Steve correct me if I am wrong but this list can be expanded depending on the subject of debate. There are many other qualified doctors, scientists and academics available and that will be willing to participate in a debate.
Live debates should be left to those who are good at it. Trial attorneys get serious training for it; scientists, not so much. But a debate could be conducted in writing. Such debates used to take place in biomedical journals, before Fauci led the HIV/AIDS debacle, destroyed Peter Duesberg's career as an example to the others, and began building his $6 billion pharmaceutical fraud empire.
He’s fallen for the Covid line so it means he can’t debate it…the government here also has this thing about not debating facts as then you get in a war over who has better facts (according to a doc I saw). Which is the entire scientific query method but hey if you believe I guess you believe blindly? The media are really bad here also sums up why….
Put this story on a billboard. It pissed me off mor than any story I’ve read TO DATE. 32 yo female took 12 horrific and painful months to die from this. Not sure you can get permission but it’s pretty powerful stuff
I went and found these postings (which I had previously seen) of skin disorders after the jabs on the Covid blogspot. The images are very disturbing- these poor people! It’s a bit annoying to scroll through all the documented story lines until you get to the end and I feel like this blogspot is a little insensitive in their reporting, but knowing the truth about what can happen is important and so many of these stories need to be told so that the slumbering zombies can realize what is really going on!
Me either and I’ve read a lot of medical case reports, autopsies and crime scene stuff. I’m pretty hard to horrify but this case horrified me in a very visceral way. The suffering this woman endured is truly unimaginable. It angered me greatly and I couldn’t access the entire report which is no doubt filled with worse descriptions of her treatment and disease progression. I only have a limited Medline account and not full access to PubMed as it is expensive. I hope Steve might be able to get permission to use it.
He sure does love that limelight, travelin' all over, smoozin' with the 'right' truthtellers, sharing his Virginia farm and horsey activities. I started drifting away from his daily fodder when he told us how much freedom they had in the old days in Santa Barbara, California where they could ride their horses all over, and now it's all changed. Yeah, the rich bought up all the land and put up their 'No Tresspassing' signs (or maybe its armed guards these days).
I urge others to note that the only really important point today is whether or not there was & is a pandemic of respiratory illness caused by a novel pathogen called SARS-CoV-2.
I do not believe any headway whatsoever can be made on the wider existential question until we bottom out that question, which I believe is answered by a firm “No”.
A lot of people have been ill & many died. It was routine illness, greatly amplified by severe, deliberately induced stress, deliberate medical mistreatment including lethal poisoning and societal isolation and neglect (incorporating deprivation of healthcare, with prescriptions for antibiotics halving in early 2020).
Yes, I think the suppression of antibiotics might have been a major factor. Never thought of that before. I've also read that the 2019 flu vaccine was particularly deadly.
I’d like to be precise. What I’m questioning is whether there’s been a pandemic caused by a novel respiratory virus.
It’s existence is only relevant if the empirical answer is “Yes”.
I’ve changed to a firm “No” to this question because the most painstaking analysis of the epidemiological evidence is unequivocal. There has not been such a pandemic. All the excess deaths are either iatrogenic (caused my doctors) or through the effects of government policy (isolation, stress & deprivation of healthcare).
I don’t think anyone having regard to Denis Rancourt’s analysis of all-causes mortality in 50 US states over more than 100 weeks leaves no room for doubt. The input data is sex, age at death and date of demise.
As far as I’m aware, there’s been no serious challenge to this evidence.
I would also point out that whether or not there’s actually been mass illness & deaths caused by a novel respiratory virus or simply all the pre-existing causes of illness & deaths, my testimony in relation to lockdowns, masks, asymptomatic transmission, PCR based diagnostics, “vaccines”, trial and regulatory fraud etc etc etc all still stand.
For those open-minded enough to be moved by new evidence, here’s the latest interview (link to follow).
For everyone else, as you were, noting this is characteristic of those we rightly criticise.
I agree with you Dr. Yeadon, for what it’s worth. Interesting how people can summarize your entire viewpoint in a couple points, isn’t it? I’m not saying that’s a good thing or a bad thing, I think that’s just how she goes.... It’s so wonderful to read your response, which is clarifying. That’s really all we can do. Please keep speaking up!
The answer is yes there has been a new type of virus, but to what extent it’s killing people remains unclear due to the lack of consensus on how it is monitored. How can you explain the increase in hospitalisation, the recording of different strains by numerous researchers in different countries & the open ability to access the sequencing, the various papers on the origins aka
The fact that this virus is not seasonal like the flu, we can see waves which coincide with increased hospitalisation rates, and further the strange pandora box effect of other viruses that usually are not present in any great numbers suddenly becoming more prevalent. I’m going to look at the information you have provided, but there was definitely an event prior to the faux vaccine being injected en masse
Fair enough, I do understand your counter view, it was mine too until quite reasonable.
But a few confirmatory checks:
1. Were there more people in hospital? Do note, officialdom literally everywhere have been lying to the public about almost everything. Most of the information I’ve had was second hand but was from people I know personally. The majority told me quietly & not to quote them, but they had far fewer admissions than usual & in addition they’d put almost all elective procedures on hold. I knew personally one who had resource planning responsibilities for the NHS England and Wales. Really it was about beds & more specifically still, intensive care beds. This combined the full bells and whistles suite of kit plus ordinary beds which permitted high intensity nursing, requiring minimally a medical oxygen supply for non-invasive assistance, which is what all desaturated, distressed admissions should have been offered, never mechanical ventilation. All through the “pandemic” they had greater spare ICU beds than he had ever experienced in a more than 20 year career. He was told not to talk about it.
2. Even if there were more sick people (& I just don’t know if it more, less or the same as earlier years) there is an alternative explanation already. Chronic, severe stress is the most potent non-physical immunosuppressant that’s been identified. Whether you believe in germ theory or terrain theory (or both, like me; I see no reason why they couldn’t coexist) that deliberately created & relentlessly maintained fear mongering from all directions, guided by SAGE & the “nudge unit” (Behavioural Insights Team) was enough to raise anxiety, panic attacks, chest pain, GI disturbances to say nothing of psychiatric symptoms and suicidality. I’m arguing it’s not necessary to posit a new, respiratory virus in order to explain anything was observed.
3. I don’t have the reference, but I’m absolutely sure of it (if it’s important to confirm for yourself about what I’m writing, please try Joel Smalley. Writing as Metatron iirc, he was downloading & analysing all manner of medical / health statistics as they became available. It was a shock to many that, running up to the so-called “Second wave” in 2020, as the number of “covid cases” rose substantially, and “Covid admissions” shortly after that, the evidence was that (a) a lower percentage of calls to the emergency services (999, 911 for help it American friends!) that were respiratory related fell & fell. Also, the number of calls to the non-emergency line, 111 (I think) also fell. The number of hospital admissions for people with respiratory symptoms was also well under normal & falling. Bottom line, we were being overtly lied to, in real time. Whether solely from thd NHS or from another, invisible source, I cannot know, but we definitely did not experience a “second wave” of anything. We did see a very sharp pulse of excess mortality very soon after initiation of massed vaccination in England (where I was at the time). We now have a complete explanation for those deaths. Midazolam & morphine, remdesivir, in some cases, inappropriate mechanical ventilation etc. I have proof of this.
4. This is trickier. Do recall that the Nobel Prize winning biochemist, Dr Kary Mullis (who died immediately before the covid fraud began: some say he was assassinated) repeatedly said there is no such thing as “a PCR test”, only a technique for amplifying DNA. That’s what he invented it to do. Many people believe (& I’m among them) that the so-called “PCR test” is completely worthless as a clinical diagnostic. Apart from the lack of calibration, required to validate any biochemical test in use today, there are numerous other problems with it. I’m not talking only about excessive cycling / amplification, the ability to pick up & amplify small fragments of poly nucleotides, and numerous other limitations, all the probes/primers were being made in distant laboratories, and the exact sequences of which were “commercial/ confidential/ proprietary”. So we don’t even know what exactly was being detected if a result was said to be “positive”. You may point to some samples being sent for sequencing & at least some of them matched what Wuhan has allegedly discovered & uploaded to a global database. Fair enough. What you probably didn’t know was the bias inherent in which samples were sent for sequencing? I saw that the methodology section of papers specified that only a small fraction of positive results with very low cycle thresholds we looked at. It’s not appropriate to assume what the sequencer found in those uncommon samples was in all the other samples. Then there are at least two other serious weaknesses. Most sequencing nowadays is conducted centrally, not in scores of labs of people working independently around the world. In UK, almost all the sequencing was conducted at the Sanger Centre. It is my belief that the Oxbridge/London/Wellcome Trust triad, in cahoots with big pharma, curated the results. I’m questioning their probity. The technique most used is “NGS”, next generation sequencing. It’s very complicated & I’d nothing like we’d imagine. Suffice to say, a large number of fragments are sequences. Everything in the sample is sequenced & then algorithms and templates are used to assemble the most plausible entire sequence of the porported virus. Recall that Wuhan’s original claim to have discovered SARS-CoV-2 utilised a bat coronavirus sequence as the reference. I can think of several ways to cheat in ways that make a variant of SARS-Cov-2 fall out from such work, without there actually being an actual infectious principle, capable of making someone ill.
Because of the weaknesses inherent in this technique (being used inappropriately as a clinical diagnostic) and the sheer complexity & requirement for assumptions even to apply such a technique, it’s ideal for fooling almost everyone.
Flowing from this, there have been genuinely considered epidemics where 100% of the positive results in PCR-based clinical diagnostics were false. Hard to believe but it’s true. The one I remember best was in the northeast of USA. They genuinely thought they had a whooping cough epidemic, with hundreds of PCR-based “laboratory confirmed infections”, but it turned out to have been a variety of common colds and the test results shown to be due to cross contamination of samples with reference nucleotides invisibly present in the lab work bench.
I cannot know for sure, but I no longer believe there’s been any kind of pandemic or the release of a novel virus.
The perpetrators have had 25-50 years run up to their attempted near global coup d’etat. I regret to say they’re going along probably pretty close to their expectations.
We do have something to stop this, it’s a movement in California called New California State. It’s actually very far along in happening. If you are interested the website is It’s the only answer to save calibration and the United States from this catastrophe.
Do you ever see this interview? He calls himself John Cullen or the maps daddy. It’s tied into what you believe & there does seem to be some kind of relationship with what has happened
I know this much. The primary test, SARScoV2 RT PCR, used to build the illusion of a worldwide pandemic was purposefully manipulated through the molecular chemistry used. A professional team of scientists and medical professionals did a point by point examination of the Corman Drosten protocol, compared it to the best information on PCR testing and concluded. "the test is so flawed on a molecular and methodological basis as to be useless as a medical diagnostic test". High sensitivity and no specificity that led to massive numbers of false positives. Yeadon was part of that effort when the protocol was released in early 2020. See the Corman Drosten Review report online. When asked about why this event was employed, Yeadon replied, "how should I know, it isnt my crime". Yeadon knew from the start this was a ruse.
Precisely. At that time I hadn’t yet realised that EVERYTHING we were told (all the important narrative points) were lies.
That took an embarrassing several months.
It took an excruciatingly lengthy period after that before I had the evidence (mostly from Denis Rancourt) that even the virus, whether it exists or not, was not the cause of the illnesses & deaths being reported.
Instead, it was largely institutional murder and societal neglect.
Do you not see some rather unusual clinical characteristics of this ‘outbreak’ especially what we saw manifest during the ‘delta’ variant? The extensive clotting & widespread inflammation, lasting long after the acute viral phase was over APPEARS to be something of a scale we have not seen before. The early data out of Italy struck me with autopsies not showing secondary bacterial pneumonia but rather an organizing, interstitial inflammatory disease. The extent of blood clotting seen is also unusual.
You are totally correct in the excessive & poorly managed intubation killing people, and Remdesivir should be forever banned from our vocabulary, except in courtrooms & classrooms of the future.
I never trusted the tests but clinically it appeared to be a new entity, I am curious as to what others think.
In these remarks, I’m speaking not as a clinician.
I have looked at much literature and spoken to many who could summarise what influenza like illness looked like.
The remarkable thing is the diverse description of ILI, plus little known fact that 80-90% of patients with ILI carry no identifiable virus to which their illness could be attributed.
Mostly, ILI isn’t really treated, especially on elderly, frail patients & is not infrequently terminal.
My surmise is very very few ILI patients were ever worked up in the past to anything like the extent they sometimes are now, and had we done so, we’d have found a low % of them had unusual clotting phenotypes.
I’m not convinced there’s been anything new. New attention & findings, perhaps.
There definitely is & was an outbreak, it’s just a matter of how extensive it was given there was no consensus on which way it was being recorded. How else do you explain the different strains that are recorded & uploaded for open viewing by different people all across the world, the explosion in hospital admissions & the sudden increase of different types of viruses etc, plus the deaths prior to the vaccines?
Now? Many of us questioned the existence of a pandemic in March 2020. Not because we are scientists but because we saw no evidence whatsoever of a 'pandemic' and government data reinforced this conclusion. Criminal Clown World.
There are always symptomatic people. It’s the human condition to get occasional ill & eventually to die.
There was some but not hugely more illness than usual but what there was was augmented by deliberate stress, isolation, deprivation of healthcare for many & lethally inappropriate treatment for others. Lack of antibiotics; administration of midazolam, morphine, remdesivir & mechanical ventilation are the principal drivers of excess deaths.
No new pathogen, however. Which is why government figures & others frequently ignored their own impositions, because they knew there was no new health threat. The 94 yo British Queen attending G7, for example. Parties in No. 10 Downing Street, etc.
Thank you Kimmie! I've put a ton into my righteous whistleblowing and it only cost me my business, wife, child, jail time, ongoing bs criminal charges and a few friends lol:
Dr Ralph Baric - Global WIPO Patents @UNC Chapel Hill NC
#Wo2004092360A2 - Similar to Chiron's C¤rona Virus above [vii]
#Wo2005081716 A2 - John Hopkins DNA Vaxes targeting SARS C¤V
FEDERAL Reserve Private family patents linked to the global banking cartels while the University patents are Rockefeller linked via the Flexnor Report:
Doesn't Dr. Martin have some interesting paperwork in his files regarding Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's affiliation with a BC company which produces the lipid nanoparticles used in the mRNA delivery system?
I actually reviewed that Dossier maybe 5 months back. I am so blessed to be connected with David in a few ways and I knew I was on the right track when my sequence matches up with his 20 years of reviewing, not that I mapped out 4k, just the major ones. I graduated UNC when Baric was patenting SARS. The CHD network (RFK Jr who Steve puts as #1) has been another awesome group helping to FOIA some of my patent finds after that Dossier. Check this horrific world 2022 piece of work that we spoke to the inventor today about:
Thanks for being a gentlemen of integrity and not going the way of Baric & others, but instead putting yourself out there and being a whistleblower! David is a very interesting guy and I have enjoyed all of his talks that I have listened to over the last year and I try to share his material & websites. My only complaint in regards to him is that he has been a little inaccessible to those who are a limited budget- would have liked to have met him & Kim and been at his talks or workshops but I can’t afford it. I have been wonder if his new movie is worth the effort & cost of getting a group together to watch it.
Yes, I’m a member of the CHD. They do a tremendous service for us all! I also like & support the ICAN - Del Bigtrees legal organization with lawyer Aaron Siri.
Hi Claudia! My name is Liz Faraone and I am a member of CCCA as well. I volunteer with the Canadian Adverse Event Reporting System. Just thought I’d say hi and second your suggestion to include Denis Rancourt and Steven Pelech. I first saw a video interview of Dr. Pelech on a podcast called Liberty Dispatch, back in November of last year. I was facing a mandatory vaccination policy and felt so alone. He presented information about the C19 virus and vaccines so professionally, scientifically and clearly. I was so inspired and firmly decided not to take the shot. I lost my job but in hindsight it was for the best. I’ve maintained my health, integrity and autonomy and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. My eyes have been forced wide open though I feel I’m just scratching the surface. I work privately now, but in my spare time all I do is read substacks, volunteer and plan for a better future. I am very worried about the state of the world, but I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to prepare my family and re-write the type of future I want for myself and my kids. With the right knowledge I strongly believe we can mitigate at least some of the hardship to come. Im very grateful to so many people, Dr. Pelech is very high on my list.
Isn't Rancourt saying basically the ACM figures show there was no pandemic and the alleged covid deaths had nothing to do with a virus? If so, he'd hardly be on same page as SK!
Why would he not read Rancourt. Why argue apples vs oranges. There is no value to it. We have redefined what is science, vaccine, and pandemic. It is a dead end even though we have statistics to show the truth.
because he does NOT like debates.
Has Dr Malone told you personally that he doesn’t like debates? I’m just curious. I follow your posts and support what you are doing 100%.💜
You are wise to leave Malone off.
Steve correct me if I am wrong but this list can be expanded depending on the subject of debate. There are many other qualified doctors, scientists and academics available and that will be willing to participate in a debate.
Debating is a art form. One can be wrong and still win. Or the flipside ... be right but lose with poor debating skills.
If so, wouldn't it be defeating the purpose in this case?
Live debates should be left to those who are good at it. Trial attorneys get serious training for it; scientists, not so much. But a debate could be conducted in writing. Such debates used to take place in biomedical journals, before Fauci led the HIV/AIDS debacle, destroyed Peter Duesberg's career as an example to the others, and began building his $6 billion pharmaceutical fraud empire.
I don’t like high stakes, sudden death live debates, for that reason.
I wasn’t good at street fighting and there are similarities: looking for weaknesses in your opponent rather their argument.
The former never crosses my mind. So I’m pretty unlikely to win debates in which a skilled opponent uses those techniques.
It’s mostly a measure of debating skill, rather than of the merit of an argument.
perhaps he is protecting his blood pressure, which elevated badly after his jab, sadly.
Then you can change the label from 'debate' to 'discussion' if the term carries a specific connotation.
And it looks like other docs listed by Mr Kirsch are happy to engage in debating anyway.
He’s fallen for the Covid line so it means he can’t debate it…the government here also has this thing about not debating facts as then you get in a war over who has better facts (according to a doc I saw). Which is the entire scientific query method but hey if you believe I guess you believe blindly? The media are really bad here also sums up why….
Put this story on a billboard. It pissed me off mor than any story I’ve read TO DATE. 32 yo female took 12 horrific and painful months to die from this. Not sure you can get permission but it’s pretty powerful stuff
Dear God... that poor woman. 32 with her whole life ahead of her. The pain and fear she must have endured. Such a tragedy. A calamity.
I went and found these postings (which I had previously seen) of skin disorders after the jabs on the Covid blogspot. The images are very disturbing- these poor people! It’s a bit annoying to scroll through all the documented story lines until you get to the end and I feel like this blogspot is a little insensitive in their reporting, but knowing the truth about what can happen is important and so many of these stories need to be told so that the slumbering zombies can realize what is really going on!
Oh my God, that’s horrible.
It is horrific. The poor young woman. And we can't even say if such cases are rare. This nurse in Idaho talks about necrotic fingers, toes and intestines from the mirco-clotting as if they're not uncommon:
That article is horrendous, as are the photos. Never seen anything like that.
Me either and I’ve read a lot of medical case reports, autopsies and crime scene stuff. I’m pretty hard to horrify but this case horrified me in a very visceral way. The suffering this woman endured is truly unimaginable. It angered me greatly and I couldn’t access the entire report which is no doubt filled with worse descriptions of her treatment and disease progression. I only have a limited Medline account and not full access to PubMed as it is expensive. I hope Steve might be able to get permission to use it.
He doesn't like debates....hmmm...
He is happy to be in the spot light tho.
Just wondering if he is worried about a Freudian slip.
It's become quite fashionable to wear one, but 'sometimes a cigar is just a cigar'.
He sure does love that limelight, travelin' all over, smoozin' with the 'right' truthtellers, sharing his Virginia farm and horsey activities. I started drifting away from his daily fodder when he told us how much freedom they had in the old days in Santa Barbara, California where they could ride their horses all over, and now it's all changed. Yeah, the rich bought up all the land and put up their 'No Tresspassing' signs (or maybe its armed guards these days).
Why so sore? Did you miss the post where he invited everyone over for spiced eggnog and percheron hayrides?
I think that is a very fair comment. You are a scholar and a gentleman
How about MIcheal Yeadon????
Yeadon now questions the existence of a pandemic, of SARS-coV2, of respiratory viruses and of viruses in general. SK is not on same page ... yet
I urge others to note that the only really important point today is whether or not there was & is a pandemic of respiratory illness caused by a novel pathogen called SARS-CoV-2.
I do not believe any headway whatsoever can be made on the wider existential question until we bottom out that question, which I believe is answered by a firm “No”.
A lot of people have been ill & many died. It was routine illness, greatly amplified by severe, deliberately induced stress, deliberate medical mistreatment including lethal poisoning and societal isolation and neglect (incorporating deprivation of healthcare, with prescriptions for antibiotics halving in early 2020).
Yup. Agreed.
Yes, I think the suppression of antibiotics might have been a major factor. Never thought of that before. I've also read that the 2019 flu vaccine was particularly deadly.
I agree with you. There was no pandemic.
If the novel virus exists, fine. But it wasn’t responsible for mass scale illness and death. It was therefore irrelevant.
Unfortunately, a very large proportion of people seem unwilling to let it go, to accept they were lied to, again.
Things are much cleaner once the epidemiological evidence is reviewed and accepted (since nobody has rebuffed it).
I’d like to be precise. What I’m questioning is whether there’s been a pandemic caused by a novel respiratory virus.
It’s existence is only relevant if the empirical answer is “Yes”.
I’ve changed to a firm “No” to this question because the most painstaking analysis of the epidemiological evidence is unequivocal. There has not been such a pandemic. All the excess deaths are either iatrogenic (caused my doctors) or through the effects of government policy (isolation, stress & deprivation of healthcare).
I don’t think anyone having regard to Denis Rancourt’s analysis of all-causes mortality in 50 US states over more than 100 weeks leaves no room for doubt. The input data is sex, age at death and date of demise.
As far as I’m aware, there’s been no serious challenge to this evidence.
I would also point out that whether or not there’s actually been mass illness & deaths caused by a novel respiratory virus or simply all the pre-existing causes of illness & deaths, my testimony in relation to lockdowns, masks, asymptomatic transmission, PCR based diagnostics, “vaccines”, trial and regulatory fraud etc etc etc all still stand.
For those open-minded enough to be moved by new evidence, here’s the latest interview (link to follow).
For everyone else, as you were, noting this is characteristic of those we rightly criticise.
Best wishes
How about the midwestern doctor?
I agree with you Dr. Yeadon, for what it’s worth. Interesting how people can summarize your entire viewpoint in a couple points, isn’t it? I’m not saying that’s a good thing or a bad thing, I think that’s just how she goes.... It’s so wonderful to read your response, which is clarifying. That’s really all we can do. Please keep speaking up!
The answer is yes there has been a new type of virus, but to what extent it’s killing people remains unclear due to the lack of consensus on how it is monitored. How can you explain the increase in hospitalisation, the recording of different strains by numerous researchers in different countries & the open ability to access the sequencing, the various papers on the origins aka
The fact that this virus is not seasonal like the flu, we can see waves which coincide with increased hospitalisation rates, and further the strange pandora box effect of other viruses that usually are not present in any great numbers suddenly becoming more prevalent. I’m going to look at the information you have provided, but there was definitely an event prior to the faux vaccine being injected en masse
Fair enough, I do understand your counter view, it was mine too until quite reasonable.
But a few confirmatory checks:
1. Were there more people in hospital? Do note, officialdom literally everywhere have been lying to the public about almost everything. Most of the information I’ve had was second hand but was from people I know personally. The majority told me quietly & not to quote them, but they had far fewer admissions than usual & in addition they’d put almost all elective procedures on hold. I knew personally one who had resource planning responsibilities for the NHS England and Wales. Really it was about beds & more specifically still, intensive care beds. This combined the full bells and whistles suite of kit plus ordinary beds which permitted high intensity nursing, requiring minimally a medical oxygen supply for non-invasive assistance, which is what all desaturated, distressed admissions should have been offered, never mechanical ventilation. All through the “pandemic” they had greater spare ICU beds than he had ever experienced in a more than 20 year career. He was told not to talk about it.
2. Even if there were more sick people (& I just don’t know if it more, less or the same as earlier years) there is an alternative explanation already. Chronic, severe stress is the most potent non-physical immunosuppressant that’s been identified. Whether you believe in germ theory or terrain theory (or both, like me; I see no reason why they couldn’t coexist) that deliberately created & relentlessly maintained fear mongering from all directions, guided by SAGE & the “nudge unit” (Behavioural Insights Team) was enough to raise anxiety, panic attacks, chest pain, GI disturbances to say nothing of psychiatric symptoms and suicidality. I’m arguing it’s not necessary to posit a new, respiratory virus in order to explain anything was observed.
3. I don’t have the reference, but I’m absolutely sure of it (if it’s important to confirm for yourself about what I’m writing, please try Joel Smalley. Writing as Metatron iirc, he was downloading & analysing all manner of medical / health statistics as they became available. It was a shock to many that, running up to the so-called “Second wave” in 2020, as the number of “covid cases” rose substantially, and “Covid admissions” shortly after that, the evidence was that (a) a lower percentage of calls to the emergency services (999, 911 for help it American friends!) that were respiratory related fell & fell. Also, the number of calls to the non-emergency line, 111 (I think) also fell. The number of hospital admissions for people with respiratory symptoms was also well under normal & falling. Bottom line, we were being overtly lied to, in real time. Whether solely from thd NHS or from another, invisible source, I cannot know, but we definitely did not experience a “second wave” of anything. We did see a very sharp pulse of excess mortality very soon after initiation of massed vaccination in England (where I was at the time). We now have a complete explanation for those deaths. Midazolam & morphine, remdesivir, in some cases, inappropriate mechanical ventilation etc. I have proof of this.
4. This is trickier. Do recall that the Nobel Prize winning biochemist, Dr Kary Mullis (who died immediately before the covid fraud began: some say he was assassinated) repeatedly said there is no such thing as “a PCR test”, only a technique for amplifying DNA. That’s what he invented it to do. Many people believe (& I’m among them) that the so-called “PCR test” is completely worthless as a clinical diagnostic. Apart from the lack of calibration, required to validate any biochemical test in use today, there are numerous other problems with it. I’m not talking only about excessive cycling / amplification, the ability to pick up & amplify small fragments of poly nucleotides, and numerous other limitations, all the probes/primers were being made in distant laboratories, and the exact sequences of which were “commercial/ confidential/ proprietary”. So we don’t even know what exactly was being detected if a result was said to be “positive”. You may point to some samples being sent for sequencing & at least some of them matched what Wuhan has allegedly discovered & uploaded to a global database. Fair enough. What you probably didn’t know was the bias inherent in which samples were sent for sequencing? I saw that the methodology section of papers specified that only a small fraction of positive results with very low cycle thresholds we looked at. It’s not appropriate to assume what the sequencer found in those uncommon samples was in all the other samples. Then there are at least two other serious weaknesses. Most sequencing nowadays is conducted centrally, not in scores of labs of people working independently around the world. In UK, almost all the sequencing was conducted at the Sanger Centre. It is my belief that the Oxbridge/London/Wellcome Trust triad, in cahoots with big pharma, curated the results. I’m questioning their probity. The technique most used is “NGS”, next generation sequencing. It’s very complicated & I’d nothing like we’d imagine. Suffice to say, a large number of fragments are sequences. Everything in the sample is sequenced & then algorithms and templates are used to assemble the most plausible entire sequence of the porported virus. Recall that Wuhan’s original claim to have discovered SARS-CoV-2 utilised a bat coronavirus sequence as the reference. I can think of several ways to cheat in ways that make a variant of SARS-Cov-2 fall out from such work, without there actually being an actual infectious principle, capable of making someone ill.
Because of the weaknesses inherent in this technique (being used inappropriately as a clinical diagnostic) and the sheer complexity & requirement for assumptions even to apply such a technique, it’s ideal for fooling almost everyone.
Flowing from this, there have been genuinely considered epidemics where 100% of the positive results in PCR-based clinical diagnostics were false. Hard to believe but it’s true. The one I remember best was in the northeast of USA. They genuinely thought they had a whooping cough epidemic, with hundreds of PCR-based “laboratory confirmed infections”, but it turned out to have been a variety of common colds and the test results shown to be due to cross contamination of samples with reference nucleotides invisibly present in the lab work bench.
I cannot know for sure, but I no longer believe there’s been any kind of pandemic or the release of a novel virus.
The perpetrators have had 25-50 years run up to their attempted near global coup d’etat. I regret to say they’re going along probably pretty close to their expectations.
Apparently the perpetrators are getting very close to their expectations please see this:
We do have something to stop this, it’s a movement in California called New California State. It’s actually very far along in happening. If you are interested the website is It’s the only answer to save calibration and the United States from this catastrophe.
It’s the only answer to save California and the United States.
Do you ever see this interview? He calls himself John Cullen or the maps daddy. It’s tied into what you believe & there does seem to be some kind of relationship with what has happened
I know this much. The primary test, SARScoV2 RT PCR, used to build the illusion of a worldwide pandemic was purposefully manipulated through the molecular chemistry used. A professional team of scientists and medical professionals did a point by point examination of the Corman Drosten protocol, compared it to the best information on PCR testing and concluded. "the test is so flawed on a molecular and methodological basis as to be useless as a medical diagnostic test". High sensitivity and no specificity that led to massive numbers of false positives. Yeadon was part of that effort when the protocol was released in early 2020. See the Corman Drosten Review report online. When asked about why this event was employed, Yeadon replied, "how should I know, it isnt my crime". Yeadon knew from the start this was a ruse.
Precisely. At that time I hadn’t yet realised that EVERYTHING we were told (all the important narrative points) were lies.
That took an embarrassing several months.
It took an excruciatingly lengthy period after that before I had the evidence (mostly from Denis Rancourt) that even the virus, whether it exists or not, was not the cause of the illnesses & deaths being reported.
Instead, it was largely institutional murder and societal neglect.
Do you not see some rather unusual clinical characteristics of this ‘outbreak’ especially what we saw manifest during the ‘delta’ variant? The extensive clotting & widespread inflammation, lasting long after the acute viral phase was over APPEARS to be something of a scale we have not seen before. The early data out of Italy struck me with autopsies not showing secondary bacterial pneumonia but rather an organizing, interstitial inflammatory disease. The extent of blood clotting seen is also unusual.
You are totally correct in the excessive & poorly managed intubation killing people, and Remdesivir should be forever banned from our vocabulary, except in courtrooms & classrooms of the future.
I never trusted the tests but clinically it appeared to be a new entity, I am curious as to what others think.
In these remarks, I’m speaking not as a clinician.
I have looked at much literature and spoken to many who could summarise what influenza like illness looked like.
The remarkable thing is the diverse description of ILI, plus little known fact that 80-90% of patients with ILI carry no identifiable virus to which their illness could be attributed.
Mostly, ILI isn’t really treated, especially on elderly, frail patients & is not infrequently terminal.
My surmise is very very few ILI patients were ever worked up in the past to anything like the extent they sometimes are now, and had we done so, we’d have found a low % of them had unusual clotting phenotypes.
I’m not convinced there’s been anything new. New attention & findings, perhaps.
There definitely is & was an outbreak, it’s just a matter of how extensive it was given there was no consensus on which way it was being recorded. How else do you explain the different strains that are recorded & uploaded for open viewing by different people all across the world, the explosion in hospital admissions & the sudden increase of different types of viruses etc, plus the deaths prior to the vaccines?
Now? Many of us questioned the existence of a pandemic in March 2020. Not because we are scientists but because we saw no evidence whatsoever of a 'pandemic' and government data reinforced this conclusion. Criminal Clown World.
If there has been a worldwide pandemic, there would have been symptomatic people everywhere. I didnt see them and believe me I was looking. PU.
There are always symptomatic people. It’s the human condition to get occasional ill & eventually to die.
There was some but not hugely more illness than usual but what there was was augmented by deliberate stress, isolation, deprivation of healthcare for many & lethally inappropriate treatment for others. Lack of antibiotics; administration of midazolam, morphine, remdesivir & mechanical ventilation are the principal drivers of excess deaths.
No new pathogen, however. Which is why government figures & others frequently ignored their own impositions, because they knew there was no new health threat. The 94 yo British Queen attending G7, for example. Parties in No. 10 Downing Street, etc.
love him and someone from Dr. Zelenko's team. God rest his blessed Soul.
You rock Steve
I was debate president & National qualifier yet now all I do is goød whistleblowing and collaborative music to get the word out;
4 songs:
I was a debater, too! I will check out your links.
Thank you Kimmie! I've put a ton into my righteous whistleblowing and it only cost me my business, wife, child, jail time, ongoing bs criminal charges and a few friends lol:
Dr Ralph Baric - Global WIPO Patents @UNC Chapel Hill NC
SÅRS / C¤vid1: World patent wo2002086068
SPIKE Protein, Part 2 - World patent Wo2015143335A1
USPTO - Comparable Patents (,, NIH website or are great to plug #s into)
#7279327B2 - North Carolina
#20170096455 a1 - North Carolina
Baric inducing heart failure 30 years ago and this notion is put into the proposed Indictments:
★Policy Patent - attachment is confidential
Who knew policy could be patented and this shows the rfid chips - world pending patent Wo2022034502A1
★Microsoft Motive
Proposed Indictment -
Key patents before lockdown
[i] #6372224 (1990 Pfizer Canine C¤rona vaccine)
[ii] #7279327 b2 (2001 C¤rona UNC-Chapel Hill<><>Dr. Ralph Baric )
[iii] #7151163 (2003 - C¤ronavirus Treatment & Control - Sequoia Pharma)
[iv] #2005181357 A1 (2003 SARS causing virus - USA with Hong Kong)
[v] #7750123 (2003 SARS/C¤v antibodies - Dana Farber Cancer Society part of Harvard Medical & MIT too.
[vi] #7776521 (2003 CDC's C¤rona) similar to #7220852 - 24 inventors.GOV
[vii] #20060257852 A1 (2004 Chiron Vax Corp/Novartis/GlaxoSmithKline)
[viii] #7452542 - (2004 C¤rona Virus Vaccines - Mark Denison - Vanderbilt U)
[ix] #20100216804 A1 (2008 Pfizer nano particle release
[x]#9193780 b2 (2008 Ablynx/Sanofi - Amino Acid binding to C¤rona/Sars)
[xi] #10130701 b2 (2014 C0rona -Pirbright Inst./Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
[xii] #2020279585 A1 (2015 Rich Rothschild Banking empire–Testing C¤vid-19)
[xiii] #10960070 b2 (2017 Scripps/Dartmouth University Spike protein and their uses)
[xiv] #20170096455 A1 (2018 UNC-CH (Chimeric cross-breeding 𓆗𓆘𓆙𓆚𓆐𓆑𓆒𓆓𓆔𓆕𓆖 venom spike
[xv] #10702600 (2020 ModeRNA Vax)
Other countries and key World/Global patents below:
Precursors for War as a copycat to Pandemic 1918/WW1 in the Globalist's playbook as well as the Polio / Meningitis vax swap scam.
Canada = CA2522329A1 (2002) Merck
China= #CN101186920A (2003)
Russia = #RU2473702c1 (2011)
Israel = #277083 (2020)
China = #CN112300251A (2020) SARS C¤VID 2
#Wo1993023422A1 A1 - SmithKline: Compositions & methods Vaxes against c¤ronaviruses
#EP3172319B1 - Pirbright patent similar to [x] above (Europe)
#EP1533370A1 - Novel Pneumonia causing virus (German/French) AKA Wo2005049814-A2
#Wo2004092360A2 - Similar to Chiron's C¤rona Virus above [vii]
#Wo2005081716 A2 - John Hopkins DNA Vaxes targeting SARS C¤V
FEDERAL Reserve Private family patents linked to the global banking cartels while the University patents are Rockefeller linked via the Flexnor Report:
Vanderbilt Family in 2008 - #7452542
Rothschild Testing C¤vid-19 in 2015!! - #2020279585-A1
Thanks for the shares! Here is Dr David Martin’s Fauci/ Covid dossier:
Contains the proof to show he is lying under oath (unless he has sudden dementia and can no longer remember the emails he sent out)
Doesn't Dr. Martin have some interesting paperwork in his files regarding Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's affiliation with a BC company which produces the lipid nanoparticles used in the mRNA delivery system?
Asking for a friend.
Have you watched this interview of him?
Thanks for posting this one is awesome and I haven't seen it.
I think Dr. Martin doesn't let any Klauss Schwaub generic cloned puppet get off the hook. Canada has this murky Merck patent I saved
I actually reviewed that Dossier maybe 5 months back. I am so blessed to be connected with David in a few ways and I knew I was on the right track when my sequence matches up with his 20 years of reviewing, not that I mapped out 4k, just the major ones. I graduated UNC when Baric was patenting SARS. The CHD network (RFK Jr who Steve puts as #1) has been another awesome group helping to FOIA some of my patent finds after that Dossier. Check this horrific world 2022 piece of work that we spoke to the inventor today about:
World (nanotech) Policy:
Thanks for being a gentlemen of integrity and not going the way of Baric & others, but instead putting yourself out there and being a whistleblower! David is a very interesting guy and I have enjoyed all of his talks that I have listened to over the last year and I try to share his material & websites. My only complaint in regards to him is that he has been a little inaccessible to those who are a limited budget- would have liked to have met him & Kim and been at his talks or workshops but I can’t afford it. I have been wonder if his new movie is worth the effort & cost of getting a group together to watch it.
Yes, I’m a member of the CHD. They do a tremendous service for us all! I also like & support the ICAN - Del Bigtrees legal organization with lawyer Aaron Siri.
Thanks for the new link will check it out!
I'm sorry about your costs.
Hope you are well.
Dang! That is alot of SOLID info!
Hi Claudia! My name is Liz Faraone and I am a member of CCCA as well. I volunteer with the Canadian Adverse Event Reporting System. Just thought I’d say hi and second your suggestion to include Denis Rancourt and Steven Pelech. I first saw a video interview of Dr. Pelech on a podcast called Liberty Dispatch, back in November of last year. I was facing a mandatory vaccination policy and felt so alone. He presented information about the C19 virus and vaccines so professionally, scientifically and clearly. I was so inspired and firmly decided not to take the shot. I lost my job but in hindsight it was for the best. I’ve maintained my health, integrity and autonomy and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. My eyes have been forced wide open though I feel I’m just scratching the surface. I work privately now, but in my spare time all I do is read substacks, volunteer and plan for a better future. I am very worried about the state of the world, but I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to prepare my family and re-write the type of future I want for myself and my kids. With the right knowledge I strongly believe we can mitigate at least some of the hardship to come. Im very grateful to so many people, Dr. Pelech is very high on my list.
Absolutely agree. Terrific scientists.
Isn't Rancourt saying basically the ACM figures show there was no pandemic and the alleged covid deaths had nothing to do with a virus? If so, he'd hardly be on same page as SK!
Indeed. I don’t understand why SK hasn’t read & rebutted Rancourt or read & come on side.
Why would he not read Rancourt. Why argue apples vs oranges. There is no value to it. We have redefined what is science, vaccine, and pandemic. It is a dead end even though we have statistics to show the truth.