Announcing a Special Edition of the VSRF Weekly Update Tomorrow
VSRF's Vaccine Injured Director Angela Wulbrecht, RN is hosting.
VSRF Weekly Update
Thursday, May 25
7pm Eastern | 4pm Pacific
Register here to watch on Zoom
Live stream on Rumble
I am traveling with my family this week, but lucky for you, stepping in is VSRF's Vaccine Injured Care Director Angela Wulbrecht, RN to host this week’s VSRF Weekly Update.
Nurse Angela welcomes Nurse Heather Schultz and OB/Gyn Dr. Kimberly Biss who will discuss their personal experiences of vaccine-related tragedies and the impact of Covid-19 vaccines on maternal health.
Nurse Heather Schultz, a Bachelor-prepared Registered Nurse in the Chicago area, has become a passionate advocate for mothers who have tragically lost their babies after receiving the Covid-19 vaccine. Though she couldn't control what happened to her own daughter, Makenna, Heather is determined to spread the word and spare others from enduring the same excruciating and life-changing experience she went through. Heather’s personal story will also shed light on the importance of informed decision-making and the vital need for support for affected families.
Dr. Kimberly Biss, an experienced OB/Gyn with nearly 30 years of expertise in caring for pregnant women, will reveal valuable firsthand experience with the unfortunate impact of Covid-19 vaccines on maternal health, reproduction, and fertility. As the chief of staff at a prominent medical center, Dr. Biss has observed the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and has noted an increase in pregnancy and gynecological problems following the rollout of the mRNA vaccines. She offers a critical perspective on this unfolding health crisis.
Our host Nurse Angela is a former ICU/NICU nurse who has herself experienced near fatal and extreme adverse effects from the Covid-19 vaccine. Angela brings her knowledge, expertise and personal experience to the conversation, ensuring a comprehensive exploration of the topic.
Don’t miss this conversation amongst these three esteemed medical professionals. Together, they will provide unique and invaluable insights into the impact of Covid-19 vaccines on maternal health, sharing personal stories and medical expertise.
I am sorry to miss this, but encourage you to join, bring a friend, and spread the word.
Thank You
I really want to thank everyone who has reached out to donate over these past few weeks. Your commitment to our cause is deeply inspiring and is enabling us to produce our show this week and in the coming few weeks. I appreciate everyone contributing as much as possible to ensure that VSRF continues to carry out our mission, which includes critical support and care for the vaccine injured.
With your help, we will win!
You can donate by credit card, check, and bank wire.
Please also share widely! Just re-tweet any of these posts:
The Most Heavily Vaccinated People And Those
Injured The Most - Are Still Wearing Masks.
Enjoy This Moment. It Is Yours.
Because They Are The Same Fucked-Up Morons
That Wanted To Force Inject You; To Quarantine You; To Fire You; And To Deny You Medical Care. They Still Do.
So Tell Them - To Their Faces:
“Don’t Get Sick - Because You Won’t Get Better”
You Owe Yourself That.
They Are Not Getting Better. Make Them Hear It.
Heather Schultz, we lost twins immediately following an HPV vaccine. The doctor (Planned Parenthood) told us this was VITAL for pregnant mothers, little did we know the insert said do NOT take if pregnant. They refused to report to VAERS, refused even to see us after the miscarriage.