Health New Zealand: Where is your analysis of your data? Why aren't you publishing it?
As my friend Robert "St. Augustine" Malone has wisely said, "Truth is like a lion: Let it loose and it will defend itself." The truth has now been set free. Why aren't you showing us your analysis?

When Health New Zealand’s (HNZ) Oracle DB administrator, Barry Young, sent the entire leadership team of HNZ an email to notify them of a huge safety signal in their own database, they didn’t ask any questions: they fired him immediately.
So Barry released the anonymized data which would expose the truth about what the New Zealand public health records contain without violating anyone’s privacy. 4M of the 12M records.
HNZ then decided to try to stop the truth from getting out. So they contacted Wasabi and MEGA and had them nuke my account and Kevin McKernan’s account even though neither of us had done anything wrong. Kevin lost years of work that cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars to create. This is work relied on by other researchers all over the world.
HNZ failed to stop the distribution of the truth. EPIC FAIL.
So now what?
The genie is now (finally) out of the bottle, thanks to HNZ employee Barry Young
Barry will likely spend 7 years in prison for the crime of exposing a crime.
HNZ: I have an important message for you.
The only way you can mitigate damages now is to show us your analysis of your own data showing the COVID vaccines are completely safe.
Why are you hiding this? Surely, you have the analysis. Show us all the analyses you did since the start of the vaccine rollout. You have to show us all documents with dates, showing us every safety analysis you did on your own data. If you don’t we’ll get it via FOIA request.
It would be a more efficient use of your time to simply publish all these analyses now, rather than have hundreds of New Zealanders request it.
The only thing you can be sure of is that not a single mainstream media organization in the world will ask you for these analyses. Like you, they want to keep it hidden. So the NZ press, the New York Times, Wall St. Journal, CNN, 60 Minutes… you’re safe from them. They are never going to ask questions. The vaccine will never be unsafe in their eyes. They are all paid to look the other way by their advertisers.
But the public will ask via FOIA and you’ll have to respond. Are you going to fabricate documents that never existed? That would be criminal.
Or are you going to admit you never did a proper analysis of the data just like the California Department of Public Health never bothered to do any analysis either. Admit the truth.
Bottom line: Show us your analysis now, or the people of New Zealand will require it be produced under FOIA.
Parallels to The Prisoner
This reminds me of the opening sequence from The Prisoner:
HNZ: Where am I?
Kirsch (not identified as yet): In New Zealand.
HNZ: What do you want?
Kirsch: Information.
HNZ: Whose side are you on?
Kirsch: We are on the side of truth and transparency. We want information...information... information!!!
HNZ: You won't get it!
Kirsch: By hook or by crook, we will.
HNZ: Who are you?
Kirsch: I am the world’s most dangerous misinformation superspreader. Type that phrase into Google; I’m the top hit!! I am your worst enemy. The reason I am so dangerous is that I have been calling for data transparency of public health information (that, by the way, is owned by the public). The medical community, health authorities, and mainstream media all seem intent in hiding the truth. They will lose. The truth always wins. Did you know that the people who try to suppress the truth and achieve medical consensus by means of intimidation, censorship, and coercion are always on the wrong side of the issue? There are no counterexamples in history. Think about it.
Why can’t we talk about it? Let’s have a civil scientific dialog, shall we?
How about we have a publicly recorded video call with your epidemiologists vs. my epidemiologists so we can expose who is telling the truth and who is killing people? Since you can’t stop the distribution of the public health data, this is your only option if you want to reduce “vaccine hesitancy.”
Thank you for your attention.
And one more thing…
The first rule of holes: when you find yourself in one, stop digging.
Maybe you want to consider withdrawing your criminal charges against Barry Young? He did not commit a crime. He relied on the advice of experts including UK Professor Norman Fenton before releasing the data. Of course, you wouldn’t know that because you never asked him. You never even talked to him before having him arrested. Your actions are despicable.
Have a nice day. And thank you for allowing the data to be set free and drawing world attention to the importance of data transparency. And encouraging other health authorities to do the same!
Steve, I hope that you will be able to help in preventing this courageous human being from being locked in a cage for exposing the ongoing democide. He deserves all of our love and support.
Never forget that WE ARE WINNING this information war. According to the CDC, the percentage of Americans that have taken the latest XBB 1.5 Booster that came out in mid-September is 15.7% as of 18 November. Frankly, I believe that the actual percentage is much less than that because it was only a few weeks ago when the press was reporting an uptake rate of only 5%. But regardless of whether or not you believe that the CDC is telling the truth or lying, an uptake rate of only 15.7% is pitiful. That means that a full 84.3% of Americans DO NOT TRUST these "safe & effective" jabs anymore. CONCLUSION: We are winning!