VSRF call: Media censorship and the path to recovery from the jabs
Sharyl Attkisson, Angelia Desselle, and Dr. Ryan Cole
VSRF Weekly Update
Thursday, February 9
7pm Eastern | 4pm Pacific
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Watch the Preview for Episode 65: Media Censorship & The Path to Recovery from Covid-19 Injections
We have a powerful VSRF weekly update this Thursday: with the guests we have planned, it is going to be an incredible two shows packed into one.
In the first half, we speak with award-winning investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson and Covid-19 vaccine injured advocate Angelia Desselle.
Sharyl Attkisson is a winner of 5 Emmys for her investigative journalism that spans over thirty years at media outlets such as CBS News and PBS. She has also received the most prestigious distinction in broadcast journalism, the Edward R. Murrow award.
Angelia needs little introduction. In fact, I will soon be publishing a substack about the recent mob attack on Angelia. It was disturbing and infuriating. Fortunately, Angelia is not only vaccine injured but a courageous advocate for all members of the vaccine injured community and will not back down from this advocacy even in the face of corporate media attacks.
For our second half of the show, we welcome a dear friend of the VSRF, Dr. Ryan Cole who will answer one of the most frequent questions we receive:
“I’ve taken the Covid-19 vaccine, what do I do now?”
Dr. Ryan Cole, MD, who recently testified at Senator Ron Johnson’s Roundtable on the Covid-19 Vaccine, joins us to answer that question specifically and what the path to recovery after taking the vaccine looks like.
Again, it is going to be a super-packed show this week, so we will leave plenty of room for questions. Bring a friend and please share the following links widely.
You can always support the VSRF by visiting www.vacsafety.org/donate or by texting LIBERTY to 53555.
Thank you Thank you Steve for all that you've done and continue to do
I have always had suspicion why the Biden administration has an obsessive and keen interest to meddle and feed billions of dollars in weapons to Ukraine for a threat that originated in Ukraine, not Russia. The fact that Ukraine had 18 Pentagon biolabs positioned near the Russian border, which the Russians argued posed a threat to them, made me speculate that the Wuhan virus could been spread from Ukraine for all we know.
Now it has emerged that a contract was awarded by the U.S. Department of Defense to Labyrinth Global Health for 'COVID-19 Research' to create a Covid 19 vaccine already in November 2019 - before the world even knew about the 'pandemic'? The contract was part of a larger project for a 'Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine', suggesting the U.S. Government was at the very least aware of the alleged virus before it spread through Wuhan, China in December 2019.