Accusing Malone of being a deep state / controlled op plant. That was the red line for Malone. Slanderous accusation. The lawsuit will force Breggin to either show evidence, or admit he lied. Publicly. He refuses to do either, so far.
Robert Malone maybe a plant, but perhaps he is just a weed.
Or maybe he is pissed with Breggin. Weed is also pissed if you understand me.
Of course if the court case is widely viewed perhaps the vaxxed terminally dim might ask a few questions and think perhaps being vaxxed not such a good idea after all.
Or else they will keeping getting shot, proving my theory of devolution that the world is getting dumber.
Sorry, what exactly did Breggin start?
Accusing Malone of being a deep state / controlled op plant. That was the red line for Malone. Slanderous accusation. The lawsuit will force Breggin to either show evidence, or admit he lied. Publicly. He refuses to do either, so far.
Robert Malone maybe a plant, but perhaps he is just a weed.
Or maybe he is pissed with Breggin. Weed is also pissed if you understand me.
Of course if the court case is widely viewed perhaps the vaxxed terminally dim might ask a few questions and think perhaps being vaxxed not such a good idea after all.
Or else they will keeping getting shot, proving my theory of devolution that the world is getting dumber.
Except for the likes of us.
malone claims that he wrote breggin corrected the factual errors in his post and asked him to stop the attacks but breggin continued.