I dont blame the hesitancy with him. but the white calamary coming out of peoples arteries cannot be waved off as mere sensationalism. Stew Peters is a strong Christian and has strong emotions. I think he lets himself go off script sometimes and thats where he sometimes lets the better of himself fall. I notice that the more a person ope…
I dont blame the hesitancy with him. but the white calamary coming out of peoples arteries cannot be waved off as mere sensationalism. Stew Peters is a strong Christian and has strong emotions. I think he lets himself go off script sometimes and thats where he sometimes lets the better of himself fall. I notice that the more a person opens up the story to see behind the story, its very easy to get offtrack and requires lot of discernment and insight about history and reality to keep to provable theories.
Peters lost me with the atrocious Jerry Springer-style ambush he did with Vernon Jones. It was undeserved and tacky.
He also has non-credible guests on like Carrie Madej and Mikovits.
He just doesn't know how to do a professional presentation, which discredits the whole thing. I think that Dr. Malone was unhappy with that. And I don't blame him.
Sorry...No, they're not. Madej doesn't even hold a medical license anymore. I'm 75, and been "awake" for 30-40 years, and have a hard sciences degree, did some research with the NSF years ago (although in physical sciences, not biological). So my research on her is based on the proven methodologies in research science, not how she presents herself on a video.
Madej's MO has always been "I'm cute, blond, I have terrifying news, get me on a show that will pay me a hefty fee". She's just not serious.
Mikovits...I knew there was something wrong when I watched that video in 2020. So I did a 250-hour deep dive on her, and found that she's a liar. She lied about all her court records, ALL of them. I pulled them all directly from the courts records in several states.
She falsified her research, and when her results could not be replicated, two of her 10 co-authors from Cleveland Clinic withdrew their names from the study. Fauci actually gave Dr. Ian Lipkin of Columbia U. $2M of our taxpayer dollars, with 10 independent labs, to test for this etrovirus, no one could find it (double-blinded), and even she admitted it. And it was discovered that she had falsified her data.
Then she went off the deep end and started up with the "all illnesses are caused by vaccines" shtick, so she could write books. I think she's a little "off" myself, I don't mean to be unkind, but she ruined her own career. Very sad. Not credible.
I dont blame the hesitancy with him. but the white calamary coming out of peoples arteries cannot be waved off as mere sensationalism. Stew Peters is a strong Christian and has strong emotions. I think he lets himself go off script sometimes and thats where he sometimes lets the better of himself fall. I notice that the more a person opens up the story to see behind the story, its very easy to get offtrack and requires lot of discernment and insight about history and reality to keep to provable theories.
Peters lost me with the atrocious Jerry Springer-style ambush he did with Vernon Jones. It was undeserved and tacky.
He also has non-credible guests on like Carrie Madej and Mikovits.
He just doesn't know how to do a professional presentation, which discredits the whole thing. I think that Dr. Malone was unhappy with that. And I don't blame him.
Carrie Madej--and Mikovits--are non-credible? Actually very credible, and smart.
Sorry...No, they're not. Madej doesn't even hold a medical license anymore. I'm 75, and been "awake" for 30-40 years, and have a hard sciences degree, did some research with the NSF years ago (although in physical sciences, not biological). So my research on her is based on the proven methodologies in research science, not how she presents herself on a video.
Madej's MO has always been "I'm cute, blond, I have terrifying news, get me on a show that will pay me a hefty fee". She's just not serious.
Mikovits...I knew there was something wrong when I watched that video in 2020. So I did a 250-hour deep dive on her, and found that she's a liar. She lied about all her court records, ALL of them. I pulled them all directly from the courts records in several states.
She falsified her research, and when her results could not be replicated, two of her 10 co-authors from Cleveland Clinic withdrew their names from the study. Fauci actually gave Dr. Ian Lipkin of Columbia U. $2M of our taxpayer dollars, with 10 independent labs, to test for this etrovirus, no one could find it (double-blinded), and even she admitted it. And it was discovered that she had falsified her data.
Then she went off the deep end and started up with the "all illnesses are caused by vaccines" shtick, so she could write books. I think she's a little "off" myself, I don't mean to be unkind, but she ruined her own career. Very sad. Not credible.
Here's a rundown from a respected medical publishing house on the whole thing... https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/AID.2020.0095