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surak, Malone has taken a strong stance against Stew Peters recent video work about the clotting and also against Steve Kirsch. Malone is either attempting to plant his feet on both sides of the vaccine debate and stay in the science camp, or is very very confused.

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I watched "Died Suddenly". It has some very important testimony about the clots. This part is preceded by images of the JFK assassination, 9/11, and Bigfoot. It strikes me that someone is trying to discredit skepticism about the COVID injections. It doesn't help that Stew also supports flat-earthism, and entertains anti-Israel guests. If he stuck to the pure science, that would have been a great documentary.

Dr. Malone is not having it both ways. I read his work regularly. He is clearly red-pilled, anti-COVID jab, anti-deep state, pro-freedom.

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I also watched Died Suddenly. Did it really have something about Bigfoot or are you just kidding? I would have stopped watching it immediately if I noticed that. You also mentioned that Stew P. believes the earth is flat. Again, you are kidding.......right? If any of that is true, NO ONE should listen to him again.

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I consider Malone a friend. Any criticisms about my appearance in the film is just a difference of opinion.

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I have never heard Malone say one ill comment about you, Steve. I read most all of his substacks and plan to buy his new book. You are both on the same side, clearly. You both have my full support. For the past year, I intended to subscribe to your Substack but having been laid off because I wouldnтАЩt get the vax and having a partner who is a good man that struggles with addiction and mental issues, I just couldnтАЩt prioritize it. Until today. I believe your тАЬWhy canтАЩt we talk about it?тАЭ Campaign is just too important not to support. After reading Dr. BridleтАЩs Covid Chronicles yesterday, in further support of your campaign, I have prioritized a monthly subscription to your Substack. ItтАЩs not much but I sincerely hope it helps.

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It was definitely necessary to clear that one up.

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In the immortal words of Rodney King: "Can't we all just get along"?

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Dec 6, 2022
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Your point?

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I agree Faith. I clicked on the link and said, What the heck is this?

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thank you for clarifying Seve! I am apologizing to you and your audience for mispeaking. thank you Steve. the Stew Peters video has become like a fence post to stand upon...in some ways its bellweather and some are now showing their true colors in relationship to truth.

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Steve, would you ever consider writing a post about how you and Dr. Malone ended up in that room with Bret Weinstein back in June, 2021?

Like how it came together, what led up to it and so forth.

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Pretty please Steve!? Seriously. ThatтАЩd be good to know about.

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Thank you, Steve. Very elegant of you.

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HeтАЩs also filed a 25 million lawsuit against Peter & Ginger Breggin.

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yes he has. But i'm not forming an opinion on this before I hear from both sides.

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Both sides would be a good educated guess

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And what's wrong with "both sides"? I had to have cholera, yellow fever, typhoid, tetanus, ad nauseum for 20 years, as an international business traveler. No problems, ever. No problems with fellow employees.

I would never get an Mnra jab. And I think the adjuvants in regular vaxxes were changed back in the 90s, but never got jabbed after that.

So yes, Dr. Malone and others can have one foot in both worlds. He has not aligned with the "anti-everything vax" folks.

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And do you know what was in the vaxxes you had? They never did work, they merely appeared to. Made big pharma etc lots of money though so worked in that sense.

I used to think they were of some use. I changed my mind.


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I had to stop reading a number of people simply because of lack of time, not because I did not enjoy their writings. One of them was Robert Malone. I am curious, what is his reasoning against the clots? I like to hear both sides.

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He did not dispute the evidence of clots. He disputed the way the evidence was presented in the film in the midst of sloppy presentation including clips that wer plain false or inaccurate.and he criticised Stew for his over the top and at times false information.

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Thank you for the clarification Julie.

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Malone waved it off as basically tin-foil hat whackyness. The Stew Peters video has elements of conspiracy theory whackyness and some aspect of bad taste given how gruesome that video was. So I think Malone got sidetracked by this.

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I think the video got sidetracked and the conspiracy theorists stuff took away from the embalmers. ItтАЩs too bad. The clots were impt info but I could not forward the video to my family or friends because they even put a Gates video on there cut which wasnтАЩt full truth. You canтАЩt do that when trying to present truths!

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Try this film instead: Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (2022) | Oracle Films


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Saw that one. Excellent video. Well done. Passed that one on to many friends and family.

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I did stop reading Stew Peters well over a year ago; not because of lack of time, but because he did gravitate toward some whacky conspiracy theories sometimes. The clots they are finding in some of the vaccinated dead has struck me as legit. I hope I have not been gullible.

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True Stew Peters tends to dramatise. He is like Marmite - you love it or hate it. Nevertheless there are times you can find nuggets of gold in his delivery of information.

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It isn't hard. What is the goal of the so-called health freedom movement? IMO, first and foremost, we want people to stop getting the jabs. The one thing that might convince even he most dedicated covidian to stop is the weird fibrous clots. Who the hell wants that crap forming in their veins and arteries? Who the hell wants that crap forming in their children's veins and arteries? I'm thinking no one.

The clots are real or they're not.

The clots are new...post jab rollout...or they're not.

The clots are forming in vivo...not post mortem...or they're not.

The clots are a consequence of the jabs or they're not.

These questions have answers, but no one is looking?

Malone has been in some pretty films, written many articles, done hundreds of hours of interviews, written a book, traveled all over the world to health freedom confabs.

What has he said about the clots? What has he done about the clots? Nada.

I don't like Stew Peters sensationalist style, but he put the spotlight on the one thing that might convince people to stop getting jabbed. Whatever is going on in the world only works if people comply.

And Malone's response was to trash him. To my mind, that's a tell.

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I dont blame the hesitancy with him. but the white calamary coming out of peoples arteries cannot be waved off as mere sensationalism. Stew Peters is a strong Christian and has strong emotions. I think he lets himself go off script sometimes and thats where he sometimes lets the better of himself fall. I notice that the more a person opens up the story to see behind the story, its very easy to get offtrack and requires lot of discernment and insight about history and reality to keep to provable theories.

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Peters lost me with the atrocious Jerry Springer-style ambush he did with Vernon Jones. It was undeserved and tacky.

He also has non-credible guests on like Carrie Madej and Mikovits.

He just doesn't know how to do a professional presentation, which discredits the whole thing. I think that Dr. Malone was unhappy with that. And I don't blame him.

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Carrie Madej--and Mikovits--are non-credible? Actually very credible, and smart.

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Sorry...No, they're not. Madej doesn't even hold a medical license anymore. I'm 75, and been "awake" for 30-40 years, and have a hard sciences degree, did some research with the NSF years ago (although in physical sciences, not biological). So my research on her is based on the proven methodologies in research science, not how she presents herself on a video.

Madej's MO has always been "I'm cute, blond, I have terrifying news, get me on a show that will pay me a hefty fee". She's just not serious.

Mikovits...I knew there was something wrong when I watched that video in 2020. So I did a 250-hour deep dive on her, and found that she's a liar. She lied about all her court records, ALL of them. I pulled them all directly from the courts records in several states.

She falsified her research, and when her results could not be replicated, two of her 10 co-authors from Cleveland Clinic withdrew their names from the study. Fauci actually gave Dr. Ian Lipkin of Columbia U. $2M of our taxpayer dollars, with 10 independent labs, to test for this etrovirus, no one could find it (double-blinded), and even she admitted it. And it was discovered that she had falsified her data.

Then she went off the deep end and started up with the "all illnesses are caused by vaccines" shtick, so she could write books. I think she's a little "off" myself, I don't mean to be unkind, but she ruined her own career. Very sad. Not credible.

Here's a rundown from a respected medical publishing house on the whole thing... https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/AID.2020.0095

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Dr. Ryan Cole, MD, (also featured in Died Suddenly) says the clots are real.


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Clots are real, saw example provided by an undertaker/embalmer not a photo but passed around the audience at a presentaion in NZ.

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Definitely real. My patients have some of them. Good ole days, one small or tiny round clot. These days, 3 or 4 clots or a 'clot' the entire length of the calf or thigh.

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That would concur with what was described at presentation I was at and the example shown.

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