Vaccinated people are over 2X more likely to get COVID than the unvaccinated. Whoops!
We are told to get vaccinated to reduce the risk of being infected. But the numbers aren't working out for them. How can they explain this survey?
Executive summary
According to the survey I just did of over 16,000 people, fully vaccinated people are more than 2X as likely to get COVID than the unvaccinated.
What I found was fascinating is that if you did get COVID, the probability of being hospitalized was identical in the two groups.
My survey results are publicly viewable and all the entries can be verified (I have the contact info for each respondent). Happy to provide to any mainstream media fact checker.
Bottom line: The CDC lied, people died. If you disagree, please post your row-level data survey results.
The results
I am writing this at the 16,736 mark in the database. The database may be gamed after this.
The results were stunningly self-consistent. If there is a significant bias, I can’t find it.
Here are some charts plotted from the pivot tables:

You’ll notice that the unvaccinated have the greatest blue area (0 COVID infections).
Here’s a snapshot of the numbers:
Let’s drill into the number of 0 COVID infections for the unvaccinated vs.
Let’s compare the “No vaccines at all” vs. the “High” and “Very high” groups. If I choose just Very high, the vaccine looks even worse, so I’m trying to be as accommodating as possible.
The 2x2 matrix looks like this:
[ 11+1609, 4463-(11+1609) ]
[ 1+368+183, 948+1616 - (1+368+183) ]
The bottom line is:
Odds Ratio: 2.0769548394989985
Confidence Interval: (1.8565010966269044, 2.323586780075697)
Z-Score: 12.766715746271233
P-Value: 4.0149631491125137e-39
Something caused the unvaccinated to be 2X less likely to get COVID. I wonder what it is. Something the unvaccinated all have in common. Hmmm….
It is amazing that nobody who believes in the vaccine will do their own survey, isn’t it? Now you know why.
If you got COVID, your risk of hospitalization is exactly the same regardless of your vaccination status.
So the COVID vaccinated were never less likely to be hospitalized. That was a lie.
Here’s how to do the math:
Risk of hospitalization for the unvaxxed: 74/4447 = .0166
Risk of hospitalization for the heavily vaxxed (right two columns, select row for 1 hospitalization): (26+14)/(947+1610)= .0156
These are essentially the same, a tad higher for the unvaccinated (which is a surprise but that’s what the data shows). But since the unvaxxed are 2x less likely to get COVID in the first place, you want to be unvaccinated, no question.
Note: It is amazing to me how the pro-vax people will claim my results are useless, but if it finds some data favorable to the vaccine, that data is legit (and the rest is not). We’ll see what happens here… if they say the survey is legit, they cannot cherry pick the parts they like. All or nothing.
My Twitter surveys were similar
The unvaccinated were more likely to have fewer cases of COVID than the vaccinated.
My Twitter followers are nearly 90% COVID unvaccinated. But the questions are directed to vaccinated and unvaccinated followers:
The two surveys below were the most stunning. One is with the unvaccinated, the other is with the vaccinated. What’s stunning is the relative heights of the first two bars relative to the third bar. This is consistent with the Substack survey… The unvaccinated are less likely to have COVID than the vaccinated.
Look at the survey above… the FULLY unvaccinated (unvaccinated for all vaccines) did even better than the COVID unvaccinated below (although the question was a big ambiguous, you have to assume it was read both ways and was a mix of the no COVID and no all vaccine group).
So both the Substack and Twitter surveys were large and the data clearly showed the unvaccinated were better off.
Where is their survey showing I’m wrong?
I am still waiting to see the data on their side. They seem to want to keep it hidden. No local, state, or federal will ever release the vax-death records. Do you think they might be hiding something?
Fact checker notice
And fact checkers are always welcome to check all 16,000+ responses. The survey was done in <24 hours.
Nobody knew what my objective was; I just asked how many times they had COVID.
Bottom line
The CDC lied; people died.
In general:
The vaccines in general make you 2X as likely to get COVID.
If you do get COVID (which is half as likely for the unvaccinated), the COVID vaccines do NOTHING to reduce your risk of hospitalization. They are lying about that. This is why no state or country in the world will ever release their vaccine-death record level data. If the data was good, they’d be making it mandatory for everyone to download it. They would be teaching it in schools.
The vaccines will increase your risk of dying from COVID if you do get COVID by up to 3x. My analysis on the CMS Nursing home data shows that clearly. The odd-ratio of 2 months post COVID vaccine (to give it a chance to be administered and work) vs. just before the vaccine rollout, shows an OR of over 3 with a z-score over 21. Stay tuned for that one in a Substack coming up soon!
So do not get vaccinated unless you are trying to die. OK?
As always, if you disagree, post your survey record-level data and analysis. Or show us your analysis of my data showing it is invalid.
Please forward this to your friends and save a life or two.
First of all, people are not getting "vaccinated." They are getting injected with an mRNA Eugenics Depopulation Lethal Injection Bioweapon for the express purpose of killing them. A real vaccine is supposed to prevent illness, not cause illness, not that I would trust any form of vaccine anymore.
Secondly, no one has ever proved that COVID, or SARS-COVI-2, ever existed. Look at the exceptional research Dr. David Martin has done on this. All "this" is, is a variant of the flu, and it should be obvious to everyone.
Third, if anyone is unfortunate enough to be admitted to a hospital that pushes the death jabs, there is only one protocol they will face: (a) Remdesovir, which destroys the liver; then (b) a ventilator that will choke you to death with toxic fumes, and finally (c) the morgue. They will starve the patient and deprive him or her of necessary bodily fluids to keep him or her alive. Why, you ask? Because they get a hell of a lot more money when they kill the patient. The Hippocratic Oath of "Thou Shalt Do No Harm" is dead. Disgusting greed and profit replaced it.
Finally, you may wonder why this murder rampage is directed principally against old people. I'll answer that. Social Security is broke, Congress knows it, and if Biden has any remaining functioning brain cells left, he would know it. Disposing of the elderly is the means by which our tyrannical government is attempting and in many cases succeeding to reduce Social Security outflow expenditures. The government, all agencies within the government including the non-elected CDC, will lie to you and use the lamestream media to brainwash you into taking the death jab. Remember what Nancy Reagan used to say? JUST SAY NO!!!!
The hardcore vaxxers in my family still refuse to read what I send them. They will say things like, "Steve Kirsch is an anti-vaxxer and has discredited himself. He associates with (wrongthinkers). I will not waste my time in reading this, nor should you."
Brick wall.
I may outlive them all, but it's not like I haven't tried.
I appreciate all this good work you are doing.