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Read Malone's substack (if you want details), its lengthy. But fairly simply, Breggins say that Malone blames the public for groupthink and mass formation, which Breggins say is placing or insinuating blame on the wrong people and taking attention away from the perpetrators of these crimes (and hence permitting they continue their evil plan) ((which is being done anyway)). Breggins say it is global predators, hence their book title.

Many ppl see it as a turf war, as both are superstars and both are selling books.

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There's more than enough blame to go around, and Malone has NOT let the predators off the hook. He was asking what it was in the public's minds, to allow so much gaslighting, submissiveness, blah, blah, AS IT WAS IN GERMANY IN WWII.

And there are several theories about this, including Hannah Aren't. There doesn't have to be just one. It could be a blend of them.

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There is another aspect to it as well; Malone is the one who added the world "psychosis" to mass formation psychosis, and psychosis a medical diagnosis that can result in people getting involuntarily committed. This has a lot of unpleasant repercussions, aka what happens when everyone who is not vaxxed is deemed to be under mass formation psychosis and therefore liable for detainment in a government mental hospital?

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Wait....there are government mental hospitals?

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Wait...there are government mental hospitals?

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I blame the general public too for group think but I also blame the higher ups of the crimes. Both can be true simultaneously.

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Absolutely. Assuming Malone is controlled opposition and a governmet plant just because he was red pilled only recently and supports one theory of the case is just plain defamatory. The Breggins, et al. are the ones who initiated the division within the movement. One could just as easily view them as controlled opposition for sowing division and them gaslightimg Malone about what a meany he is for sueing them. Malone did not want this suit but really had no choice because the Breggins would not stop the defamation, just double down.

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Not only can it be true, it seems to be the most likely explanation of how prior dictatorships have always taken hold: predatory tyrants running amuck due to, and with acquiescence of, submissive sheeple looking for experts to lead them around on leashes. No need to quibble about which group is more at fault. Solution: Prosecute the criminals, and empower / educate the sheeple.

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Sure, right; why not?

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Which I think sums it up nicely, thank you.

I appreciate this is in relation to Coronavirus (a hoax based on something real) in general, but it might amuse. It is in relation to UK but I strongly suspect that most governments had something very similar.

it is rather silly, but then so was the guidance from the government.


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Yes, but mass psychosis IS a factor in what happened, why not discuss that, too? People got so brainwashed, they are impermeable to the truth even today…

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The difference is that Desmet/Malone say that mass formation is due to our own mechanized thinking; then we become susceptible. Do you think in a mechanized way? Were you, prior to Covid, an atomized individual tossed around by waves a mechanization, confused, ready to be led by the new leader? Was your family? Were your friends? Mine neither.

Breggin says the masses become terrorized by an entity doing the terrorizing. Did this or did this not happen during Covid? Is it or is it not happening now?

Desmet spouts a lot of nonsense about Hitler and the Nazis in chapter 6 of his book where he pretends that the masses were just ready to submit to a leader. According to "A Social History of the Third Reich" (a real book!) the Nazis took power and terrorized the masses. The people lived in fear of the regime and dared not question it. Fear was induced deliberately. It did not come from the people!

If you can't see what's so wrong about Desmet's thinking then you don't know the relevant history and/or you don't see Desmet's very clear strategy of blaming the victim in psychological terms. This is what Breggin is upset about: for Desmet, there is no overall terrorizing agent, this only arises as part of the mass formation. There is/was no conspiracy-- Desmet takes pains to explain this in his convoluted manner. There are no master-mind global predators. Read his freaking book for God's sake if you don't believe me, and stop thinking that everything Malone says must be the God's truth! At the very least, Malone made a mistake by backing Desmet.

Malone is suing for his, Malone's, own mistake that Breggin called out and Malone won't back down, because he has "integrity." Well, maybe we need some decency instead.

All of you who think that Desmet's theory is irrelevant-- I agree. It isn't relevant. Except that Malone made it relevant because much of his lawsuit revolves around the dispute over Desmet.

In Breggin's mind, Malone's support of Desmet demonstrates that Malone is subverting the truth about what happened during Covid. That's not just an idle and ill-informed assessment.

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There was a study by Stanley Milgram where he was looking to understand the conflict between submission to authority and conscience. He was curious why Germans followed authority in Nazi Germany. As the attached article suggests, people will obey authorities under certain conditions.

We are generally raised to obey authority under certain conditions. As I understand it, Milgram did not include fear which would have created a much higher response rate in the "torture" in the experiment, no doubt.


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It's Hypnosis, not really technically psychosis for most affected Covidians.

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They were lacking faith in God, so they chose to worship fake science.

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$¢ience not actual science.

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I couldn't disagree more. Psychosis is a condition where the person can't tell what's real or not. The public were lied to by multiple experts, government officials, and their own doctors. They didn't suddenly become psychotic: they were bamboozled. To say the people went psychotic enmasse is to actually blame them for not knowing what was real when it was their reality that global predators upended.

After that, after getting jabbed (which even I considered in the beginnging) it is very difficult to admit to yourself you were duped. I have observed further that, unless a person has had a bad experience with the jab or one of their loved ones has, there is little pushing them to change views or to seek out the knowledge (yes too many are lazy or incurious.) As more data and stories come out, however, people are rejecting the flooster and more boosters.

Further, my understanding is Malone added "psychotic" to "mass formation." He does like to have his cake and eat it too: being the inventor of the technology and being on the health freedom side. I sense that really helps take any blame off him. There has always been something about him that my gut says is off. Probably it's his ego which is the size of Milwaukee.

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In my books if he makes money off telling the truth then I am not really interested. The truth should be free. I give my time freely although admittedly I am technically retired hurt with some health issues being resolved and my wife and I have sufficient income to be comfortable as I recover.

Any reward is the people waking up to reality and good news on healing etc.

Mr Malone MD was working for big pharma for many years and has been barking up the wrong tree on health for a long time, whereas others understood things before him.

This doesn't mean he is not helpful, but ego and money are not a good mix.

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Every honest person "makes money off telling the truth" who works for a living and ever communicates with other people while on the job. There's nothing wrong with making money per se. Doing it by theft or fraud is wrong.

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I think Mouzer's comment to me in this thread says it nicely.

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True enough and good point. I had not paid attention to his money making efforts. Recall long ago going to his site, couldn't read it, left. Saw no reason to pay. It's not like he wasn't all over the Internet talking and basically was saying the same things.

I do allow people can change, such as that cardiologist whose father died, which turned him around. It's sad anyone has to wake up from direct experience like that.

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Yes! I agree...something about Malone is off. Can't put my finger on it---perhaps it's the whining and victimized, but he's just not credible.

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Rumor is that Malone is angling for Fauci's job. Which I can easily see happening; who better to be Our Savior than the one who opened the mRNA can of worms?

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God help us if he gets it. He is not a doctor but a researcher. If you had the opportunity to watch the 4-5 hour hearing by Senator Johnson (a true hero) you get a real sense of how Malone interacts with real doctors. Given what I saw, real doctors would be as miserable IMO under him as under Fauci who is not a doctor either, making his medical experience merely theoretical.

I don't blame Malone for the invention. There were high hopes, as with any new medical invention, that it would help, but it doesn't work and hasn't so far.

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The invention never was going to work because Robert Malone didn't understand disease in the first place.

Neither did I until 2020 at 60 years of age and now I reckon I know more than most mainstream doctors. And I am not a doctor!

I certainly know that vaccines don't work, never did work, and never will work.


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"I certainly know that vaccines don't work, never did work, and never will work."

True. Look 1k years out, vaccines (synthetic sh*t jammed into the CNS provoking an *extremely abnormal* reaction) still won't work & massive damage will continue to be done to the human CNS. As happens with all vaccines today.

GDL or Good Damn Luck to those who believe otherwise. They don't even begin to understand the complex, strong, smart, human Supercomputer (our CNS).

Don't fook with Mother Nature. We'll lose.

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He is a researcher. They call medicine a practice for a reason. It takes practice.

EDIT: Interesting site. He is correct about Vit D. The obese are pointed at for covid, but I read studies that showed obese taking the standard D amount were low because, as I understood it, the concentration per, say, cubic inch of flesh was lower than normal weight. This is not to say being obese is not a health issue, but IMO many got sick for low Vitamin D.

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"This is not to say being obese is not a health issue, but IMO many got sick for low Vitamin D." You can safely remove IMO as it is fact, not opinion. There are links in my main link to you if you are interested. As I say in my link, I do use humour to lighten the mood etc. to save us from weeping all the time at the enormity of it all.

Vitamin D deficiency has been at pandemic levels for years; authorities knew about it which is why the whole thing re vaccines is such a horrible scam. Even I said to myself when the whole thing kicked off in 2020, hang on we should be outside in the sun after the winter when D levels are typically at their lowest.

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And don't forget that the chemtrails obscure the sunshine, lowering everyone's Vitamin D levels.

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Exactly. You may pick this up anyway if you go to my site but perhaps worth my while highlighting it here. I made some fascinating observations in 2020. Shame I didn't know earlier but better late than never.


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Dec 7, 2022
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I agree completely.

However, Malone prides himself as the inventor of mRNA technology. Do you really think that the inventor of any technology would stop the usage of said technology for any length of time? That could indicate this his 'invention' was faulty, by his own admission. Don't see him doing that in any situation.

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The Breggins and Malone make a major mistake if they think the imperfections of the opposition is responsible for the onrushing medical tyranny. It is the perpetrators with their UNLIMITED funds. Malone's grave error of recommending the vaxxx for the old does not prove he's malevolent and a perpetrator. He does need to be more forthright in correcting his position, but that is up to him. HE didn't cause the Plandemic and the Deadly Vaxxx response.

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"Malone's grave error of recommending the vaxxx for the old does not prove he's malevolent and a perpetrator."

Agreed. It just proves that he is not that clever. I knew in June 2020 vaccines were at best pointless for anybody at all. I am not a doctor and jolly glad I was that I was something more practical, a building surveyor.

And even then I don't think I was that good.

But Malone has been part of big pharma for many years, so in a sense he has been part of the problem.

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While I generally agree with you, Malone knew or should have known that no prior experiments with his technoloy were successful. I was surprised to hear him say he took the jab because of that.

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The Breggin’s side should be read also on America Outloud to get both sides of the story. Ginger Breggin just posted again today.

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To go from Malone buying into Mass Formation theory to he's controlled opposition seems paranoid. My understanding is Desmet said the leaders of mass formations may be true believers or simply using it as an end to a means. Both of these would still be subject to accountability.

Suing the Breggin's seems thin skinned. The attacks on Malone do seem unhinged.

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I believe the lawsuit is because Malone added the term "psychosis" into Mass Formation, Desmet told him not to say that because it sounded as though they were calling people psychotic. So now Dr Jane Ruby and the Stew Peters network are also being sued for talking about Malone using that term, it seems he's pissed that he was embarrassed. I guess now anyone can sue if they feel slighted by someone else. I find what what Malone is doing is petty and downright cruel and I hoe he loses and is laughed out of court.

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It's actually pretty silly to argue about the addition of the term "psychosis" (if there is, indeed, anyone really arguing about this).

Anyway, Stew Peters also comes across as controlled opposition (what a shocking idea, huh?)

Is Desmet for real?

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Could both Peters and Desmet be controlled opposition? Who knows? Stew Peters seems the most likely because he intersperses crap with truth in an overly dramatic way. Desmet does not seem so clear cut. He seems to be sincerely trying to understand things. Anyone could be controlled opposition. That is why we cannot hitch our wagons onto one person or group - continue to watch all players. Only time will tell.

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Yes, even Stew Peters' photo is overly serious and dramatic (as if deliberately so). It's a give-away (and pretty silly).

Desmet reminds me of someone, a doctor. (I will look up his name.) Sometimes they play more than one role...

Sometimes the character "dies," and then they start in as someone else. Bill Hicks "died" and then became "Alex Jones" (to use a hackneyed example).

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Breggin seems overly haunted by an either-or fallacy: either Desmet's mass formation thesis prevails in the court of public opinion -- and the criminals are exonerated -- or Desmet's thesis fails in the same forum, as Breggin declares it must -- in order to effectively hold the criminals accountable.

The bifurcation seems too stilted and intellectual for its own good.

Is there something unreasonable, unsound, and wholly implausible with the proposition that both the suspects are criminals and prosecutable and the public psyche took on a delusion approaching psychotic proportions in response, however pathological and disturbed, in response to the mass terror that the established power perpetrated on the public? In other words, can't both sides of the event be true, and not mutually exclusive?

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Yes, it's both/and, not either/or. It took the massive, sophisticated propaganda campaign doused on a population totally ready to grasp on to it. "Emotionally potent oversimplification" I've heard it called. The ground has to be fertile enough for the seed to sprout. Took both factors. The culpability, however, lies with the propagandists who knew better, but saw profit and control at the end of the process.

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Let me sum up the debate.

Breggin: "Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey."

Malone and Desmet: no, we aren't. There are no global predators.

If you think I'm off-the-mark then read carefully what Desmet says. It might help to read what Breggin says about this, too, as he illuminates what's really going on. And, this: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/11/investigative-reports/covid-19-mass-formation-or-mass-atrocity/?ref=Unlimited+Hangout-newsletter

"... the public psyche took on a delusion approaching psychotic proportions in response..." This psychotic response was completely manufactured and designed. Yes or no?

It's not all academic. This matters.

I see this as insidious because Desmet appears to say there were manipulators but he actually doesn't mean that, because according to him even the manipulators were captured by the mechanistic ideology that led to the (spontaneous) mass formation.

Breggin illuminates the activity of the predators. Desmet obscures it. Malone doesn't like what Breggin is doing.

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Have you looked at Desmet's substack. He answers the Breggis' directly in some detail.

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Outstanding investigative reporting: highly revealing, thoughtful and explanatory work in the Unlimited Hangout piece you provide.

I still maintain, enough evidence is seemingly at hand for, basically the plausible culpability, and an indictment leading to conviction of, at a minimum, certain, particularly causative criminal cabalists -- if judicially feasible, given the present statutory mess we allowed our Congresspeople to create and our presidents to approve over many decades of a self-perceived, if only poorly strategized and highly vulnerable, globalist-inspired stylizing of our government's codified structures, ie, the asymmetrical, Constitution-eroding enactment of critically key legislation fortifying a select number of essentially linked security agencies -- and the concurrent mass mesmerization-hypnosis, certainly a large-scale delusion, based on a generalized and collective mass fear, once again approaching -- not necessarily achieving -- psychotic, and so, halucinatory-like proportions.

This sociopolitical dyad of the offending/offended and psychologically paralyzed into nonaction can, and -- in the view of relatively more sensible, oppression-resisting, rational, and psychologically healthy people, lying aside, in the same can of sardines as, their mentally afflicted cohorts -- have, in fact, coexisted concomitantly, the clinically posited (Desmetian) interactive, recycling, interdependent and morbid co-pathologies of the two, notwithstanding.

Much thanks.

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malone issue isn't that breggin disagrees with him or desmet. the issue is that breggin has been defaming malone with unfounded personal attacks. that's what the lawsuit is about.

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The Desmet issue is a large part of that.

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Malone has insinuated in a lot of his writing that there are global predators. You are incorrect.

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Then ask yourself why Malone is supporting and promoting Desmet, who does not believe in global predators in the same way that Breggin does.

For Desmet, there are and are not manipulators. Read what he says. Does Malone employ the same strategy-- there are "predators" but no grand conspiracy?

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Seems to me mass delusion or "mass formation" is the PLAN of the perpetrators! Think they don't know how to engineer it?

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Three Roles Identified

Agreed -- thus supporting my view that BOTH 1) the (complex of offenses committed by the) establishment perps are prima facie indictments of their deeply immoral and illegal criminality, AND that the offenses, both in and of themselves and, based on their effects arousing fear, terror, and loathing, led 2) the weak-minded among us to assume a Stockholm Syndrome-like delusion/hypnosis/psychosis posture vis-a-vis their criminal offenders and perceived masters/captors.

At the same time, 3) the more strongly individualized and willed among us see the oppressors in no such permanently dominant and pernicious roles, but rather, in their concerted effort or conspiracy, to attempt to intimidate and weaken their prey, while developing specific strategies and tactics to resist, oppose, out-maneuver, and eventually overcome and defeat the committers of murderous aggression in the acts of culling, depopulating, and killing off

We, the strong ones in this, what appears more and more as The Greatest Struggle, know that the simple genius and indescribable elegance by which our immune systems work to defend and protect -- even to immunize -- us against offensive harm is, part and parcel, our endless inspiration and perennial guide to survival. So, keep it natural, and, as our dedicated Marines so often advise, stay frosty.

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Hit the nail on the head. Desmet says there was no conspiracy to induce a mass formation. This is why he introduces the Sierpinski triangle, to convince us there was no conspiracy, only the appearance of conspiracy.

Desmet did not illuminate what you just said; he obscured it. Now we circle back and ask: why is Malone supporting that theory? It's a question, not an accusation. Why is he suing the Breggins?

Many argue that it's all a matter of interpreting Desmet. No, it is not. We break apart the concepts and we see their references (OK, we can get fancy and call it their "ontological status") and we must conclude that according to Desmet, nothing was planned in the sense that many of us believe it was.

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actually, desmet does conclude that the criminals are liable for their crimes. his thesis is these kind of conspiracies are self organizing and don't require a criminal mastermind that controls it from the top down but that doesn't mean that people aren't responsible for their part in perpetuating it. desmet is trying to explain where the "maddening of crowds" comes from.

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The truth of the matter is that it was all planned a long time ago. A final act in the Greatest Show on Earth.


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Do you really believe that Covid-19 was "self-organizing" and that some people simply took advantage of it?

Then no one anywhere is trying to impose a world government on us and actively working for that (planning and conspiring) in order to monitor, manage, and control everyone on the planet and destroy individual self-determination?

So was Covid-19 simply a "maddening of crowds"? Or was it orchestrated by a world-wide, coordinated and vicious suppression of safe and effective drugs and a world-wide, coordinated emphasis on lockdowns and a world-wide creation of a medical police state? None of that was "necessary" and many of what Desmet calls "the smartest pigs in the room" (referring to Orwell,) the virologists, protested against the insanity. Yet Desmet says we believed the "smartest pigs" not because of active deception, but because we, the people, were and are captured by a mechanistic ideology.

Was that really true?

Our leaders "took advantage" of nothing. They actively steered the ship to induce fear in the population so that they could try out their police state and hopefully get everyone to vaccine passports. Not one single thing that happened was mechanistically "necessary," as Desmet seems to want us to believe.

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do yourself a favor and find an interview with desmet. i'm just giving you a broad brushstroke that doesn't do his theory justice and your desription above isn't even close to his theory.

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I've watched several interviews of Desmet and have read and re-read his book. Suggest you look more closely at what he says, the identities he sets forwards, and the contradictions in what he says as well as how closely his identities match reality.

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You write like an attorney…a very good one, I might add.

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I actually cried when, after reading the Apology and the Crito, I completed the Phaedo, way back.

What could the hemlock comprise as to be such a powerful agent of inspiration to lovers of reason and justice? I wondered.

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Breggins say he didnt' just buy into it, but that the talk of it 'diagnoses' the public, which then permits the global predators to claim the masses are 'sick' and to use draconian measures to lock all the psychotics up. Breggins even share examples of this happening to some folk, entirely unjustifiably but none the less, hauled off by compliant no brain cops in some countries.

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Except mass formation, according to the theory, occurs through state-sponsored propaganda on a vulnerable population. Doesn't make sense to lock up the true believers. Whether the "diagnosis" existed or not, those going against the state narrative get locked up in these authoritarian movements.

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Then there was a conspiracy of state-sponsored propaganda on the population that induced a mass formation. We were not "vulnerable" prior to that. Think back. For the most part we simply lived normal lives and had cares and concerns and anxieties and loves and relationships and children and family and friends, and we enjoyed being together in parks, at concerts, in restaurants and bars, etc. We did not go around with mechanistic thinking in our heads, like robots just ready to be swept up in the slightest whiff of government propaganda. The only thing spontaneous about the mass formation during Covid was the resistance.

It was planned. Desmet says it was not.

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Indeed, yet anyone expendable gets locked up, and all the useless eaters are (to the globals). Certainly the half-wits.

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The glow-balls are the half-wits, they talk a load of balls about vaccines being our saviour and 'have another pill' to cure the effects of the previous pill.

Bunch of loonies I call them, they are the useless eaters. They can take their glowing balls and shove them....

I'm sorry, I got carried away there, I hope you don't mind. I can always delete.

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I agree. The globalists are the useless eaters. How about rebranding them as such?

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Yeah, I'm just saying the end point is always the same in these authoritarian movements whether someone posits Mass Formation theory or not - the dissidents get locked up and the movement eventually eats its own.

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agree Doug

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I'll never forget when Robert Malone summed this all up to, "The Noble Lie." I still can't figure out what was noble about it.

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If the vaxxx works to any extent, the Noble Lie would be that "the authorities" have to lie about the vaxxx dangers to encourage use. But, of course, this vaxxx doesn't work

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No vax ever did, that is the truth. The authorities ignored the decades of harm and death and have no excuse, so nothing noble about it whatsoever..

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Make no mistake; it's working just as it was designed to.

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The Nobel Lie is a significant part of Public Health ideology. They believe it is OK to lie to citizens about medical side effects, the impact of not accepting treatment, or the anticipated benefits - if it is done with the intent to benefit the health of either society or the individual. It's a repugnant philosophy.

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Vial, which is why vaccines come in them. It should have been a big clue to us. I was a bit slow, sorry.

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The noble lie is the belief that vaccines are for the common good, so even if some people are harmed and die from them, it is acceptable. So it is okay to lie that the vaccines are safe and effective. That's my interpretation.

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If politicians were really worried about 'the common' or 'greater good', they'd all donate a kidney.

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This is a true statement as to how many have thought except that vaccines have never ever been of any use whatsoever except to make money for big pharma.

So it was not ok to lie because big pharma etc knew they were harmful, sometime deadly, but ignored the evidence. That is not just a lie, it is a ginormous lie.

So nothing noble in that. They are genocidal criminal maniacs.


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Except that harm and death exposes the lies as lies if those charged with telling the medical truth stand up... The fact that they who carry this responsibility choose in droves not to is NOT okay... No faith and no respect for the medical profession at large (courageous objectors excepted and honoured of course).... How many people has either their deliberate activism or deliberate silence killed? Almost stooped now to the depths of the legal profession... Pathetic arrogant a'holes...

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In the mid 80's when my dog got tetanus I asked the vet why his tetanus vaccine hadn't worked (back when I stupidly got my pets annual boosters) and he said tetanus isn't included in dog vaccines because the vaccines had killed way more dogs than would ever be saved in the rare occurrence of a tetanus infection. When my infant daughter had seizures the evening following a flu vaccine, the ER doctors said it was indeed caused by that shot. That was 2001. I would never expect to hear that honesty these days.( And it still took me another 10-15 years to quit vaccinating anything!)

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Thank you very much. This just shows how appalling it all is. People knew and the truth suppressed and here we are today having to point this all out.

That is the beauty of the internet though.

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More dramatic in da book.

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