VSRF LIVE Tonight: The Crisis of the Vaccine Injured
VSRF's Angela Wulbrecht speaks with Cindy Drukier and Jan Jekielek
Thursday, September 21
7pm Eastern | 4pm Pacific
Live stream on Rumble
Important Note: VSRF Live is exclusively on Rumble NO MORE ZOOM.
I am back next week and none too soon, because this week San Diego State University emailed parents and threatened to expel any student who did not stay up to date on the latest Covid-19 “booster” by Spring semester.
We know that as we get closer to the 2024 elections, the entire suite of Covid-19 mandates and restrictions will be reinstituted. We must be ready.
VSRF needs your help more than ever. Will you reach deep and support our work? So many organizations and prominent individuals have “moved on” from Covid-19 but VSRF remains constant, steadfast, and prepared for this next wave of Covid mandate madness.
Please donate now so we can fight against a new round of tyranny.
A few weeks ago, VSRF’s Director of Vaccine Injured Support & Advocacy, NICU Nurse Angela Wulbrecht, was interviewed by American Thought Leader’s Jan Jekielek about her harrowing Covid-19 vaccine injury, her recovery, and the millions of Americans who suffer in silence. Angela was also featured in Cindy Drukier’s groundbreaking documentary The Unseen Crisis which I urge everyone to watch.
"I was worse off than some of my friends who weren't that bad in the beginning but literally got no care. And now today, they are falling apart. They're really, two-and-a-half years later, very, very, very ill." - Angela Wulbrecht, RN
Tonight, on VSRF Live, it will be Angela’s turn to interview Jan and Cindy - this is an important topic. We have not begun to even scratch the surface of the true extent of the deaths and injuries from the last round of Covid-19 vaccines.
Join us tonight and bring a friend!
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I weep for the jab injured. I took a wait-and-see approach. Now I'm witnessing horror.
Mandating this garbage is the very definition of evil...
Keep up the massive EXPOSURE Steve. We SALUTE YOU.