Investment opportunities (available only to my high net worth followers)
Occasionally I run across some unique investment opportunities that are only open to high net worth individuals due to the Investment Company Act of 1940. Let me know if you'd like me to share these.
Thank you all for following me and spreading the truth about vaccines.
Now I’d like to return the favor to some of you.
If you:
follow me
are a Qualified Client or Qualified Purchase as defined below (this is not my choice, this is due to the Investment Company Act of 1940)
you are interested in learning about investment opportunities that I am exposed to and that I am personally investing in and that are limited to high net worth individuals
then read on.
You do NOT need to be in the US.
Qualified Client
Satisfies one of the following:
an individual or a company that, after contracting with the fund, has at least $1 million under the management of the investment adviser,
an individual or company that the manager reasonably believes, immediately after contracting with the fund, has a net worth greater than $2 million (jointly with a spouse if an individual), excluding the value of the individual's primary residence and any indebtedness thereto, or
an individual or company that the adviser reasonably believes is a qualified purchaser (see above)
Qualified Purchaser
An individual or entity is considered a qualified purchaser if they meet one of the following criteria:
Individuals with at least $5 million in investments (investable assets), excluding their primary residence.
Family-owned companies with at least $5 million in investments.
Certain types of trusts, provided they are not formed solely for the purpose of acquiring fund interests and have at least $5 million in investments.
Certain entities with at least $25 million in investments.
Quid pro quo
The only thing I ask in return is that if you decide to participate in any of these opportunities that I share with you, that you consider donating a portion of your profits to help support VSRF, e.g., 1% or more.
Fair enough?
If you’d like me to let you know about these opportunities, please fill out this short form. Note: Don’t expect to see more than a few a year.
More about The Investment Company Act of 1940
The US government believes that most people are incapable of making investment decisions on anything other than plain vanilla highly regulated investment opportunities. High net worth individuals are deemed to be financially savvy and thus do not need to be “protected” by the government.
So that’s why I can’t tell you about any of these investments if you aren’t a high net worth individual.
It wasn’t my decision.
I do find it ironic that I can’t tell you about high return investments because you might be harmed, but in some states a 12-year-old can decide without their parent’s consent to get a COVID vaccine that can kill them.
Go figure.
Has my account been hacked?
Some people have written in the comments that my account has been hacked.
There are many investment funds that have $10M minimums that have spectacular returns. The best strategy is to get in 10 of them for diversification. But I can't do that alone because I don’t have sufficient capital.
But forming an entity which aggregates capital, you can meet the minimum purchase thresholds.
So do I offer this first to people with similar views? Or shall I offer it to my pro-vax friends?
I chose to offer it to my followers.
And I also suggest that nobody should ever invest more than 10% of their net worth into any single investment, including this one.
Wow. Over 500 responses.
If you filled out the survey, I will be in touch soon.
Note you do NOT need to be in the US. And see the new definitions in the article.
Powerball's up to $750 Million, so I'll let you know after tonight.