Yes, it's both/and, not either/or. It took the massive, sophisticated propaganda campaign doused on a population totally ready to grasp on to it. "Emotionally potent oversimplification" I've heard it called. The ground has to be fertile enough for the seed to sprout. Took both factors. The culpability, however, lies with the propagand…
Yes, it's both/and, not either/or. It took the massive, sophisticated propaganda campaign doused on a population totally ready to grasp on to it. "Emotionally potent oversimplification" I've heard it called. The ground has to be fertile enough for the seed to sprout. Took both factors. The culpability, however, lies with the propagandists who knew better, but saw profit and control at the end of the process.
Yes, it's both/and, not either/or. It took the massive, sophisticated propaganda campaign doused on a population totally ready to grasp on to it. "Emotionally potent oversimplification" I've heard it called. The ground has to be fertile enough for the seed to sprout. Took both factors. The culpability, however, lies with the propagandists who knew better, but saw profit and control at the end of the process.