An open letter to the New Zealand Ministry of Health: an offer you can't refuse
I believe you have made a very serious mistake that is costing lives. Why not publish the anonymized record-level data just to be sure?

To the New Zealand Ministry of Health:
I read with great interest this “AAP fact check” article which states “NZ health authorities say four deaths have been linked to the vaccines.”
I have record-level data from multiple countries and it’s clear the COVID vaccines are killing at least 1 person per 1,000 doses on average which means that around 12,000 New Zealanders were killed by the COVID vaccines.
So we have a difference of opinion.
I’d like to suggest a way for you to definitively win the argument and prove that you are right and I am wrong. This has the benefit of reducing vaccine hesitancy in New Zealand.
An offer you can’t refuse
Publish the record-level data. The data can be published in a simple format that preserves privacy. See this article for details.
Once the data is made publicly available, my team of statisticians and data scientists will analyze it for you at absolutely no charge. I will personally pay all the expenses. We’ll even have our analysis published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal and we’ll page the page charges.
If you’re right and only 4 people have died as a result of the COVID vaccine, I will pay for all your expenses, cease all my “misinformation superspreader” activities, and urge my colleagues to do the same. This will help reduce the amount of “misinformation” and save lives.
But if I’m right and the data shows that you’ve killed thousands of New Zealanders, you will admit you made a mistake, apologize, revoke the vaccines, and compensate people for their loss and/or injuries.
You have nothing to lose if you are confident the vaccines are safe.
You will get a definitive answer to the safety question that nobody can argue with.
The debates will be over.
The life you save may be your own, or someone you care about.
It's so funny when Steve Kirsch went on a pro-vax shill twitter space a while back, they were all screaming and yelling over him. When he got a word in edgewise he said "show me the record-level data" for a country. That just made them sputter and shout more - they kept mocking Mr. Kirsch about record-level data. They didn't realize a short time later he'd come up with a huge amount of it!
That just keeps cracking me up over and over.
Only those with a conscience and desire to make amends would take this offer.
Government? Pfft.