deaths for those aged >45 is the initial vax rollout dates for those age groups (the second interval), but the peak of death for those <45 is the third interval (4/21-9/21) which is when the 25-45 got the bulk of their first shot.
So the excess death peaks coincide with the vax rollout schedule. Isn’t that just an amazing coincidence?
The data from the CDC query on I21 deaths for 25-44 year olds
I did an ICD-10 code query for 25-44 year old for a cause of death code I21 which is the exact same code as was used in the paper. I used The CDC mortality database which is the same database used in the paper.
What’s really interesting are the two peak months for deaths in the query: Sept 2021 (247 deaths) and Jan 2022 (248 deaths).
Biden announced the vax mandates for employers of 100 or more employees on Sept 9, 2021. The last date to comply was Jan 4, 2022.
Yup. Sept=Sept. Jan=Jan.
But I’m sure it’s just a coincidence.
You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure this out
All you need to be able to do is read the news headlines:
I asked one of my readers, Jon, in New Zealand whether the health authorities have been able to explain all the excess deaths in highly vaccinated New Zealand.
Here is his response:
Not to my knowledge. However, we are blessed with a most exceptionally excellent scientist/writer by the name of Guy Hatchard who puts out a bi-weekly report on such matters. He has had as much success as you have in prying the stats out of the bureaucracy.
And, for the record, my success in getting data from government agencies has been zero.
When I point out to the government authorities that it is easy to get past their privacy excuses, they stop responding to my emails.
The arguments I use:
Surveys of dead people show they don’t care if their vaccine records are released after they are dead. In fact, they cared so little about this issue that none of them bothered to respond to the survey.
Dead people don’t vote. How can they be influencing legislation?
You can simply allow any person to opt out of the system to protect their privacy after they die.
Science is about considering all the possibilities as an explanation for observed data.
However, it appears that “science” has been re-defined recently and scientists who publish papers today are today only allowed to consider “politically acceptable” explanations for their observations.
The mainstream scientific and medical communities aren’t objecting to this change in the rules of science. If they did, they’d lose their government funding.
Only the “misinformation spreaders” like myself, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Pierre Kory, etc. are speaking out.
The consequence of the willful blindness of course is that it reinforces the “safe and effective” narrative echo chamber.
People like Dr. Gounder should know better. They position themselves as combating misinformation whereas in reality what they are doing is perpetuating it. Innocent people are paying the price for this… with their lives.
I have left email, voicemail, and two SMS messages on her personal cell phone for Dr. Gounder. She’s read them. But she’s chosen to ignore me. I’m not surprised.
Let’s be clear… it’s not about me.
All of the people on “our side” of the narrative have tried to engage in a civil dialog with those on the other side to resolve our differences. It always fails. Nobody on the other side will respond. All we hear are crickets.
You can take this to the bank: we will never resolve this if the pro-narrative advocates refuse to have a civil discussion of the evidence with us.
over a hundred young doctors died in Canada believing that the mass amount of money thrown at the making of the boosters qualified the science. they did no research due to the deceitful media and governments that used fear as their weapon, really sad , and here I am an old 70-year-old mechanic that was taught to diagnose engines before calling a fix .
Something is going to have to break on this eventually. My husband got a J&J and one Pfizer booster, after I tried to talk him out of it. Admittedly, he couldn't travel abroad to see his elderly father without the shots. Anyhow, he reads the NY Times and insists that what I read doesn't qualify as news and I don't talk to him much about Covid anymore because what's the point?
But today he read the Times's article about Tori Bowie's death and said, "This woman was only 32 but they don't say what she died from." My only comment was that there's been a lot of that and I didn't elaborate. But I found his comment interesting.