My email to the FAA leadership was ignored; are you surprised? I wasn't.
I thought you might enjoy reading this. I believe differences are best resolved through dialog, but they obviously don't agree. Cool. We can do it their way.
First, if you work in the airline industry or the FAA and you haven’t yet signed my petition calling for an investigation, please do it now. The more signatures we have, the more leverage we have. Your names will not be disclosed without your consent. I want to get over 20,000 signatures.
The email I just sent
Thanks to the thousands of signatures I now have, I just sent this email to the top FAA leadership telling them that if THEY fail to act, that THEY are jeopardizing the integrity of the nations air system.
They need to start an investigation as pointed out in the petition.
I just talked to Bradley Mims, Deputy FAA administrator
On January 24, 2023 at 11:50am I called Bradley Mims for comment.
He said he has “no comment” and I have to talk to public affairs.
Of course!
And I’ve tried that at other government agencies and for some odd reason, they never get back to me. But I will reach out anyway, just so there is no room for error.
My email to the FAA press office
Their response
They ignored me.
OK… I can play that game. It’s time to up-level. Stay tuned.
As an 87 years old former Army Aviation Helicopter & Fixed wing pilot (1957-1964, Captain), whenever I fly commercial today, knowing that most pilots have had the illegally mandated poisonous 'jab', I always wear my Army Aviation cap, so that the crew knows that there's someone on board who knows what a cockpit looks like (hint, hint), ... should the 'V'-caused SHTF happen up front!
I even had the honor of mentioning it to Josh Yoder (head of US Freedom Flyers) at an event in Oceanside, CA last Fall.
HELP! Everyone, if you would kindly LIKE this post to push it to the top, hopefully Steve will see it and acknowledge - Thank You!
Steve - Hi again, What if?
If as Sasha Latypova says the US covid response is a Department of Defence controlled operation under the National Security Council, the USA is technically at WAR!!
All normal rules are subservient, everything is classified, the military are in charge and everything is secret and subject to National Security - They will NEVER talk to you!! They can't! They are not in charge or legally responsible!
Sasha Latypova has been on Redacted and Kim Iversen etc and she is utterly convincing.
Please take a look. This knowledge may well help you! Best wishes