Professor Byram Bridle: "No evidence of any vax benefit"
I interviewed virologist Professor Byram Bridle. He points out that there is no evidence of benefit. If anything, all the evidence shows the vaccines INCREASE risk of infection, hospitalization, death
Executive summary
According to Professor Bridle, at best, there are no benefits for the COVID vaccines. But the data shows they make the problem worse in every metric: infections, hospitalizations, and deaths. You’ve been completely misled by the medical community about these vaccines.
There isn’t a single “expert” in the world who is willing to show Professor Bridle that he got it wrong.
Here’s my latest interview with Professor Byram Bridle:
Ratings so far: 63 thumbs up; 0 thumbs down.
If you don’t have time to watch the whole thing, here’s the takeaway:
Byram is pissed. Pfizer’s own trial with over 40,000 participants showed NO EVIDENCE of a mortality or hospitalization benefit. If anything, it showed the reverse. (See Figure 1 below). The “benefits” were not statistically significant because the effect sizes were tiny.
The focus needs to be on the absolute risk reduction which is miniscule.
Each shot increases your risk of COVID infection (See Figure 2 below)
There has NEVER been a vaccine in medicine which made you more likely to be infected, yet reduced your risk of hospitalization/death. NEVER.
There is NO PLAUSIBLE MECHANISM OF ACTION which would enable these vaccines to reduce your risk of hospitalization and death. Why hasn’t anyone explained this? Will you debate Professor Bridle? Why not?
In short, there are no benefits to these vaccines. You’ve been completely misled by the medical community about these vaccines and there isn’t a single “expert” in the world who is willing to show Professor Bridle that he got it wrong.

UK doctors speak out
If you haven’t yet seen this video of the UK doctors speaking out, check it out. It’s consistent with the data Byram presented:

Meanwhile, the US Senate is focused on more urgent issues than saving lives: Taylor Swift ticketing problems
Most people think dying suddenly is a more important issue…
but the US Senate clearly believes that Taylor Swift tickets are much more important:
I can’t get a single US Senator (other than Ron Johnson) who is interested in exploring why so many people in the US are dying suddenly. It’s really strange.
This interview with Professor Byram Bridle makes it crystal clear that the COVID vaccines make the pandemic worse; that’s what the highest quality evidence shows.
There was no evidence in the gold standard trials that the vaccines decrease your risk of hospitalization or death. If anything, it’s the reverse. Even with 44,000 people in the trial, the effect was too small to achieve statistical significance!
This evidence has been in plain sight for over a year. By my estimate, over 500,000 people have been killed by these vaccines in the US alone. No prominent expert anywhere in the world will debate me or any of my colleagues about this. Byram pleaded in this video for anyone to show he is wrong.
But the US Senate is focused on looking into more important issues, namely Taylor Swift concert ticketing issues.
I hope that someday, members of Congress (other than Senator Ron Johnson) will return my calls. Maybe in a couple of years, after we have the concert ticketing problems all sorted out.
Hey Steve! You would be happy to know that I submitted my VAERS report on 01/14/23 and yesterday I had an email from VAERS in my inbox saying they received my VAERS claim and are requesting STAT MEDICAL RECORDS for them to review. They want it in the next 5 days. So my report definitively flagged them enough to make their butthole picked up and send me that email bc most of my vax injury group filled theirs out last year and still have not been acknowledged to this day. Wanted to let you know and see your thoughts on that. I have a huge stack of records ready to send them & sift through, a whole years worth to be exact.
Also wanted to update you on my illness. I have added Dr Kory to my treatment team. Yayy! And I absolutely adore him. We are adding in to the treatment that I’m already on with Dr Bream. I go tomorrow for my echocardiogram and then will have a heart monitor called a zio patch placed sometime soon. Once echo results are back I’ll go for my cardiac mri and then possibly a pet scan depending on what the cardiac mri does or doesn’t show. We are trying to rule out myocarditis and I’m ready to get some answers why I can’t walk to the bathroom or do simple tasks without getting short of breath and heart rate ranging from 44-150 range. D dimer was normal.
But anywho I hope you have a great week and will keep you updated!😘😘💜💜
This is a Big Point: "There has NEVER been a vaccine in medicine which made you more likely to be infected, yet reduced your risk of hospitalization/death. NEVER."
We've actually been told to swallow a whopper: The "vaccine" doesn't stop infection ... but if you do get an infection it won't kill you or develop into a "severe" case.
Truth be told, the same rationale applies to the flu vaccines - but the entire system conspires to cover up the fact these shots also almost never prevent infection. We're told to accept that if we do get the flu after our flu vaccine that our "cases" will not be as severe ... but millions of people should know by now this is not the case. The only year I got a flu shot .... I got the flu (and it wasn't a "mild" case either). If the flu vaccines "worked," why do 25 to 40 million still get the flu every flu season?
The more brazen the lies, the better they work.