If they try to gaslight you with their data, simply respond with better data
The other side absolutely hates it when you confront them with higher quality evidence that they can't refute. They stop responding to you at that point.
Executive summary
When they can’t argue with your data, they will call you a racist (like thereal_truther did to my friend John Beaudoin), switch the topic to cherry picked data supporting their narrative (in this case switching from Massachusetts data to data from Sweden), or present misleading data and declare victory before waiting for the other side to reply (which Reduce Covid Now! did).
I’m going to show you a specific example of the techniques they use and how you can counter these attacks with better evidence.
The tweet that got my attention
My response and the subsequent challenge
The Devil’s Advocate analyisis
The Devil’s Advocate analysis: This excellent analysis by Martin Neil and Norman Fenton has never been attacked. It clearly shows that when you do a worldwide analysis, you find that the only explanation for the excess deaths are the vaccines. The other explanations don’t fit.
Josh Stirling’s longitudinal analysis of US data
Even more troubling is the longitudinal analysis done by Josh Stirling on a per county basis in the US. He looked at the change in mortality in counties by vaccination rate. It showed that the more you vaccinate, the higher your deaths are a year later. It’s really hard for anyone to attack.
There’s more, but you get the idea.
This US longitudinal data is very convincing.
I’ve never seen anyone dispute it or come up with something more convincing showing the opposite effect.
Medicare data
If you aren’t convinced, see my article on the gold standard Medicare data.
When they attack you with data, you can present them with the data here, challenge them to come up with something more definitive, and then enjoy the sounds of silence or them simply doubling down on their original statement and completely ignoring what you wrote.
Data ... Data ... Data
I am old enough to remember that way back in 2020, when the media and government officials were terrorising us (that is the right word: "terrorising") about some dangerous new virus that was going to kill everyone, nobody was dropping dead from sudden heart attacks.
That only started later in 2021 after the injections went into the arms.
Hi Kirsch, as a heads up, the literally made-up graphs by "The Real Truther" (who goes around falsely accusing people of antisemitism when he starts losing debates), are sourced from a Twitter account known as "James Neill" (https://twitter.com/jneill), who isn't even a qualified statistician, and the cherry picked, distorted datasets he fabricates out of thin air are not substantiated by his Appeal to the Haystack fallacy of it being hosted by ONS 'somewhere'.
When I challenged him on his extremely bad graph designs and picked apart the dataset, James Neill blocked me. Various members of his group cite his poorly designed, made-up graphs, and the graphs should never be taken as anything remotely resembling legitimate. They will always insist their fabricated datasets are from the "ONS", but are unable to point as to where, or how they did their calculations.
It is nothing short of data fraud and manipulation.