Did you know that metformin can be used to treat COVID? It is truly "safe and effective."
Carolyn Bramante did multiple studies showing metformin works to treat COVID. It was published in 2 peer-reviewed journals. Yet, no COVID treatment guidelines anywhere in the US recommend it's use.

Executive summary
If I haven’t yet convinced you yet just how corrupt the medical community is, this one should do it.
Metformin is a very safe drug which has been proven in multiple randomized trials to reduce hospitalization and death and reduce the chance of long-haul COVID. It is a very safe drug. The studies were published in peer-reviewed journals.
Guess how many clinical treatment guidelines in the US have added metformin to their protocols?
If you guess zero, you are right.
Here are the studies
Randomized Trial of Metformin, Ivermectin, and Fluvoxamine for Covid-19 (NEJM)
Phase 3 DB-RCT showed the adjusted odds ratio for hospitalization or death was 0.47 (95% CI, 0.20 to 1.11) with metformin. So it’s around a 53% risk reduction which is way better (and safer) than the COVID vaccines.
Outpatient treatment of COVID-19 and incidence of post-COVID-19 condition over 10 months (COVID-OUT): a multicentre, randomised, quadruple-blind, parallel-group, phase 3 trial (The Lancet)
When metformin was started within 3 days of symptom onset, the HR for long-COVID was 0·37 (95% CI 0·15–0·95), i.e., a 63% risk reduction.
Next time I get COVID, I’m reaching for the metformin.
Also, isn’t it interesting how different studies get dramatically different results for the same drug? DB-RCT repeatability seems to be a huge problem and that alone is a reason to distrust them.
Can you trust this study? Let me know what you think!
Treat Covid?
1) Unplug Tell A Vision, take outside and smash with a sledge hammer.
2) Eat healthy food from an organic regenerative farm.
3) Never ever listen to A Rockefeller Medicine Man disciple/order follower.
4) Stay out of Doctors Offices, Hospitals and Pharmacies for they are "Temples of the Occult"
5) Disobey, resist, refuse any Government intrusion into your one and only life.
Did I miss anything?
Isn’t CoVid 19 extinct, anyway? All viruses mutate and become weaker. I keep reading posts from people who say they got CoVid (again). Many were vaxed. They don’t understand that CoVid is extinct, the tests are fake and were never truly tests in the first place, and that if they were vaxed, their immune system is compromised and they will likely contract any variant of coronavirus the comes around, readily.
My mother always said, along with many others, “there’s no cure for the common cold.” The same is true for the flu. Yet, too many people are afraid of dying, and Big Pharma peddles fear.
It’s horrible what they’ve done to young mothers - their babies are jabbed over 70 times! Vaccines cannot be manufactured for virus strains not yet mapped, but they sure can produce profits for pharmaceutical companies!
As the youngest of seven, I remember my mother and other parents “colluding” over chicken pox. If one child had it, we were all sent over to play at that child’s house so that parents might have an idea of when their child might be down and out for 3-5 days. Now there’s a vax for that. It doesn’t work either!
We can’t even be sure if Polio petered out by itself (which is likely) or if that vaccine was the miracle pointed to in order to fuel today’s vax frenzy! Fauci’s own paper explained that most people died of bacterial pneumonia from wearing face coverings during the Bubonic Plague.
When does common sense kick in for those who don’t trust their immune systems?