The flu vaccine is too deadly to be used and should be pulled from the market
The Medicare data that the CDC never shows the public makes this crystal clear. I wonder what public benefit there is of hiding this data. Why doesn't anyone want to see it?
Executive summary
The Medicare data proves that the flu vaccine is too unsafe to use because it kills more than 1 person per million vaccinated, which is the safety threshold noted by vaccine expert Paul Offit.
The evidence has been in plain sight but nobody seems to care.
I find it really annoying that our government is hiding the safety data on vaccines. How does hiding the data protect the public from harm?
Of course, I’m not a doctor and doctors don’t have any problem at all with their government hiding safety data. Have you ever seen any of them complain about the lack of transparency? Of course not! None of them want their licenses revoked or their grants canceled.
However, since I’m not a doctor, I’m not encumbered.
So I wanted to let you in on a little secret: the government hides the data from us because the vaccines they’ve been promoting are unsafe.
Let’s take the flu vaccine for example.
Have you noticed that the government NEVER shows you the data from Medicare, VSD, BEST, or any other database?
The record level data we need to make a proper safety assessment is simply never made publicly available.
The reason is simple: the shots are deadly and should be pulled. If they released the data, everyone would know this. So they keep the data hidden from public view.
Thanks to an anonymous HHS employee, I’ve been provided with the “days after death” for the flu vaccine.
I’ve already published the flu charts twice before (here and here) and nobody noticed, even though I pointed it out in my Feb 25 Game Over article, so I’m going to point it out once again now
See the spike on Day 0?
At least 375 “excess deaths” on Day 0!
Last I checked, there is no need to vaccinate people for the flu right before they die because the vaccine takes time to have an effect. That’s why there is normally a reduced number of deaths on Day 0 vs. baseline: if you are about to die, they aren’t going to waste time vaccinating you.
But you can see there are 375 excess deaths on Day 0! That’s impossible if the vaccines are safe. They don’t give vaccines to people who are about to die.
Now consider that this is a subset of all the people who get the flu vaccine in 2021:
It’s only people in Medicare
It’s only people who got the flu shot in Q1 of 2021
It’s only people < 80
375 excess deaths times 1M is more than the population of the US.
So over 1 person per million died. BIG PROBLEM.
The flu vaccine kills > 1 person per million vaccinated.
This is above the safety threshold of a vaccine articulated by vaccine expert Paul Offit.
This means the flu vaccine should be pulled from the market.
I don’t know how I can make it any clearer than that.
And the COVID vaccine? Well, it’s killing people at a 1,000X greater rate than the flu shot. It should have been pulled long ago. Check out this analysis by Denis Rancourt that, after accumulating 100K views, was pulled from ResearchGate. It’s a quality analysis. For example, one of my colleagues who NEVER texts me on ANY papers, texted me to look at this one: “Just published. This data is really stunning.”
But the health authorities are looking the other way and the doctors just blindly do whatever the CDC says, no matter how many people are killed.
I guess that’s the way science works.
Steve, I suggest you research ASIA syndrome , AKA vaccine adjuvant induced auto inflammation to varying degrees. What did they expect to happen when they injected billions with mercury, aluminum, PEG and other ingredients that are designed to trigger inflammation? 1One estimate is that as many as 150 million people worldwide have inflammatory disorders caused by vaccines! They hide this huge problem by the miriad of diagnosis given to the affected, including telling people it's all in their head.
Start here:
With mega out-sourcing 'seems the production line of ALL injectables can somehow be covertly corrupted with graphene by the powers-that-shouldn't-be with no one in the supply chain any the wiser! Dr Ricardo Delgado showed that the crapola is in flu shots, shingles, fauxvid and even Lidocaine™ dental anesthetic injections!