do yourself a favor and find an interview with desmet. i'm just giving you a broad brushstroke that doesn't do his theory justice and your desription above isn't even close to his theory.
do yourself a favor and find an interview with desmet. i'm just giving you a broad brushstroke that doesn't do his theory justice and your desription above isn't even close to his theory.
I've watched several interviews of Desmet and have read and re-read his book. Suggest you look more closely at what he says, the identities he sets forwards, and the contradictions in what he says as well as how closely his identities match reality.
do yourself a favor and find an interview with desmet. i'm just giving you a broad brushstroke that doesn't do his theory justice and your desription above isn't even close to his theory.
I've watched several interviews of Desmet and have read and re-read his book. Suggest you look more closely at what he says, the identities he sets forwards, and the contradictions in what he says as well as how closely his identities match reality.