So I am confused. Do you doubt Ryan Cole? I have found him to seem like a pretty genuine guy who seems pretty honest.
I find the embalmers very credible. I believe that what they have to share is very inportant but, as Malone has said, when going againt our adversaries we cannot afford to have a sloppy, overly sensationalized presentatio…
So I am confused. Do you doubt Ryan Cole? I have found him to seem like a pretty genuine guy who seems pretty honest.
I find the embalmers very credible. I believe that what they have to share is very inportant but, as Malone has said, when going againt our adversaries we cannot afford to have a sloppy, overly sensationalized presentation. Those clots are horrifying enough and the music and presentation detracted. As did the errors.
If I were someone of stature I, too, would distance myself from this sort of documentary. I am afraid this important imformation has been tarnished due to the presentation and due to its sponsorship by Stew Peters who seems to mix fact with wild theories with questionable evidence.
I watched his show for a while but had concerns about him. Of anyone in this movement, he and Ruby and some others on his show at times appear less than credible. I cannot remember the last topic that turned me off but I just stopped watching.
And no, I will not shut up because I care as deeply as you and everyone else in this movement about making all this evil stop.
Do I totally trust Malone? No, but it is difficult to totally trust anyone given all that has happened. But so far he seems like the real deal. I watch actions day by day.
The critiques of Malone by the Breggins and others is not yet backed up by anything close to fact. So many accusations just plain mis state the facts.
And your suspicions, as well as those of the Breggins, et al. of Malone just because he may have a slightly different take on the case comes across as frankly paranoid. And beneath the stature of the Breggins who I have always admired.
There are many different theories and ideas going across this whole movement from many different highly respected people. Some I tend to agree with more, others less or not at all. That is ok. What is important is to try to avoid these divisions and to stayed unified keeping our eye on our true enemies.
We can respectfully state our differences and critiques. But, unfortunately, the pile on of Malone was and is over the top as it is just based on innuendo and lacks a real factual basis.
If you can come up with something substantive, I am listening.
No. I don't doubt Ryan Cole. I believe him. He appeared in Died Suddenly, as did Steve Kirsch. So, what's the complaint then? Stew was the wrong guy for the story? He doesn't have the right credentials or CV? He's icky? Then, why didn't someone with the right credentials in the so-called health freedom movement address them in a meaningful way?
Why complain about Stew and ignore the clots? (Sorry, Malone did not mention them in his first article trashing Stew Peters and the film.)
Yes, Stew Peters was the wrong guy for the story not because of his credentials but because of his works. He and his show are just difficult to take seriously- it seemed so sensational and over the top. It was so over the top in presentation I almost felt like he was trying to make our resistance movement look ridiculous.
As to why a better person has not taken on the story of the clots, that is a good question. I like Del Bigtree. I think he may have had a segment on his show, The Highwire, but I cannot remember. I know I have seen it covered elsewhere.
Yes, Malone did not use the word, “clots” but it was clear that is what he meant because the movie was about the clots!!!!
And, sorry, but the comments Malone made about Peters presentation are spot on.
I am not a mind reader. I do not know why Malone has not focused on the clots. It seems to me that different people have focused on different aspects of this COVID disaster..
The idea that because Malone, alone, among many other doctors in this movement has not focused on the clots is some proof of malfeisance is hard for me to comprehend.
What is the motive to accuse Malone of being a bad actor in this situation There are other docs and scientists in this movement who once supported the vaccine who have changed their minds over time. It is not just Malone who used to recommend the shot for seniors and now do not recommend it for anyone.
Is it just the association with Desmet and his theory? The Weinsteins have also discussed the Desmet theory. As have others. It is just a theory to attempt to explain why people have mindlessly bought the narrative. I do not believe for a minute that Malone blames these victims.
Unless they have some real facts to support their allegations that Malone is working for the bad guys, the Breggins should not have attacked Malone’s integrity.
Perhaps someone else with bad intent planted this idea in Peter Breggin’s mind? Who knows?
Give me some proof. Some facts. Not just projection and innuendo.
I listened to this conversation for the first time yesterday to understand why the Breggins and CAF have an issue with Desmet's theory and Malone's promotion of it. I understand better now.
Ok, I listened to the solari interview and a couple other breggin interviews linked on the Solari page. I then downloaded Desmet’s book. Breggin has misrepresented critical aspects of Desmet’s book.
I was also shocked that Catherine Austin Fitts made the same false misrepresentations. Something is confusingly off here.
Breggin tries to overly simplify Desmet’s theory and he also claims that Malone made up the theory and that Malone and Desmet are co conspirators working directly for the “globalists”.
It behooves anyone who questions Malone to closely read The Psychology of Totalitarianism. And read the whole book. I have no idea how Peter Breggin, or anyone, could come to believe the level of allegations made about Malone and Desmet based on this book and their interviews.
After reading and listening to everything I can from both these men, it appears as though Breggin is, if I can be charitable, misinterpreting just about everything Malone and Desmet say in a most heinous light.
I do not know who started spreading these defamatory ideas but Breggin appears to be the most vocal. Perhaps that is why he is getting sued.
At this point, based on available information, I still believe Peter and Ginger Breggin and anyone else spewing their defamatory words should apologize to Malone and Desmet and try to make up for the good of the movement.
I do think it will take a very big man for Malone to forgive, but I think he needs to try. Can Breggin admit his own false conspiracy theory about Malone and Desmet? I surely hope so.
So I am confused. Do you doubt Ryan Cole? I have found him to seem like a pretty genuine guy who seems pretty honest.
I find the embalmers very credible. I believe that what they have to share is very inportant but, as Malone has said, when going againt our adversaries we cannot afford to have a sloppy, overly sensationalized presentation. Those clots are horrifying enough and the music and presentation detracted. As did the errors.
If I were someone of stature I, too, would distance myself from this sort of documentary. I am afraid this important imformation has been tarnished due to the presentation and due to its sponsorship by Stew Peters who seems to mix fact with wild theories with questionable evidence.
I watched his show for a while but had concerns about him. Of anyone in this movement, he and Ruby and some others on his show at times appear less than credible. I cannot remember the last topic that turned me off but I just stopped watching.
And no, I will not shut up because I care as deeply as you and everyone else in this movement about making all this evil stop.
Do I totally trust Malone? No, but it is difficult to totally trust anyone given all that has happened. But so far he seems like the real deal. I watch actions day by day.
The critiques of Malone by the Breggins and others is not yet backed up by anything close to fact. So many accusations just plain mis state the facts.
And your suspicions, as well as those of the Breggins, et al. of Malone just because he may have a slightly different take on the case comes across as frankly paranoid. And beneath the stature of the Breggins who I have always admired.
There are many different theories and ideas going across this whole movement from many different highly respected people. Some I tend to agree with more, others less or not at all. That is ok. What is important is to try to avoid these divisions and to stayed unified keeping our eye on our true enemies.
We can respectfully state our differences and critiques. But, unfortunately, the pile on of Malone was and is over the top as it is just based on innuendo and lacks a real factual basis.
If you can come up with something substantive, I am listening.
No. I don't doubt Ryan Cole. I believe him. He appeared in Died Suddenly, as did Steve Kirsch. So, what's the complaint then? Stew was the wrong guy for the story? He doesn't have the right credentials or CV? He's icky? Then, why didn't someone with the right credentials in the so-called health freedom movement address them in a meaningful way?
Why complain about Stew and ignore the clots? (Sorry, Malone did not mention them in his first article trashing Stew Peters and the film.)
Ryan Cole says the clots are real. I believe him.
Yes, Stew Peters was the wrong guy for the story not because of his credentials but because of his works. He and his show are just difficult to take seriously- it seemed so sensational and over the top. It was so over the top in presentation I almost felt like he was trying to make our resistance movement look ridiculous.
As to why a better person has not taken on the story of the clots, that is a good question. I like Del Bigtree. I think he may have had a segment on his show, The Highwire, but I cannot remember. I know I have seen it covered elsewhere.
Yes, Malone did not use the word, “clots” but it was clear that is what he meant because the movie was about the clots!!!!
And, sorry, but the comments Malone made about Peters presentation are spot on.
I am not a mind reader. I do not know why Malone has not focused on the clots. It seems to me that different people have focused on different aspects of this COVID disaster..
The idea that because Malone, alone, among many other doctors in this movement has not focused on the clots is some proof of malfeisance is hard for me to comprehend.
What is the motive to accuse Malone of being a bad actor in this situation There are other docs and scientists in this movement who once supported the vaccine who have changed their minds over time. It is not just Malone who used to recommend the shot for seniors and now do not recommend it for anyone.
Is it just the association with Desmet and his theory? The Weinsteins have also discussed the Desmet theory. As have others. It is just a theory to attempt to explain why people have mindlessly bought the narrative. I do not believe for a minute that Malone blames these victims.
Unless they have some real facts to support their allegations that Malone is working for the bad guys, the Breggins should not have attacked Malone’s integrity.
Perhaps someone else with bad intent planted this idea in Peter Breggin’s mind? Who knows?
Give me some proof. Some facts. Not just projection and innuendo.
I listened to this conversation for the first time yesterday to understand why the Breggins and CAF have an issue with Desmet's theory and Malone's promotion of it. I understand better now.
I'm not looking for a leader or a hero.
Ok, I listened to the solari interview and a couple other breggin interviews linked on the Solari page. I then downloaded Desmet’s book. Breggin has misrepresented critical aspects of Desmet’s book.
I was also shocked that Catherine Austin Fitts made the same false misrepresentations. Something is confusingly off here.
Breggin tries to overly simplify Desmet’s theory and he also claims that Malone made up the theory and that Malone and Desmet are co conspirators working directly for the “globalists”.
It behooves anyone who questions Malone to closely read The Psychology of Totalitarianism. And read the whole book. I have no idea how Peter Breggin, or anyone, could come to believe the level of allegations made about Malone and Desmet based on this book and their interviews.
After reading and listening to everything I can from both these men, it appears as though Breggin is, if I can be charitable, misinterpreting just about everything Malone and Desmet say in a most heinous light.
I do not know who started spreading these defamatory ideas but Breggin appears to be the most vocal. Perhaps that is why he is getting sued.
At this point, based on available information, I still believe Peter and Ginger Breggin and anyone else spewing their defamatory words should apologize to Malone and Desmet and try to make up for the good of the movement.
I do think it will take a very big man for Malone to forgive, but I think he needs to try. Can Breggin admit his own false conspiracy theory about Malone and Desmet? I surely hope so.