A $500K debate: Did the COVID vaccine save lives or not?
Saar Wilf and I are getting very close to finalizing an agreement to debate the question of whether the COVID vax has led to an increase or decrease in all-cause mortality.
I need a few volunteers ASAP who can afford to spend time over the next 30 days putting together our case into a compelling, compact 45-minute slide presentation that will convince a neutral panel of 6 scientists that we are correct.
We cannot afford to lose this argument
If you are familiar with all the data (country data, works of Smalley, Crawford, Fenton, Sterling, Dowd, Pantazatos, Seligmann, Beaudoin, etc) and/or are skilled in putting together persuasive slide presentations for scientists, please use the Contact me form. Be sure to select the “Help Steve win” item:
In the Notes field, let me know of things you’ve done in the past similar to this.
Thanks in advance for your help on this. This is not about me winning a bet. This is about all of us settling a very important issue for the world.
Don’t do it. You’ll never find six neutral scientists and even if you do there’s no guarantee the jury won’t be tainted. It should be clear by now that these people play dirty. Very dirty. Just look at AZ election. And so what if you win? It isn’t going to be on the evening news! IMHO your talent, time and money is better invested elsewhere.
Please! Can anyone comment on WHY someone is so naive that they do not believe the corruption that is occurring all around us when I tell them? I have been trying to convince my husband since March 2020, we have been together almost 30 yrs. WHY doesn’t he listen?! He has jabbed one of our kids, claims I am overreacting and outrageous for being upset and saying I deserve an apology, and he’s moved out. Says the CONSENSUS is that I’m wrong. We have two kids. They have watched him dismiss my concerns. This is a true dystopian nightmare that I’m living everyday bc my family has been totally destroyed over this…..where do I find peace? My kids are suffering bc of this! Just stand my ground and the boys will eventually see what I have done??