Why isn't the CDC warning parents that masking their kids creates unacceptably high levels of CO2?
Del Bigtree was right. The CO2 levels in masks worn by kids rises to over 13,000 ppm. This is above the normal 1,000 ppm level, and significantly above the 2,000 acceptable level. The CDC is silent.
Executive summary
Del Bigtree was right: CO2 levels have been confirmed to rise to unacceptable levels in kids in a paper published in September 2022.
The CDC refuses to warn parents of the danger, even after the paper was published.
So it’s our job to warn since everyone else (mainstream medical community, mainstream press, and CDC) are remaining silent.
And for those people who point out that CO2 is smaller than the opening so how can it be impeded by masks, it’s the same principle as a garden hose impedes the flow of water. Even though a water molecule is very small, you can still limit the flow rate.
Another example is hairs clogging up a shower drain. The water gets through, just not as fast. A lot of people don’t understand that so I wanted to mention this upfront. Note that if the hair mass is very dense, the water will drain very slowly. So if a mask is dense enough so you cannot breathe through it at all, it will stop you from getting the virus through your mouth.
The original Highwire demo
Here is the original video of Del and his son Ever.
The fact check
Even the AFP Fact check admits that 2,000 ppm is problematic and that 13,000 is very problematic:
Conclusion of the paper
More detail on flow rates vs. concentration
Here’s what I wrote to someone on Twitter who was confused why the CO2 concentration can be higher inside the mask vs. outside the mask, yet the concentration of the virus is the same on both sides:
Masks impede the flow of air so you have to breathe harder to get the same amount of air. The concentration of the virus in the air on both sides is the same. Imagine if I have a sink and I cover the drain with a cloth. I put colored water in the sink (the virus is the color). The color of the water down the drain will be the same, but the flow will be impeded: there will be a higher concentration of water per unit volume above the clog vs. below the clog, but the concentration of the dye will be the same on both sides. When you breathe harder, you're simply compensating for the impeded flow. So you'll get more air and more virus. The cloth filtered out nothing, just made it harder to breathe. And there is a differential in the water concentration per unit volume on the top of the sink vs. in the drain. I hope that clears this up. Thanks for asking and helping me get the word out.
In short, masks do not protect you from the virus and they don’t protect anyone else. And as a side “benefit” the CO2 concentration is higher inside the masks than outside ONLY as long as you are breathing.
In other words, masks provide no benefit, only downsides.
So now you know.
Following the CDC’s advice to mask your kids is going to impair your child’s ability to learn and they never even warned you.
You really can’t trust the CDC on anything, can you?
And you can’t trust the mainstream medical community or mainstream media to let you know the truth either. They aren’t going to contradict the CDC, no matter what the science says.
Not that I needed proof,
Back in early 2021, I personally saw two grassroots demonstration of people with a basic safety in mine background connecting such a CO2 sensor under a mask and showing the physiological insult.
OK, so it doesn't matter what I (or other science) say here, you're gonna mask up anyway - and you think it will help! Warm is one thing, humid and re-breathing your own air is a very different thing.
All I can say is that you're gonna lose some brain function. But hey, it's your life, Moon Diamond.