Join me in Dallas this Saturday, April 29 at 6:30pm for dinner with Aseem Malhotra, Ryan Cole, and Flavio Cadegiani?
I'm doing another fundraising dinner for VSRF in Dallas this Saturday, April 29. It's $2,500 per plate and it all goes to a great cause.
Join me for dinner this Saturday night in Dallas?
VSRF needs to raise funds to continue our work.
Here’s a short presentation and video summary of some of our accomplishments over the past year. It’s an impressive list.
I’ve confirmed the following special guests will be present at the dinner:
Aseem Malhotra: one of the UK’s top cardiologists who went from blue pill to red pill after his father was killed by the “safe and effective” vaccine
Ryan Cole: The only pathologist in the US who has done the proper stains to assess whether or not the vaccine is killing people
Flavio Cadegiani: Considered to be Brazil’s greatest living scientist, he was just unanimously exonerated by a medical review board in Brazil for his work on one of the most effective drugs for COVID to date.
If you’d like to join me and my special guests for dinner this Saturday, please make a donation of $2,500 or more to VSRF on our donation page.
You can donate using a variety of methods described on the page and then send an email to Janet letting her know to reserve your spot. I look forward to seeing you there!
Fund raising dinners or events with very high ticket prices are designed to attract people who care about the issue AND by attending, create a list for the organizers of people who are sufficiently wealthy that they are likely able to donate further money.
It’s networking together people with money who sincerely want to help. It has the appearance of being unfairly exclusive, but perhaps that impression would be lessened if people were also invited to contribute separately any amount they could afford and supplied streaming link to watch the speakers.
Malhotra is a charlatan, not one of the UK’s top cardiologists.