"Masses of people react to a stimulus, such as a social media post, seemingly as a cohesive unit without a designated leader and, as a result, something goes "viral."
It appears to be a spontaneous event that no one can control. But is it? As it turns out, curated information that is pushed ahead of other information on people's newsfeeds can dramatically influence crowd behavior.
DiResta refers to it as "nudges" or "bait." Curated information that gets pushed into our view ends up influencing what we think and do, thus influencing what goes viral and what doesn't. It's an incredibly subtle form of influence. At its core, it's social engineering at its finest."
Malone/Desmet look at the individual starlings in their murmuration whereas Breggin looks at the initial stimulus.
To my knowledge Malone is a researcher- not a medical doctor. I tend to trust people that actually treat patients when it comes to these things. Years ago, he said his technology was invented for malignancies not vaccines. Now he has changed his mind. Then he says he had a hypertensive crisis after his second covid shot. Sorry I just can't trust him.
Read more, i also was a malone apostle untill i realized he was experimenting with some other, safer mrna medicines before the crap they are using now... most whistle blowers have more than just a whistle to blow...
I think that we are dealing with groups who can and do compromise others. I doubt that Malone is squeaky clean but the truth is IT DONT STOP THE TRAIN OF TRUTH BUSTING THROUGH SATANIC PSYCHO CITY AND EXPOSING THEM TO THE PUBLIC. Its the calibre of public now that determines the future of these monsters at the very top.
You misread what Malone said. Malone said that the Mrna technology was originally hoped to be used for oncology. But the Mrna did not last long enough in the body. That is when Malone came up with the thought that perhaps since the mrna was short lived it might be good for vaccines which need to just stimulate immunity and leave. That was his process invention. Unfortunately theseCovid vaccine inventors tickered with this technology producing a product that does not immediately leave the body but spreads everywhere,
I think it is understandable that you might not trust someone new on the scene. But to draw conclusions based on circumstancial and often incorrect information does not help unite us.
Why would anyone take a covid shot to treat a virus that has a 99% cure rate with supplements or otc medications. It's not like Dr. Malone is stupid. The covid shot which is not a vaccine does not treat covid. But it will give you blood clots.
Betsy yes, why would they? But it was 2 1/2 years ago when I ran across that, I doubt that I can find it again. Btw, doctors sometimes do dumb things too.
I'm thinking there are 3 possibilities. You have those that took the covid shots and got sick or died like my parents or my boss. There are those that took the covid shots and just had a sore arm. And there are those that refused the shots completely. I worked in medicine for almost 30 years and every Un jabbed person I know is just fine.
Aug 12, 2021 ┬╖ Malone contracted COVID-19 in February 2020, and later got the Moderna vaccine in hopes that it would alleviate his long-haul symptoms. Now he believes the injections made his symptoms...
Sorry Brandon but the link you provided is blocked by my browser. In any case there is no evidence that Dr. Malone had covid as the test for it is nonspecific to covid and can have a false positive rate of 90%. non-covid coronaviruses, adenovirus and rhinoviruses show up as covid positive on most tests. I find it interesting that someone like Dr. Malone that is far more educated than me would not be aware of this.
"His concerns are personal, too. Malone contracted COVID-19 in February 2020, and later got the Moderna vaccine in hopes that it would alleviate his long-haul symptoms. Now he believes the injections made his symptoms worse: He still has a cough and is dealing with hypertension and reduced stamina, among other maladies. тАЬMy body will never be the same,тАЭ he told me."
Janice, according to Patrick Soon-Shiong (billionaire cancer and vaccine researcher) we are all screwed by SarsCOV2 until we develop a Killer T Cell against it.
But lots of people love covid shots. So let them take them. They are incredibly profitable. Sure, they don't prevent infection, transmission or hospitalization like other vaccines do -but it sure is a great cash cow for pfizer and moderna.
"Sure, they don't prevent infection, transmission or hospitalization like other vaccines do"
There is no vaccine out there that does what you stated above. Quite the opposite. They all *cause* not only massive injury (and/or death), but every disease known to mankind. There's nothing healthy about any vaccine out there; nor will there be a 'healthy, effective' vaccine looking 1,000 years out.
The CNS is too complex to be jamming synthetic crap into it and expect anything good to come of it.
All $$ vaccines $$ and $$ pernicious meds$$ are cash cows for Big Pharma. Huge cash cows. All of them built on a pile of lies.
I guess the issue is not the cash but whether some people have the right- at least in some US states to say. I do not want to be injected. And you can't fire me from my job if I choose not to be.
Have you ever considered how hard it must be for someone in the belly of the beast to totally turn 180 degrees as Malone has done? Especially someone who is so measured and careful? Are only those who have been against all medicines and vaccines from the get go valid? I have been an antivaxxer for decades but I welcome those whose eyes have been opened who were once true believers in the good intentions of government and the medical industry. Should we continue to keep our eyes wide open and not blindly believe anyone without ongoing descretion. Of course! All these people in this movement have at times been right or wrong. How do we know who might be controlled opposition? Is it Malone? Is it Stew Peters? Is it eithet? Just keep watching and evaluating but do not use half truths and innuendo as proof.
Malone is a paradox inside of a paradox. I have no idea what his true motives are. I tend to trust Dr. Yeadon and Dr Peter McCullough- of the 3 I think Dr. McCullough is the only one that has actually treated covid patients.
I'm curious about Malones ties to DOD and DARPA which raises questions. He claims the second covid shot almost killed him yet seems to advocate for non mrna shots for covid? The truth is there is no clinical reason for anyone to have a shot for covid. It you believe it exists just having a normal vitamin D and zinc level offer a huge amount of prevention. Then of course there is hcq and ivermectin.
Malone buys into the constant threat posed by viruses. The human immune system, early treatments, etc. should be sufficient for most people. There are definitely people who are quicker on their feet than him and not so thin skinned. The mRNA platform is highly defective too.
Malone's expertise in the tech. In this particular fight, we need medical folks who see patients, reported injuries, research patients and data in real time. Malone does none of that. At least that's my guess as to why he isn't listed.
I recall the first debate I saw with Steve & Malone hosted by Brett Weinstein. I'm sure he didn't enjoy that one! I had the impression Steve took him for a bs artist back then.
No. Steve, in all his great enthusiasm, could not stop interrupting Malone, when Malone was developing a response that was longer than a soundbite. Which is typical for research scientists (and engineers, too). Longish, precise answers.
I just think that Steve had been fighting such a monster, and being stonewalled and ignored so much, that he was so excited to have a real discussion with REAL scientists.
Dig deeper into timelines with the Malones....a good place to start is Jill's Linked in post from June 2021,one week before the Dark Horse podcast, who she admires and respects (also on Linked in, or at least it was) people and companies such as Bill Gates, Gavi, Pfizer, etc....curious for sure, there's a lot more, but that's a good place to start. It's no wonder people have questions...and doubts.
The fact that Malone created MRNA vaccine technology does not make him responsible for how that technology was subsequently misused. When the MSM criticised Malone for his concerns about the Covid vaccine they said he lied about hos contributions to the technology. Jill and Robert felt he should not be lied about, nor should his scientific work. As well, Robert slowly evolved bit by bit as have people like the Weinsteins. These are people who formerly trusted the system and slowly, bit by bit opened their eyes. To accuse any of those who formerly worked in vaccines as being the enemy is without merit.
I learned about him several years ago when it came to light about when he brought tetanus vaccines (a series of 5, yes 5, injections for tetanus) to Africa and sterilized a huge portion of the women there, then he brought polio vaccines to India and gave something like 500,000 people a type of polio (not sure of the number), was tried for crimes against humanity and found guilty. Also was aware of his TED talks some years back about depopulation....Jill's linked in:
I didn't know any of this. That means that the "mainstream" media has been gaslighting everyone for years if not decades. I always knew they weren't totally objective, but I noticed that it got so much worse once the COVID thing started I thought they had been somewhat ok before....now it looks like we have practically no idea of what's been going on in the world ever.
Yes. ItтАЩs the MSM that is the true enemy of western civilization. Their messaging, consistent across all the тАЬofficialтАЭ networks (yes, that includes Faux), seems to be fed from a single source.
Politically, they are partners with the extremists woke DeMarxists. The media is leading society down the garden path.
When one takes the point of view, that the MSM lies, distorts, projects and propagandizes everything, it all makes sense.
Whatever the MSM states, the OPPOSITE IS THE ACTUAL TRUTH!
Read Malone's substack (if you want details), its lengthy. But fairly simply, Breggins say that Malone blames the public for groupthink and mass formation, which Breggins say is placing or insinuating blame on the wrong people and taking attention away from the perpetrators of these crimes (and hence permitting they continue their evil plan) ((which is being done anyway)). Breggins say it is global predators, hence their book title.
Many ppl see it as a turf war, as both are superstars and both are selling books.
There's more than enough blame to go around, and Malone has NOT let the predators off the hook. He was asking what it was in the public's minds, to allow so much gaslighting, submissiveness, blah, blah, AS IT WAS IN GERMANY IN WWII.
And there are several theories about this, including Hannah Aren't. There doesn't have to be just one. It could be a blend of them.
There is another aspect to it as well; Malone is the one who added the world "psychosis" to mass formation psychosis, and psychosis a medical diagnosis that can result in people getting involuntarily committed. This has a lot of unpleasant repercussions, aka what happens when everyone who is not vaxxed is deemed to be under mass formation psychosis and therefore liable for detainment in a government mental hospital?
Absolutely. Assuming Malone is controlled opposition and a governmet plant just because he was red pilled only recently and supports one theory of the case is just plain defamatory. The Breggins, et al. are the ones who initiated the division within the movement. One could just as easily view them as controlled opposition for sowing division and them gaslightimg Malone about what a meany he is for sueing them. Malone did not want this suit but really had no choice because the Breggins would not stop the defamation, just double down.
Not only can it be true, it seems to be the most likely explanation of how prior dictatorships have always taken hold: predatory tyrants running amuck due to, and with acquiescence of, submissive sheeple looking for experts to lead them around on leashes. No need to quibble about which group is more at fault. Solution: Prosecute the criminals, and empower / educate the sheeple.
I appreciate this is in relation to Coronavirus (a hoax based on something real) in general, but it might amuse. It is in relation to UK but I strongly suspect that most governments had something very similar.
it is rather silly, but then so was the guidance from the government.
Yes, but mass psychosis IS a factor in what happened, why not discuss that, too? People got so brainwashed, they are impermeable to the truth even todayтАж
The difference is that Desmet/Malone say that mass formation is due to our own mechanized thinking; then we become susceptible. Do you think in a mechanized way? Were you, prior to Covid, an atomized individual tossed around by waves a mechanization, confused, ready to be led by the new leader? Was your family? Were your friends? Mine neither.
Breggin says the masses become terrorized by an entity doing the terrorizing. Did this or did this not happen during Covid? Is it or is it not happening now?
Desmet spouts a lot of nonsense about Hitler and the Nazis in chapter 6 of his book where he pretends that the masses were just ready to submit to a leader. According to "A Social History of the Third Reich" (a real book!) the Nazis took power and terrorized the masses. The people lived in fear of the regime and dared not question it. Fear was induced deliberately. It did not come from the people!
If you can't see what's so wrong about Desmet's thinking then you don't know the relevant history and/or you don't see Desmet's very clear strategy of blaming the victim in psychological terms. This is what Breggin is upset about: for Desmet, there is no overall terrorizing agent, this only arises as part of the mass formation. There is/was no conspiracy-- Desmet takes pains to explain this in his convoluted manner. There are no master-mind global predators. Read his freaking book for God's sake if you don't believe me, and stop thinking that everything Malone says must be the God's truth! At the very least, Malone made a mistake by backing Desmet.
Malone is suing for his, Malone's, own mistake that Breggin called out and Malone won't back down, because he has "integrity." Well, maybe we need some decency instead.
All of you who think that Desmet's theory is irrelevant-- I agree. It isn't relevant. Except that Malone made it relevant because much of his lawsuit revolves around the dispute over Desmet.
In Breggin's mind, Malone's support of Desmet demonstrates that Malone is subverting the truth about what happened during Covid. That's not just an idle and ill-informed assessment.
There was a study by Stanley Milgram where he was looking to understand the conflict between submission to authority and conscience. He was curious why Germans followed authority in Nazi Germany. As the attached article suggests, people will obey authorities under certain conditions.
We are generally raised to obey authority under certain conditions. As I understand it, Milgram did not include fear which would have created a much higher response rate in the "torture" in the experiment, no doubt.
I couldn't disagree more. Psychosis is a condition where the person can't tell what's real or not. The public were lied to by multiple experts, government officials, and their own doctors. They didn't suddenly become psychotic: they were bamboozled. To say the people went psychotic enmasse is to actually blame them for not knowing what was real when it was their reality that global predators upended.
After that, after getting jabbed (which even I considered in the beginnging) it is very difficult to admit to yourself you were duped. I have observed further that, unless a person has had a bad experience with the jab or one of their loved ones has, there is little pushing them to change views or to seek out the knowledge (yes too many are lazy or incurious.) As more data and stories come out, however, people are rejecting the flooster and more boosters.
Further, my understanding is Malone added "psychotic" to "mass formation." He does like to have his cake and eat it too: being the inventor of the technology and being on the health freedom side. I sense that really helps take any blame off him. There has always been something about him that my gut says is off. Probably it's his ego which is the size of Milwaukee.
In my books if he makes money off telling the truth then I am not really interested. The truth should be free. I give my time freely although admittedly I am technically retired hurt with some health issues being resolved and my wife and I have sufficient income to be comfortable as I recover.
Any reward is the people waking up to reality and good news on healing etc.
Mr Malone MD was working for big pharma for many years and has been barking up the wrong tree on health for a long time, whereas others understood things before him.
This doesn't mean he is not helpful, but ego and money are not a good mix.
Every honest person "makes money off telling the truth" who works for a living and ever communicates with other people while on the job. There's nothing wrong with making money per se. Doing it by theft or fraud is wrong.
True enough and good point. I had not paid attention to his money making efforts. Recall long ago going to his site, couldn't read it, left. Saw no reason to pay. It's not like he wasn't all over the Internet talking and basically was saying the same things.
I do allow people can change, such as that cardiologist whose father died, which turned him around. It's sad anyone has to wake up from direct experience like that.
Rumor is that Malone is angling for Fauci's job. Which I can easily see happening; who better to be Our Savior than the one who opened the mRNA can of worms?
God help us if he gets it. He is not a doctor but a researcher. If you had the opportunity to watch the 4-5 hour hearing by Senator Johnson (a true hero) you get a real sense of how Malone interacts with real doctors. Given what I saw, real doctors would be as miserable IMO under him as under Fauci who is not a doctor either, making his medical experience merely theoretical.
I don't blame Malone for the invention. There were high hopes, as with any new medical invention, that it would help, but it doesn't work and hasn't so far.
"I certainly know that vaccines don't work, never did work, and never will work."
True. Look 1k years out, vaccines (synthetic sh*t jammed into the CNS provoking an *extremely abnormal* reaction) still won't work & massive damage will continue to be done to the human CNS. As happens with all vaccines today.
GDL or Good Damn Luck to those who believe otherwise. They don't even begin to understand the complex, strong, smart, human Supercomputer (our CNS).
He is a researcher. They call medicine a practice for a reason. It takes practice.
EDIT: Interesting site. He is correct about Vit D. The obese are pointed at for covid, but I read studies that showed obese taking the standard D amount were low because, as I understood it, the concentration per, say, cubic inch of flesh was lower than normal weight. This is not to say being obese is not a health issue, but IMO many got sick for low Vitamin D.
"This is not to say being obese is not a health issue, but IMO many got sick for low Vitamin D." You can safely remove IMO as it is fact, not opinion. There are links in my main link to you if you are interested. As I say in my link, I do use humour to lighten the mood etc. to save us from weeping all the time at the enormity of it all.
Vitamin D deficiency has been at pandemic levels for years; authorities knew about it which is why the whole thing re vaccines is such a horrible scam. Even I said to myself when the whole thing kicked off in 2020, hang on we should be outside in the sun after the winter when D levels are typically at their lowest.
However, Malone prides himself as the inventor of mRNA technology. Do you really think that the inventor of any technology would stop the usage of said technology for any length of time? That could indicate this his 'invention' was faulty, by his own admission. Don't see him doing that in any situation.
The Breggins and Malone make a major mistake if they think the imperfections of the opposition is responsible for the onrushing medical tyranny. It is the perpetrators with their UNLIMITED funds. Malone's grave error of recommending the vaxxx for the old does not prove he's malevolent and a perpetrator. He does need to be more forthright in correcting his position, but that is up to him. HE didn't cause the Plandemic and the Deadly Vaxxx response.
"Malone's grave error of recommending the vaxxx for the old does not prove he's malevolent and a perpetrator."
Agreed. It just proves that he is not that clever. I knew in June 2020 vaccines were at best pointless for anybody at all. I am not a doctor and jolly glad I was that I was something more practical, a building surveyor.
And even then I don't think I was that good.
But Malone has been part of big pharma for many years, so in a sense he has been part of the problem.
While I generally agree with you, Malone knew or should have known that no prior experiments with his technoloy were successful. I was surprised to hear him say he took the jab because of that.
To go from Malone buying into Mass Formation theory to he's controlled opposition seems paranoid. My understanding is Desmet said the leaders of mass formations may be true believers or simply using it as an end to a means. Both of these would still be subject to accountability.
Suing the Breggin's seems thin skinned. The attacks on Malone do seem unhinged.
I believe the lawsuit is because Malone added the term "psychosis" into Mass Formation, Desmet told him not to say that because it sounded as though they were calling people psychotic. So now Dr Jane Ruby and the Stew Peters network are also being sued for talking about Malone using that term, it seems he's pissed that he was embarrassed. I guess now anyone can sue if they feel slighted by someone else. I find what what Malone is doing is petty and downright cruel and I hoe he loses and is laughed out of court.
Could both Peters and Desmet be controlled opposition? Who knows? Stew Peters seems the most likely because he intersperses crap with truth in an overly dramatic way. Desmet does not seem so clear cut. He seems to be sincerely trying to understand things. Anyone could be controlled opposition. That is why we cannot hitch our wagons onto one person or group - continue to watch all players. Only time will tell.
Breggin seems overly haunted by an either-or fallacy: either Desmet's mass formation thesis prevails in the court of public opinion -- and the criminals are exonerated -- or Desmet's thesis fails in the same forum, as Breggin declares it must -- in order to effectively hold the criminals accountable.
The bifurcation seems too stilted and intellectual for its own good.
Is there something unreasonable, unsound, and wholly implausible with the proposition that both the suspects are criminals and prosecutable and the public psyche took on a delusion approaching psychotic proportions in response, however pathological and disturbed, in response to the mass terror that the established power perpetrated on the public? In other words, can't both sides of the event be true, and not mutually exclusive?
Yes, it's both/and, not either/or. It took the massive, sophisticated propaganda campaign doused on a population totally ready to grasp on to it. "Emotionally potent oversimplification" I've heard it called. The ground has to be fertile enough for the seed to sprout. Took both factors. The culpability, however, lies with the propagandists who knew better, but saw profit and control at the end of the process.
"... the public psyche took on a delusion approaching psychotic proportions in response..." This psychotic response was completely manufactured and designed. Yes or no?
It's not all academic. This matters.
I see this as insidious because Desmet appears to say there were manipulators but he actually doesn't mean that, because according to him even the manipulators were captured by the mechanistic ideology that led to the (spontaneous) mass formation.
Breggin illuminates the activity of the predators. Desmet obscures it. Malone doesn't like what Breggin is doing.
Outstanding investigative reporting: highly revealing, thoughtful and explanatory work in the Unlimited Hangout piece you provide.
I still maintain, enough evidence is seemingly at hand for, basically the plausible culpability, and an indictment leading to conviction of, at a minimum, certain, particularly causative criminal cabalists -- if judicially feasible, given the present statutory mess we allowed our Congresspeople to create and our presidents to approve over many decades of a self-perceived, if only poorly strategized and highly vulnerable, globalist-inspired stylizing of our government's codified structures, ie, the asymmetrical, Constitution-eroding enactment of critically key legislation fortifying a select number of essentially linked security agencies -- and the concurrent mass mesmerization-hypnosis, certainly a large-scale delusion, based on a generalized and collective mass fear, once again approaching -- not necessarily achieving -- psychotic, and so, halucinatory-like proportions.
This sociopolitical dyad of the offending/offended and psychologically paralyzed into nonaction can, and -- in the view of relatively more sensible, oppression-resisting, rational, and psychologically healthy people, lying aside, in the same can of sardines as, their mentally afflicted cohorts -- have, in fact, coexisted concomitantly, the clinically posited (Desmetian) interactive, recycling, interdependent and morbid co-pathologies of the two, notwithstanding.
malone issue isn't that breggin disagrees with him or desmet. the issue is that breggin has been defaming malone with unfounded personal attacks. that's what the lawsuit is about.
Then ask yourself why Malone is supporting and promoting Desmet, who does not believe in global predators in the same way that Breggin does.
For Desmet, there are and are not manipulators. Read what he says. Does Malone employ the same strategy-- there are "predators" but no grand conspiracy?
Agreed -- thus supporting my view that BOTH 1) the (complex of offenses committed by the) establishment perps are prima facie indictments of their deeply immoral and illegal criminality, AND that the offenses, both in and of themselves and, based on their effects arousing fear, terror, and loathing, led 2) the weak-minded among us to assume a Stockholm Syndrome-like delusion/hypnosis/psychosis posture vis-a-vis their criminal offenders and perceived masters/captors.
At the same time, 3) the more strongly individualized and willed among us see the oppressors in no such permanently dominant and pernicious roles, but rather, in their concerted effort or conspiracy, to attempt to intimidate and weaken their prey, while developing specific strategies and tactics to resist, oppose, out-maneuver, and eventually overcome and defeat the committers of murderous aggression in the acts of culling, depopulating, and killing off
We, the strong ones in this, what appears more and more as The Greatest Struggle, know that the simple genius and indescribable elegance by which our immune systems work to defend and protect -- even to immunize -- us against offensive harm is, part and parcel, our endless inspiration and perennial guide to survival. So, keep it natural, and, as our dedicated Marines so often advise, stay frosty.
Hit the nail on the head. Desmet says there was no conspiracy to induce a mass formation. This is why he introduces the Sierpinski triangle, to convince us there was no conspiracy, only the appearance of conspiracy.
Desmet did not illuminate what you just said; he obscured it. Now we circle back and ask: why is Malone supporting that theory? It's a question, not an accusation. Why is he suing the Breggins?
Many argue that it's all a matter of interpreting Desmet. No, it is not. We break apart the concepts and we see their references (OK, we can get fancy and call it their "ontological status") and we must conclude that according to Desmet, nothing was planned in the sense that many of us believe it was.
actually, desmet does conclude that the criminals are liable for their crimes. his thesis is these kind of conspiracies are self organizing and don't require a criminal mastermind that controls it from the top down but that doesn't mean that people aren't responsible for their part in perpetuating it. desmet is trying to explain where the "maddening of crowds" comes from.
Do you really believe that Covid-19 was "self-organizing" and that some people simply took advantage of it?
Then no one anywhere is trying to impose a world government on us and actively working for that (planning and conspiring) in order to monitor, manage, and control everyone on the planet and destroy individual self-determination?
So was Covid-19 simply a "maddening of crowds"? Or was it orchestrated by a world-wide, coordinated and vicious suppression of safe and effective drugs and a world-wide, coordinated emphasis on lockdowns and a world-wide creation of a medical police state? None of that was "necessary" and many of what Desmet calls "the smartest pigs in the room" (referring to Orwell,) the virologists, protested against the insanity. Yet Desmet says we believed the "smartest pigs" not because of active deception, but because we, the people, were and are captured by a mechanistic ideology.
Was that really true?
Our leaders "took advantage" of nothing. They actively steered the ship to induce fear in the population so that they could try out their police state and hopefully get everyone to vaccine passports. Not one single thing that happened was mechanistically "necessary," as Desmet seems to want us to believe.
do yourself a favor and find an interview with desmet. i'm just giving you a broad brushstroke that doesn't do his theory justice and your desription above isn't even close to his theory.
I've watched several interviews of Desmet and have read and re-read his book. Suggest you look more closely at what he says, the identities he sets forwards, and the contradictions in what he says as well as how closely his identities match reality.
Breggins say he didnt' just buy into it, but that the talk of it 'diagnoses' the public, which then permits the global predators to claim the masses are 'sick' and to use draconian measures to lock all the psychotics up. Breggins even share examples of this happening to some folk, entirely unjustifiably but none the less, hauled off by compliant no brain cops in some countries.
Except mass formation, according to the theory, occurs through state-sponsored propaganda on a vulnerable population. Doesn't make sense to lock up the true believers. Whether the "diagnosis" existed or not, those going against the state narrative get locked up in these authoritarian movements.
Then there was a conspiracy of state-sponsored propaganda on the population that induced a mass formation. We were not "vulnerable" prior to that. Think back. For the most part we simply lived normal lives and had cares and concerns and anxieties and loves and relationships and children and family and friends, and we enjoyed being together in parks, at concerts, in restaurants and bars, etc. We did not go around with mechanistic thinking in our heads, like robots just ready to be swept up in the slightest whiff of government propaganda. The only thing spontaneous about the mass formation during Covid was the resistance.
The glow-balls are the half-wits, they talk a load of balls about vaccines being our saviour and 'have another pill' to cure the effects of the previous pill.
Bunch of loonies I call them, they are the useless eaters. They can take their glowing balls and shove them....
I'm sorry, I got carried away there, I hope you don't mind. I can always delete.
Yeah, I'm just saying the end point is always the same in these authoritarian movements whether someone posits Mass Formation theory or not - the dissidents get locked up and the movement eventually eats its own.
If the vaxxx works to any extent, the Noble Lie would be that "the authorities" have to lie about the vaxxx dangers to encourage use. But, of course, this vaxxx doesn't work
The Nobel Lie is a significant part of Public Health ideology. They believe it is OK to lie to citizens about medical side effects, the impact of not accepting treatment, or the anticipated benefits - if it is done with the intent to benefit the health of either society or the individual. It's a repugnant philosophy.
The noble lie is the belief that vaccines are for the common good, so even if some people are harmed and die from them, it is acceptable. So it is okay to lie that the vaccines are safe and effective. That's my interpretation.
This is a true statement as to how many have thought except that vaccines have never ever been of any use whatsoever except to make money for big pharma.
So it was not ok to lie because big pharma etc knew they were harmful, sometime deadly, but ignored the evidence. That is not just a lie, it is a ginormous lie.
So nothing noble in that. They are genocidal criminal maniacs.
Except that harm and death exposes the lies as lies if those charged with telling the medical truth stand up... The fact that they who carry this responsibility choose in droves not to is NOT okay... No faith and no respect for the medical profession at large (courageous objectors excepted and honoured of course).... How many people has either their deliberate activism or deliberate silence killed? Almost stooped now to the depths of the legal profession... Pathetic arrogant a'holes...
In the mid 80's when my dog got tetanus I asked the vet why his tetanus vaccine hadn't worked (back when I stupidly got my pets annual boosters) and he said tetanus isn't included in dog vaccines because the vaccines had killed way more dogs than would ever be saved in the rare occurrence of a tetanus infection. When my infant daughter had seizures the evening following a flu vaccine, the ER doctors said it was indeed caused by that shot. That was 2001. I would never expect to hear that honesty these days.( And it still took me another 10-15 years to quit vaccinating anything!)
Yes, but he is not that bright otherwise he wouldn't have been in big pharma so long. He has still made mistakes anyway since coming round to the realisation, I hope, that all vaccines that ever were, were utterly pointless.
I used to think they were of some use, but then I am not a doctor. I am relieved I am not.
Do you ever find it curious that so many other doctors and experts find him questionable? Not just one or two, MANY! Why? If you can't answer that, you might want to start digging.
so obviously you aren't curious, but just take things at face value, people who subscribe to that way of thinking probably also believed the government was telling then the truth and took the injection.
do your own research, it's not hard to find. Dr David Martin, Judy Mikovitz, Dr Richard Flemming, The Military Dr. (woman) forgot her name, that should get you started.
Malone could end this by dropping the lawsuit. Is he so fragile that he must attack someone who worked for we, the people, against big pharma for decades?
Then why was Malone still pushing the vaccines up until Dec 2021?... long after he supposedly 'nearly died' of the Moderna vaccine in Spring 2021. And why did he not reveal this crucially important piece of information during the Darkhorse podcast in late May 2021? Don't you think something like that would have been extremely relevant to the hundreds of thousands of viewers who had not received the shots yet? If you'd been around during the 9/11 Truth movement 10-15 yrs ago you'd know exactly what role he's here to play. Controlling the opposition narrative is just as important as controlling the official narrative.
The Breggins are correct about Desmet. This isn't merely academic: Desmet provides cover for the conspiracy which he says never happened. It only appeared to be a conspiracy.
Is that what all of us believe, that there was no conspiracy to impose a world-wide police state?
Malone should drop the lawsuit. He's big enough that he can stand up if someone calls him names. Why is he doing this to Breggin-- a man who poked pharma in the eye for decades, probably when Malone was still in diapers-- when this is exactly what pharma would love to have done to Breggin?
I honestly don't know if Malone is controlled opposition, philosophically in over his head, a bit careless, or so chummy with Desmet that he can't see what's going on.
As for Desmet, I don't know if he's controlled opposition, philosophically in over his head, or more than a bit careless. I also don't know if he lives in the same world as the rest of us. In his view we were all atomized mechanistic thinkers prior to Covid so really, it was our own fault.
The propaganda was blatant. Was the planning blatant? Was the orchestration blatant? Was the deliberate, world-wide suppression of safe and effective treatments blatant, or was that merely because we were all captured by a mechanistic ideology and believed "the smartest pigs in the room," as Desmet says? Was a world-wide police state blatant or merely the result of our own silly mass formation tendencies because we, the people, didn't laugh and love and socialize prior to Covid but instead were nearly-dead-eyed automatons just waiting for a little propaganda nudge to push us over the edge?
Was the mass formation spontaneous or was the resistance spontaneous?
"Was a world-wide police state blatant or merely the result of our own silly mass formation tendencies because we, the people, didn't laugh and love and socialize prior to Covid but instead were nearly-dead-eyed automatons just waiting for a little propaganda nudge to push us over the edge?"
It was both. The real issue is the cure, to 'laugh and love, give thanks and hug, for then we will destroy the bug'.
Except that I believe Desmet makes up a reality prior to Covid as a way to excuse the predators. I'm not saying he did this consciously.
Were YOU an automaton adhering to a mechanistic world view prior to Covid? I wasn't. Nor was anyone I know, who then became scared out of their wits because of deliberate media propaganda. The people who are still scared aren't that way because of their mechanistic mindset-- their "ideology," as Desmet says. They're that way because they trust people who are telling them lies.
Was I an automaton adhering to a mechanistic world view prior to Covid? No, I wasn't.
Did I trust NHS doctors who should have known better, much better, about the cause of my facial palsy? Yes, I did. I had no obvious reason not to trust them.
But if I had not I would not have realised how useless the NHS is and how ignorant most mainstream doctors are. Even I now know more than they do about the mechanics of disease and I am not a doctor! This was my real problem, added to by unnecessary treatment.
The 9 sessions of immuno-therapy treatment I had were possible equivalent to 9 vaccines!!! I am still alive having retained some semblance of common sense through it all.
I never liked going to the doctors but I was ignorant of cancer and whilst I knew that chemo-therapy was vile, I did not realise that Immuno-therapy was yet another big pharma lie. But I do now and I wouldn't know all I do if I had not been so ill.
Yes, those who say his theory doesn't matter are pretty much correct, except that it does matter because Breggin called it out and Malone's adherence to it as well, and for that Breggin is getting sued.
Malone made it a big deal, didn't he? Otherwise we'd never be talking about it. I knew very little about the dispute until the lawsuit, and before, I even accepted Desmet's theory at face value and thought little of it.
I was just waiting for the leadership of this movement to start sniping at each other. Always seems to happenтАФ-pettiness, egos, jealousy. Try to keep your eye on the ball, boys.
Bingo. People can disagree but going totally off the tracks is a good way to implode the ability to get to the bottom of what has been done to the world. The end goal must not be derailed by ridiculous infighting
I would not be surprised if the pharmaceutical industry has infiltrated the COVID truth movement or whatever you want to call it. Look at what the FBI did to the civil rights and anti-war movement in the 60s. They infiltrated both movements and incited all sorts of infighting and distrust. It is all part of the playbook.
Breggins have always been extremely anti-drug. Maybe that is their hang-up. Others including Malone are open minded on drugs, but can see the vaxxx is a big problem.
I also wondered the same thing, plus specifically if Malone had connections to the psychiatric industry, but right now I think he's just very thin-skinned.
He hired a lawfare lawyer and I don't think it's a serious case - he just wants to bankrupt the Breggins, Ruby and Stew.
I hope they can turn this around and get some documents out of Malone, and perhaps ask him about his DARPA connections in a deposition.
Of course they have infiltrated it on some level. But telling the truth and using actual facts, not twisted and cherry-picked renditions of it, is the best defense.
Maybe some, but not ALL of us will "switch". This is a fight to the death, literally for the survival of the human race. Anyone who truly understands that will NEVER switch sides. Not unless they are completely spiritually "gone", at least.
IтАЩm not. No one has paid me a penny in money or moneyтАЩs worth.
I have accepted no donations.
IтАЩm also completely independent. IтАЩm not that good at team playing because it requires compromise & IтАЩm just saying it as I see it. ThatтАЩs probably my only USP.
Dr. Mike Yeadon has my utmost respect. You rarely see such an honorable, humble person as he is, admitting to past mistakes of not having done his homework, and now speaking the truth
Please listen to Malones interview with Mike Adam's on the Health Ranger Report. What I like about Malone is that he knows how the scum at the CIA operate and he calls them out.
Malone is not saying the clots are not caused by the vaccine, but he is against sensationalism and unfoubded conspiracy theories. He says the jabs are dangerous and he supports early treatment protocols. His career has taken a massive hit in response to his negative stance towards mRNA vaccines. He has written a book, "Lies My Government Told Me"
Thank you. So is he therefore controlled opposition? Was he set up, bait if you will, to draw out the greedy big pharma guys or is he just after money for himself? Or even both?!
"Malone is not saying the clots are not caused by the vaccine,"... But he offers no alternative cause, nor advocates that studies be done RAPIDLY to determine whether there is in fact causation. Why not, if he is really, truly concerned about their effects?? I understand that he calls for vaccines to be halted, but why not fire both barrels of irrefutable probable cause (or at least cause for immediate intense examination) evidence?? I'd love him to answer that question in the light of embalmers' overwhelming "stimulus for immediate frenzied study" observations and myriad widespread clot samples ...
If he does not dispute the clots why does he need to offer an alternative cause? He just disputed the way the information was presented. As to why he must now focus only on the clot issue, perhaps he is focusing on the bigger picture we are facing- ie what do we do in the face of these forces such as the WEF and WHO , etc. to create a one world government, a world totalitarian regime.
I donтАЩt know Malone personally and only since Covid. My experience has been heтАЩs more honest, provides excellent sources of relevant information with references, unlike anyone within the MSM or our trusty public servants.
And yet he's been silent on the weird fibrous clots that I first heard about a year and a half ago. The one thing that might convince people to stop getting jabbed...and he has been silent.
When did he recommend them? Months ago or recently? Lots of doctors initially thought they had some net benefit for the high risk seniors. But now we know that they increase all-cause mortality in EVERY age group!
Recently we don't care about what he is saying at all, but he did it before he started his substack (against vax the children, but agreeing on vaxxing the old ones and vulnerabile - and I sent him an email asking why and what are his recomandations and ideas based on, of course no answer, but after the email, he started avoiding saying it. Since then, done with him.
A lot of doctors believed the lies of Pfizer, etc., in the beginning, before the safety signal started "blowing up" with an unacceptable level of deaths and injuries. A lot of doctors now totally against the clot shots took them themselves because they didn't understand the level of fraud and corruption coming out of the captured health agencies. You need to keep things in perspective. Peter Breggin is not an angel either. But fomenting infighting is part of both the Communist and Globalist strategy of "divide and conquer". Don't fall for it!
Malone claimed in a January 2022 Telegram post that he was injured (nearly killed, in fact) by the second Moderna jab. If he mentioned it earlier, I'm not aware. According to the post, he got the first jab in early April 2021, which means he got the second dose in late April or early May.
Around that same time, his wife wrote an a post on LinkedIn complaining that her husband was not getting credit for his early work on the mRNA vaxx tech. And, in late May or early June, Malone was on the Dark Horse podcast with Weinstein and Kirsch for a three hour confab.
Why would his wife be complaining that he didn't get credit for tech that, according to Malone himself, nearly killed him a few weeks before?
Why would Malone neglect to mention that he was nearly killed by his second Moderna jab a few weeks before when he and Kirsch were discussing the reasons they got jabbed?
She did because the invention itself is not categorically bad, only the current particular products.
The inventor of the principle "motor car" would certainly want the credit for it, even if some people make spontaneously exploding cars.
Quite easy to understand this rather simple reality...
That people make such an artificial mystery, or grounds for suspicion out of it, tells me what I need to know about the overall lay of the land in that regard, it would seem ...
And yes, Malone mentioned in 2021 on multiple occasions that his Moderna shot caused him ultra high blood pressure that required immediate medical counter action.
"Why would Malone neglect to mention that he was nearly killed by his second Moderna jab a few weeks before"...for sure he forgot the line or lost his focus (He mentioned a "bad batch" in his story if i remember well", so this can not happen to many others :) . I don't belive, I have never belived even for a half of a second that he took the vax, no way a man with his connections, knowledge, history and relations would do it. This part was for the public for mantaining the belief in "vaccines", for him to be vaxxed with the new ones is even part of this biography, so is a main important point, is about that side of the game where people should trust the authorities when they are fair, meaning the things he wants to be a hero for: against lockdowns, vax the children, for some treatments, against the bad guys etc/ that's for popularity.
As I lived in a communist regime for 30 years and 10 years in a country of the most globalists, I assume I have some more experience in reading the actions and the words of the "influencers".
He advocates a four-pronged approach: 1) Use the vaccine for those at highest risk, such as the elderly; 2) Provide early treatment to help keep people out of the hospital; 3) Provide tools for individuals to assess their own risk; and 4) Provide tools for individuals to test whether they have Covid.
I don't fall for anything. Besides this, malone is just an american millionaire third hand star in the play, the rest of the world do not care or give a penny on what he says or who is.
You are ЁЯТп % accurate in your assessment. And in regard to the conquer and divide, that's exactly what hes doing with his stupid lawsuit. Maybe if the man would get on stage and debate someone fairly instead of merely calling them conspiratorial, I'd have more confidence in him.
There are two kind of people: those who are sitting on the fence and those who know exactly that they want out of the "hell prison". The second ones can not be divided or lied to.
If Malone thinks the clots are caused by the vaccine, then why did he leave it to Stew Peters? I first heard about the weird fibrous clots a year and a half ago. Malone has been in some pretty films, written numerous articles, given countless interviews, written a book. He didn't draw attention to the one thing that might convince people to stop getting jabbed. And, then, he went about trashing the guy who did bring attention to them.
Agree, presentation matters. I could never share that documentary with my circle of highly educated friends and family, including many medical professionals. The presentation must be immpeccable and the documentarty was just rife with issues which detracted from the important imformation about the clots.
I agree. I haven't shared Died Suddenly with family. I haven't even shared the excerpts done by others. But not just because of the presentation. How can I tell people I love about these weird clots when I can't get a straight answer to the following question: are they real or not?
Is Ryan Cole is lying? He's in the film. (I don't think he is.)
Why has no one with the proper pedigree addressed these weird fibrous clots with a presentation that is "impeccable" and to your standards? Why was their first instinct to attack the messenger?
Are they real or not?
It isn't hard.
Answer the question and shut up about Stew Peters.
IMO, the fact that so many have not is highly suspicious.
So I am confused. Do you doubt Ryan Cole? I have found him to seem like a pretty genuine guy who seems pretty honest.
I find the embalmers very credible. I believe that what they have to share is very inportant but, as Malone has said, when going againt our adversaries we cannot afford to have a sloppy, overly sensationalized presentation. Those clots are horrifying enough and the music and presentation detracted. As did the errors.
If I were someone of stature I, too, would distance myself from this sort of documentary. I am afraid this important imformation has been tarnished due to the presentation and due to its sponsorship by Stew Peters who seems to mix fact with wild theories with questionable evidence.
I watched his show for a while but had concerns about him. Of anyone in this movement, he and Ruby and some others on his show at times appear less than credible. I cannot remember the last topic that turned me off but I just stopped watching.
And no, I will not shut up because I care as deeply as you and everyone else in this movement about making all this evil stop.
Do I totally trust Malone? No, but it is difficult to totally trust anyone given all that has happened. But so far he seems like the real deal. I watch actions day by day.
The critiques of Malone by the Breggins and others is not yet backed up by anything close to fact. So many accusations just plain mis state the facts.
And your suspicions, as well as those of the Breggins, et al. of Malone just because he may have a slightly different take on the case comes across as frankly paranoid. And beneath the stature of the Breggins who I have always admired.
There are many different theories and ideas going across this whole movement from many different highly respected people. Some I tend to agree with more, others less or not at all. That is ok. What is important is to try to avoid these divisions and to stayed unified keeping our eye on our true enemies.
We can respectfully state our differences and critiques. But, unfortunately, the pile on of Malone was and is over the top as it is just based on innuendo and lacks a real factual basis.
If you can come up with something substantive, I am listening.
No. I don't doubt Ryan Cole. I believe him. He appeared in Died Suddenly, as did Steve Kirsch. So, what's the complaint then? Stew was the wrong guy for the story? He doesn't have the right credentials or CV? He's icky? Then, why didn't someone with the right credentials in the so-called health freedom movement address them in a meaningful way?
Why complain about Stew and ignore the clots? (Sorry, Malone did not mention them in his first article trashing Stew Peters and the film.)
Yes, Stew Peters was the wrong guy for the story not because of his credentials but because of his works. He and his show are just difficult to take seriously- it seemed so sensational and over the top. It was so over the top in presentation I almost felt like he was trying to make our resistance movement look ridiculous.
As to why a better person has not taken on the story of the clots, that is a good question. I like Del Bigtree. I think he may have had a segment on his show, The Highwire, but I cannot remember. I know I have seen it covered elsewhere.
Yes, Malone did not use the word, тАЬclotsтАЭ but it was clear that is what he meant because the movie was about the clots!!!!
And, sorry, but the comments Malone made about Peters presentation are spot on.
I am not a mind reader. I do not know why Malone has not focused on the clots. It seems to me that different people have focused on different aspects of this COVID disaster..
The idea that because Malone, alone, among many other doctors in this movement has not focused on the clots is some proof of malfeisance is hard for me to comprehend.
What is the motive to accuse Malone of being a bad actor in this situation There are other docs and scientists in this movement who once supported the vaccine who have changed their minds over time. It is not just Malone who used to recommend the shot for seniors and now do not recommend it for anyone.
Is it just the association with Desmet and his theory? The Weinsteins have also discussed the Desmet theory. As have others. It is just a theory to attempt to explain why people have mindlessly bought the narrative. I do not believe for a minute that Malone blames these victims.
Unless they have some real facts to support their allegations that Malone is working for the bad guys, the Breggins should not have attacked MaloneтАЩs integrity.
Perhaps someone else with bad intent planted this idea in Peter BregginтАЩs mind? Who knows?
Give me some proof. Some facts. Not just projection and innuendo.
I listened to this conversation for the first time yesterday to understand why the Breggins and CAF have an issue with Desmet's theory and Malone's promotion of it. I understand better now.
Ok, I listened to the solari interview and a couple other breggin interviews linked on the Solari page. I then downloaded DesmetтАЩs book. Breggin has misrepresented critical aspects of DesmetтАЩs book.
I was also shocked that Catherine Austin Fitts made the same false misrepresentations. Something is confusingly off here.
Breggin tries to overly simplify DesmetтАЩs theory and he also claims that Malone made up the theory and that Malone and Desmet are co conspirators working directly for the тАЬglobalistsтАЭ.
It behooves anyone who questions Malone to closely read The Psychology of Totalitarianism. And read the whole book. I have no idea how Peter Breggin, or anyone, could come to believe the level of allegations made about Malone and Desmet based on this book and their interviews.
After reading and listening to everything I can from both these men, it appears as though Breggin is, if I can be charitable, misinterpreting just about everything Malone and Desmet say in a most heinous light.
I do not know who started spreading these defamatory ideas but Breggin appears to be the most vocal. Perhaps that is why he is getting sued.
At this point, based on available information, I still believe Peter and Ginger Breggin and anyone else spewing their defamatory words should apologize to Malone and Desmet and try to make up for the good of the movement.
I do think it will take a very big man for Malone to forgive, but I think he needs to try. Can Breggin admit his own false conspiracy theory about Malone and Desmet? I surely hope so.
I tuned Peters out a bit, honestly. Not sure about him. He seems a bit тАЬout thereтАЭ at times but who knows. A lot of crazy things turn out to be true.
Yes. There were early reports of clotting. The Salk Institute published a study on April 30, 2021, that demonstrated the spike protein itself was toxic and could damage the endothelial cells that line all lymph and blood vessels.
I'm not talking about the blood clots, Faith.
I'm talking about the weird fibrous clots that embalmers are pulling out of dead bodies.
A mortician named John O'Looney was the first one to report them as far as I'm aware. That was about a year and half ago. Steve Kirsch wrote about them last March. Unlike normal blood clots, they do not response to anticoagulation therapies.
Ryan Cole is a Mayo-trained pathologist.
He says the fibrous clots are real.
Malone has done nothing to alert the public. He attacked the guy who did.
Why Malone would go so low as to trash Stew peters for bringing to light these side effects of the clot shot, makes you wonder about his real intentionsя┐╝....
To be fair, Stew Peters has been lightly trashing Dr. Malone for a while, saying he "should be" working on a cure to reverse mRNA damage since he discovered how it could be used.
I first heard about these weird fibrous clots a year and a half ago. Malone has done nothing to draw attention to them...the one thing that might convince people to stop getting jabbed. But he pounced on Stew Peters for drawing attention.
Did you even read what Malone said anout the documentary? Clearly not. He did not dispute the issue with the clots, only the way this information was presented.
Why has no one with the proper pedigree in the so-called health freedom movement addressed these weird clots in a meaningful way?
Why was the first instinct of too many of the "experts" to attack Stew Peters and ignore the subject of the film?
It's binary. The clots are real or they're not.
And, if they're not real, then Ryan Cole must be lying, right? You can't avoid it.
I don't think Ryan Cole is lying.
Do you think Malone's pretty Headwinds films helped the people dying of vaxx injuries? Riding pretty horsies in Andalusia, dining al fresco, having meaningful conversations about important stuff really furthered the cause? I don't .
From MaloneтАЩs substack тАЬThere is nothing in this тАЬDied SuddenlyтАЭ which represents new news, as far as I can tell. This seems to mostly be a sensationalized but well-produced video covering information which has been known for quite some time.тАЭ And I agree. I have seen and heard many times about the strange clots found by embalmers. I have little doubt in my mind that they are indeed related to the spike proteins. His whole substack was about the importance of accuracy in presentation. He said nothing against the clots. It seems like you are angered because he has any critique about how the documentary was presented. And because he is not behaving in the way you insist he must then he is suspect?
To which article are you referring? 'Cause the word 'clot' does not appear in the article I linked.
I was a longtime paid subscriber to Malone's substack. I dropped it when the suit against the Breggins was announced. I pre-ordered his book on March 5, 2022...which I will read. I watched the Headwinds films and countless hours of his video interviews.
I have always found his tendency to pick fights with other people in the so-called movement and to accuse or imply that others are controlled opposition to be problematic. Actually, I find it bizarre. Regardless of Stew Peters underage drinking bust or his colorful past and present, he presented the clots in an in your face way. The message broke through. Malone's response was to attack the messenger and ignore the message. As I said, there was no mention of the clots in Malone's first article. None. Nada. Zip.
Malone's history and connections warrant scrutiny. I'm not looking for a leader. I have no interest in being a follower. I want true and accurate information. And I want the people who present themselves as leaders of the so-called health freedom movement to act appropriately and with humility.
Since you asked:
Malone posted about his vaccine injury on his Telegram channel in January 2022. He says he was injured after the second dose. He had the first dose in early April 2021, which means he got the second dose in late April or early May.
During that same time period, his wife wrote an article to LinkedIn (the last in a series of articles and emails, apparently) to complain that her husband, Robert, was not getting due credit for his early work on the mRNA vaxx tech. In early June, Malone and Kirsch had a three hour confab with Bret Weinstein on the DarkHorse podcast. Malone and Kirsch both discussed their reasons for getting vaccinated. Curiously, Malone neglected to mention that 'the second shot almost did him in. As in he almost died' a few weeks earlier.
Why would his wife be complaining that he didn't get credit for technology that, according to Malone himself, nearly killed him a few weeks before?
Why did it take him so long to talk about the Uracil-Pseudouridine substitution to distinguish his work from the C19 jabs? He actually wanted people to use different nomenclature for the vaxx mRNA to differentiate it from his research.
Can you make sense of the timeline? 'Cause I can't.
I found this on Malone's stack - Between the Forceps and the Stone Dec 14, 2021:
"There are three issues parents need to understand:
The first is that a viral gene will be injected into your children's cells. This gene forces your childтАЩs body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in childrenтАЩs critical organs, including
Their brain and nervous system
Their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots
Their reproductive system
And this vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system"
So I wouldn't say "nothing" perhaps not as much as others.
Do you see anything in your post about weird fibrous clots forming in your child's veins and arteries that do not respond to anticoagulants? 'Cause I don't.
Yes, he spoke against jabs for children.
When Stew Peters drew attention to the weird clots, Malone attacked his character.
But what about the clots? Ryan Cole says they're real.
The mainstream has acknowledged the jabs cause blood clots. I'm not talking about blood clots. I'm talking about the weird fibrous clots that embalmers have been pulling out of dead bodies. The clots that do not respond to anticoagulation therapy.
Ryan Cole says they are real.
To my knowledge, Malone has not said anything about them, but he attacked the guy who did.
The only difference between an "unfounded conspiracy theory" and a conspiracy fact is a couple of days. I would never again take anyone seriously who uses the phrase "conspiracy theory" as it reeks of CIA-led-and-fed misinformation.
How exactly would he lose everything he worked for? Because Breggin called him names? Really?
You know, if he just ignored the Breggins and let people think what they will this would be no big deal. But suing a man who has worked his whole life for we, the people, has made this into a very big deal indeed.
The Breggins should have ceased and desisted when asked to. They defamed Malone and did not stop even when asked to. So the suit was/is necessary. The ball is in the Breggins court to stop this thing by apologizing and retracting their defamatory statements and inferences.
Divided we fall. If our group of freedom fighters gets separated, we will never win this war. You may want to read through Malone's lawsuit before making judgements. Remember, there are two sides to every story and the truth lies somewhere in between. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/just-the-facts
Yep, consider unsubscribing Malone and posting that you are redirecting funds to the Breggin's defense at GiveSendGo, before the Corona beer ad lookalike has the 87 yr old hero eating breggin strips for survival.
Breggins started this and simply needs to end it. The stress is of his own doing. I am so sad to see Breggin, who I admired over many years, devolve to defaming a fellow warrior in this battle of a lifetime.
I think Breggins raised totally legit points that should enjoy free speech protection. No one " hurt" Malone but himself, when he began to pout like a kindergartener. Depositions will be interesting as I doubt Bobby wants all his current contracts with " deep state friends" exposed. We'll see.
Defamation is not allowed under the free speech laws. BregginтАЩs points were based on innuendo not fact. Malone asked Breggin to retract. He did not, simply doubled down. Malone, if defamed, has every right to defend himself through legal means.
No reason to expect independent researchers and dissidents would be in LOCKSTEP! We should expect differences of opinion and not start yelling shill and controlled opposition unless the evidence and effect is overwhelming.
Accusing Malone of being a deep state / controlled op plant. That was the red line for Malone. Slanderous accusation. The lawsuit will force Breggin to either show evidence, or admit he lied. Publicly. He refuses to do either, so far.
Robert Malone maybe a plant, but perhaps he is just a weed.
Or maybe he is pissed with Breggin. Weed is also pissed if you understand me.
Of course if the court case is widely viewed perhaps the vaxxed terminally dim might ask a few questions and think perhaps being vaxxed not such a good idea after all.
Or else they will keeping getting shot, proving my theory of devolution that the world is getting dumber.
Unfortunately I no longer have a paid subscription to him so I can't post any comments but I think I will unsubscribe at this point. There's nothing useful to read there except propaganda and half truths.
surak, Malone has taken a strong stance against Stew Peters recent video work about the clotting and also against Steve Kirsch. Malone is either attempting to plant his feet on both sides of the vaccine debate and stay in the science camp, or is very very confused.
I watched "Died Suddenly". It has some very important testimony about the clots. This part is preceded by images of the JFK assassination, 9/11, and Bigfoot. It strikes me that someone is trying to discredit skepticism about the COVID injections. It doesn't help that Stew also supports flat-earthism, and entertains anti-Israel guests. If he stuck to the pure science, that would have been a great documentary.
Dr. Malone is not having it both ways. I read his work regularly. He is clearly red-pilled, anti-COVID jab, anti-deep state, pro-freedom.
I also watched Died Suddenly. Did it really have something about Bigfoot or are you just kidding? I would have stopped watching it immediately if I noticed that. You also mentioned that Stew P. believes the earth is flat. Again, you are kidding.......right? If any of that is true, NO ONE should listen to him again.
I have never heard Malone say one ill comment about you, Steve. I read most all of his substacks and plan to buy his new book. You are both on the same side, clearly. You both have my full support. For the past year, I intended to subscribe to your Substack but having been laid off because I wouldnтАЩt get the vax and having a partner who is a good man that struggles with addiction and mental issues, I just couldnтАЩt prioritize it. Until today. I believe your тАЬWhy canтАЩt we talk about it?тАЭ Campaign is just too important not to support. After reading Dr. BridleтАЩs Covid Chronicles yesterday, in further support of your campaign, I have prioritized a monthly subscription to your Substack. ItтАЩs not much but I sincerely hope it helps.
thank you for clarifying Seve! I am apologizing to you and your audience for mispeaking. thank you Steve. the Stew Peters video has become like a fence post to stand upon...in some ways its bellweather and some are now showing their true colors in relationship to truth.
And what's wrong with "both sides"? I had to have cholera, yellow fever, typhoid, tetanus, ad nauseum for 20 years, as an international business traveler. No problems, ever. No problems with fellow employees.
I would never get an Mnra jab. And I think the adjuvants in regular vaxxes were changed back in the 90s, but never got jabbed after that.
So yes, Dr. Malone and others can have one foot in both worlds. He has not aligned with the "anti-everything vax" folks.
And do you know what was in the vaxxes you had? They never did work, they merely appeared to. Made big pharma etc lots of money though so worked in that sense.
I used to think they were of some use. I changed my mind.
I had to stop reading a number of people simply because of lack of time, not because I did not enjoy their writings. One of them was Robert Malone. I am curious, what is his reasoning against the clots? I like to hear both sides.
He did not dispute the evidence of clots. He disputed the way the evidence was presented in the film in the midst of sloppy presentation including clips that wer plain false or inaccurate.and he criticised Stew for his over the top and at times false information.
Malone waved it off as basically tin-foil hat whackyness. The Stew Peters video has elements of conspiracy theory whackyness and some aspect of bad taste given how gruesome that video was. So I think Malone got sidetracked by this.
I think the video got sidetracked and the conspiracy theorists stuff took away from the embalmers. ItтАЩs too bad. The clots were impt info but I could not forward the video to my family or friends because they even put a Gates video on there cut which wasnтАЩt full truth. You canтАЩt do that when trying to present truths!
I did stop reading Stew Peters well over a year ago; not because of lack of time, but because he did gravitate toward some whacky conspiracy theories sometimes. The clots they are finding in some of the vaccinated dead has struck me as legit. I hope I have not been gullible.
True Stew Peters tends to dramatise. He is like Marmite - you love it or hate it. Nevertheless there are times you can find nuggets of gold in his delivery of information.
It isn't hard. What is the goal of the so-called health freedom movement? IMO, first and foremost, we want people to stop getting the jabs. The one thing that might convince even he most dedicated covidian to stop is the weird fibrous clots. Who the hell wants that crap forming in their veins and arteries? Who the hell wants that crap forming in their children's veins and arteries? I'm thinking no one.
The clots are real or they're not.
The clots are new...post jab rollout...or they're not.
The clots are forming in vivo...not post mortem...or they're not.
The clots are a consequence of the jabs or they're not.
These questions have answers, but no one is looking?
Malone has been in some pretty films, written many articles, done hundreds of hours of interviews, written a book, traveled all over the world to health freedom confabs.
What has he said about the clots? What has he done about the clots? Nada.
I don't like Stew Peters sensationalist style, but he put the spotlight on the one thing that might convince people to stop getting jabbed. Whatever is going on in the world only works if people comply.
And Malone's response was to trash him. To my mind, that's a tell.
I dont blame the hesitancy with him. but the white calamary coming out of peoples arteries cannot be waved off as mere sensationalism. Stew Peters is a strong Christian and has strong emotions. I think he lets himself go off script sometimes and thats where he sometimes lets the better of himself fall. I notice that the more a person opens up the story to see behind the story, its very easy to get offtrack and requires lot of discernment and insight about history and reality to keep to provable theories.
Peters lost me with the atrocious Jerry Springer-style ambush he did with Vernon Jones. It was undeserved and tacky.
He also has non-credible guests on like Carrie Madej and Mikovits.
He just doesn't know how to do a professional presentation, which discredits the whole thing. I think that Dr. Malone was unhappy with that. And I don't blame him.
Sorry...No, they're not. Madej doesn't even hold a medical license anymore. I'm 75, and been "awake" for 30-40 years, and have a hard sciences degree, did some research with the NSF years ago (although in physical sciences, not biological). So my research on her is based on the proven methodologies in research science, not how she presents herself on a video.
Madej's MO has always been "I'm cute, blond, I have terrifying news, get me on a show that will pay me a hefty fee". She's just not serious.
Mikovits...I knew there was something wrong when I watched that video in 2020. So I did a 250-hour deep dive on her, and found that she's a liar. She lied about all her court records, ALL of them. I pulled them all directly from the courts records in several states.
She falsified her research, and when her results could not be replicated, two of her 10 co-authors from Cleveland Clinic withdrew their names from the study. Fauci actually gave Dr. Ian Lipkin of Columbia U. $2M of our taxpayer dollars, with 10 independent labs, to test for this etrovirus, no one could find it (double-blinded), and even she admitted it. And it was discovered that she had falsified her data.
Then she went off the deep end and started up with the "all illnesses are caused by vaccines" shtick, so she could write books. I think she's a little "off" myself, I don't mean to be unkind, but she ruined her own career. Very sad. Not credible.
Definitely real. My patients have some of them. Good ole days, one small or tiny round clot. These days, 3 or 4 clots or a 'clot' the entire length of the calf or thigh.
Steve correct me if I am wrong but this list can be expanded depending on the subject of debate. There are many other qualified doctors, scientists and academics available and that will be willing to participate in a debate.
Live debates should be left to those who are good at it. Trial attorneys get serious training for it; scientists, not so much. But a debate could be conducted in writing. Such debates used to take place in biomedical journals, before Fauci led the HIV/AIDS debacle, destroyed Peter Duesberg's career as an example to the others, and began building his $6 billion pharmaceutical fraud empire.
HeтАЩs fallen for the Covid line so it means he canтАЩt debate itтАжthe government here also has this thing about not debating facts as then you get in a war over who has better facts (according to a doc I saw). Which is the entire scientific query method but hey if you believe I guess you believe blindly? The media are really bad here also sums up whyтАж.
Put this story on a billboard. It pissed me off mor than any story IтАЩve read TO DATE. 32 yo female took 12 horrific and painful months to die from this. Not sure you can get permission but itтАЩs pretty powerful stuff
I went and found these postings (which I had previously seen) of skin disorders after the jabs on the Covid blogspot. The images are very disturbing- these poor people!
https://thecovidblog.com/category/skin-disorders/ ItтАЩs a bit annoying to scroll through all the documented story lines until you get to the end and I feel like this blogspot is a little insensitive in their reporting, but knowing the truth about what can happen is important and so many of these stories need to be told so that the slumbering zombies can realize what is really going on!
Me either and IтАЩve read a lot of medical case reports, autopsies and crime scene stuff. IтАЩm pretty hard to horrify but this case horrified me in a very visceral way. The suffering this woman endured is truly unimaginable. It angered me greatly and I couldnтАЩt access the entire report which is no doubt filled with worse descriptions of her treatment and disease progression. I only have a limited Medline account and not full access to PubMed as it is expensive. I hope Steve might be able to get permission to use it.
He sure does love that limelight, travelin' all over, smoozin' with the 'right' truthtellers, sharing his Virginia farm and horsey activities. I started drifting away from his daily fodder when he told us how much freedom they had in the old days in Santa Barbara, California where they could ride their horses all over, and now it's all changed. Yeah, the rich bought up all the land and put up their 'No Tresspassing' signs (or maybe its armed guards these days).
I urge others to note that the only really important point today is whether or not there was & is a pandemic of respiratory illness caused by a novel pathogen called SARS-CoV-2.
I do not believe any headway whatsoever can be made on the wider existential question until we bottom out that question, which I believe is answered by a firm тАЬNoтАЭ.
A lot of people have been ill & many died. It was routine illness, greatly amplified by severe, deliberately induced stress, deliberate medical mistreatment including lethal poisoning and societal isolation and neglect (incorporating deprivation of healthcare, with prescriptions for antibiotics halving in early 2020).
Yes, I think the suppression of antibiotics might have been a major factor. Never thought of that before. I've also read that the 2019 flu vaccine was particularly deadly.
IтАЩd like to be precise. What IтАЩm questioning is whether thereтАЩs been a pandemic caused by a novel respiratory virus.
ItтАЩs existence is only relevant if the empirical answer is тАЬYesтАЭ.
IтАЩve changed to a firm тАЬNoтАЭ to this question because the most painstaking analysis of the epidemiological evidence is unequivocal. There has not been such a pandemic. All the excess deaths are either iatrogenic (caused my doctors) or through the effects of government policy (isolation, stress & deprivation of healthcare).
I donтАЩt think anyone having regard to Denis RancourtтАЩs analysis of all-causes mortality in 50 US states over more than 100 weeks leaves no room for doubt. The input data is sex, age at death and date of demise.
As far as IтАЩm aware, thereтАЩs been no serious challenge to this evidence.
I would also point out that whether or not thereтАЩs actually been mass illness & deaths caused by a novel respiratory virus or simply all the pre-existing causes of illness & deaths, my testimony in relation to lockdowns, masks, asymptomatic transmission, PCR based diagnostics, тАЬvaccinesтАЭ, trial and regulatory fraud etc etc etc all still stand.
For those open-minded enough to be moved by new evidence, hereтАЩs the latest interview (link to follow).
For everyone else, as you were, noting this is characteristic of those we rightly criticise.
I agree with you Dr. Yeadon, for what itтАЩs worth. Interesting how people can summarize your entire viewpoint in a couple points, isnтАЩt it? IтАЩm not saying thatтАЩs a good thing or a bad thing, I think thatтАЩs just how she goes.... ItтАЩs so wonderful to read your response, which is clarifying. ThatтАЩs really all we can do. Please keep speaking up!
The answer is yes there has been a new type of virus, but to what extent itтАЩs killing people remains unclear due to the lack of consensus on how it is monitored. How can you explain the increase in hospitalisation, the recording of different strains by numerous researchers in different countries & the open ability to access the sequencing, the various papers on the origins aka https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.10.18.512756v1
The fact that this virus is not seasonal like the flu, we can see waves which coincide with increased hospitalisation rates, and further the strange pandora box effect of other viruses that usually are not present in any great numbers suddenly becoming more prevalent. IтАЩm going to look at the information you have provided, but there was definitely an event prior to the faux vaccine being injected en masse
Fair enough, I do understand your counter view, it was mine too until quite reasonable.
But a few confirmatory checks:
1. Were there more people in hospital? Do note, officialdom literally everywhere have been lying to the public about almost everything. Most of the information IтАЩve had was second hand but was from people I know personally. The majority told me quietly & not to quote them, but they had far fewer admissions than usual & in addition theyтАЩd put almost all elective procedures on hold. I knew personally one who had resource planning responsibilities for the NHS England and Wales. Really it was about beds & more specifically still, intensive care beds. This combined the full bells and whistles suite of kit plus ordinary beds which permitted high intensity nursing, requiring minimally a medical oxygen supply for non-invasive assistance, which is what all desaturated, distressed admissions should have been offered, never mechanical ventilation. All through the тАЬpandemicтАЭ they had greater spare ICU beds than he had ever experienced in a more than 20 year career. He was told not to talk about it.
2. Even if there were more sick people (& I just donтАЩt know if it more, less or the same as earlier years) there is an alternative explanation already. Chronic, severe stress is the most potent non-physical immunosuppressant thatтАЩs been identified. Whether you believe in germ theory or terrain theory (or both, like me; I see no reason why they couldnтАЩt coexist) that deliberately created & relentlessly maintained fear mongering from all directions, guided by SAGE & the тАЬnudge unitтАЭ (Behavioural Insights Team) was enough to raise anxiety, panic attacks, chest pain, GI disturbances to say nothing of psychiatric symptoms and suicidality. IтАЩm arguing itтАЩs not necessary to posit a new, respiratory virus in order to explain anything was observed.
3. I donтАЩt have the reference, but IтАЩm absolutely sure of it (if itтАЩs important to confirm for yourself about what IтАЩm writing, please try Joel Smalley. Writing as Metatron iirc, he was downloading & analysing all manner of medical / health statistics as they became available. It was a shock to many that, running up to the so-called тАЬSecond waveтАЭ in 2020, as the number of тАЬcovid casesтАЭ rose substantially, and тАЬCovid admissionsтАЭ shortly after that, the evidence was that (a) a lower percentage of calls to the emergency services (999, 911 for help it American friends!) that were respiratory related fell & fell. Also, the number of calls to the non-emergency line, 111 (I think) also fell. The number of hospital admissions for people with respiratory symptoms was also well under normal & falling. Bottom line, we were being overtly lied to, in real time. Whether solely from thd NHS or from another, invisible source, I cannot know, but we definitely did not experience a тАЬsecond waveтАЭ of anything. We did see a very sharp pulse of excess mortality very soon after initiation of massed vaccination in England (where I was at the time). We now have a complete explanation for those deaths. Midazolam & morphine, remdesivir, in some cases, inappropriate mechanical ventilation etc. I have proof of this.
4. This is trickier. Do recall that the Nobel Prize winning biochemist, Dr Kary Mullis (who died immediately before the covid fraud began: some say he was assassinated) repeatedly said there is no such thing as тАЬa PCR testтАЭ, only a technique for amplifying DNA. ThatтАЩs what he invented it to do. Many people believe (& IтАЩm among them) that the so-called тАЬPCR testтАЭ is completely worthless as a clinical diagnostic. Apart from the lack of calibration, required to validate any biochemical test in use today, there are numerous other problems with it. IтАЩm not talking only about excessive cycling / amplification, the ability to pick up & amplify small fragments of poly nucleotides, and numerous other limitations, all the probes/primers were being made in distant laboratories, and the exact sequences of which were тАЬcommercial/ confidential/ proprietaryтАЭ. So we donтАЩt even know what exactly was being detected if a result was said to be тАЬpositiveтАЭ. You may point to some samples being sent for sequencing & at least some of them matched what Wuhan has allegedly discovered & uploaded to a global database. Fair enough. What you probably didnтАЩt know was the bias inherent in which samples were sent for sequencing? I saw that the methodology section of papers specified that only a small fraction of positive results with very low cycle thresholds we looked at. ItтАЩs not appropriate to assume what the sequencer found in those uncommon samples was in all the other samples. Then there are at least two other serious weaknesses. Most sequencing nowadays is conducted centrally, not in scores of labs of people working independently around the world. In UK, almost all the sequencing was conducted at the Sanger Centre. It is my belief that the Oxbridge/London/Wellcome Trust triad, in cahoots with big pharma, curated the results. IтАЩm questioning their probity. The technique most used is тАЬNGSтАЭ, next generation sequencing. ItтАЩs very complicated & IтАЩd nothing like weтАЩd imagine. Suffice to say, a large number of fragments are sequences. Everything in the sample is sequenced & then algorithms and templates are used to assemble the most plausible entire sequence of the porported virus. Recall that WuhanтАЩs original claim to have discovered SARS-CoV-2 utilised a bat coronavirus sequence as the reference. I can think of several ways to cheat in ways that make a variant of SARS-Cov-2 fall out from such work, without there actually being an actual infectious principle, capable of making someone ill.
Because of the weaknesses inherent in this technique (being used inappropriately as a clinical diagnostic) and the sheer complexity & requirement for assumptions even to apply such a technique, itтАЩs ideal for fooling almost everyone.
Flowing from this, there have been genuinely considered epidemics where 100% of the positive results in PCR-based clinical diagnostics were false. Hard to believe but itтАЩs true. The one I remember best was in the northeast of USA. They genuinely thought they had a whooping cough epidemic, with hundreds of PCR-based тАЬlaboratory confirmed infectionsтАЭ, but it turned out to have been a variety of common colds and the test results shown to be due to cross contamination of samples with reference nucleotides invisibly present in the lab work bench.
I cannot know for sure, but I no longer believe thereтАЩs been any kind of pandemic or the release of a novel virus.
The perpetrators have had 25-50 years run up to their attempted near global coup dтАЩetat. I regret to say theyтАЩre going along probably pretty close to their expectations.
We do have something to stop this, itтАЩs a movement in California called New California State. ItтАЩs actually very far along in happening. If you are interested the website is www.newcaliforniastate.com. ItтАЩs the only answer to save calibration and the United States from this catastrophe.
Do you ever see this interview? He calls himself John Cullen or the maps daddy. ItтАЩs tied into what you believe & there does seem to be some kind of relationship with what has happened
I know this much. The primary test, SARScoV2 RT PCR, used to build the illusion of a worldwide pandemic was purposefully manipulated through the molecular chemistry used. A professional team of scientists and medical professionals did a point by point examination of the Corman Drosten protocol, compared it to the best information on PCR testing and concluded. "the test is so flawed on a molecular and methodological basis as to be useless as a medical diagnostic test". High sensitivity and no specificity that led to massive numbers of false positives. Yeadon was part of that effort when the protocol was released in early 2020. See the Corman Drosten Review report online. When asked about why this event was employed, Yeadon replied, "how should I know, it isnt my crime". Yeadon knew from the start this was a ruse.
Precisely. At that time I hadnтАЩt yet realised that EVERYTHING we were told (all the important narrative points) were lies.
That took an embarrassing several months.
It took an excruciatingly lengthy period after that before I had the evidence (mostly from Denis Rancourt) that even the virus, whether it exists or not, was not the cause of the illnesses & deaths being reported.
Instead, it was largely institutional murder and societal neglect.
Do you not see some rather unusual clinical characteristics of this тАШoutbreakтАЩ especially what we saw manifest during the тАШdeltaтАЩ variant? The extensive clotting & widespread inflammation, lasting long after the acute viral phase was over APPEARS to be something of a scale we have not seen before. The early data out of Italy struck me with autopsies not showing secondary bacterial pneumonia but rather an organizing, interstitial inflammatory disease. The extent of blood clotting seen is also unusual.
You are totally correct in the excessive & poorly managed intubation killing people, and Remdesivir should be forever banned from our vocabulary, except in courtrooms & classrooms of the future.
I never trusted the tests but clinically it appeared to be a new entity, I am curious as to what others think.
In these remarks, IтАЩm speaking not as a clinician.
I have looked at much literature and spoken to many who could summarise what influenza like illness looked like.
The remarkable thing is the diverse description of ILI, plus little known fact that 80-90% of patients with ILI carry no identifiable virus to which their illness could be attributed.
Mostly, ILI isnтАЩt really treated, especially on elderly, frail patients & is not infrequently terminal.
My surmise is very very few ILI patients were ever worked up in the past to anything like the extent they sometimes are now, and had we done so, weтАЩd have found a low % of them had unusual clotting phenotypes.
IтАЩm not convinced thereтАЩs been anything new. New attention & findings, perhaps.
There definitely is & was an outbreak, itтАЩs just a matter of how extensive it was given there was no consensus on which way it was being recorded. How else do you explain the different strains that are recorded & uploaded for open viewing by different people all across the world, the explosion in hospital admissions & the sudden increase of different types of viruses etc, plus the deaths prior to the vaccines?
Now? Many of us questioned the existence of a pandemic in March 2020. Not because we are scientists but because we saw no evidence whatsoever of a 'pandemic' and government data reinforced this conclusion. Criminal Clown World.
There are always symptomatic people. ItтАЩs the human condition to get occasional ill & eventually to die.
There was some but not hugely more illness than usual but what there was was augmented by deliberate stress, isolation, deprivation of healthcare for many & lethally inappropriate treatment for others. Lack of antibiotics; administration of midazolam, morphine, remdesivir & mechanical ventilation are the principal drivers of excess deaths.
No new pathogen, however. Which is why government figures & others frequently ignored their own impositions, because they knew there was no new health threat. The 94 yo British Queen attending G7, for example. Parties in No. 10 Downing Street, etc.
Thank you Kimmie! I've put a ton into my righteous whistleblowing and it only cost me my business, wife, child, jail time, ongoing bs criminal charges and a few friends lol:
Dr Ralph Baric - Global WIPO Patents @UNC Chapel Hill NC
#Wo2004092360A2 - Similar to Chiron's C┬дrona Virus above [vii]
#Wo2005081716 A2 - John Hopkins DNA Vaxes targeting SARS C┬дV
FEDERAL Reserve Private family patents linked to the global banking cartels while the University patents are Rockefeller linked via the Flexnor Report:
Doesn't Dr. Martin have some interesting paperwork in his files regarding Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's affiliation with a BC company which produces the lipid nanoparticles used in the mRNA delivery system?
I actually reviewed that Dossier maybe 5 months back. I am so blessed to be connected with David in a few ways and I knew I was on the right track when my sequence matches up with his 20 years of reviewing, not that I mapped out 4k, just the major ones. I graduated UNC when Baric was patenting SARS. The CHD network (RFK Jr who Steve puts as #1) has been another awesome group helping to FOIA some of my patent finds after that Dossier. Check this horrific world 2022 piece of work that we spoke to the inventor today about:
Thanks for being a gentlemen of integrity and not going the way of Baric & others, but instead putting yourself out there and being a whistleblower! David is a very interesting guy and I have enjoyed all of his talks that I have listened to over the last year and I try to share his material & websites. My only complaint in regards to him is that he has been a little inaccessible to those who are a limited budget- would have liked to have met him & Kim and been at his talks or workshops but I canтАЩt afford it. I have been wonder if his new movie is worth the effort & cost of getting a group together to watch it.
Yes, IтАЩm a member of the CHD. They do a tremendous service for us all! I also like & support the ICAN - Del Bigtrees legal organization with lawyer Aaron Siri.
Hi Claudia! My name is Liz Faraone and I am a member of CCCA as well. I volunteer with the Canadian Adverse Event Reporting System. Just thought IтАЩd say hi and second your suggestion to include Denis Rancourt and Steven Pelech. I first saw a video interview of Dr. Pelech on a podcast called Liberty Dispatch, back in November of last year. I was facing a mandatory vaccination policy and felt so alone. He presented information about the C19 virus and vaccines so professionally, scientifically and clearly. I was so inspired and firmly decided not to take the shot. I lost my job but in hindsight it was for the best. IтАЩve maintained my health, integrity and autonomy and I wouldnтАЩt trade that for anything. My eyes have been forced wide open though I feel IтАЩm just scratching the surface. I work privately now, but in my spare time all I do is read substacks, volunteer and plan for a better future. I am very worried about the state of the world, but I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to prepare my family and re-write the type of future I want for myself and my kids. With the right knowledge I strongly believe we can mitigate at least some of the hardship to come. Im very grateful to so many people, Dr. Pelech is very high on my list.
Isn't Rancourt saying basically the ACM figures show there was no pandemic and the alleged covid deaths had nothing to do with a virus? If so, he'd hardly be on same page as SK!
Why would he not read Rancourt. Why argue apples vs oranges. There is no value to it. We have redefined what is science, vaccine, and pandemic. It is a dead end even though we have statistics to show the truth.
IтАЩm down! How can I help? I live in Canada (Barrie, ON) IтАЩm looking to connect with people who are forming тАЬintentional communitiesтАЭ. HavenтАЩt had any luck yet. I understand the dire importance of decentralization.... acting sooner than later would be prudent. I know Dr. David Martin and others are working on this. Do you have any other trustworthy leads? I have two kids and I want to leave them a world worth inheriting (as Chris Martenson would say). IтАЩd love to connect with more people like us.
Elon is not as much for free speech as he would have you believe: he won't reinstate Alex Jones on Twitter. Alex is a bit hyperbolic, but is one of the more accurate sources out there. Maintaing a ban on him is quite out of line and shows Elon's true colors.
Curious that Dr. Robert Malone isn't on the list of experts. I think he knows something about this subject.
He's just another NWO plant.
Duplicitous criminal.
As is McCullough too.
Your proof?
Would Malone and McCullough be in the same financial loss situation?
JJ Couey has this piece on "What about Bob?" Malone:
Perhaps look at the Breggin/Malone matter through this lens. Mercola leaves it up a coupe of days. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2022/12/07/shooting-starlings-how-masters-curate-flocks.aspx
"Masses of people react to a stimulus, such as a social media post, seemingly as a cohesive unit without a designated leader and, as a result, something goes "viral."
It appears to be a spontaneous event that no one can control. But is it? As it turns out, curated information that is pushed ahead of other information on people's newsfeeds can dramatically influence crowd behavior.
DiResta refers to it as "nudges" or "bait." Curated information that gets pushed into our view ends up influencing what we think and do, thus influencing what goes viral and what doesn't. It's an incredibly subtle form of influence. At its core, it's social engineering at its finest."
Malone/Desmet look at the individual starlings in their murmuration whereas Breggin looks at the initial stimulus.
Cass Sunstein's insidious process of tyrannical control of the mind...Obamas guy... Remember?
Because Malone is CIA controlled opposition and he's trying to divide the movement.
And your proof???
To my knowledge Malone is a researcher- not a medical doctor. I tend to trust people that actually treat patients when it comes to these things. Years ago, he said his technology was invented for malignancies not vaccines. Now he has changed his mind. Then he says he had a hypertensive crisis after his second covid shot. Sorry I just can't trust him.
Read more, i also was a malone apostle untill i realized he was experimenting with some other, safer mrna medicines before the crap they are using now... most whistle blowers have more than just a whistle to blow...
I think that we are dealing with groups who can and do compromise others. I doubt that Malone is squeaky clean but the truth is IT DONT STOP THE TRAIN OF TRUTH BUSTING THROUGH SATANIC PSYCHO CITY AND EXPOSING THEM TO THE PUBLIC. Its the calibre of public now that determines the future of these monsters at the very top.
You misread what Malone said. Malone said that the Mrna technology was originally hoped to be used for oncology. But the Mrna did not last long enough in the body. That is when Malone came up with the thought that perhaps since the mrna was short lived it might be good for vaccines which need to just stimulate immunity and leave. That was his process invention. Unfortunately theseCovid vaccine inventors tickered with this technology producing a product that does not immediately leave the body but spreads everywhere,
Karik├│ Katalin's devilish invention.
And he never had control of his work...From Salk to Vical, the people that controlled the patent on his discovery just let it sit there for years.
Spreading the toxic spike protein in the nanoparticles that are themselves toxic. A toxic mess that Malone had nothing to do with.
I think it is understandable that you might not trust someone new on the scene. But to draw conclusions based on circumstancial and often incorrect information does not help unite us.
It was my understanding he got the vaccine on a doctor's advice to treat his Covid-19 infection. What a pair to draw to.
Why would anyone take a covid shot to treat a virus that has a 99% cure rate with supplements or otc medications. It's not like Dr. Malone is stupid. The covid shot which is not a vaccine does not treat covid. But it will give you blood clots.
At the time he got it, it was very new, and no one knew...Hindsight is always 20/20.
Betsy yes, why would they? But it was 2 1/2 years ago when I ran across that, I doubt that I can find it again. Btw, doctors sometimes do dumb things too.
I'm thinking there are 3 possibilities. You have those that took the covid shots and got sick or died like my parents or my boss. There are those that took the covid shots and just had a sore arm. And there are those that refused the shots completely. I worked in medicine for almost 30 years and every Un jabbed person I know is just fine.
Robert Malone: Vaccine Scientist, Vaccine Skeptic - The Atlantic
Aug 12, 2021 ┬╖ Malone contracted COVID-19 in February 2020, and later got the Moderna vaccine in hopes that it would alleviate his long-haul symptoms. Now he believes the injections made his symptoms...
Sorry Brandon but the link you provided is blocked by my browser. In any case there is no evidence that Dr. Malone had covid as the test for it is nonspecific to covid and can have a false positive rate of 90%. non-covid coronaviruses, adenovirus and rhinoviruses show up as covid positive on most tests. I find it interesting that someone like Dr. Malone that is far more educated than me would not be aware of this.
Sorry, try this one:
Betsy, when you get there search for "long haul"
Tom Bartlett writes:
"His concerns are personal, too. Malone contracted COVID-19 in February 2020, and later got the Moderna vaccine in hopes that it would alleviate his long-haul symptoms. Now he believes the injections made his symptoms worse: He still has a cough and is dealing with hypertension and reduced stamina, among other maladies. тАЬMy body will never be the same,тАЭ he told me."
He still has DOD and DARPA connections. Now he is pushing a new covid shot out of India.
There is no reason for any human being to get a covid shot. I cannot trust him.
Please show proof of this statement
Janice, according to Patrick Soon-Shiong (billionaire cancer and vaccine researcher) we are all screwed by SarsCOV2 until we develop a Killer T Cell against it.
"There is no reason for any human being to get a covid shot ... "
or any vaccine.
But lots of people love covid shots. So let them take them. They are incredibly profitable. Sure, they don't prevent infection, transmission or hospitalization like other vaccines do -but it sure is a great cash cow for pfizer and moderna.
Janice - Agree to disagree. Or not.
"Sure, they don't prevent infection, transmission or hospitalization like other vaccines do"
There is no vaccine out there that does what you stated above. Quite the opposite. They all *cause* not only massive injury (and/or death), but every disease known to mankind. There's nothing healthy about any vaccine out there; nor will there be a 'healthy, effective' vaccine looking 1,000 years out.
The CNS is too complex to be jamming synthetic crap into it and expect anything good to come of it.
All $$ vaccines $$ and $$ pernicious meds$$ are cash cows for Big Pharma. Huge cash cows. All of them built on a pile of lies.
I guess the issue is not the cash but whether some people have the right- at least in some US states to say. I do not want to be injected. And you can't fire me from my job if I choose not to be.
Mike, perhaps but the bad guys are not everywhere.
Malone was pushing the death jabs for the elderly and high risk groups up until Dec 2021. That's very bad.
Have you ever considered how hard it must be for someone in the belly of the beast to totally turn 180 degrees as Malone has done? Especially someone who is so measured and careful? Are only those who have been against all medicines and vaccines from the get go valid? I have been an antivaxxer for decades but I welcome those whose eyes have been opened who were once true believers in the good intentions of government and the medical industry. Should we continue to keep our eyes wide open and not blindly believe anyone without ongoing descretion. Of course! All these people in this movement have at times been right or wrong. How do we know who might be controlled opposition? Is it Malone? Is it Stew Peters? Is it eithet? Just keep watching and evaluating but do not use half truths and innuendo as proof.
Malone is highly articulate and very intelligent. But I just do not trust him. Trust yourself and your instincts.
Our primitive ancestors must have instinctively been more cautious.
тАЬEverything we put into our bodies should be considered poison until proven safe,тАЭ is the instinct.
I don't find him articulate but muddle-minded and hard to listen to. The wife and others cover for him and attack his critics.
Malone is a paradox inside of a paradox. I have no idea what his true motives are. I tend to trust Dr. Yeadon and Dr Peter McCullough- of the 3 I think Dr. McCullough is the only one that has actually treated covid patients.
I'm curious about Malones ties to DOD and DARPA which raises questions. He claims the second covid shot almost killed him yet seems to advocate for non mrna shots for covid? The truth is there is no clinical reason for anyone to have a shot for covid. It you believe it exists just having a normal vitamin D and zinc level offer a huge amount of prevention. Then of course there is hcq and ivermectin.
I caught covid had a very mild scratchy throat for 2 days it was gone. My 25Hydroxy vitamin D3 level was 132.2, and I am 75 years old.
Malone buys into the constant threat posed by viruses. The human immune system, early treatments, etc. should be sufficient for most people. There are definitely people who are quicker on their feet than him and not so thin skinned. The mRNA platform is highly defective too.
"The human immune system, early treatments, etc. should be sufficient for most people. "
Curious as well! Seems the insider fighting just showed some details about whos with who doesn't it??
Malone's expertise in the tech. In this particular fight, we need medical folks who see patients, reported injuries, research patients and data in real time. Malone does none of that. At least that's my guess as to why he isn't listed.
Below SK says Malone does not like to debate. Not his style apparently.
I have never had the impression that Robert Malone does not like to debate. Maybe the other parties don't like to debate with him? Would make sense...
I've seen him talk on panel discussions and he always ends up being interrupted. He's much better at speaking when he has the floor to himself.
Which he always wants....
I recall the first debate I saw with Steve & Malone hosted by Brett Weinstein. I'm sure he didn't enjoy that one! I had the impression Steve took him for a bs artist back then.
No. Steve, in all his great enthusiasm, could not stop interrupting Malone, when Malone was developing a response that was longer than a soundbite. Which is typical for research scientists (and engineers, too). Longish, precise answers.
I just think that Steve had been fighting such a monster, and being stonewalled and ignored so much, that he was so excited to have a real discussion with REAL scientists.
What exactly has Malone done in the Breggins' view to be considered controlled opposition?
read the story - https://www.americaoutloud.com/robert-malone-sues-the-breggins-for-25-million/
Dig deeper into timelines with the Malones....a good place to start is Jill's Linked in post from June 2021,one week before the Dark Horse podcast, who she admires and respects (also on Linked in, or at least it was) people and companies such as Bill Gates, Gavi, Pfizer, etc....curious for sure, there's a lot more, but that's a good place to start. It's no wonder people have questions...and doubts.
The fact that Malone created MRNA vaccine technology does not make him responsible for how that technology was subsequently misused. When the MSM criticised Malone for his concerns about the Covid vaccine they said he lied about hos contributions to the technology. Jill and Robert felt he should not be lied about, nor should his scientific work. As well, Robert slowly evolved bit by bit as have people like the Weinsteins. These are people who formerly trusted the system and slowly, bit by bit opened their eyes. To accuse any of those who formerly worked in vaccines as being the enemy is without merit.
Link it here. IтАЩd like to read that, if it actually exists.
But honestly, I used to think Gates was a good guy. IтАЩve only really learned the truth about him since Covid happened.
I learned about him several years ago when it came to light about when he brought tetanus vaccines (a series of 5, yes 5, injections for tetanus) to Africa and sterilized a huge portion of the women there, then he brought polio vaccines to India and gave something like 500,000 people a type of polio (not sure of the number), was tried for crimes against humanity and found guilty. Also was aware of his TED talks some years back about depopulation....Jill's linked in:
I didn't know any of this. That means that the "mainstream" media has been gaslighting everyone for years if not decades. I always knew they weren't totally objective, but I noticed that it got so much worse once the COVID thing started I thought they had been somewhat ok before....now it looks like we have practically no idea of what's been going on in the world ever.
Yes. ItтАЩs the MSM that is the true enemy of western civilization. Their messaging, consistent across all the тАЬofficialтАЭ networks (yes, that includes Faux), seems to be fed from a single source.
Politically, they are partners with the extremists woke DeMarxists. The media is leading society down the garden path.
When one takes the point of view, that the MSM lies, distorts, projects and propagandizes everything, it all makes sense.
Whatever the MSM states, the OPPOSITE IS THE ACTUAL TRUTH!
Read Malone's substack (if you want details), its lengthy. But fairly simply, Breggins say that Malone blames the public for groupthink and mass formation, which Breggins say is placing or insinuating blame on the wrong people and taking attention away from the perpetrators of these crimes (and hence permitting they continue their evil plan) ((which is being done anyway)). Breggins say it is global predators, hence their book title.
Many ppl see it as a turf war, as both are superstars and both are selling books.
There's more than enough blame to go around, and Malone has NOT let the predators off the hook. He was asking what it was in the public's minds, to allow so much gaslighting, submissiveness, blah, blah, AS IT WAS IN GERMANY IN WWII.
And there are several theories about this, including Hannah Aren't. There doesn't have to be just one. It could be a blend of them.
There is another aspect to it as well; Malone is the one who added the world "psychosis" to mass formation psychosis, and psychosis a medical diagnosis that can result in people getting involuntarily committed. This has a lot of unpleasant repercussions, aka what happens when everyone who is not vaxxed is deemed to be under mass formation psychosis and therefore liable for detainment in a government mental hospital?
Wait....there are government mental hospitals?
Wait...there are government mental hospitals?
I blame the general public too for group think but I also blame the higher ups of the crimes. Both can be true simultaneously.
Absolutely. Assuming Malone is controlled opposition and a governmet plant just because he was red pilled only recently and supports one theory of the case is just plain defamatory. The Breggins, et al. are the ones who initiated the division within the movement. One could just as easily view them as controlled opposition for sowing division and them gaslightimg Malone about what a meany he is for sueing them. Malone did not want this suit but really had no choice because the Breggins would not stop the defamation, just double down.
Not only can it be true, it seems to be the most likely explanation of how prior dictatorships have always taken hold: predatory tyrants running amuck due to, and with acquiescence of, submissive sheeple looking for experts to lead them around on leashes. No need to quibble about which group is more at fault. Solution: Prosecute the criminals, and empower / educate the sheeple.
Sure, right; why not?
Which I think sums it up nicely, thank you.
I appreciate this is in relation to Coronavirus (a hoax based on something real) in general, but it might amuse. It is in relation to UK but I strongly suspect that most governments had something very similar.
it is rather silly, but then so was the guidance from the government.
Yes, but mass psychosis IS a factor in what happened, why not discuss that, too? People got so brainwashed, they are impermeable to the truth even todayтАж
The difference is that Desmet/Malone say that mass formation is due to our own mechanized thinking; then we become susceptible. Do you think in a mechanized way? Were you, prior to Covid, an atomized individual tossed around by waves a mechanization, confused, ready to be led by the new leader? Was your family? Were your friends? Mine neither.
Breggin says the masses become terrorized by an entity doing the terrorizing. Did this or did this not happen during Covid? Is it or is it not happening now?
Desmet spouts a lot of nonsense about Hitler and the Nazis in chapter 6 of his book where he pretends that the masses were just ready to submit to a leader. According to "A Social History of the Third Reich" (a real book!) the Nazis took power and terrorized the masses. The people lived in fear of the regime and dared not question it. Fear was induced deliberately. It did not come from the people!
If you can't see what's so wrong about Desmet's thinking then you don't know the relevant history and/or you don't see Desmet's very clear strategy of blaming the victim in psychological terms. This is what Breggin is upset about: for Desmet, there is no overall terrorizing agent, this only arises as part of the mass formation. There is/was no conspiracy-- Desmet takes pains to explain this in his convoluted manner. There are no master-mind global predators. Read his freaking book for God's sake if you don't believe me, and stop thinking that everything Malone says must be the God's truth! At the very least, Malone made a mistake by backing Desmet.
Malone is suing for his, Malone's, own mistake that Breggin called out and Malone won't back down, because he has "integrity." Well, maybe we need some decency instead.
All of you who think that Desmet's theory is irrelevant-- I agree. It isn't relevant. Except that Malone made it relevant because much of his lawsuit revolves around the dispute over Desmet.
In Breggin's mind, Malone's support of Desmet demonstrates that Malone is subverting the truth about what happened during Covid. That's not just an idle and ill-informed assessment.
There was a study by Stanley Milgram where he was looking to understand the conflict between submission to authority and conscience. He was curious why Germans followed authority in Nazi Germany. As the attached article suggests, people will obey authorities under certain conditions.
We are generally raised to obey authority under certain conditions. As I understand it, Milgram did not include fear which would have created a much higher response rate in the "torture" in the experiment, no doubt.
It's Hypnosis, not really technically psychosis for most affected Covidians.
They were lacking faith in God, so they chose to worship fake science.
$┬вience not actual science.
I couldn't disagree more. Psychosis is a condition where the person can't tell what's real or not. The public were lied to by multiple experts, government officials, and their own doctors. They didn't suddenly become psychotic: they were bamboozled. To say the people went psychotic enmasse is to actually blame them for not knowing what was real when it was their reality that global predators upended.
After that, after getting jabbed (which even I considered in the beginnging) it is very difficult to admit to yourself you were duped. I have observed further that, unless a person has had a bad experience with the jab or one of their loved ones has, there is little pushing them to change views or to seek out the knowledge (yes too many are lazy or incurious.) As more data and stories come out, however, people are rejecting the flooster and more boosters.
Further, my understanding is Malone added "psychotic" to "mass formation." He does like to have his cake and eat it too: being the inventor of the technology and being on the health freedom side. I sense that really helps take any blame off him. There has always been something about him that my gut says is off. Probably it's his ego which is the size of Milwaukee.
In my books if he makes money off telling the truth then I am not really interested. The truth should be free. I give my time freely although admittedly I am technically retired hurt with some health issues being resolved and my wife and I have sufficient income to be comfortable as I recover.
Any reward is the people waking up to reality and good news on healing etc.
Mr Malone MD was working for big pharma for many years and has been barking up the wrong tree on health for a long time, whereas others understood things before him.
This doesn't mean he is not helpful, but ego and money are not a good mix.
Every honest person "makes money off telling the truth" who works for a living and ever communicates with other people while on the job. There's nothing wrong with making money per se. Doing it by theft or fraud is wrong.
I think Mouzer's comment to me in this thread says it nicely.
True enough and good point. I had not paid attention to his money making efforts. Recall long ago going to his site, couldn't read it, left. Saw no reason to pay. It's not like he wasn't all over the Internet talking and basically was saying the same things.
I do allow people can change, such as that cardiologist whose father died, which turned him around. It's sad anyone has to wake up from direct experience like that.
Yes! I agree...something about Malone is off. Can't put my finger on it---perhaps it's the whining and victimized, but he's just not credible.
Rumor is that Malone is angling for Fauci's job. Which I can easily see happening; who better to be Our Savior than the one who opened the mRNA can of worms?
God help us if he gets it. He is not a doctor but a researcher. If you had the opportunity to watch the 4-5 hour hearing by Senator Johnson (a true hero) you get a real sense of how Malone interacts with real doctors. Given what I saw, real doctors would be as miserable IMO under him as under Fauci who is not a doctor either, making his medical experience merely theoretical.
I don't blame Malone for the invention. There were high hopes, as with any new medical invention, that it would help, but it doesn't work and hasn't so far.
The invention never was going to work because Robert Malone didn't understand disease in the first place.
Neither did I until 2020 at 60 years of age and now I reckon I know more than most mainstream doctors. And I am not a doctor!
I certainly know that vaccines don't work, never did work, and never will work.
"I certainly know that vaccines don't work, never did work, and never will work."
True. Look 1k years out, vaccines (synthetic sh*t jammed into the CNS provoking an *extremely abnormal* reaction) still won't work & massive damage will continue to be done to the human CNS. As happens with all vaccines today.
GDL or Good Damn Luck to those who believe otherwise. They don't even begin to understand the complex, strong, smart, human Supercomputer (our CNS).
Don't fook with Mother Nature. We'll lose.
He is a researcher. They call medicine a practice for a reason. It takes practice.
EDIT: Interesting site. He is correct about Vit D. The obese are pointed at for covid, but I read studies that showed obese taking the standard D amount were low because, as I understood it, the concentration per, say, cubic inch of flesh was lower than normal weight. This is not to say being obese is not a health issue, but IMO many got sick for low Vitamin D.
"This is not to say being obese is not a health issue, but IMO many got sick for low Vitamin D." You can safely remove IMO as it is fact, not opinion. There are links in my main link to you if you are interested. As I say in my link, I do use humour to lighten the mood etc. to save us from weeping all the time at the enormity of it all.
Vitamin D deficiency has been at pandemic levels for years; authorities knew about it which is why the whole thing re vaccines is such a horrible scam. Even I said to myself when the whole thing kicked off in 2020, hang on we should be outside in the sun after the winter when D levels are typically at their lowest.
I agree completely.
However, Malone prides himself as the inventor of mRNA technology. Do you really think that the inventor of any technology would stop the usage of said technology for any length of time? That could indicate this his 'invention' was faulty, by his own admission. Don't see him doing that in any situation.
The Breggins and Malone make a major mistake if they think the imperfections of the opposition is responsible for the onrushing medical tyranny. It is the perpetrators with their UNLIMITED funds. Malone's grave error of recommending the vaxxx for the old does not prove he's malevolent and a perpetrator. He does need to be more forthright in correcting his position, but that is up to him. HE didn't cause the Plandemic and the Deadly Vaxxx response.
"Malone's grave error of recommending the vaxxx for the old does not prove he's malevolent and a perpetrator."
Agreed. It just proves that he is not that clever. I knew in June 2020 vaccines were at best pointless for anybody at all. I am not a doctor and jolly glad I was that I was something more practical, a building surveyor.
And even then I don't think I was that good.
But Malone has been part of big pharma for many years, so in a sense he has been part of the problem.
While I generally agree with you, Malone knew or should have known that no prior experiments with his technoloy were successful. I was surprised to hear him say he took the jab because of that.
The BregginтАЩs side should be read also on America Outloud to get both sides of the story. Ginger Breggin just posted again today.
To go from Malone buying into Mass Formation theory to he's controlled opposition seems paranoid. My understanding is Desmet said the leaders of mass formations may be true believers or simply using it as an end to a means. Both of these would still be subject to accountability.
Suing the Breggin's seems thin skinned. The attacks on Malone do seem unhinged.
I believe the lawsuit is because Malone added the term "psychosis" into Mass Formation, Desmet told him not to say that because it sounded as though they were calling people psychotic. So now Dr Jane Ruby and the Stew Peters network are also being sued for talking about Malone using that term, it seems he's pissed that he was embarrassed. I guess now anyone can sue if they feel slighted by someone else. I find what what Malone is doing is petty and downright cruel and I hoe he loses and is laughed out of court.
It's actually pretty silly to argue about the addition of the term "psychosis" (if there is, indeed, anyone really arguing about this).
Anyway, Stew Peters also comes across as controlled opposition (what a shocking idea, huh?)
Is Desmet for real?
Could both Peters and Desmet be controlled opposition? Who knows? Stew Peters seems the most likely because he intersperses crap with truth in an overly dramatic way. Desmet does not seem so clear cut. He seems to be sincerely trying to understand things. Anyone could be controlled opposition. That is why we cannot hitch our wagons onto one person or group - continue to watch all players. Only time will tell.
Yes, even Stew Peters' photo is overly serious and dramatic (as if deliberately so). It's a give-away (and pretty silly).
Desmet reminds me of someone, a doctor. (I will look up his name.) Sometimes they play more than one role...
Sometimes the character "dies," and then they start in as someone else. Bill Hicks "died" and then became "Alex Jones" (to use a hackneyed example).
Breggin seems overly haunted by an either-or fallacy: either Desmet's mass formation thesis prevails in the court of public opinion -- and the criminals are exonerated -- or Desmet's thesis fails in the same forum, as Breggin declares it must -- in order to effectively hold the criminals accountable.
The bifurcation seems too stilted and intellectual for its own good.
Is there something unreasonable, unsound, and wholly implausible with the proposition that both the suspects are criminals and prosecutable and the public psyche took on a delusion approaching psychotic proportions in response, however pathological and disturbed, in response to the mass terror that the established power perpetrated on the public? In other words, can't both sides of the event be true, and not mutually exclusive?
Yes, it's both/and, not either/or. It took the massive, sophisticated propaganda campaign doused on a population totally ready to grasp on to it. "Emotionally potent oversimplification" I've heard it called. The ground has to be fertile enough for the seed to sprout. Took both factors. The culpability, however, lies with the propagandists who knew better, but saw profit and control at the end of the process.
Let me sum up the debate.
Breggin: "Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey."
Malone and Desmet: no, we aren't. There are no global predators.
If you think I'm off-the-mark then read carefully what Desmet says. It might help to read what Breggin says about this, too, as he illuminates what's really going on. And, this: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/11/investigative-reports/covid-19-mass-formation-or-mass-atrocity/?ref=Unlimited+Hangout-newsletter
"... the public psyche took on a delusion approaching psychotic proportions in response..." This psychotic response was completely manufactured and designed. Yes or no?
It's not all academic. This matters.
I see this as insidious because Desmet appears to say there were manipulators but he actually doesn't mean that, because according to him even the manipulators were captured by the mechanistic ideology that led to the (spontaneous) mass formation.
Breggin illuminates the activity of the predators. Desmet obscures it. Malone doesn't like what Breggin is doing.
Have you looked at Desmet's substack. He answers the Breggis' directly in some detail.
Outstanding investigative reporting: highly revealing, thoughtful and explanatory work in the Unlimited Hangout piece you provide.
I still maintain, enough evidence is seemingly at hand for, basically the plausible culpability, and an indictment leading to conviction of, at a minimum, certain, particularly causative criminal cabalists -- if judicially feasible, given the present statutory mess we allowed our Congresspeople to create and our presidents to approve over many decades of a self-perceived, if only poorly strategized and highly vulnerable, globalist-inspired stylizing of our government's codified structures, ie, the asymmetrical, Constitution-eroding enactment of critically key legislation fortifying a select number of essentially linked security agencies -- and the concurrent mass mesmerization-hypnosis, certainly a large-scale delusion, based on a generalized and collective mass fear, once again approaching -- not necessarily achieving -- psychotic, and so, halucinatory-like proportions.
This sociopolitical dyad of the offending/offended and psychologically paralyzed into nonaction can, and -- in the view of relatively more sensible, oppression-resisting, rational, and psychologically healthy people, lying aside, in the same can of sardines as, their mentally afflicted cohorts -- have, in fact, coexisted concomitantly, the clinically posited (Desmetian) interactive, recycling, interdependent and morbid co-pathologies of the two, notwithstanding.
Much thanks.
malone issue isn't that breggin disagrees with him or desmet. the issue is that breggin has been defaming malone with unfounded personal attacks. that's what the lawsuit is about.
The Desmet issue is a large part of that.
Malone has insinuated in a lot of his writing that there are global predators. You are incorrect.
Then ask yourself why Malone is supporting and promoting Desmet, who does not believe in global predators in the same way that Breggin does.
For Desmet, there are and are not manipulators. Read what he says. Does Malone employ the same strategy-- there are "predators" but no grand conspiracy?
One example of many. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/global-news-a-global-passport-for
Seems to me mass delusion or "mass formation" is the PLAN of the perpetrators! Think they don't know how to engineer it?
Three Roles Identified
Agreed -- thus supporting my view that BOTH 1) the (complex of offenses committed by the) establishment perps are prima facie indictments of their deeply immoral and illegal criminality, AND that the offenses, both in and of themselves and, based on their effects arousing fear, terror, and loathing, led 2) the weak-minded among us to assume a Stockholm Syndrome-like delusion/hypnosis/psychosis posture vis-a-vis their criminal offenders and perceived masters/captors.
At the same time, 3) the more strongly individualized and willed among us see the oppressors in no such permanently dominant and pernicious roles, but rather, in their concerted effort or conspiracy, to attempt to intimidate and weaken their prey, while developing specific strategies and tactics to resist, oppose, out-maneuver, and eventually overcome and defeat the committers of murderous aggression in the acts of culling, depopulating, and killing off
We, the strong ones in this, what appears more and more as The Greatest Struggle, know that the simple genius and indescribable elegance by which our immune systems work to defend and protect -- even to immunize -- us against offensive harm is, part and parcel, our endless inspiration and perennial guide to survival. So, keep it natural, and, as our dedicated Marines so often advise, stay frosty.
Hit the nail on the head. Desmet says there was no conspiracy to induce a mass formation. This is why he introduces the Sierpinski triangle, to convince us there was no conspiracy, only the appearance of conspiracy.
Desmet did not illuminate what you just said; he obscured it. Now we circle back and ask: why is Malone supporting that theory? It's a question, not an accusation. Why is he suing the Breggins?
Many argue that it's all a matter of interpreting Desmet. No, it is not. We break apart the concepts and we see their references (OK, we can get fancy and call it their "ontological status") and we must conclude that according to Desmet, nothing was planned in the sense that many of us believe it was.
actually, desmet does conclude that the criminals are liable for their crimes. his thesis is these kind of conspiracies are self organizing and don't require a criminal mastermind that controls it from the top down but that doesn't mean that people aren't responsible for their part in perpetuating it. desmet is trying to explain where the "maddening of crowds" comes from.
The truth of the matter is that it was all planned a long time ago. A final act in the Greatest Show on Earth.
Do you really believe that Covid-19 was "self-organizing" and that some people simply took advantage of it?
Then no one anywhere is trying to impose a world government on us and actively working for that (planning and conspiring) in order to monitor, manage, and control everyone on the planet and destroy individual self-determination?
So was Covid-19 simply a "maddening of crowds"? Or was it orchestrated by a world-wide, coordinated and vicious suppression of safe and effective drugs and a world-wide, coordinated emphasis on lockdowns and a world-wide creation of a medical police state? None of that was "necessary" and many of what Desmet calls "the smartest pigs in the room" (referring to Orwell,) the virologists, protested against the insanity. Yet Desmet says we believed the "smartest pigs" not because of active deception, but because we, the people, were and are captured by a mechanistic ideology.
Was that really true?
Our leaders "took advantage" of nothing. They actively steered the ship to induce fear in the population so that they could try out their police state and hopefully get everyone to vaccine passports. Not one single thing that happened was mechanistically "necessary," as Desmet seems to want us to believe.
do yourself a favor and find an interview with desmet. i'm just giving you a broad brushstroke that doesn't do his theory justice and your desription above isn't even close to his theory.
I've watched several interviews of Desmet and have read and re-read his book. Suggest you look more closely at what he says, the identities he sets forwards, and the contradictions in what he says as well as how closely his identities match reality.
You write like an attorneyтАжa very good one, I might add.
I actually cried when, after reading the Apology and the Crito, I completed the Phaedo, way back.
What could the hemlock comprise as to be such a powerful agent of inspiration to lovers of reason and justice? I wondered.
Breggins say he didnt' just buy into it, but that the talk of it 'diagnoses' the public, which then permits the global predators to claim the masses are 'sick' and to use draconian measures to lock all the psychotics up. Breggins even share examples of this happening to some folk, entirely unjustifiably but none the less, hauled off by compliant no brain cops in some countries.
Except mass formation, according to the theory, occurs through state-sponsored propaganda on a vulnerable population. Doesn't make sense to lock up the true believers. Whether the "diagnosis" existed or not, those going against the state narrative get locked up in these authoritarian movements.
Then there was a conspiracy of state-sponsored propaganda on the population that induced a mass formation. We were not "vulnerable" prior to that. Think back. For the most part we simply lived normal lives and had cares and concerns and anxieties and loves and relationships and children and family and friends, and we enjoyed being together in parks, at concerts, in restaurants and bars, etc. We did not go around with mechanistic thinking in our heads, like robots just ready to be swept up in the slightest whiff of government propaganda. The only thing spontaneous about the mass formation during Covid was the resistance.
It was planned. Desmet says it was not.
Indeed, yet anyone expendable gets locked up, and all the useless eaters are (to the globals). Certainly the half-wits.
The glow-balls are the half-wits, they talk a load of balls about vaccines being our saviour and 'have another pill' to cure the effects of the previous pill.
Bunch of loonies I call them, they are the useless eaters. They can take their glowing balls and shove them....
I'm sorry, I got carried away there, I hope you don't mind. I can always delete.
I agree. The globalists are the useless eaters. How about rebranding them as such?
Yeah, I'm just saying the end point is always the same in these authoritarian movements whether someone posits Mass Formation theory or not - the dissidents get locked up and the movement eventually eats its own.
agree Doug
I'll never forget when Robert Malone summed this all up to, "The Noble Lie." I still can't figure out what was noble about it.
If the vaxxx works to any extent, the Noble Lie would be that "the authorities" have to lie about the vaxxx dangers to encourage use. But, of course, this vaxxx doesn't work
No vax ever did, that is the truth. The authorities ignored the decades of harm and death and have no excuse, so nothing noble about it whatsoever..
Make no mistake; it's working just as it was designed to.
The Nobel Lie is a significant part of Public Health ideology. They believe it is OK to lie to citizens about medical side effects, the impact of not accepting treatment, or the anticipated benefits - if it is done with the intent to benefit the health of either society or the individual. It's a repugnant philosophy.
Vial, which is why vaccines come in them. It should have been a big clue to us. I was a bit slow, sorry.
The noble lie is the belief that vaccines are for the common good, so even if some people are harmed and die from them, it is acceptable. So it is okay to lie that the vaccines are safe and effective. That's my interpretation.
If politicians were really worried about 'the common' or 'greater good', they'd all donate a kidney.
This is a true statement as to how many have thought except that vaccines have never ever been of any use whatsoever except to make money for big pharma.
So it was not ok to lie because big pharma etc knew they were harmful, sometime deadly, but ignored the evidence. That is not just a lie, it is a ginormous lie.
So nothing noble in that. They are genocidal criminal maniacs.
Except that harm and death exposes the lies as lies if those charged with telling the medical truth stand up... The fact that they who carry this responsibility choose in droves not to is NOT okay... No faith and no respect for the medical profession at large (courageous objectors excepted and honoured of course).... How many people has either their deliberate activism or deliberate silence killed? Almost stooped now to the depths of the legal profession... Pathetic arrogant a'holes...
In the mid 80's when my dog got tetanus I asked the vet why his tetanus vaccine hadn't worked (back when I stupidly got my pets annual boosters) and he said tetanus isn't included in dog vaccines because the vaccines had killed way more dogs than would ever be saved in the rare occurrence of a tetanus infection. When my infant daughter had seizures the evening following a flu vaccine, the ER doctors said it was indeed caused by that shot. That was 2001. I would never expect to hear that honesty these days.( And it still took me another 10-15 years to quit vaccinating anything!)
Thank you very much. This just shows how appalling it all is. People knew and the truth suppressed and here we are today having to point this all out.
That is the beauty of the internet though.
More dramatic in da book.
Malone is on our side. Certainly NOT "controlled opposition".
Which side are you on, "Faith"?
Yes, but he is not that bright otherwise he wouldn't have been in big pharma so long. He has still made mistakes anyway since coming round to the realisation, I hope, that all vaccines that ever were, were utterly pointless.
I used to think they were of some use, but then I am not a doctor. I am relieved I am not.
Do you ever find it curious that so many other doctors and experts find him questionable? Not just one or two, MANY! Why? If you can't answer that, you might want to start digging.
Most doctors and experts think тАЬvaccinesтАЭ are safe and effective. Your comment is dumb.
Most doctors and experts are dumb.
so obviously you aren't curious, but just take things at face value, people who subscribe to that way of thinking probably also believed the government was telling then the truth and took the injection.
What in the actual тАж ? I figured it all out before Steve did lol ЁЯШВ
I have the letters to my local county council to PROVE it too. I was very much alone throughout 2020 and much of 2021.
Which "doctors and experts"?
do your own research, it's not hard to find. Dr David Martin, Judy Mikovitz, Dr Richard Flemming, The Military Dr. (woman) forgot her name, that should get you started.
Oh FFS. Tell Breggin to first apologize, then shut his big mouth. He could end this by being a grownup. Slander is a THING.
Actually, if you put yourself out in the public sphere, slander isn't much of a thing.
Malone could end this by dropping the lawsuit. Is he so fragile that he must attack someone who worked for we, the people, against big pharma for decades?
If I could downvote you, I would. ЁЯСО
Downvote noted.
Tell Malone to have a conversation with the BregginтАЩs as they have invited him to do. He is not willing.
he's not willing to go on their show but he has published his response to their claims.
Problem with this is there is no back and forth discussion.
Then why was Malone still pushing the vaccines up until Dec 2021?... long after he supposedly 'nearly died' of the Moderna vaccine in Spring 2021. And why did he not reveal this crucially important piece of information during the Darkhorse podcast in late May 2021? Don't you think something like that would have been extremely relevant to the hundreds of thousands of viewers who had not received the shots yet? If you'd been around during the 9/11 Truth movement 10-15 yrs ago you'd know exactly what role he's here to play. Controlling the opposition narrative is just as important as controlling the official narrative.
The Breggins are correct about Desmet. This isn't merely academic: Desmet provides cover for the conspiracy which he says never happened. It only appeared to be a conspiracy.
Is that what all of us believe, that there was no conspiracy to impose a world-wide police state?
Malone should drop the lawsuit. He's big enough that he can stand up if someone calls him names. Why is he doing this to Breggin-- a man who poked pharma in the eye for decades, probably when Malone was still in diapers-- when this is exactly what pharma would love to have done to Breggin?
What nonsense. Rubbish.
Have you read Desmet's book?
Are you saying that Breggin hasn't been working for we, the people, for decades and deserves to be attacked?
I honestly don't know if Malone is controlled opposition, philosophically in over his head, a bit careless, or so chummy with Desmet that he can't see what's going on.
As for Desmet, I don't know if he's controlled opposition, philosophically in over his head, or more than a bit careless. I also don't know if he lives in the same world as the rest of us. In his view we were all atomized mechanistic thinkers prior to Covid so really, it was our own fault.
The propaganda was blatant. Was the planning blatant? Was the orchestration blatant? Was the deliberate, world-wide suppression of safe and effective treatments blatant, or was that merely because we were all captured by a mechanistic ideology and believed "the smartest pigs in the room," as Desmet says? Was a world-wide police state blatant or merely the result of our own silly mass formation tendencies because we, the people, didn't laugh and love and socialize prior to Covid but instead were nearly-dead-eyed automatons just waiting for a little propaganda nudge to push us over the edge?
Was the mass formation spontaneous or was the resistance spontaneous?
All of this matters.
"Was a world-wide police state blatant or merely the result of our own silly mass formation tendencies because we, the people, didn't laugh and love and socialize prior to Covid but instead were nearly-dead-eyed automatons just waiting for a little propaganda nudge to push us over the edge?"
It was both. The real issue is the cure, to 'laugh and love, give thanks and hug, for then we will destroy the bug'.
I agree.
Except that I believe Desmet makes up a reality prior to Covid as a way to excuse the predators. I'm not saying he did this consciously.
Were YOU an automaton adhering to a mechanistic world view prior to Covid? I wasn't. Nor was anyone I know, who then became scared out of their wits because of deliberate media propaganda. The people who are still scared aren't that way because of their mechanistic mindset-- their "ideology," as Desmet says. They're that way because they trust people who are telling them lies.
Was I an automaton adhering to a mechanistic world view prior to Covid? No, I wasn't.
Did I trust NHS doctors who should have known better, much better, about the cause of my facial palsy? Yes, I did. I had no obvious reason not to trust them.
But if I had not I would not have realised how useless the NHS is and how ignorant most mainstream doctors are. Even I now know more than they do about the mechanics of disease and I am not a doctor! This was my real problem, added to by unnecessary treatment.
The 9 sessions of immuno-therapy treatment I had were possible equivalent to 9 vaccines!!! I am still alive having retained some semblance of common sense through it all.
I never liked going to the doctors but I was ignorant of cancer and whilst I knew that chemo-therapy was vile, I did not realise that Immuno-therapy was yet another big pharma lie. But I do now and I wouldn't know all I do if I had not been so ill.
Yes, those who say his theory doesn't matter are pretty much correct, except that it does matter because Breggin called it out and Malone's adherence to it as well, and for that Breggin is getting sued.
Malone made it a big deal, didn't he? Otherwise we'd never be talking about it. I knew very little about the dispute until the lawsuit, and before, I even accepted Desmet's theory at face value and thought little of it.
I thought Malone has been blacklisted as controlled opposition? IsnтАЩt that the narrative being cast by the supposed truth seekers?
I was just waiting for the leadership of this movement to start sniping at each other. Always seems to happenтАФ-pettiness, egos, jealousy. Try to keep your eye on the ball, boys.
Bingo. People can disagree but going totally off the tracks is a good way to implode the ability to get to the bottom of what has been done to the world. The end goal must not be derailed by ridiculous infighting
I would not be surprised if the pharmaceutical industry has infiltrated the COVID truth movement or whatever you want to call it. Look at what the FBI did to the civil rights and anti-war movement in the 60s. They infiltrated both movements and incited all sorts of infighting and distrust. It is all part of the playbook.
Breggins have always been extremely anti-drug. Maybe that is their hang-up. Others including Malone are open minded on drugs, but can see the vaxxx is a big problem.
I also wondered the same thing, plus specifically if Malone had connections to the psychiatric industry, but right now I think he's just very thin-skinned.
He hired a lawfare lawyer and I don't think it's a serious case - he just wants to bankrupt the Breggins, Ruby and Stew.
I hope they can turn this around and get some documents out of Malone, and perhaps ask him about his DARPA connections in a deposition.
Anyone with DARPA connections at any level is not to be trusted.
Their role is to control minds and behavior. They are never on the side of truth, they are state of the art manipulators.
Of course they have infiltrated it on some level. But telling the truth and using actual facts, not twisted and cherry-picked renditions of it, is the best defense.
Yes I agree, I mean, they bribe governments, surely they bribe individuals all day long. At any point in time, folks can switch sides.
Maybe some, but not ALL of us will "switch". This is a fight to the death, literally for the survival of the human race. Anyone who truly understands that will NEVER switch sides. Not unless they are completely spiritually "gone", at least.
Yes, and Dr. Meryl Nass
Curious? Why do you say this? Genuinely askingтАж.can you point me in a direction? I am asking for a reason.
Is she allegedly controlled opposition also now? Is Yeardon a Pfizer operative?
Is the Easter Bunny still delivering baskets?
IтАЩm not. No one has paid me a penny in money or moneyтАЩs worth.
I have accepted no donations.
IтАЩm also completely independent. IтАЩm not that good at team playing because it requires compromise & IтАЩm just saying it as I see it. ThatтАЩs probably my only USP.
You keep on being you. We love you as you are. ЁЯСНтЭдя╕П
Ha ha! I really donтАЩt feel brave. More flipping incandescent mostly. Who do they think they are?
Dr. Mike Yeadon has my utmost respect. You rarely see such an honorable, humble person as he is, admitting to past mistakes of not having done his homework, and now speaking the truth
NOPE - do YOUR OWN "homework."
Dr. Malone is a fraud. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/breggins-prioritize-free-speech-above?r=p12mg&utm_medium=android
Personally I see this thread descending even more into the pantomime Covid 19 is. 'Oh no it isn't!' 'Oh yes it is!'
Still I suppose everybody has their part to play. I like Macbeth myself. This contains some major players.
Stew Peters is a fraud.
No he is not.
Please listen to Malones interview with Mike Adam's on the Health Ranger Report. What I like about Malone is that he knows how the scum at the CIA operate and he calls them out.
Malone is not saying the clots are not caused by the vaccine, but he is against sensationalism and unfoubded conspiracy theories. He says the jabs are dangerous and he supports early treatment protocols. His career has taken a massive hit in response to his negative stance towards mRNA vaccines. He has written a book, "Lies My Government Told Me"
Don't forget Socrates said, "Know thyself."
Hope he will write a book "money my government gave me" ...
And how much will he get paid for it? Of course what he does with any monies is another matter.
Thank you. So is he therefore controlled opposition? Was he set up, bait if you will, to draw out the greedy big pharma guys or is he just after money for himself? Or even both?!
"Malone is not saying the clots are not caused by the vaccine,"... But he offers no alternative cause, nor advocates that studies be done RAPIDLY to determine whether there is in fact causation. Why not, if he is really, truly concerned about their effects?? I understand that he calls for vaccines to be halted, but why not fire both barrels of irrefutable probable cause (or at least cause for immediate intense examination) evidence?? I'd love him to answer that question in the light of embalmers' overwhelming "stimulus for immediate frenzied study" observations and myriad widespread clot samples ...
If he does not dispute the clots why does he need to offer an alternative cause? He just disputed the way the information was presented. As to why he must now focus only on the clot issue, perhaps he is focusing on the bigger picture we are facing- ie what do we do in the face of these forces such as the WEF and WHO , etc. to create a one world government, a world totalitarian regime.
I donтАЩt know Malone personally and only since Covid. My experience has been heтАЩs more honest, provides excellent sources of relevant information with references, unlike anyone within the MSM or our trusty public servants.
I have some swampland if you're interested.
And yet he's been silent on the weird fibrous clots that I first heard about a year and a half ago. The one thing that might convince people to stop getting jabbed...and he has been silent.
But the jabs can not be dangerous if he recomands them for the "vulnerable" 60+....
When did he recommend them? Months ago or recently? Lots of doctors initially thought they had some net benefit for the high risk seniors. But now we know that they increase all-cause mortality in EVERY age group!
Recently we don't care about what he is saying at all, but he did it before he started his substack (against vax the children, but agreeing on vaxxing the old ones and vulnerabile - and I sent him an email asking why and what are his recomandations and ideas based on, of course no answer, but after the email, he started avoiding saying it. Since then, done with him.
A lot of doctors believed the lies of Pfizer, etc., in the beginning, before the safety signal started "blowing up" with an unacceptable level of deaths and injuries. A lot of doctors now totally against the clot shots took them themselves because they didn't understand the level of fraud and corruption coming out of the captured health agencies. You need to keep things in perspective. Peter Breggin is not an angel either. But fomenting infighting is part of both the Communist and Globalist strategy of "divide and conquer". Don't fall for it!
Malone claimed in a January 2022 Telegram post that he was injured (nearly killed, in fact) by the second Moderna jab. If he mentioned it earlier, I'm not aware. According to the post, he got the first jab in early April 2021, which means he got the second dose in late April or early May.
Around that same time, his wife wrote an a post on LinkedIn complaining that her husband was not getting credit for his early work on the mRNA vaxx tech. And, in late May or early June, Malone was on the Dark Horse podcast with Weinstein and Kirsch for a three hour confab.
Why would his wife be complaining that he didn't get credit for tech that, according to Malone himself, nearly killed him a few weeks before?
Why would Malone neglect to mention that he was nearly killed by his second Moderna jab a few weeks before when he and Kirsch were discussing the reasons they got jabbed?
Seems odd, no? Timelines matter.
The post on Telegram:
It was excerpted here as well:
Dr. Jill's post on LinkedIn is addressed in this article:
Excellent...thank you for posting this.
She did because the invention itself is not categorically bad, only the current particular products.
The inventor of the principle "motor car" would certainly want the credit for it, even if some people make spontaneously exploding cars.
Quite easy to understand this rather simple reality...
That people make such an artificial mystery, or grounds for suspicion out of it, tells me what I need to know about the overall lay of the land in that regard, it would seem ...
And yes, Malone mentioned in 2021 on multiple occasions that his Moderna shot caused him ultra high blood pressure that required immediate medical counter action.
"Why would Malone neglect to mention that he was nearly killed by his second Moderna jab a few weeks before"...for sure he forgot the line or lost his focus (He mentioned a "bad batch" in his story if i remember well", so this can not happen to many others :) . I don't belive, I have never belived even for a half of a second that he took the vax, no way a man with his connections, knowledge, history and relations would do it. This part was for the public for mantaining the belief in "vaccines", for him to be vaxxed with the new ones is even part of this biography, so is a main important point, is about that side of the game where people should trust the authorities when they are fair, meaning the things he wants to be a hero for: against lockdowns, vax the children, for some treatments, against the bad guys etc/ that's for popularity.
It isn't believable that Malone was nearly killed by the second Moderna jab and a few weeks later failed to mention it on the Dark Horse podcast.
As I lived in a communist regime for 30 years and 10 years in a country of the most globalists, I assume I have some more experience in reading the actions and the words of the "influencers".
He advocates a four-pronged approach: 1) Use the vaccine for those at highest risk, such as the elderly; 2) Provide early treatment to help keep people out of the hospital; 3) Provide tools for individuals to assess their own risk; and 4) Provide tools for individuals to test whether they have Covid.
I don't fall for anything. Besides this, malone is just an american millionaire third hand star in the play, the rest of the world do not care or give a penny on what he says or who is.
You are ЁЯТп % accurate in your assessment. And in regard to the conquer and divide, that's exactly what hes doing with his stupid lawsuit. Maybe if the man would get on stage and debate someone fairly instead of merely calling them conspiratorial, I'd have more confidence in him.
There are two kind of people: those who are sitting on the fence and those who know exactly that they want out of the "hell prison". The second ones can not be divided or lied to.
The Joe Rogan interview was everything you ever needed to know.
If Malone thinks the clots are caused by the vaccine, then why did he leave it to Stew Peters? I first heard about the weird fibrous clots a year and a half ago. Malone has been in some pretty films, written numerous articles, given countless interviews, written a book. He didn't draw attention to the one thing that might convince people to stop getting jabbed. And, then, he went about trashing the guy who did bring attention to them.
Stew Peters was also pushing the absurd idea of snake venom in the municipal water supplies. He needed a little curbing.
Agree, presentation matters. I could never share that documentary with my circle of highly educated friends and family, including many medical professionals. The presentation must be immpeccable and the documentarty was just rife with issues which detracted from the important imformation about the clots.
I agree. I haven't shared Died Suddenly with family. I haven't even shared the excerpts done by others. But not just because of the presentation. How can I tell people I love about these weird clots when I can't get a straight answer to the following question: are they real or not?
Is Ryan Cole is lying? He's in the film. (I don't think he is.)
Why has no one with the proper pedigree addressed these weird fibrous clots with a presentation that is "impeccable" and to your standards? Why was their first instinct to attack the messenger?
Are they real or not?
It isn't hard.
Answer the question and shut up about Stew Peters.
IMO, the fact that so many have not is highly suspicious.
So I am confused. Do you doubt Ryan Cole? I have found him to seem like a pretty genuine guy who seems pretty honest.
I find the embalmers very credible. I believe that what they have to share is very inportant but, as Malone has said, when going againt our adversaries we cannot afford to have a sloppy, overly sensationalized presentation. Those clots are horrifying enough and the music and presentation detracted. As did the errors.
If I were someone of stature I, too, would distance myself from this sort of documentary. I am afraid this important imformation has been tarnished due to the presentation and due to its sponsorship by Stew Peters who seems to mix fact with wild theories with questionable evidence.
I watched his show for a while but had concerns about him. Of anyone in this movement, he and Ruby and some others on his show at times appear less than credible. I cannot remember the last topic that turned me off but I just stopped watching.
And no, I will not shut up because I care as deeply as you and everyone else in this movement about making all this evil stop.
Do I totally trust Malone? No, but it is difficult to totally trust anyone given all that has happened. But so far he seems like the real deal. I watch actions day by day.
The critiques of Malone by the Breggins and others is not yet backed up by anything close to fact. So many accusations just plain mis state the facts.
And your suspicions, as well as those of the Breggins, et al. of Malone just because he may have a slightly different take on the case comes across as frankly paranoid. And beneath the stature of the Breggins who I have always admired.
There are many different theories and ideas going across this whole movement from many different highly respected people. Some I tend to agree with more, others less or not at all. That is ok. What is important is to try to avoid these divisions and to stayed unified keeping our eye on our true enemies.
We can respectfully state our differences and critiques. But, unfortunately, the pile on of Malone was and is over the top as it is just based on innuendo and lacks a real factual basis.
If you can come up with something substantive, I am listening.
No. I don't doubt Ryan Cole. I believe him. He appeared in Died Suddenly, as did Steve Kirsch. So, what's the complaint then? Stew was the wrong guy for the story? He doesn't have the right credentials or CV? He's icky? Then, why didn't someone with the right credentials in the so-called health freedom movement address them in a meaningful way?
Why complain about Stew and ignore the clots? (Sorry, Malone did not mention them in his first article trashing Stew Peters and the film.)
Ryan Cole says the clots are real. I believe him.
Yes, Stew Peters was the wrong guy for the story not because of his credentials but because of his works. He and his show are just difficult to take seriously- it seemed so sensational and over the top. It was so over the top in presentation I almost felt like he was trying to make our resistance movement look ridiculous.
As to why a better person has not taken on the story of the clots, that is a good question. I like Del Bigtree. I think he may have had a segment on his show, The Highwire, but I cannot remember. I know I have seen it covered elsewhere.
Yes, Malone did not use the word, тАЬclotsтАЭ but it was clear that is what he meant because the movie was about the clots!!!!
And, sorry, but the comments Malone made about Peters presentation are spot on.
I am not a mind reader. I do not know why Malone has not focused on the clots. It seems to me that different people have focused on different aspects of this COVID disaster..
The idea that because Malone, alone, among many other doctors in this movement has not focused on the clots is some proof of malfeisance is hard for me to comprehend.
What is the motive to accuse Malone of being a bad actor in this situation There are other docs and scientists in this movement who once supported the vaccine who have changed their minds over time. It is not just Malone who used to recommend the shot for seniors and now do not recommend it for anyone.
Is it just the association with Desmet and his theory? The Weinsteins have also discussed the Desmet theory. As have others. It is just a theory to attempt to explain why people have mindlessly bought the narrative. I do not believe for a minute that Malone blames these victims.
Unless they have some real facts to support their allegations that Malone is working for the bad guys, the Breggins should not have attacked MaloneтАЩs integrity.
Perhaps someone else with bad intent planted this idea in Peter BregginтАЩs mind? Who knows?
Give me some proof. Some facts. Not just projection and innuendo.
I listened to this conversation for the first time yesterday to understand why the Breggins and CAF have an issue with Desmet's theory and Malone's promotion of it. I understand better now.
I'm not looking for a leader or a hero.
Ok, I listened to the solari interview and a couple other breggin interviews linked on the Solari page. I then downloaded DesmetтАЩs book. Breggin has misrepresented critical aspects of DesmetтАЩs book.
I was also shocked that Catherine Austin Fitts made the same false misrepresentations. Something is confusingly off here.
Breggin tries to overly simplify DesmetтАЩs theory and he also claims that Malone made up the theory and that Malone and Desmet are co conspirators working directly for the тАЬglobalistsтАЭ.
It behooves anyone who questions Malone to closely read The Psychology of Totalitarianism. And read the whole book. I have no idea how Peter Breggin, or anyone, could come to believe the level of allegations made about Malone and Desmet based on this book and their interviews.
After reading and listening to everything I can from both these men, it appears as though Breggin is, if I can be charitable, misinterpreting just about everything Malone and Desmet say in a most heinous light.
I do not know who started spreading these defamatory ideas but Breggin appears to be the most vocal. Perhaps that is why he is getting sued.
At this point, based on available information, I still believe Peter and Ginger Breggin and anyone else spewing their defamatory words should apologize to Malone and Desmet and try to make up for the good of the movement.
I do think it will take a very big man for Malone to forgive, but I think he needs to try. Can Breggin admit his own false conspiracy theory about Malone and Desmet? I surely hope so.
I'm sure he'll get a promotion, though.
I tuned Peters out a bit, honestly. Not sure about him. He seems a bit тАЬout thereтАЭ at times but who knows. A lot of crazy things turn out to be true.
The clots are real or they're not. That's all that matters.
And Dr. Ryan Cole says they're real.
It is pretty obvious from the "preponderance of evidence" that post-shot people are having clotting problems. It's not just Dr. Cole.
Yes. There were early reports of clotting. The Salk Institute published a study on April 30, 2021, that demonstrated the spike protein itself was toxic and could damage the endothelial cells that line all lymph and blood vessels.
I'm not talking about the blood clots, Faith.
I'm talking about the weird fibrous clots that embalmers are pulling out of dead bodies.
A mortician named John O'Looney was the first one to report them as far as I'm aware. That was about a year and half ago. Steve Kirsch wrote about them last March. Unlike normal blood clots, they do not response to anticoagulation therapies.
Ryan Cole is a Mayo-trained pathologist.
He says the fibrous clots are real.
Malone has done nothing to alert the public. He attacked the guy who did.
Agreed. Well said.
Why Malone would go so low as to trash Stew peters for bringing to light these side effects of the clot shot, makes you wonder about his real intentionsя┐╝....
The agents often trash each other to distract us.
...there is no such thing as bad advertising maybe? Sells books and all sorts. 'How I was wronged by.....(insert sob story name)'
"to trash Stew peters"
one doesn't need to trash trash, only switch the lights on, and that's all I saw him doing
It isn't difficult.
Either the fibrous clots are real or they're not.
Either the fibrous clots are new...post jab rollout...or they're not.
Either the fibrous clots form in vivo...not post mortem...or they do not.
Either the fibrous clots are a consequence of the jabs or they are not.
I don't care about Stew Peter's underage drinking arrest.
I don't care about Malone's feelings or sensibilities.
Are the clots real?
Ryan Cole says they are.
Why hasn't Malone said or done anything to alert people?
Why did he leave it to Peters?
It isn't difficult.
To be fair, Stew Peters has been lightly trashing Dr. Malone for a while, saying he "should be" working on a cure to reverse mRNA damage since he discovered how it could be used.
I first heard about these weird fibrous clots a year and a half ago. Malone has done nothing to draw attention to them...the one thing that might convince people to stop getting jabbed. But he pounced on Stew Peters for drawing attention.
Are the clots real?
Ryan Cole says they are.
Did you even read what Malone said anout the documentary? Clearly not. He did not dispute the issue with the clots, only the way this information was presented.
I read this article. Malone didn't mention the clots anywhere in it.
The clots are real of they are not.
Why has no one with the proper pedigree in the so-called health freedom movement addressed these weird clots in a meaningful way?
Why was the first instinct of too many of the "experts" to attack Stew Peters and ignore the subject of the film?
It's binary. The clots are real or they're not.
And, if they're not real, then Ryan Cole must be lying, right? You can't avoid it.
I don't think Ryan Cole is lying.
Do you think Malone's pretty Headwinds films helped the people dying of vaxx injuries? Riding pretty horsies in Andalusia, dining al fresco, having meaningful conversations about important stuff really furthered the cause? I don't .
From MaloneтАЩs substack тАЬThere is nothing in this тАЬDied SuddenlyтАЭ which represents new news, as far as I can tell. This seems to mostly be a sensationalized but well-produced video covering information which has been known for quite some time.тАЭ And I agree. I have seen and heard many times about the strange clots found by embalmers. I have little doubt in my mind that they are indeed related to the spike proteins. His whole substack was about the importance of accuracy in presentation. He said nothing against the clots. It seems like you are angered because he has any critique about how the documentary was presented. And because he is not behaving in the way you insist he must then he is suspect?
To which article are you referring? 'Cause the word 'clot' does not appear in the article I linked.
I was a longtime paid subscriber to Malone's substack. I dropped it when the suit against the Breggins was announced. I pre-ordered his book on March 5, 2022...which I will read. I watched the Headwinds films and countless hours of his video interviews.
I have always found his tendency to pick fights with other people in the so-called movement and to accuse or imply that others are controlled opposition to be problematic. Actually, I find it bizarre. Regardless of Stew Peters underage drinking bust or his colorful past and present, he presented the clots in an in your face way. The message broke through. Malone's response was to attack the messenger and ignore the message. As I said, there was no mention of the clots in Malone's first article. None. Nada. Zip.
Malone's history and connections warrant scrutiny. I'm not looking for a leader. I have no interest in being a follower. I want true and accurate information. And I want the people who present themselves as leaders of the so-called health freedom movement to act appropriately and with humility.
Since you asked:
Malone posted about his vaccine injury on his Telegram channel in January 2022. He says he was injured after the second dose. He had the first dose in early April 2021, which means he got the second dose in late April or early May.
During that same time period, his wife wrote an article to LinkedIn (the last in a series of articles and emails, apparently) to complain that her husband, Robert, was not getting due credit for his early work on the mRNA vaxx tech. In early June, Malone and Kirsch had a three hour confab with Bret Weinstein on the DarkHorse podcast. Malone and Kirsch both discussed their reasons for getting vaccinated. Curiously, Malone neglected to mention that 'the second shot almost did him in. As in he almost died' a few weeks earlier.
Why would his wife be complaining that he didn't get credit for technology that, according to Malone himself, nearly killed him a few weeks before?
Why did it take him so long to talk about the Uracil-Pseudouridine substitution to distinguish his work from the C19 jabs? He actually wanted people to use different nomenclature for the vaxx mRNA to differentiate it from his research.
Can you make sense of the timeline? 'Cause I can't.
It was excerpted here as well:
Here's an article about Dr. Jill's LinkedIn post:
I found this on Malone's stack - Between the Forceps and the Stone Dec 14, 2021:
"There are three issues parents need to understand:
The first is that a viral gene will be injected into your children's cells. This gene forces your childтАЩs body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in childrenтАЩs critical organs, including
Their brain and nervous system
Their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots
Their reproductive system
And this vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system"
So I wouldn't say "nothing" perhaps not as much as others.
Do you see anything in your post about weird fibrous clots forming in your child's veins and arteries that do not respond to anticoagulants? 'Cause I don't.
Yes, he spoke against jabs for children.
When Stew Peters drew attention to the weird clots, Malone attacked his character.
But what about the clots? Ryan Cole says they're real.
You don't have to convince me. I'm just saying I've heard Malone talk about clots. Is there someplace where he says there's no clots?
The mainstream has acknowledged the jabs cause blood clots. I'm not talking about blood clots. I'm talking about the weird fibrous clots that embalmers have been pulling out of dead bodies. The clots that do not respond to anticoagulation therapy.
Ryan Cole says they are real.
To my knowledge, Malone has not said anything about them, but he attacked the guy who did.
Yes. It does.
The only difference between an "unfounded conspiracy theory" and a conspiracy fact is a couple of days. I would never again take anyone seriously who uses the phrase "conspiracy theory" as it reeks of CIA-led-and-fed misinformation.
LOL. Ain't that the truth!
25 million lawsuit is "treading lightly" these days. Alrighty then!
The love of money is the root of all lawsuits. Something like that.
Mmm...does one need a suit to win at law? Black suit, red suit, spades, clubs, hearts and diamonds...
Interesting. Didn't know that. I thought he coined it when people started blanket diagnosing all Venetian women with glove paralysis.
How exactly would he lose everything he worked for? Because Breggin called him names? Really?
You know, if he just ignored the Breggins and let people think what they will this would be no big deal. But suing a man who has worked his whole life for we, the people, has made this into a very big deal indeed.
The Breggins should have ceased and desisted when asked to. They defamed Malone and did not stop even when asked to. So the suit was/is necessary. The ball is in the Breggins court to stop this thing by apologizing and retracting their defamatory statements and inferences.
I think the message is, "don't cross Malone."
Worthy of a Mafia boss.
Don't take it out on the horses!
Divided we fall. If our group of freedom fighters gets separated, we will never win this war. You may want to read through Malone's lawsuit before making judgements. Remember, there are two sides to every story and the truth lies somewhere in between. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/just-the-facts
Give me a break--$25 million in damages asked?
And it sounds like he is using that money to sue his opponent....
Never ending story.
Yep, consider unsubscribing Malone and posting that you are redirecting funds to the Breggin's defense at GiveSendGo, before the Corona beer ad lookalike has the 87 yr old hero eating breggin strips for survival.
Breggins started this and simply needs to end it. The stress is of his own doing. I am so sad to see Breggin, who I admired over many years, devolve to defaming a fellow warrior in this battle of a lifetime.
I think Breggins raised totally legit points that should enjoy free speech protection. No one " hurt" Malone but himself, when he began to pout like a kindergartener. Depositions will be interesting as I doubt Bobby wants all his current contracts with " deep state friends" exposed. We'll see.
Defamation is not allowed under the free speech laws. BregginтАЩs points were based on innuendo not fact. Malone asked Breggin to retract. He did not, simply doubled down. Malone, if defamed, has every right to defend himself through legal means.
Hopefully both parties can work this out by Christmas so we can all meet at the farm for spiced eggnog and percheron hayrides.
Make mine a double X.
Breggin deserves what he is getting. He started it. He refuses to end it.
No reason to expect independent researchers and dissidents would be in LOCKSTEP! We should expect differences of opinion and not start yelling shill and controlled opposition unless the evidence and effect is overwhelming.
exactly, all breggin had to do was stop attacking malone and move on.
Sorry, what exactly did Breggin start?
Accusing Malone of being a deep state / controlled op plant. That was the red line for Malone. Slanderous accusation. The lawsuit will force Breggin to either show evidence, or admit he lied. Publicly. He refuses to do either, so far.
Robert Malone maybe a plant, but perhaps he is just a weed.
Or maybe he is pissed with Breggin. Weed is also pissed if you understand me.
Of course if the court case is widely viewed perhaps the vaxxed terminally dim might ask a few questions and think perhaps being vaxxed not such a good idea after all.
Or else they will keeping getting shot, proving my theory of devolution that the world is getting dumber.
Except for the likes of us.
malone claims that he wrote breggin corrected the factual errors in his post and asked him to stop the attacks but breggin continued.
Unfortunately I no longer have a paid subscription to him so I can't post any comments but I think I will unsubscribe at this point. There's nothing useful to read there except propaganda and half truths.
You paid to read Malone's stuff. Enough said. I do free. I am thinking about starting substack letter, but I have a website already.
I do proper gander as in have a proper look. I do 'hole' truths as a hole is a 0 and this is love in tennis, i.e. I do love.
P.S. I do humour too as I consider this lovely (IMHO)!
Yeah.. good idea.
surak, Malone has taken a strong stance against Stew Peters recent video work about the clotting and also against Steve Kirsch. Malone is either attempting to plant his feet on both sides of the vaccine debate and stay in the science camp, or is very very confused.
I watched "Died Suddenly". It has some very important testimony about the clots. This part is preceded by images of the JFK assassination, 9/11, and Bigfoot. It strikes me that someone is trying to discredit skepticism about the COVID injections. It doesn't help that Stew also supports flat-earthism, and entertains anti-Israel guests. If he stuck to the pure science, that would have been a great documentary.
Dr. Malone is not having it both ways. I read his work regularly. He is clearly red-pilled, anti-COVID jab, anti-deep state, pro-freedom.
I also watched Died Suddenly. Did it really have something about Bigfoot or are you just kidding? I would have stopped watching it immediately if I noticed that. You also mentioned that Stew P. believes the earth is flat. Again, you are kidding.......right? If any of that is true, NO ONE should listen to him again.
I consider Malone a friend. Any criticisms about my appearance in the film is just a difference of opinion.
I have never heard Malone say one ill comment about you, Steve. I read most all of his substacks and plan to buy his new book. You are both on the same side, clearly. You both have my full support. For the past year, I intended to subscribe to your Substack but having been laid off because I wouldnтАЩt get the vax and having a partner who is a good man that struggles with addiction and mental issues, I just couldnтАЩt prioritize it. Until today. I believe your тАЬWhy canтАЩt we talk about it?тАЭ Campaign is just too important not to support. After reading Dr. BridleтАЩs Covid Chronicles yesterday, in further support of your campaign, I have prioritized a monthly subscription to your Substack. ItтАЩs not much but I sincerely hope it helps.
It was definitely necessary to clear that one up.
In the immortal words of Rodney King: "Can't we all just get along"?
Your point?
I agree Faith. I clicked on the link and said, What the heck is this?
thank you for clarifying Seve! I am apologizing to you and your audience for mispeaking. thank you Steve. the Stew Peters video has become like a fence post to stand upon...in some ways its bellweather and some are now showing their true colors in relationship to truth.
Steve, would you ever consider writing a post about how you and Dr. Malone ended up in that room with Bret Weinstein back in June, 2021?
Like how it came together, what led up to it and so forth.
Pretty please Steve!? Seriously. ThatтАЩd be good to know about.
Thank you, Steve. Very elegant of you.
HeтАЩs also filed a 25 million lawsuit against Peter & Ginger Breggin.
yes he has. But i'm not forming an opinion on this before I hear from both sides.
Both sides would be a good educated guess
And what's wrong with "both sides"? I had to have cholera, yellow fever, typhoid, tetanus, ad nauseum for 20 years, as an international business traveler. No problems, ever. No problems with fellow employees.
I would never get an Mnra jab. And I think the adjuvants in regular vaxxes were changed back in the 90s, but never got jabbed after that.
So yes, Dr. Malone and others can have one foot in both worlds. He has not aligned with the "anti-everything vax" folks.
And do you know what was in the vaxxes you had? They never did work, they merely appeared to. Made big pharma etc lots of money though so worked in that sense.
I used to think they were of some use. I changed my mind.
I had to stop reading a number of people simply because of lack of time, not because I did not enjoy their writings. One of them was Robert Malone. I am curious, what is his reasoning against the clots? I like to hear both sides.
He did not dispute the evidence of clots. He disputed the way the evidence was presented in the film in the midst of sloppy presentation including clips that wer plain false or inaccurate.and he criticised Stew for his over the top and at times false information.
Thank you for the clarification Julie.
Malone waved it off as basically tin-foil hat whackyness. The Stew Peters video has elements of conspiracy theory whackyness and some aspect of bad taste given how gruesome that video was. So I think Malone got sidetracked by this.
I think the video got sidetracked and the conspiracy theorists stuff took away from the embalmers. ItтАЩs too bad. The clots were impt info but I could not forward the video to my family or friends because they even put a Gates video on there cut which wasnтАЩt full truth. You canтАЩt do that when trying to present truths!
Try this film instead: Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (2022) | Oracle Films
Saw that one. Excellent video. Well done. Passed that one on to many friends and family.
I did stop reading Stew Peters well over a year ago; not because of lack of time, but because he did gravitate toward some whacky conspiracy theories sometimes. The clots they are finding in some of the vaccinated dead has struck me as legit. I hope I have not been gullible.
True Stew Peters tends to dramatise. He is like Marmite - you love it or hate it. Nevertheless there are times you can find nuggets of gold in his delivery of information.
It isn't hard. What is the goal of the so-called health freedom movement? IMO, first and foremost, we want people to stop getting the jabs. The one thing that might convince even he most dedicated covidian to stop is the weird fibrous clots. Who the hell wants that crap forming in their veins and arteries? Who the hell wants that crap forming in their children's veins and arteries? I'm thinking no one.
The clots are real or they're not.
The clots are new...post jab rollout...or they're not.
The clots are forming in vivo...not post mortem...or they're not.
The clots are a consequence of the jabs or they're not.
These questions have answers, but no one is looking?
Malone has been in some pretty films, written many articles, done hundreds of hours of interviews, written a book, traveled all over the world to health freedom confabs.
What has he said about the clots? What has he done about the clots? Nada.
I don't like Stew Peters sensationalist style, but he put the spotlight on the one thing that might convince people to stop getting jabbed. Whatever is going on in the world only works if people comply.
And Malone's response was to trash him. To my mind, that's a tell.
I dont blame the hesitancy with him. but the white calamary coming out of peoples arteries cannot be waved off as mere sensationalism. Stew Peters is a strong Christian and has strong emotions. I think he lets himself go off script sometimes and thats where he sometimes lets the better of himself fall. I notice that the more a person opens up the story to see behind the story, its very easy to get offtrack and requires lot of discernment and insight about history and reality to keep to provable theories.
Peters lost me with the atrocious Jerry Springer-style ambush he did with Vernon Jones. It was undeserved and tacky.
He also has non-credible guests on like Carrie Madej and Mikovits.
He just doesn't know how to do a professional presentation, which discredits the whole thing. I think that Dr. Malone was unhappy with that. And I don't blame him.
Carrie Madej--and Mikovits--are non-credible? Actually very credible, and smart.
Sorry...No, they're not. Madej doesn't even hold a medical license anymore. I'm 75, and been "awake" for 30-40 years, and have a hard sciences degree, did some research with the NSF years ago (although in physical sciences, not biological). So my research on her is based on the proven methodologies in research science, not how she presents herself on a video.
Madej's MO has always been "I'm cute, blond, I have terrifying news, get me on a show that will pay me a hefty fee". She's just not serious.
Mikovits...I knew there was something wrong when I watched that video in 2020. So I did a 250-hour deep dive on her, and found that she's a liar. She lied about all her court records, ALL of them. I pulled them all directly from the courts records in several states.
She falsified her research, and when her results could not be replicated, two of her 10 co-authors from Cleveland Clinic withdrew their names from the study. Fauci actually gave Dr. Ian Lipkin of Columbia U. $2M of our taxpayer dollars, with 10 independent labs, to test for this etrovirus, no one could find it (double-blinded), and even she admitted it. And it was discovered that she had falsified her data.
Then she went off the deep end and started up with the "all illnesses are caused by vaccines" shtick, so she could write books. I think she's a little "off" myself, I don't mean to be unkind, but she ruined her own career. Very sad. Not credible.
Here's a rundown from a respected medical publishing house on the whole thing... https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/AID.2020.0095
Dr. Ryan Cole, MD, (also featured in Died Suddenly) says the clots are real.
Clots are real, saw example provided by an undertaker/embalmer not a photo but passed around the audience at a presentaion in NZ.
Definitely real. My patients have some of them. Good ole days, one small or tiny round clot. These days, 3 or 4 clots or a 'clot' the entire length of the calf or thigh.
That would concur with what was described at presentation I was at and the example shown.
because he does NOT like debates.
Has Dr Malone told you personally that he doesnтАЩt like debates? IтАЩm just curious. I follow your posts and support what you are doing 100%.ЁЯТЬ
You are wise to leave Malone off.
Steve correct me if I am wrong but this list can be expanded depending on the subject of debate. There are many other qualified doctors, scientists and academics available and that will be willing to participate in a debate.
Debating is a art form. One can be wrong and still win. Or the flipside ... be right but lose with poor debating skills.
If so, wouldn't it be defeating the purpose in this case?
Live debates should be left to those who are good at it. Trial attorneys get serious training for it; scientists, not so much. But a debate could be conducted in writing. Such debates used to take place in biomedical journals, before Fauci led the HIV/AIDS debacle, destroyed Peter Duesberg's career as an example to the others, and began building his $6 billion pharmaceutical fraud empire.
I donтАЩt like high stakes, sudden death live debates, for that reason.
I wasnтАЩt good at street fighting and there are similarities: looking for weaknesses in your opponent rather their argument.
The former never crosses my mind. So IтАЩm pretty unlikely to win debates in which a skilled opponent uses those techniques.
ItтАЩs mostly a measure of debating skill, rather than of the merit of an argument.
perhaps he is protecting his blood pressure, which elevated badly after his jab, sadly.
Then you can change the label from 'debate' to 'discussion' if the term carries a specific connotation.
And it looks like other docs listed by Mr Kirsch are happy to engage in debating anyway.
HeтАЩs fallen for the Covid line so it means he canтАЩt debate itтАжthe government here also has this thing about not debating facts as then you get in a war over who has better facts (according to a doc I saw). Which is the entire scientific query method but hey if you believe I guess you believe blindly? The media are really bad here also sums up whyтАж.
Put this story on a billboard. It pissed me off mor than any story IтАЩve read TO DATE. 32 yo female took 12 horrific and painful months to die from this. Not sure you can get permission but itтАЩs pretty powerful stuff
Dear God... that poor woman. 32 with her whole life ahead of her. The pain and fear she must have endured. Such a tragedy. A calamity.
I went and found these postings (which I had previously seen) of skin disorders after the jabs on the Covid blogspot. The images are very disturbing- these poor people!
https://thecovidblog.com/category/skin-disorders/ ItтАЩs a bit annoying to scroll through all the documented story lines until you get to the end and I feel like this blogspot is a little insensitive in their reporting, but knowing the truth about what can happen is important and so many of these stories need to be told so that the slumbering zombies can realize what is really going on!
Oh my God, thatтАЩs horrible.
It is horrific. The poor young woman. And we can't even say if such cases are rare. This nurse in Idaho talks about necrotic fingers, toes and intestines from the mirco-clotting as if they're not uncommon: https://rumble.com/vq3dsm-idaho-nurse-tells-the-truth-about-who-is-in-the-hospital-how-they-are-treat.html
That article is horrendous, as are the photos. Never seen anything like that.
Me either and IтАЩve read a lot of medical case reports, autopsies and crime scene stuff. IтАЩm pretty hard to horrify but this case horrified me in a very visceral way. The suffering this woman endured is truly unimaginable. It angered me greatly and I couldnтАЩt access the entire report which is no doubt filled with worse descriptions of her treatment and disease progression. I only have a limited Medline account and not full access to PubMed as it is expensive. I hope Steve might be able to get permission to use it.
He doesn't like debates....hmmm...
He is happy to be in the spot light tho.
Just wondering if he is worried about a Freudian slip.
It's become quite fashionable to wear one, but 'sometimes a cigar is just a cigar'.
He sure does love that limelight, travelin' all over, smoozin' with the 'right' truthtellers, sharing his Virginia farm and horsey activities. I started drifting away from his daily fodder when he told us how much freedom they had in the old days in Santa Barbara, California where they could ride their horses all over, and now it's all changed. Yeah, the rich bought up all the land and put up their 'No Tresspassing' signs (or maybe its armed guards these days).
Why so sore? Did you miss the post where he invited everyone over for spiced eggnog and percheron hayrides?
:) https://youtu.be/ZYVqizK0WLM
I think that is a very fair comment. You are a scholar and a gentleman
How about MIcheal Yeadon????
Yeadon now questions the existence of a pandemic, of SARS-coV2, of respiratory viruses and of viruses in general. SK is not on same page ... yet
I urge others to note that the only really important point today is whether or not there was & is a pandemic of respiratory illness caused by a novel pathogen called SARS-CoV-2.
I do not believe any headway whatsoever can be made on the wider existential question until we bottom out that question, which I believe is answered by a firm тАЬNoтАЭ.
A lot of people have been ill & many died. It was routine illness, greatly amplified by severe, deliberately induced stress, deliberate medical mistreatment including lethal poisoning and societal isolation and neglect (incorporating deprivation of healthcare, with prescriptions for antibiotics halving in early 2020).
Yup. Agreed.
Yes, I think the suppression of antibiotics might have been a major factor. Never thought of that before. I've also read that the 2019 flu vaccine was particularly deadly.
I agree with you. There was no pandemic.
If the novel virus exists, fine. But it wasnтАЩt responsible for mass scale illness and death. It was therefore irrelevant.
Unfortunately, a very large proportion of people seem unwilling to let it go, to accept they were lied to, again.
Things are much cleaner once the epidemiological evidence is reviewed and accepted (since nobody has rebuffed it).
IтАЩd like to be precise. What IтАЩm questioning is whether thereтАЩs been a pandemic caused by a novel respiratory virus.
ItтАЩs existence is only relevant if the empirical answer is тАЬYesтАЭ.
IтАЩve changed to a firm тАЬNoтАЭ to this question because the most painstaking analysis of the epidemiological evidence is unequivocal. There has not been such a pandemic. All the excess deaths are either iatrogenic (caused my doctors) or through the effects of government policy (isolation, stress & deprivation of healthcare).
I donтАЩt think anyone having regard to Denis RancourtтАЩs analysis of all-causes mortality in 50 US states over more than 100 weeks leaves no room for doubt. The input data is sex, age at death and date of demise.
As far as IтАЩm aware, thereтАЩs been no serious challenge to this evidence.
I would also point out that whether or not thereтАЩs actually been mass illness & deaths caused by a novel respiratory virus or simply all the pre-existing causes of illness & deaths, my testimony in relation to lockdowns, masks, asymptomatic transmission, PCR based diagnostics, тАЬvaccinesтАЭ, trial and regulatory fraud etc etc etc all still stand.
For those open-minded enough to be moved by new evidence, hereтАЩs the latest interview (link to follow).
For everyone else, as you were, noting this is characteristic of those we rightly criticise.
Best wishes
How about the midwestern doctor?
I agree with you Dr. Yeadon, for what itтАЩs worth. Interesting how people can summarize your entire viewpoint in a couple points, isnтАЩt it? IтАЩm not saying thatтАЩs a good thing or a bad thing, I think thatтАЩs just how she goes.... ItтАЩs so wonderful to read your response, which is clarifying. ThatтАЩs really all we can do. Please keep speaking up!
The answer is yes there has been a new type of virus, but to what extent itтАЩs killing people remains unclear due to the lack of consensus on how it is monitored. How can you explain the increase in hospitalisation, the recording of different strains by numerous researchers in different countries & the open ability to access the sequencing, the various papers on the origins aka https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.10.18.512756v1
The fact that this virus is not seasonal like the flu, we can see waves which coincide with increased hospitalisation rates, and further the strange pandora box effect of other viruses that usually are not present in any great numbers suddenly becoming more prevalent. IтАЩm going to look at the information you have provided, but there was definitely an event prior to the faux vaccine being injected en masse
Fair enough, I do understand your counter view, it was mine too until quite reasonable.
But a few confirmatory checks:
1. Were there more people in hospital? Do note, officialdom literally everywhere have been lying to the public about almost everything. Most of the information IтАЩve had was second hand but was from people I know personally. The majority told me quietly & not to quote them, but they had far fewer admissions than usual & in addition theyтАЩd put almost all elective procedures on hold. I knew personally one who had resource planning responsibilities for the NHS England and Wales. Really it was about beds & more specifically still, intensive care beds. This combined the full bells and whistles suite of kit plus ordinary beds which permitted high intensity nursing, requiring minimally a medical oxygen supply for non-invasive assistance, which is what all desaturated, distressed admissions should have been offered, never mechanical ventilation. All through the тАЬpandemicтАЭ they had greater spare ICU beds than he had ever experienced in a more than 20 year career. He was told not to talk about it.
2. Even if there were more sick people (& I just donтАЩt know if it more, less or the same as earlier years) there is an alternative explanation already. Chronic, severe stress is the most potent non-physical immunosuppressant thatтАЩs been identified. Whether you believe in germ theory or terrain theory (or both, like me; I see no reason why they couldnтАЩt coexist) that deliberately created & relentlessly maintained fear mongering from all directions, guided by SAGE & the тАЬnudge unitтАЭ (Behavioural Insights Team) was enough to raise anxiety, panic attacks, chest pain, GI disturbances to say nothing of psychiatric symptoms and suicidality. IтАЩm arguing itтАЩs not necessary to posit a new, respiratory virus in order to explain anything was observed.
3. I donтАЩt have the reference, but IтАЩm absolutely sure of it (if itтАЩs important to confirm for yourself about what IтАЩm writing, please try Joel Smalley. Writing as Metatron iirc, he was downloading & analysing all manner of medical / health statistics as they became available. It was a shock to many that, running up to the so-called тАЬSecond waveтАЭ in 2020, as the number of тАЬcovid casesтАЭ rose substantially, and тАЬCovid admissionsтАЭ shortly after that, the evidence was that (a) a lower percentage of calls to the emergency services (999, 911 for help it American friends!) that were respiratory related fell & fell. Also, the number of calls to the non-emergency line, 111 (I think) also fell. The number of hospital admissions for people with respiratory symptoms was also well under normal & falling. Bottom line, we were being overtly lied to, in real time. Whether solely from thd NHS or from another, invisible source, I cannot know, but we definitely did not experience a тАЬsecond waveтАЭ of anything. We did see a very sharp pulse of excess mortality very soon after initiation of massed vaccination in England (where I was at the time). We now have a complete explanation for those deaths. Midazolam & morphine, remdesivir, in some cases, inappropriate mechanical ventilation etc. I have proof of this.
4. This is trickier. Do recall that the Nobel Prize winning biochemist, Dr Kary Mullis (who died immediately before the covid fraud began: some say he was assassinated) repeatedly said there is no such thing as тАЬa PCR testтАЭ, only a technique for amplifying DNA. ThatтАЩs what he invented it to do. Many people believe (& IтАЩm among them) that the so-called тАЬPCR testтАЭ is completely worthless as a clinical diagnostic. Apart from the lack of calibration, required to validate any biochemical test in use today, there are numerous other problems with it. IтАЩm not talking only about excessive cycling / amplification, the ability to pick up & amplify small fragments of poly nucleotides, and numerous other limitations, all the probes/primers were being made in distant laboratories, and the exact sequences of which were тАЬcommercial/ confidential/ proprietaryтАЭ. So we donтАЩt even know what exactly was being detected if a result was said to be тАЬpositiveтАЭ. You may point to some samples being sent for sequencing & at least some of them matched what Wuhan has allegedly discovered & uploaded to a global database. Fair enough. What you probably didnтАЩt know was the bias inherent in which samples were sent for sequencing? I saw that the methodology section of papers specified that only a small fraction of positive results with very low cycle thresholds we looked at. ItтАЩs not appropriate to assume what the sequencer found in those uncommon samples was in all the other samples. Then there are at least two other serious weaknesses. Most sequencing nowadays is conducted centrally, not in scores of labs of people working independently around the world. In UK, almost all the sequencing was conducted at the Sanger Centre. It is my belief that the Oxbridge/London/Wellcome Trust triad, in cahoots with big pharma, curated the results. IтАЩm questioning their probity. The technique most used is тАЬNGSтАЭ, next generation sequencing. ItтАЩs very complicated & IтАЩd nothing like weтАЩd imagine. Suffice to say, a large number of fragments are sequences. Everything in the sample is sequenced & then algorithms and templates are used to assemble the most plausible entire sequence of the porported virus. Recall that WuhanтАЩs original claim to have discovered SARS-CoV-2 utilised a bat coronavirus sequence as the reference. I can think of several ways to cheat in ways that make a variant of SARS-Cov-2 fall out from such work, without there actually being an actual infectious principle, capable of making someone ill.
Because of the weaknesses inherent in this technique (being used inappropriately as a clinical diagnostic) and the sheer complexity & requirement for assumptions even to apply such a technique, itтАЩs ideal for fooling almost everyone.
Flowing from this, there have been genuinely considered epidemics where 100% of the positive results in PCR-based clinical diagnostics were false. Hard to believe but itтАЩs true. The one I remember best was in the northeast of USA. They genuinely thought they had a whooping cough epidemic, with hundreds of PCR-based тАЬlaboratory confirmed infectionsтАЭ, but it turned out to have been a variety of common colds and the test results shown to be due to cross contamination of samples with reference nucleotides invisibly present in the lab work bench.
I cannot know for sure, but I no longer believe thereтАЩs been any kind of pandemic or the release of a novel virus.
The perpetrators have had 25-50 years run up to their attempted near global coup dтАЩetat. I regret to say theyтАЩre going along probably pretty close to their expectations.
Apparently the perpetrators are getting very close to their expectations please see this:https://frankspeech.com/video/attorney-exposes-facts-what-she-calls-covid-concentration-camp-being-built-california
We do have something to stop this, itтАЩs a movement in California called New California State. ItтАЩs actually very far along in happening. If you are interested the website is www.newcaliforniastate.com. ItтАЩs the only answer to save calibration and the United States from this catastrophe.
ItтАЩs the only answer to save California and the United States.
Do you ever see this interview? He calls himself John Cullen or the maps daddy. ItтАЩs tied into what you believe & there does seem to be some kind of relationship with what has happened
I know this much. The primary test, SARScoV2 RT PCR, used to build the illusion of a worldwide pandemic was purposefully manipulated through the molecular chemistry used. A professional team of scientists and medical professionals did a point by point examination of the Corman Drosten protocol, compared it to the best information on PCR testing and concluded. "the test is so flawed on a molecular and methodological basis as to be useless as a medical diagnostic test". High sensitivity and no specificity that led to massive numbers of false positives. Yeadon was part of that effort when the protocol was released in early 2020. See the Corman Drosten Review report online. When asked about why this event was employed, Yeadon replied, "how should I know, it isnt my crime". Yeadon knew from the start this was a ruse.
Precisely. At that time I hadnтАЩt yet realised that EVERYTHING we were told (all the important narrative points) were lies.
That took an embarrassing several months.
It took an excruciatingly lengthy period after that before I had the evidence (mostly from Denis Rancourt) that even the virus, whether it exists or not, was not the cause of the illnesses & deaths being reported.
Instead, it was largely institutional murder and societal neglect.
Do you not see some rather unusual clinical characteristics of this тАШoutbreakтАЩ especially what we saw manifest during the тАШdeltaтАЩ variant? The extensive clotting & widespread inflammation, lasting long after the acute viral phase was over APPEARS to be something of a scale we have not seen before. The early data out of Italy struck me with autopsies not showing secondary bacterial pneumonia but rather an organizing, interstitial inflammatory disease. The extent of blood clotting seen is also unusual.
You are totally correct in the excessive & poorly managed intubation killing people, and Remdesivir should be forever banned from our vocabulary, except in courtrooms & classrooms of the future.
I never trusted the tests but clinically it appeared to be a new entity, I am curious as to what others think.
In these remarks, IтАЩm speaking not as a clinician.
I have looked at much literature and spoken to many who could summarise what influenza like illness looked like.
The remarkable thing is the diverse description of ILI, plus little known fact that 80-90% of patients with ILI carry no identifiable virus to which their illness could be attributed.
Mostly, ILI isnтАЩt really treated, especially on elderly, frail patients & is not infrequently terminal.
My surmise is very very few ILI patients were ever worked up in the past to anything like the extent they sometimes are now, and had we done so, weтАЩd have found a low % of them had unusual clotting phenotypes.
IтАЩm not convinced thereтАЩs been anything new. New attention & findings, perhaps.
There definitely is & was an outbreak, itтАЩs just a matter of how extensive it was given there was no consensus on which way it was being recorded. How else do you explain the different strains that are recorded & uploaded for open viewing by different people all across the world, the explosion in hospital admissions & the sudden increase of different types of viruses etc, plus the deaths prior to the vaccines?
Now? Many of us questioned the existence of a pandemic in March 2020. Not because we are scientists but because we saw no evidence whatsoever of a 'pandemic' and government data reinforced this conclusion. Criminal Clown World.
If there has been a worldwide pandemic, there would have been symptomatic people everywhere. I didnt see them and believe me I was looking. PU.
There are always symptomatic people. ItтАЩs the human condition to get occasional ill & eventually to die.
There was some but not hugely more illness than usual but what there was was augmented by deliberate stress, isolation, deprivation of healthcare for many & lethally inappropriate treatment for others. Lack of antibiotics; administration of midazolam, morphine, remdesivir & mechanical ventilation are the principal drivers of excess deaths.
No new pathogen, however. Which is why government figures & others frequently ignored their own impositions, because they knew there was no new health threat. The 94 yo British Queen attending G7, for example. Parties in No. 10 Downing Street, etc.
love him and someone from Dr. Zelenko's team. God rest his blessed Soul.
You rock Steve
I was debate president & National qualifier yet now all I do is go├╕d whistleblowing and collaborative music to get the word out;
4 songs:
I was a debater, too! I will check out your links.
Thank you Kimmie! I've put a ton into my righteous whistleblowing and it only cost me my business, wife, child, jail time, ongoing bs criminal charges and a few friends lol:
Dr Ralph Baric - Global WIPO Patents @UNC Chapel Hill NC
S├ЕRS / C┬дvid1: World patent wo2002086068
SPIKE Protein, Part 2 - World patent Wo2015143335A1
USPTO - Comparable Patents (lens.org, patents.google, NIH website or Justia.com are great to plug #s into)
#7279327B2 - North Carolina
#20170096455 a1 - North Carolina
Baric inducing heart failure 30 years ago and this notion is put into the proposed Indictments:
тШЕPolicy Patent - attachment is confidential
Who knew policy could be patented and this shows the rfid chips - world pending patent Wo2022034502A1
тШЕMicrosoft Motive
Proposed Indictment - https://www.davidmartin.world/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/The-Criminal-Conspiracy-of-Coronavirus.pdf
Key patents before lockdown
[i] #6372224 (1990 Pfizer Canine C┬дrona vaccine)
[ii] #7279327 b2 (2001 C┬дrona UNC-Chapel Hill<><>Dr. Ralph Baric )
[iii] #7151163 (2003 - C┬дronavirus Treatment & Control - Sequoia Pharma)
[iv] #2005181357 A1 (2003 SARS causing virus - USA with Hong Kong)
[v] #7750123 (2003 SARS/C┬дv antibodies - Dana Farber Cancer Society part of Harvard Medical & MIT too.
[vi] #7776521 (2003 CDC's C┬дrona) similar to #7220852 - 24 inventors.GOV
[vii] #20060257852 A1 (2004 Chiron Vax Corp/Novartis/GlaxoSmithKline)
[viii] #7452542 - (2004 C┬дrona Virus Vaccines - Mark Denison - Vanderbilt U)
[ix] #20100216804 A1 (2008 Pfizer nano particle release
[x]#9193780 b2 (2008 Ablynx/Sanofi - Amino Acid binding to C┬дrona/Sars)
[xi] #10130701 b2 (2014 C0rona -Pirbright Inst./Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
[xii] #2020279585 A1 (2015 Rich Rothschild Banking empireтАУTesting C┬дvid-19)
[xiii] #10960070 b2 (2017 Scripps/Dartmouth University Spike protein and their uses)
[xiv] #20170096455 A1 (2018 UNC-CH (Chimeric cross-breeding ЁУЖЧЁУЖШЁУЖЩЁУЖЪЁУЖРЁУЖСЁУЖТЁУЖУЁУЖФЁУЖХЁУЖЦ venom spike
[xv] #10702600 (2020 ModeRNA Vax)
Other countries and key World/Global patents below:
Precursors for War as a copycat to Pandemic 1918/WW1 in the Globalist's playbook as well as the Polio / Meningitis vax swap scam.
Canada = CA2522329A1 (2002) Merck
China= #CN101186920A (2003)
Russia = #RU2473702c1 (2011)
Israel = #277083 (2020)
China = #CN112300251A (2020) SARS C┬дVID 2
#Wo1993023422A1 A1 - SmithKline: Compositions & methods Vaxes against c┬дronaviruses
#EP3172319B1 - Pirbright patent similar to [x] above (Europe)
#EP1533370A1 - Novel Pneumonia causing virus (German/French) AKA Wo2005049814-A2
#Wo2004092360A2 - Similar to Chiron's C┬дrona Virus above [vii]
#Wo2005081716 A2 - John Hopkins DNA Vaxes targeting SARS C┬дV
FEDERAL Reserve Private family patents linked to the global banking cartels while the University patents are Rockefeller linked via the Flexnor Report:
Vanderbilt Family in 2008 - #7452542
Rothschild Testing C┬дvid-19 in 2015!! - #2020279585-A1
Thanks for the shares! Here is Dr David MartinтАЩs Fauci/ Covid dossier:
Contains the proof to show he is lying under oath (unless he has sudden dementia and can no longer remember the emails he sent out)
Doesn't Dr. Martin have some interesting paperwork in his files regarding Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's affiliation with a BC company which produces the lipid nanoparticles used in the mRNA delivery system?
Asking for a friend.
Have you watched this interview of him?
Thanks for posting this one is awesome and I haven't seen it.
I think Dr. Martin doesn't let any Klauss Schwaub generic cloned puppet get off the hook. Canada has this murky Merck patent I saved https://patents.google.com/patent/CA2522329A1/en
I actually reviewed that Dossier maybe 5 months back. I am so blessed to be connected with David in a few ways and I knew I was on the right track when my sequence matches up with his 20 years of reviewing, not that I mapped out 4k, just the major ones. I graduated UNC when Baric was patenting SARS. The CHD network (RFK Jr who Steve puts as #1) has been another awesome group helping to FOIA some of my patent finds after that Dossier. Check this horrific world 2022 piece of work that we spoke to the inventor today about:
World (nanotech) Policy:
Thanks for being a gentlemen of integrity and not going the way of Baric & others, but instead putting yourself out there and being a whistleblower! David is a very interesting guy and I have enjoyed all of his talks that I have listened to over the last year and I try to share his material & websites. My only complaint in regards to him is that he has been a little inaccessible to those who are a limited budget- would have liked to have met him & Kim and been at his talks or workshops but I canтАЩt afford it. I have been wonder if his new movie is worth the effort & cost of getting a group together to watch it.
Yes, IтАЩm a member of the CHD. They do a tremendous service for us all! I also like & support the ICAN - Del Bigtrees legal organization with lawyer Aaron Siri.
Thanks for the new link will check it out!
I'm sorry about your costs.
Hope you are well.
Dang! That is alot of SOLID info!
Hi Claudia! My name is Liz Faraone and I am a member of CCCA as well. I volunteer with the Canadian Adverse Event Reporting System. Just thought IтАЩd say hi and second your suggestion to include Denis Rancourt and Steven Pelech. I first saw a video interview of Dr. Pelech on a podcast called Liberty Dispatch, back in November of last year. I was facing a mandatory vaccination policy and felt so alone. He presented information about the C19 virus and vaccines so professionally, scientifically and clearly. I was so inspired and firmly decided not to take the shot. I lost my job but in hindsight it was for the best. IтАЩve maintained my health, integrity and autonomy and I wouldnтАЩt trade that for anything. My eyes have been forced wide open though I feel IтАЩm just scratching the surface. I work privately now, but in my spare time all I do is read substacks, volunteer and plan for a better future. I am very worried about the state of the world, but I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to prepare my family and re-write the type of future I want for myself and my kids. With the right knowledge I strongly believe we can mitigate at least some of the hardship to come. Im very grateful to so many people, Dr. Pelech is very high on my list.
Absolutely agree. Terrific scientists.
Isn't Rancourt saying basically the ACM figures show there was no pandemic and the alleged covid deaths had nothing to do with a virus? If so, he'd hardly be on same page as SK!
Indeed. I donтАЩt understand why SK hasnтАЩt read & rebutted Rancourt or read & come on side.
Why would he not read Rancourt. Why argue apples vs oranges. There is no value to it. We have redefined what is science, vaccine, and pandemic. It is a dead end even though we have statistics to show the truth.
and yet you help propagate it by replying in kind
IтАЩm down! How can I help? I live in Canada (Barrie, ON) IтАЩm looking to connect with people who are forming тАЬintentional communitiesтАЭ. HavenтАЩt had any luck yet. I understand the dire importance of decentralization.... acting sooner than later would be prudent. I know Dr. David Martin and others are working on this. Do you have any other trustworthy leads? I have two kids and I want to leave them a world worth inheriting (as Chris Martenson would say). IтАЩd love to connect with more people like us.
Perhaps Elon might be willing to donate some space on Twitter to the cause. If anything is a flagship cause for free speech, this is.
No one who says he has a Starship should be trusted.
Not only is Mars a dead planet, it's a long ways away!
Elon is not as much for free speech as he would have you believe: he won't reinstate Alex Jones on Twitter. Alex is a bit hyperbolic, but is one of the more accurate sources out there. Maintaing a ban on him is quite out of line and shows Elon's true colors.
Alex admitted a long time ago that he was CIA.
Elon Musk is kind of creepy, if you ask me. No one should expect free speech from that guy.
Many folks on that list are still BANNED from Elon's platform.
Including David Icke.
Including Dr Malone