The most damaging paper of the pandemic was published in The Lancet for <24 hours before they censored it
The COVID vaccines have killed massive numbers of people and the government covered it up. The paper, published as a pre-print, shows 74% of deaths post-vax due to the vax.
Head on over to Peter McCullough’s Substack for the details and please consider subscribing to his Substack. He’s terrific, a great friend, a great scientist, and a man of great courage.
This is a pre-print so not yet peer-reviewed.
Here is the:
Paper (hosted on the Daily Skeptic)
Daily Skeptic rticle about the removal in <24 hours after being posted
The paper had about 30,000 views in 24 hours (about 20 views per minute) before The Lancet removed the paper saying: “This preprint has been removed by Preprints with the Lancet because the study’s conclusions are not supported by the study methodology.”
What is astonishing to me is that they were able to determine that so quickly!!!
Normally, peer review takes months. The Lancet has shown that errors meriting removal can be determined in just 24 hours.
But we don’t have a clue what the errors were because they didn’t tell us and they didn’t tell the authors either. They didn’t even give the authors a chance to respond!!!
They basically unilaterally decided the paper’s conclusion wasn’t supported by the methods and they weren’t interested in any response from the authors before taking action.
The paper shows 74% of deaths post-vax could be attributed to the vaccine being a cause of death. And most of the deaths happened within 1 week of vaccination.
The results are strongly consistent with the Schwab paper where 71% of the deaths appeared to be consistent with a vaccine death:
They basically were looking for the “cleanest” proof of death, but it’s likely that all 71% of the cases (25 out of 35) died from the vaccine, it’s just harder to “prove” that.
The question we all should be asking is why are we first hearing about these cases now? How could all of the CDC’s analyses show no relation to the vaccine? And why aren’t we allowed to see the CDC’s analyses?
Peter’s article has a link to the pre-print
Two weeks to flatten the curve,
Took a swerve and went off the road.
Crashing into a field laden with false expectations.
Then slowly, it crippled nations.
Rents rose, shops closed and the elderly began to die.
Cancers diagnosed everywhere
Children taught to be queer
Whilst birth rates are dropping.
A manic phase,
Distracted by bills and the next social craze and some new sort of inequality that was just conjured up.
Whilst being warned about the weather and how it's going to gobble us up.
And so years go on with shifting goal posts,
Obviously the game is rigged, whilst politicians boast that they have it all under control.
All they really control is your perception
Better to call it what it is, deception and social engineering.
Our whole world is being steered.
Veered away from its course
Towards something ugly and unnatural.
And they're doing this intentionally.
If you don't want to look, you won't see it,
But it's happening,
Every day it is happening.
Whether you want to look or not
Two weeks to flatten the curve
Took a swerve into a field of false expectations.
And it struck chaos along the way
It murdered and mangled and mashed up our way of life.
Psychological warfare
Sullied in strife
Is now the new normal
And you still wonder why I seem crazy?