How exactly would he lose everything he worked for? Because Breggin called him names? Really?
You know, if he just ignored the Breggins and let people think what they will this would be no big deal. But suing a man who has worked his whole life for we, the people, has made this into a very big deal indeed.
The Breggins should have ceased and desisted when asked to. They defamed Malone and did not stop even when asked to. So the suit was/is necessary. The ball is in the Breggins court to stop this thing by apologizing and retracting their defamatory statements and inferences.
25 million lawsuit is "treading lightly" these days. Alrighty then!
The love of money is the root of all lawsuits. Something like that.
Mmm...does one need a suit to win at law? Black suit, red suit, spades, clubs, hearts and diamonds...
Interesting. Didn't know that. I thought he coined it when people started blanket diagnosing all Venetian women with glove paralysis.
How exactly would he lose everything he worked for? Because Breggin called him names? Really?
You know, if he just ignored the Breggins and let people think what they will this would be no big deal. But suing a man who has worked his whole life for we, the people, has made this into a very big deal indeed.
The Breggins should have ceased and desisted when asked to. They defamed Malone and did not stop even when asked to. So the suit was/is necessary. The ball is in the Breggins court to stop this thing by apologizing and retracting their defamatory statements and inferences.
I think the message is, "don't cross Malone."
Worthy of a Mafia boss.
Don't take it out on the horses!