We are basically causing these effects. Nowadays, 80% of the deviations from traditional norms can be ascribed to vaccination. Clinical evidence (25 years/5,000 kids) aligns with the survey.
There are quite a few people in the comments, talking about xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens feminize males as we know, and could contribute to gender dysphoria. But everyone here is completely missing a biological factor. that may be affecting girls more than boys. And I’m not saying that all the societal pressure around being gay or transgender is not there. It is. That’s a completely separate topic as far as I’m concerned regarding Steve’s survey. But it may also be a secondary consequence of what I’m about to say below.
Steve called me after fielding the first survey that found an association between vaccines and gender dysphoria, and said “Alix, you were right.” I had told him about a potential biological reason for the increase in female to male gender dysphoria.
My theory: hepatitis A vaccine was put on the CDC recommended schedule in 2004. The schedule recommends two doses of that vaccine. That vaccine contains or is grown in male DNA. MRC-5, to be exact. Now if those extra two doses of male DNA are going to have an effect on little girls, the natural “sweet spot” of when it might start being expressed would be when girls reach puberty, right?
If you ask people in the transgender community when there was an inflection point of more girls wanting to become boys, they will say it was 2016. Prior to 2016 the ratio of male to female transitions outnumbered female to male transitions I believe by six or 7 to 1. In 2016 things suddenly started to even out or evened out to 50-50. And since the transitions are now about 50% female to male and 50% male to female, what would’ve caused the girls to suddenly want to be boys when it hadn’t been as big of a factor before?
Assuming the average length of puberty is about 12 years old, add 12 years to 2004 and you get to 2016.
So what looked like an inflection point that began in 2016 probably started biologically back in 2004.
Steve, I hope you decide to pin this comment so people can understand what might actually be happening.
Alix you were right. Read my 2 replies to Matthew Sciba below. What are the odds that my children would be this affected? Our son who presented a bit dysphoric in his youth settled in to being gay as the other statistics suggest. The professionals now balk and this and say its their transway or the highway. I think he might have gotten pushed into this agenda. But potentially we dodged that bullet as we were ahead of the massive societal push to put these kids in the trans category and push "gender affirming" care on them and their parents. There was an Italian scientist who came out about 10 years ago saying vaccines were causing this and there was going to be an explosion in the future. I think his first name was Paolo. I have the article somewhere. Of course the media skewered him and called him names. Thats what they do. There are no safe levels of a neurotoxin. If injected neurotoxins can make Autistic kids autistic and some autistics asexual which that math shows, why couldn't it be responsible for homosexuality and gender dysphoria? Yes there is a social construct to this happening as well. Freshmen in university finally away from their family's influence for the first time would be the first place I would look for an obvious bump in the stats. They start out on an LGBTQ floor in the dorms as a "supporter" not "declared" and then after some time goes by then end up saying they are trans or another one of the alphabet letters. I know people who work for universities that say there is a ton of conduct and drama issues associated with these floors. What a surprise. Biological women on male hormones do not feel well and vice versa. The kids are not alright.
I would rather have suspicions on the HPV vaccine because it is known to cause premature ovarian failure and it is done in adolescence, therefore closer to the end result.
To add a little other perspective. I won't argue with your position at all because vaccines and DNA are totally outside my wheelhouse.
I am a mental health professional specializing in sexual and identity issues. In nearly every case of men or women clients with gender dysphoria is a family dynamic with a mom who fits the DSM-V criteria for covert narcissism, and a dad who plays her enforcer but is afraid of her.
The male clients with same-sex attraction have the overbearing mom (not usually as severe as above) and emotionally distant dad who rejects the son. The female clients also had the overbearing or disconnected moms, and were often raised as substitutes for the son dad never had.
Not saying your theory about vaccines and DNA is incorrect, just providing a psycho-emotional perspective.
Also as a mental health practitioner take a peek at Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Pyroluria and their relationship to mental health issues. I have been investigating these as 3 of my children have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome hypermobility type III. There are comorbidities between these syndromes and psychiatric presentations. I have not investigated them with respect to sexual and gender identity issues. Not sure if these possibly relate to vaccine damage as hypo-laxity is listed on the package inserts as a side effect, (EDS type 3 is the only EDS without a genetic test available) but I am finding a host of links to other psychological issues including anxiety and addiction. All 3 conditions suffer from a lack of awareness in the medical and psychiatric community.
The psychological "expert" perspective used to be that refrigerator mothers caused autism back in the day. So glad one has been laid to rest in the appropriate grave. I have 4 sons and a daughter. 2 sons are gay and one son is (was) autistic and straight and one is dyslexic has an auditory processing disorder and is straight. They are all very close in age raised by the same stay at home mother and full time working father in a non chemically dependent "traditional mom/dad role leaning" if you will household. Although no household is perfect, we were wracked by the stress and financial pressure of chronic illness in all our children, we did our best and were a team. For my sons I have a diesel mechanic (Son #3, straight and dyslexic no HS diploma), a dance teacher and choreographer, (Son #1 gay), hospitality manager, (Son #2 gay), and the formerly autistic (Son #4) is straight (but autistics are high in homosexuality and asexuality from what I understand). He was never supposed to go to regular school and always supposed to live with us but with heavy lifting, alternative therapies and early intervention, graduated college summa cum laude double major, has a master's degree and works for a university and is no longer "presenting" as autistic. His degrees are communication and psychology with a masters in higher ed. It took a lot of money and time most people don't have getting him the help he needed. Hospitality manager gay son did present some dysphoria in jr high and highschool but settled into being gay. (he is in his late 20's now tho not sure how things would have went down had we been navigating his teenage years in the present climate) Dyslexic diesel mechanic #3 and formerly Autistic #4 are less than 2 years apart. Gay Son #2 hospitality dude and Diesel mechanic dude #3 are less than 2 years apart. Our oldest daughter is married, has a son and teaches yoga and dance. She also has OCD which runs in my husbands family. We supported our children and loved them as they presented helping them to reach their full potential according to their interests whatever that was. (Thats how you get a diesel mechanic and a dance choreographer raised in the same family so I guess you can say we were pretty accepting of our children's differences and let them be them) Son # 2 had 9 aquariums in the house at one time. Uffda! They all say they had great childhoods. Our gay sons did struggle in high school until we changed their schools. Our kids are now ages 35 to 24 and are fairly happy successful adults. The diesel mechanic son struggled with alcohol but is in recovery. When our oldest gay son came out I already suspected, but my husband struggled with it at first but then came round to even offer our home to a kid who's parent's kicked him out when they found out he was gay. Were we perfect parents? Nope. Far from it. We had a crazy heavy load to carry. Did our personalities cause our kids to be gay and autistic or contribute? I'd say nope. All our kiddos have NORD registered rare chronic health conditions, however, too long to list here. We spent lots of time at Mayo, Gillette, and Children's Hospitals. Not arguing your experience with your clientele, I am not a medical professional with your expertise (although I do own my own big fat DSM-V criteria book lol,) just laying our situation out there. All of my kids were highly vaccinated which I now regret. Steve's data does not show the same outcome of health problems and gender issues/same sex attraction in the non vaccinated group. Not saying that your experience with your client base is not accurate from your perspective. The US has an epidemic of chronically ill children. It is no wonder they struggle mentally as well. My question is WHY? These children and families need our support and help. Again not challenging your psycho emotional perspective, glad you are there to help those families, just offering up our personal experience. We didn't seek therapy for their sexual and identity issues, so you wouldn't have run into a family like ours. We just accepted where they were and supported them.
There are environmental factors increasing the odds for homosexuality, to which all children are exposed, but react to them differently depending on the genetics. Sleep debt is almost universal due to artificial light, which is similar to stimulant drugs, EMF-s, and it causes all kinds of mental health issues. Microplastic pollution is in rain water, plants; mercury is in the sea fish; pesticides are in food etc. and these all are endocrine disruptors. Inflammatory food that disturbs hormones and sleep is common. Vaccines teach the immune system to react in an allergic way, not involving the innnate immune system, possibly involving the nervous system in a nonadaptive way, causing mental health symptoms whenever there is inflammation (my opinion). The HPV vaccine which targets the reproductive system may be adding to all this burden?
Yes all of the above are contributing environmental factors. My sons girlfriend was injured by the Gardasil vaccine in HS. First shot passed out hit her head concussion. Second shot urinary incontinence, and severe menstrual bleeding, (golf ball size clots the bathroom looked like a murder scene) she was seen at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN and they sent her to bladder retraining therapy. 3rd shot POTS, chest pain, severe spinal pain, attacks that looked like seizures, she became unable to walk without assistance. She was homebound from school with a tutor. 5 ER visits, 3 hospitalizations one at the U of M children's hospital and one at Minneapolis Childrens. MRI scans and spinal taps blood work ups were done.
Doctors threw up their hands and referred her to neuropsych (Code for its in your head) I brought all sorts of information to them showing she was presenting over 90 percent of symptoms associated with injury from the Gardasil vaccine. I was almost kicked out of the hospital and the girl's mother was told by the neurologist to stop listening to me. Sent a video of one of the attacks to a world renown homeopath. She said "get her to me this is aluminum poisoning from vaccines and it is destroying the myelin sheath around her spinal cord." Massive doses of Vit C during "attacks" and a heavy duty detox protocol was advised. Within 3 months she made cheerleading. Went off protocol (because thats what teens do when the feel better) and the attacks and symptoms came back. She finished the treatment and has been fine since. Proof positive the homeopath beat every single specialist doctor at the game of cure the patient. Gardasil has a very bad track record for side effects and has been responsible for deaths where it has been proven and where the government has paid out damages. This girl was on MA due to having a single mother so she has been vaxxed to the max as that is what they do with people on assistance. They last dated in 2015 so I don't know the impact on reproductive health (she is currently a flight attendant) although there was a lawsuit by twins in Wisconsin who went into menopause in their early 20's. I have a physician retired friend who had a gardasil girl end up at mayo with seizures after the vaccine. The government and the doctors absolutely refuse to look at Gardasil as the problem. Just as with Autism that makes them culpable. The damages owed to families and the victims would be massive. That is the dark corner in which they will never look unless they are forced. The homeopath who specializes in vaccine injury treatment does not treat Covid jab injuries because in her words "It is not a vaccine"
Hi Alix, just a point of clarification: The Hepatis A vaccine was added to the childhood schedule well before 2004, a quick search will tell you this. My son was born in June of 2003 (at home) and at his first pediatrician visit, they insisted that he have Hep B vax. I declined, saying he's highly unlikely to have either sexual or shared needle exposure as an infant, and was laughed out of the room. He got no vaccines and has no gender issues, also no health issues.
Hep A was approved in 1995. The addition to the CDC recommended children's schedule occurred later. It was added to the CDC recommended schedule in phases, starting with 11 Western states in 2000. (Bizarre - never heard of another vaccine being introduced regionally.) I can't currently find the exact history after that, but from my prior research, I think two doses were recommended by the CDC in 2004.
HepA is not a sexually transmitted disease!!! It's a common gastro type of transmission. God knows why they wanted to give the Vax to a newborn, but you need to up your game - you're misinformed.
You are right! I was thinking of Hep B, which applies to all I said about my son above. That's the one they give to newborns in the US, on the DAY THEY'RE BORN! And it is transmitted by sexual contact and sharing of dirty needles. And the US has the highest 1st-day death rate of newborns amongst modern countries. Pure coincidence I'm sure!
I asked the Minnesota department of health why. This was 9 years ago. It took going up the ladder through quite a few people. This was their response. Pre chewed food. There is a large Somali immigrant population in MN and there is a practice of relatives pre chewing food and feeding it to children. So EVERY child regardless of their cultural racial background gets one of theses shots. It is beyond insane. Teach people not to do this don't vaccinate everyone because one culture has this practice. But this was what I was told. The Hep B shot is dangerous and unnecessary but it's protocol. I even asked my doctor why and he just shrugged. "It's protocol". Yes it is. A protocol of destruction.
Hepatitis B shots given at birth became the norm in all 50 states beginning in 1991. Minnesota has a high Somali population. This is NOT the case with other states. This "reason" you rec'd by "going up the ladder" in Minnesota is incorrect, although they may be trying to "sell" that reason or maybe even believe this reason in Minnesota since the Somali Civil War caused a large influx of Somali refugees in Minnesota starting in 1991 aided by the charitable organizations in Minnesota. (voluntary agencies, called VOLAGS, that contract with the State Department. Minnesota has very active ones like Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities, and World Relief Minnesota) Sex workers and needle drug users in the US were not motivated to get the Hep B shot for which it was designed and Pharma didn't want to be stuck with an orphan drug so they keep saying it's because of the POSSIBLE (but they never admit, highly, highly unlikely) exposure of a baby to an infected needle in the hospital or infected bodily fluids from a family or extended member. Mother's are tested for Hep B during pregancy. The reality is Pharma wanted the captured mother and infant at birth in the hospital setting and to take advantage of a liability free product for $$$. Also, when a baby is damaged by a Hep B shot at birth Pharma gets to claim "see... the baby/child was ALWAYS like this". Very important for families to refuse the Hep B and Vitamin K shots {both with 250 mcg of aluminum) at birth, so that the parents KNOW that their infant WAS HEALTHY AT BIRTH. The FATHER must be present at the hospital /birth center and never allow the baby out of his sight until the mother and baby are safely out of the hospital/birth center, regardless of whether they "put in writing" that Vitamin K and Hep B shots are not to be given. The mother is almost always too out of it to protect the baby directly after birth. It doesn't hurt to have a lawyer on speed dial to threaten the medical professionals/hospital social workers if necessary.
Yes you are perfectly correct when you say that is what they are probably trying to either "sell" or they actually believe. They came up with this explanation on the same day as I refused to get off the phone and just kept saying"I'll hold. Someone must have the answer." The US was behind the destabilization in Somalia (my personal opinion and I am not alone) so the US is part of the problem reaction solution dogma. Their reply to me did not hold water. I was just shocked that that was their reply. Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Again when my physician was asked who delivers babies he had no idea the reasoning behind the protocol. So Docs are in the dark. From what turns out to be a very benevolent sounding operation between the government and the charities has been a complete disaster for MN and for Somali mothers. Their children are the one's paying the heavy price although every child is at risk it is african american boy babies that I have heard rank the highest in the damage department of course meaning contracting autism and other health conditions. Pharma captured these mothers in their dirty net. They were never exposed to this stuff in their home countries and then when they deliver their babies here we poison them out of the gate. We are 1 in 26 boys born in MN today last I checked and that was a while ago. If this math keeps up we will be one in 2 and 50 percent of that equation won't be able to toilet themselves. Our services are caving under the pressure. I found the MN department of health's "splaining" to be ridiculous at best and a lie and deflection at worst. Vaccinating all babies for this reason would be completely reckless. When I mention this to politicians they shrug and blow me off. Hospitals test mom and know mom's heb b status so there is no need to vaccinate. I never asked for their stats studies and data regarding the "pre chewed food" bs. These populations brought in by these charities have been left hung out to dry. Dropped like hot potatoes. Their communities now decimated by gang behavior and their young children decimated by autism. MN was not properly set up for the refugees they received. Benevolence is not benevolence when you fail the population you were trying to help and destroy their children's health. (Again we destabilized that country in the first place) We have been playing a bad game of catch up and failing miserably. I have chronically ill children damaged by vaccines. I sat in Gillette Childrens Hospital surrounded by Somali mothers with ill children and translators. I was the minority as a native Minnesotan most days and we spend hella many days. They have been hit hard and are victims in this as well. The pressure in the delivery room is hot and heavy for any mother regardless of her origin. I was given the evil treatment at my vet for refusing to vaccinate my lymes positive dog yesterday because he has been exposed years ago but never fell ill. He is not showing symptoms of Lymes disease. He will always test positive because he has antibodies. So vaccination is futile but they glare at you like you are irresponsible and crazy to refuse. That is bad but the labor and delivery room is the real war zone....I believe my grandson was damaged as well. He is 10. You are right. Never let the kid out of your sight and have your lawyer on speed dial. This is war. I recovered my autistic son with 3 mortgages on our home. He started school as special ed graduated college with a double major summa cum laude and now has a masters degree and works for a university supervising over 1,000 students. No loans no debt he worked and paid for his education all on his own. (his folks were tapped out) Meeting him you would never know. He is no longer presenting. These Somali mothers don't have that option. The suffering continues.
There's evidence that COVID shots cause erectile dysfunction in men (possibly due to clotting) and period and pregnancy issues in women (poisoning from spike protein invading sex organs and harming the fetus).
Maybe the shots are affecting hormones and behavior as well in ways we don't yet fully understand. Perhaps they are also causing autism, which sometimes leads to gender psychological and social issues.
So it makes some sense that transgender issues could be partially caused by COVID shots.
These issues are also probably partially caused by the extreme isolation, masking, fear tactics, etc., making normal social development difficult, along with the horrendous early exposure to sexually explicit material and other forms of child abuse, and transgender propaganda, all of which society used to make better efforts to protect children from or didn't previously engage in this insanity to begin with.
Yes, but please note that Steve's survey was for all vaccines, not just COVID shots. And most of the societal pressure may be secondary to a biological change induced by vaccination, leading to a critical mass.
This makes sense. Xenoestrogen would make boys want to be girls, but would not make girls want to be boy. Male to female transgenders have been around forever, and have gradually increased over the past 4 decades or so. Guys have become gradually softer and less masculine since at least the mid 80's. These trends parallel the increased use of Xenoestrogens, particularly as pest control in modern agriculture. The irony here is that the Xenoestrogens were originally developed as an environmentally benign replacement for the "old" pesticides that actually killed the bugs. The Xenoestrogens merely stop their reproduction.
The female to male thing is something that seems to have come up out of nowhere since around 2016. I had never even heard of it until about this time. This means it has to be a different cause than Xenoestrogens. However, I think the female to male thing is mostly driven by ideology (rad feminists) and greed (on the part of the medical establishment).
As a mom of two teens, one diagnosed with PANS (mostly recovered), I'm part of the Autism/PANS community. Which means I have been a part of large group forums of Autism/PANS kids for about 15 years. The gender dysphoria/trans issue is not primarily ideology, greed or social pressure. It is a vaccine issue. My kids are ok but so many are not ok...There is 0 doubt...
Steve's survey indicates it's not mostly driven by ideology or greed, and more by changes in biology caused by the vaccine schedule. Though I agree those are secondary factors.
Possibly. The timing you presented certainly fits. That the vaccine was made from male DNA is suggestive as well.
But Karl Denninger believes, as do I, that there are powerful interests and influences pushing this. You have the "woke" rad feminist thing saying that women should be like men and others saying that gender is nothing more than a social construct. That women making themselves attractive in the feminine sense is playing into the patriarchy and what not. A lot of this garbage is being pushed in the public schools these days. Then you have the clinics and medical professionals salivating over the $300K to $500K they will get per kid who transitions. There was an administrator at one hospital who admitted that "transitioning" of kids was a cash cow for the institution. All of this coincides with the rise of "woke" in general during the times.
Another point that supports your argument is the rise of "woke" that actually started in 2013. 2013 was a sort of inflection year in that the incoming fall freshmen that year began demanding trigger warnings, safe spaces, cool-off rooms, you name it. This represented an emotional hyper sensitivity that is common to those with chronic Mercury poisoning (Mercury is sometimes used as preservatives in vaccines) as well as other metals. Call it the "mad hatter" phenomenon from 150 years ago (also due to Mercury). I also believe this kind of hyper sensitivity may also be due to chronic inflammation, which is also common to adjuvants used in vaccines.
In short, I think the female to male thing is both.
We are up against pure evil. I kept saying to myself while taking the survey, "Yeah, but when?" When is huge in this. The whole 2004 to 2016 makes sense. Its also terrifies me as my youngest offspring was born Sept 2004. He's 19 and I KNOW there's no confusion in his preferences. Sometimes being the Dad is fun. This is one of those things. Edit to add: My son only went up to his 8 month shots and we stopped. We could see the drugs being put in him were killing him. Edit again to add: /beginsarc - But I am not against vaccines. Vaccines are life saving miracles made by the finest humans to ever breathe air. The most safe and effective and it took these immortals only 3 minutes to make. /sarc PS - Everybody starts off as Pro Vaxx. Those that see damages to their children are never wrong. They may have been gas lit by the establishment for years, but the parents know their children and are never wrong. Every Anti vaxxer has a real "I have seen damage" story to tell.
100% makes sense !! All this $HIT is untested POI$ON !! As an anti-vaxxer aka PRO-Health advocate for over 27 years now & a former Autism Specialist, with EVERY parent of my Students telling me their precious Children were 100% Vaccine Injured I know for a fact Autism is 1 in 15 BOYS at this point !!! When you stick untested POI$ON into. GOD given CLEAN BLOOD who benefits ??? Big Pharma Demon$$$, Big Medicine Demon$$, GATE$ of HELL eugenicsist Billy Boy etc…STOP the Madness Humanity!!! Thanks be to GOD people are waking UP !!!
There are also autistic kids who have never been vaxxed. Not many, but there are a small subset. There are probably Trans kids who have never been vaccinated either...
There are other mechanisms of action that can cause changes in the womb causing sexual changes. For example, vaccination of the mother, illness and fever in the mother, high exposure to certain toxins in utero.
The point of this survey and Steve's post is, is there a mechanism of action whereby vaccines can cause gender dysphoria, transgenderism or change sexual orientation? The simple answer is yes. It doesn't apply to all people all the time. But statistically, the probably is quite high that vaccinations are having this effect on the population.
Stop seeing this a a disease, oh my god... I have had different experiences, because I wanted to... men, women... and now just nothing... It lasted 10 years. I have lost any interest in sex... the last thing I allowed myself was to see a professional masseur -M or F against my back pains. And now I am contaminated by those vaxxed people ! and so far, IV chelation has not really worked. I am done !
Literally a couple of days ago my husband and I were talking about how strange it was that FIVE of my daughter’s friends from childhood are now identifying as male. They are all around 20 years old. I was around these girls a lot when my daughter was growing up and they were all very feminine.
Yes, it appears strange because it is orchestrated. I said the same thing when suddenly a few years ago all the university age kids in UK went vegan at the same time. Agendas are being pushed on all fronts. Evil!
This is a mind control cult. That's why people will go so far as bodily mutilation after being indoctrinated, and why this agenda being taught in schools is so dangerous and harmful to children.
There are many examples of cults doing extreme things, sometimes involving extreme forms of child abuse. For example, modern Mormon polygamy groups have been known to exile boys who were "leftovers" because there weren't enough women to go around, as well as having rampant child abuse, especially with forced marriages of teenagers.
See the BITE model by Steve Hassan identifying cult groups. This trans cult especially fits the criteria for controlling the identity of the cult member, giving them a new identity, controlling what they wear, etc., and persecuting anyone who disagrees with them or leaves their cult.
Yes this is a huge problem among this age group. Abigail Shier wrote a book called Irreversable Damage about the phenomenon of ROGD (Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria) in girls. It is clearly a social contagion that is being encouraged by the schools, the medical industry, the psychological professional groups, etc. It appears to be driven from the U.N. down.
Thank you for the book recommendation. I knew a lot of it was psychological manipulation as well. One of my daughter’s friends had some mental health issues so I’m sure she was more vulnerable to it. It’s all so sad.
Kat, stop pooping in the planter…. Chad, if you get caught “marking” once more, you’re gonna be a eunuch cat. Not lets settle down and refocus on the real rabid cats🤣
This is a more plausible explanation than attributing the increase to woke ideology, and activism. So now the defenders of the vaccines in question will claim that woke ideology and activism are confounding factors. If something is not the cause, it must be a confounding factor!
Correlation is not causation. Many variables correlate with the value systems of parents who limit or opt out of vaccination. I would expect those variables to have a huge impact on the mental health and gender identity of children.
You leaping into claims of causation calls into question your credibility, even if you cite a source to justify the causation claims. Are you trying to discredit those who have concerns about vaccines? Countless people will run with your hasty claims and make fools of themselves, and worse, bring discredit on credible concerns about vaccines.
I've been thinking about this, and I suspect there is a potential biasing factor.
Fifty years of political 'anti-discrimination'' law, which started for a very valid reason, but has extended its borders now beyond all rationality is coming home to bite us in our culture.
People supporting the current vax climate tend to be in on the more liberal side of things and have accepted, even encouraged these sexual experiments--afraid to 'inhibit' their children's 'self actualization'.
By contrast many (not all) who are deeply skeptical of the vaccine mandates tend to be more conservative who feel it is the parents job to provide guidance to their children, who then tend to grow into their physical makeup instead of trying to deny it.
Exceptions notwithstanding, I am confident conservatively raised children are far more likely to become fully comfortable with their actual 'birth gender' instead of going off on a (delusional in my opinion) chase for something else.
It should not be a surprise that those who distrust this vaccine program are the same people distrust the 'gender identity movement'.
Sorry but girly girls who pass through puberty and then turn on a dime and want to 'transition' is not caused by vaccination. I do not deny that more autistic girls (and boys) have this thought thrust upon them. But when the orchestrators in charge are determined to increase patient population via well-funded campus 'wellness' forms looking for 10 different 'gender identities' clearly there is something far, far more insidious happening. Look for the seeding of this idea that 'gender identity' is real. It is a load of bull but It is everywhere.
There are survey responses in the Airtable of respondents who were not vaxxed, mothers weren't vaxxed either, who responded that they are "gay" or "trans". If vaccines are responsible, why are there respondents who have zero vaccines and also have sexual/identity issues?
there is another bias. Don't parents come to this clinic because they don't vaccinate? And therefore, there may already be people who are less easily influenced by nature.
Allergic reactions/inflammation in the pregnant dams cause LGBT offspring in the experiments of Kathryn Lenz. Vaccines during pregnancy may be the source of such inflammation. Patients with bipolar depression, report switch to LGBT mainly during manic episodes. Manic episodes are associated with brain inflammation. Therefore LGBT may be due to brain inflammation in the relevant circuits. Also, since vaccines are a component cause of autism and autistic children have higher levels of LGBT, vaccines cause LGBT. But as a component cause, not as a sole cause. There are plenty other causes. See: https://psikolog1.wordpress.com/2018/03/18/modern-diet-and-stress-cause-homosexuality-a-hypothesis-and-a-potential-therapy/
I am a Licensed Professional Counselor who specializes in helping men who have same-sex attraction try to overcome the unwanted attraction, or overcome sexual addiction, or both.
Every single case I have seen, without exception, the male client has described a matriarchal family with the overbearing and emotionally immature (anxious, angry, or emotionally exploitative) mother and the emotionally distant father. It seems there could be a correlation between overbearing (anxious) mothers and the likelihood that they will have their children vaccinated (out of their own fear), whereas the mothers of the unvaccinated are more interested in doing what is best for their sons.
It seems a correlation may also exist that the fathers of the unvaccinated are more involved in the family, and in family decisions, which is not characteristic of families of men who have same-sex attraction.
Further studies would need to be conducted to test these correlations and see if it is in fact the effect of the vaccine, or if the psychological/emotional components of father/mother produce both the same-sex-attracted children withand also high vaccination rates.
They can be both. According to the diet-stress-diathesis model of homosexuality, brain inflammation from foreign substances and emotional stress add up to the totality of causes to cause homosexuality.
I see that you are a therapist. I think that a therapy using repeated (as needed) extended fasting to decrease sexual interest to the minimum and then jumpstart it after refeeding , combined with diet, sleep hygiene and other lifestyle changes would work best. Also, ss attractions may be due to brain inflammation caused by certain foods/chemicals. Ecological , orthomolecular psychiatrists have described almost any known psychiatric symptom to be caused as "allergic reactions". See Theron Randolph, Marshall Mandell, William Philpott etc. Ecological doctors eliminate foods/chemicals, reintroduce them and observe for reactions. Among foods, gluten, milk, egg white are the most allergic. Kathryn Lenz caused LGBT behaviors by injecting egg white into pregnant dams, so it is not so far fetched.
I am sure it has to do with the cell lines used to make these vaccines. Using female cells on males, etc... they are destroying us in every way possible...
Hi Steve, I wanted to direct your attention to a book (link below) that was written quite a while ago based on scientific research related to the bombing of London in WWII and the amount of Transexual men, Homosexual men and Effeminate men (2ndary sex characteristics) that resulted. Spike in Transexual men if bombing occurred in the first trimester ("identify" forms in first trimester), spike in homosexual men if the bombing occurred in the 2nd trimester (mating instinct forms), and spike in effeminate qualities in (female 2ndary sex characteristics forms) if bombing occurred in 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The theory is that the slight amount of male hormones that the mother's body normally produces that washes over male fetuses at precise times during gestation was surpressed by the mother's fear during the bombing periods. Perhaps this could be extrapolated to the mother being in a domestic situation (abuse?) that creates uneasiness and fear in the mother? We know that thimerosal and mercury and probabaly also aluminum has a whole body and brain effect in mother and child that may replicate this suppression of the needed, properly timed male hormones during gestation. Here is the Amazon link to the book "Brain Sex" https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0385311834/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
Hi Rita, Thank you. I clicked on the link. The paper is 60 plus pages. Can you give a summary? Does this stress/diathesis model have to do with affects during pregnancy due to mother's production of male hormones or lack thereof? The research behind "Brain Sex" validates 2 overarching and consistent claims of homosexual men: #1 The most common denominator among homosexual men is a life long not so good relationship with an aggressive father (pointing to the mother also being intimidated during the pregnancy #2 "I've been this way my whole life". Looking forward to your reply.
WI-38 is the cell lines from a FEMALE aborted foetus used to cultivate viruses used in vaccines. When you inject the DNA from a FEMALE (carrying two X chromosomes) into a MALE (who already carries one X chromosome and a weaker Y chromosome) you now have an overload of the X chromosome.
Now we have an onslaught of BOYS who think they should be GIRLS.
Do we have male DNA in vaccines? YES!! The MRC-5 is the code given to the fetal cell line also used to cultivate vaccine viral components and it comes from a MALE aborted foetus.
Do we have GIRLS thinking they are BOYS? YES!!
Is it as prominent as boys wanting to be girls? NO! Why?
Because girls have two dominant X chromosomes. When they are injected with a vaccine containing MRC-5, they aren’t just getting a Y chromosome, but yet another dominant X chromosome, on top of the two they already have.
That’s why you don’t see as many girls wanting to be boys as you do the other way around.
The Baphomet is half male, half female, blurring the lines. He is in charge of those who are mandating vaccines - they either kill, maim or confuse our society. Nothing afflicting our children is our fault. It’s ALL damage from a spiritual battle that we are losing unless we can stop the onslaught of poisonous vaccines.
I highly recommend this book as well, when combining with this information in your post, there's no doubt how gender dysphoria is rising.
Soy Boys: The Rise in Low Testosterone & the Feminization of Men Due to Phytoestrogens https://a.co/d/6wGBXE5
This combined research between the leading breast cancer prevention Dr & bioidentical hormones researcher "Dr Wendy Sellens Bronson" and the numerous other studies presented about the powerful effects of phytoestrogens is very revealing.
You can also find Dr Wendy on Instagram if you'd like to take a look at her work.
So, there actually is hard data to back this up. Not just a survey.
About 15 years ago, an assistant attempted to posthumously publish years' worth of data he and his employer had collected. They had been contracted to conduct research on a specific product, during this they accidentally discovered a phenomenon happening to women vaccinated during pregnancy.
In very simplified terms, they discovered that when mom is vaccinated, when the enzyme is sent out to prompt a hormone boost, the autoimmune response attacks the enzyme instead of responding to the prompt. So the infant never receives the needed burst of hormones during final organ and brain development.
When they discovered this, the employer refused to publish. He knew it would end their careers. But he also couldnt let it go, so they continued to replicate and study it privately. When the employer died, his assistant tried to publish posthumously in his name.
I know all of this because I WATCHED the interviews with the assistant. I READ through a bunch of the preprint study. It caught my attention back then because I was actually dating a transman, so I was trying to research and study as much as I could, and I came across it. However, I have been trying to find it for the last 5 years and I can't find a shred of it.
There are quite a few people in the comments, talking about xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens feminize males as we know, and could contribute to gender dysphoria. But everyone here is completely missing a biological factor. that may be affecting girls more than boys. And I’m not saying that all the societal pressure around being gay or transgender is not there. It is. That’s a completely separate topic as far as I’m concerned regarding Steve’s survey. But it may also be a secondary consequence of what I’m about to say below.
Steve called me after fielding the first survey that found an association between vaccines and gender dysphoria, and said “Alix, you were right.” I had told him about a potential biological reason for the increase in female to male gender dysphoria.
My theory: hepatitis A vaccine was put on the CDC recommended schedule in 2004. The schedule recommends two doses of that vaccine. That vaccine contains or is grown in male DNA. MRC-5, to be exact. Now if those extra two doses of male DNA are going to have an effect on little girls, the natural “sweet spot” of when it might start being expressed would be when girls reach puberty, right?
If you ask people in the transgender community when there was an inflection point of more girls wanting to become boys, they will say it was 2016. Prior to 2016 the ratio of male to female transitions outnumbered female to male transitions I believe by six or 7 to 1. In 2016 things suddenly started to even out or evened out to 50-50. And since the transitions are now about 50% female to male and 50% male to female, what would’ve caused the girls to suddenly want to be boys when it hadn’t been as big of a factor before?
Assuming the average length of puberty is about 12 years old, add 12 years to 2004 and you get to 2016.
So what looked like an inflection point that began in 2016 probably started biologically back in 2004.
Steve, I hope you decide to pin this comment so people can understand what might actually be happening.
Alix you were right. Read my 2 replies to Matthew Sciba below. What are the odds that my children would be this affected? Our son who presented a bit dysphoric in his youth settled in to being gay as the other statistics suggest. The professionals now balk and this and say its their transway or the highway. I think he might have gotten pushed into this agenda. But potentially we dodged that bullet as we were ahead of the massive societal push to put these kids in the trans category and push "gender affirming" care on them and their parents. There was an Italian scientist who came out about 10 years ago saying vaccines were causing this and there was going to be an explosion in the future. I think his first name was Paolo. I have the article somewhere. Of course the media skewered him and called him names. Thats what they do. There are no safe levels of a neurotoxin. If injected neurotoxins can make Autistic kids autistic and some autistics asexual which that math shows, why couldn't it be responsible for homosexuality and gender dysphoria? Yes there is a social construct to this happening as well. Freshmen in university finally away from their family's influence for the first time would be the first place I would look for an obvious bump in the stats. They start out on an LGBTQ floor in the dorms as a "supporter" not "declared" and then after some time goes by then end up saying they are trans or another one of the alphabet letters. I know people who work for universities that say there is a ton of conduct and drama issues associated with these floors. What a surprise. Biological women on male hormones do not feel well and vice versa. The kids are not alright.
I would rather have suspicions on the HPV vaccine because it is known to cause premature ovarian failure and it is done in adolescence, therefore closer to the end result.
To add a little other perspective. I won't argue with your position at all because vaccines and DNA are totally outside my wheelhouse.
I am a mental health professional specializing in sexual and identity issues. In nearly every case of men or women clients with gender dysphoria is a family dynamic with a mom who fits the DSM-V criteria for covert narcissism, and a dad who plays her enforcer but is afraid of her.
The male clients with same-sex attraction have the overbearing mom (not usually as severe as above) and emotionally distant dad who rejects the son. The female clients also had the overbearing or disconnected moms, and were often raised as substitutes for the son dad never had.
Not saying your theory about vaccines and DNA is incorrect, just providing a psycho-emotional perspective.
Also as a mental health practitioner take a peek at Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Pyroluria and their relationship to mental health issues. I have been investigating these as 3 of my children have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome hypermobility type III. There are comorbidities between these syndromes and psychiatric presentations. I have not investigated them with respect to sexual and gender identity issues. Not sure if these possibly relate to vaccine damage as hypo-laxity is listed on the package inserts as a side effect, (EDS type 3 is the only EDS without a genetic test available) but I am finding a host of links to other psychological issues including anxiety and addiction. All 3 conditions suffer from a lack of awareness in the medical and psychiatric community.
The psychological "expert" perspective used to be that refrigerator mothers caused autism back in the day. So glad one has been laid to rest in the appropriate grave. I have 4 sons and a daughter. 2 sons are gay and one son is (was) autistic and straight and one is dyslexic has an auditory processing disorder and is straight. They are all very close in age raised by the same stay at home mother and full time working father in a non chemically dependent "traditional mom/dad role leaning" if you will household. Although no household is perfect, we were wracked by the stress and financial pressure of chronic illness in all our children, we did our best and were a team. For my sons I have a diesel mechanic (Son #3, straight and dyslexic no HS diploma), a dance teacher and choreographer, (Son #1 gay), hospitality manager, (Son #2 gay), and the formerly autistic (Son #4) is straight (but autistics are high in homosexuality and asexuality from what I understand). He was never supposed to go to regular school and always supposed to live with us but with heavy lifting, alternative therapies and early intervention, graduated college summa cum laude double major, has a master's degree and works for a university and is no longer "presenting" as autistic. His degrees are communication and psychology with a masters in higher ed. It took a lot of money and time most people don't have getting him the help he needed. Hospitality manager gay son did present some dysphoria in jr high and highschool but settled into being gay. (he is in his late 20's now tho not sure how things would have went down had we been navigating his teenage years in the present climate) Dyslexic diesel mechanic #3 and formerly Autistic #4 are less than 2 years apart. Gay Son #2 hospitality dude and Diesel mechanic dude #3 are less than 2 years apart. Our oldest daughter is married, has a son and teaches yoga and dance. She also has OCD which runs in my husbands family. We supported our children and loved them as they presented helping them to reach their full potential according to their interests whatever that was. (Thats how you get a diesel mechanic and a dance choreographer raised in the same family so I guess you can say we were pretty accepting of our children's differences and let them be them) Son # 2 had 9 aquariums in the house at one time. Uffda! They all say they had great childhoods. Our gay sons did struggle in high school until we changed their schools. Our kids are now ages 35 to 24 and are fairly happy successful adults. The diesel mechanic son struggled with alcohol but is in recovery. When our oldest gay son came out I already suspected, but my husband struggled with it at first but then came round to even offer our home to a kid who's parent's kicked him out when they found out he was gay. Were we perfect parents? Nope. Far from it. We had a crazy heavy load to carry. Did our personalities cause our kids to be gay and autistic or contribute? I'd say nope. All our kiddos have NORD registered rare chronic health conditions, however, too long to list here. We spent lots of time at Mayo, Gillette, and Children's Hospitals. Not arguing your experience with your clientele, I am not a medical professional with your expertise (although I do own my own big fat DSM-V criteria book lol,) just laying our situation out there. All of my kids were highly vaccinated which I now regret. Steve's data does not show the same outcome of health problems and gender issues/same sex attraction in the non vaccinated group. Not saying that your experience with your client base is not accurate from your perspective. The US has an epidemic of chronically ill children. It is no wonder they struggle mentally as well. My question is WHY? These children and families need our support and help. Again not challenging your psycho emotional perspective, glad you are there to help those families, just offering up our personal experience. We didn't seek therapy for their sexual and identity issues, so you wouldn't have run into a family like ours. We just accepted where they were and supported them.
There are environmental factors increasing the odds for homosexuality, to which all children are exposed, but react to them differently depending on the genetics. Sleep debt is almost universal due to artificial light, which is similar to stimulant drugs, EMF-s, and it causes all kinds of mental health issues. Microplastic pollution is in rain water, plants; mercury is in the sea fish; pesticides are in food etc. and these all are endocrine disruptors. Inflammatory food that disturbs hormones and sleep is common. Vaccines teach the immune system to react in an allergic way, not involving the innnate immune system, possibly involving the nervous system in a nonadaptive way, causing mental health symptoms whenever there is inflammation (my opinion). The HPV vaccine which targets the reproductive system may be adding to all this burden?
Yes all of the above are contributing environmental factors. My sons girlfriend was injured by the Gardasil vaccine in HS. First shot passed out hit her head concussion. Second shot urinary incontinence, and severe menstrual bleeding, (golf ball size clots the bathroom looked like a murder scene) she was seen at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN and they sent her to bladder retraining therapy. 3rd shot POTS, chest pain, severe spinal pain, attacks that looked like seizures, she became unable to walk without assistance. She was homebound from school with a tutor. 5 ER visits, 3 hospitalizations one at the U of M children's hospital and one at Minneapolis Childrens. MRI scans and spinal taps blood work ups were done.
Doctors threw up their hands and referred her to neuropsych (Code for its in your head) I brought all sorts of information to them showing she was presenting over 90 percent of symptoms associated with injury from the Gardasil vaccine. I was almost kicked out of the hospital and the girl's mother was told by the neurologist to stop listening to me. Sent a video of one of the attacks to a world renown homeopath. She said "get her to me this is aluminum poisoning from vaccines and it is destroying the myelin sheath around her spinal cord." Massive doses of Vit C during "attacks" and a heavy duty detox protocol was advised. Within 3 months she made cheerleading. Went off protocol (because thats what teens do when the feel better) and the attacks and symptoms came back. She finished the treatment and has been fine since. Proof positive the homeopath beat every single specialist doctor at the game of cure the patient. Gardasil has a very bad track record for side effects and has been responsible for deaths where it has been proven and where the government has paid out damages. This girl was on MA due to having a single mother so she has been vaxxed to the max as that is what they do with people on assistance. They last dated in 2015 so I don't know the impact on reproductive health (she is currently a flight attendant) although there was a lawsuit by twins in Wisconsin who went into menopause in their early 20's. I have a physician retired friend who had a gardasil girl end up at mayo with seizures after the vaccine. The government and the doctors absolutely refuse to look at Gardasil as the problem. Just as with Autism that makes them culpable. The damages owed to families and the victims would be massive. That is the dark corner in which they will never look unless they are forced. The homeopath who specializes in vaccine injury treatment does not treat Covid jab injuries because in her words "It is not a vaccine"
Hi Alix, just a point of clarification: The Hepatis A vaccine was added to the childhood schedule well before 2004, a quick search will tell you this. My son was born in June of 2003 (at home) and at his first pediatrician visit, they insisted that he have Hep B vax. I declined, saying he's highly unlikely to have either sexual or shared needle exposure as an infant, and was laughed out of the room. He got no vaccines and has no gender issues, also no health issues.
Hep A was approved in 1995. The addition to the CDC recommended children's schedule occurred later. It was added to the CDC recommended schedule in phases, starting with 11 Western states in 2000. (Bizarre - never heard of another vaccine being introduced regionally.) I can't currently find the exact history after that, but from my prior research, I think two doses were recommended by the CDC in 2004.
Sounds like you were lucky to have been "laughed out of the room," instead of having your baby taken away for it! (Going by today's stories)
HepA is not a sexually transmitted disease!!! It's a common gastro type of transmission. God knows why they wanted to give the Vax to a newborn, but you need to up your game - you're misinformed.
You are right! I was thinking of Hep B, which applies to all I said about my son above. That's the one they give to newborns in the US, on the DAY THEY'RE BORN! And it is transmitted by sexual contact and sharing of dirty needles. And the US has the highest 1st-day death rate of newborns amongst modern countries. Pure coincidence I'm sure!
I asked the Minnesota department of health why. This was 9 years ago. It took going up the ladder through quite a few people. This was their response. Pre chewed food. There is a large Somali immigrant population in MN and there is a practice of relatives pre chewing food and feeding it to children. So EVERY child regardless of their cultural racial background gets one of theses shots. It is beyond insane. Teach people not to do this don't vaccinate everyone because one culture has this practice. But this was what I was told. The Hep B shot is dangerous and unnecessary but it's protocol. I even asked my doctor why and he just shrugged. "It's protocol". Yes it is. A protocol of destruction.
Hepatitis B shots given at birth became the norm in all 50 states beginning in 1991. Minnesota has a high Somali population. This is NOT the case with other states. This "reason" you rec'd by "going up the ladder" in Minnesota is incorrect, although they may be trying to "sell" that reason or maybe even believe this reason in Minnesota since the Somali Civil War caused a large influx of Somali refugees in Minnesota starting in 1991 aided by the charitable organizations in Minnesota. (voluntary agencies, called VOLAGS, that contract with the State Department. Minnesota has very active ones like Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities, and World Relief Minnesota) Sex workers and needle drug users in the US were not motivated to get the Hep B shot for which it was designed and Pharma didn't want to be stuck with an orphan drug so they keep saying it's because of the POSSIBLE (but they never admit, highly, highly unlikely) exposure of a baby to an infected needle in the hospital or infected bodily fluids from a family or extended member. Mother's are tested for Hep B during pregancy. The reality is Pharma wanted the captured mother and infant at birth in the hospital setting and to take advantage of a liability free product for $$$. Also, when a baby is damaged by a Hep B shot at birth Pharma gets to claim "see... the baby/child was ALWAYS like this". Very important for families to refuse the Hep B and Vitamin K shots {both with 250 mcg of aluminum) at birth, so that the parents KNOW that their infant WAS HEALTHY AT BIRTH. The FATHER must be present at the hospital /birth center and never allow the baby out of his sight until the mother and baby are safely out of the hospital/birth center, regardless of whether they "put in writing" that Vitamin K and Hep B shots are not to be given. The mother is almost always too out of it to protect the baby directly after birth. It doesn't hurt to have a lawyer on speed dial to threaten the medical professionals/hospital social workers if necessary.
Yes you are perfectly correct when you say that is what they are probably trying to either "sell" or they actually believe. They came up with this explanation on the same day as I refused to get off the phone and just kept saying"I'll hold. Someone must have the answer." The US was behind the destabilization in Somalia (my personal opinion and I am not alone) so the US is part of the problem reaction solution dogma. Their reply to me did not hold water. I was just shocked that that was their reply. Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Again when my physician was asked who delivers babies he had no idea the reasoning behind the protocol. So Docs are in the dark. From what turns out to be a very benevolent sounding operation between the government and the charities has been a complete disaster for MN and for Somali mothers. Their children are the one's paying the heavy price although every child is at risk it is african american boy babies that I have heard rank the highest in the damage department of course meaning contracting autism and other health conditions. Pharma captured these mothers in their dirty net. They were never exposed to this stuff in their home countries and then when they deliver their babies here we poison them out of the gate. We are 1 in 26 boys born in MN today last I checked and that was a while ago. If this math keeps up we will be one in 2 and 50 percent of that equation won't be able to toilet themselves. Our services are caving under the pressure. I found the MN department of health's "splaining" to be ridiculous at best and a lie and deflection at worst. Vaccinating all babies for this reason would be completely reckless. When I mention this to politicians they shrug and blow me off. Hospitals test mom and know mom's heb b status so there is no need to vaccinate. I never asked for their stats studies and data regarding the "pre chewed food" bs. These populations brought in by these charities have been left hung out to dry. Dropped like hot potatoes. Their communities now decimated by gang behavior and their young children decimated by autism. MN was not properly set up for the refugees they received. Benevolence is not benevolence when you fail the population you were trying to help and destroy their children's health. (Again we destabilized that country in the first place) We have been playing a bad game of catch up and failing miserably. I have chronically ill children damaged by vaccines. I sat in Gillette Childrens Hospital surrounded by Somali mothers with ill children and translators. I was the minority as a native Minnesotan most days and we spend hella many days. They have been hit hard and are victims in this as well. The pressure in the delivery room is hot and heavy for any mother regardless of her origin. I was given the evil treatment at my vet for refusing to vaccinate my lymes positive dog yesterday because he has been exposed years ago but never fell ill. He is not showing symptoms of Lymes disease. He will always test positive because he has antibodies. So vaccination is futile but they glare at you like you are irresponsible and crazy to refuse. That is bad but the labor and delivery room is the real war zone....I believe my grandson was damaged as well. He is 10. You are right. Never let the kid out of your sight and have your lawyer on speed dial. This is war. I recovered my autistic son with 3 mortgages on our home. He started school as special ed graduated college with a double major summa cum laude and now has a masters degree and works for a university supervising over 1,000 students. No loans no debt he worked and paid for his education all on his own. (his folks were tapped out) Meeting him you would never know. He is no longer presenting. These Somali mothers don't have that option. The suffering continues.
There's evidence that COVID shots cause erectile dysfunction in men (possibly due to clotting) and period and pregnancy issues in women (poisoning from spike protein invading sex organs and harming the fetus).
Maybe the shots are affecting hormones and behavior as well in ways we don't yet fully understand. Perhaps they are also causing autism, which sometimes leads to gender psychological and social issues.
So it makes some sense that transgender issues could be partially caused by COVID shots.
These issues are also probably partially caused by the extreme isolation, masking, fear tactics, etc., making normal social development difficult, along with the horrendous early exposure to sexually explicit material and other forms of child abuse, and transgender propaganda, all of which society used to make better efforts to protect children from or didn't previously engage in this insanity to begin with.
Yes, but please note that Steve's survey was for all vaccines, not just COVID shots. And most of the societal pressure may be secondary to a biological change induced by vaccination, leading to a critical mass.
This makes sense. Xenoestrogen would make boys want to be girls, but would not make girls want to be boy. Male to female transgenders have been around forever, and have gradually increased over the past 4 decades or so. Guys have become gradually softer and less masculine since at least the mid 80's. These trends parallel the increased use of Xenoestrogens, particularly as pest control in modern agriculture. The irony here is that the Xenoestrogens were originally developed as an environmentally benign replacement for the "old" pesticides that actually killed the bugs. The Xenoestrogens merely stop their reproduction.
The female to male thing is something that seems to have come up out of nowhere since around 2016. I had never even heard of it until about this time. This means it has to be a different cause than Xenoestrogens. However, I think the female to male thing is mostly driven by ideology (rad feminists) and greed (on the part of the medical establishment).
Excess estrogen is a cause of homosexuality in women, which may cause (and is caused by) gender dysphoria.
As a mom of two teens, one diagnosed with PANS (mostly recovered), I'm part of the Autism/PANS community. Which means I have been a part of large group forums of Autism/PANS kids for about 15 years. The gender dysphoria/trans issue is not primarily ideology, greed or social pressure. It is a vaccine issue. My kids are ok but so many are not ok...There is 0 doubt...
Steve's survey indicates it's not mostly driven by ideology or greed, and more by changes in biology caused by the vaccine schedule. Though I agree those are secondary factors.
Possibly. The timing you presented certainly fits. That the vaccine was made from male DNA is suggestive as well.
But Karl Denninger believes, as do I, that there are powerful interests and influences pushing this. You have the "woke" rad feminist thing saying that women should be like men and others saying that gender is nothing more than a social construct. That women making themselves attractive in the feminine sense is playing into the patriarchy and what not. A lot of this garbage is being pushed in the public schools these days. Then you have the clinics and medical professionals salivating over the $300K to $500K they will get per kid who transitions. There was an administrator at one hospital who admitted that "transitioning" of kids was a cash cow for the institution. All of this coincides with the rise of "woke" in general during the times.
Another point that supports your argument is the rise of "woke" that actually started in 2013. 2013 was a sort of inflection year in that the incoming fall freshmen that year began demanding trigger warnings, safe spaces, cool-off rooms, you name it. This represented an emotional hyper sensitivity that is common to those with chronic Mercury poisoning (Mercury is sometimes used as preservatives in vaccines) as well as other metals. Call it the "mad hatter" phenomenon from 150 years ago (also due to Mercury). I also believe this kind of hyper sensitivity may also be due to chronic inflammation, which is also common to adjuvants used in vaccines.
In short, I think the female to male thing is both.
We are up against pure evil. I kept saying to myself while taking the survey, "Yeah, but when?" When is huge in this. The whole 2004 to 2016 makes sense. Its also terrifies me as my youngest offspring was born Sept 2004. He's 19 and I KNOW there's no confusion in his preferences. Sometimes being the Dad is fun. This is one of those things. Edit to add: My son only went up to his 8 month shots and we stopped. We could see the drugs being put in him were killing him. Edit again to add: /beginsarc - But I am not against vaccines. Vaccines are life saving miracles made by the finest humans to ever breathe air. The most safe and effective and it took these immortals only 3 minutes to make. /sarc PS - Everybody starts off as Pro Vaxx. Those that see damages to their children are never wrong. They may have been gas lit by the establishment for years, but the parents know their children and are never wrong. Every Anti vaxxer has a real "I have seen damage" story to tell.
Now we are getting some meaningful analysis.
100% makes sense !! All this $HIT is untested POI$ON !! As an anti-vaxxer aka PRO-Health advocate for over 27 years now & a former Autism Specialist, with EVERY parent of my Students telling me their precious Children were 100% Vaccine Injured I know for a fact Autism is 1 in 15 BOYS at this point !!! When you stick untested POI$ON into. GOD given CLEAN BLOOD who benefits ??? Big Pharma Demon$$$, Big Medicine Demon$$, GATE$ of HELL eugenicsist Billy Boy etc…STOP the Madness Humanity!!! Thanks be to GOD people are waking UP !!!
I have had gay s and m experiences, and I am not vaxx !
Ok...we believe you :)
There are also autistic kids who have never been vaxxed. Not many, but there are a small subset. There are probably Trans kids who have never been vaccinated either...
There are other mechanisms of action that can cause changes in the womb causing sexual changes. For example, vaccination of the mother, illness and fever in the mother, high exposure to certain toxins in utero.
The point of this survey and Steve's post is, is there a mechanism of action whereby vaccines can cause gender dysphoria, transgenderism or change sexual orientation? The simple answer is yes. It doesn't apply to all people all the time. But statistically, the probably is quite high that vaccinations are having this effect on the population.
Were you born that way or did some event stir you to have a gay s&m experience?
Stop seeing this a a disease, oh my god... I have had different experiences, because I wanted to... men, women... and now just nothing... It lasted 10 years. I have lost any interest in sex... the last thing I allowed myself was to see a professional masseur -M or F against my back pains. And now I am contaminated by those vaxxed people ! and so far, IV chelation has not really worked. I am done !
What does AKELIYS/AKILYUS add to in Greek?
Literally a couple of days ago my husband and I were talking about how strange it was that FIVE of my daughter’s friends from childhood are now identifying as male. They are all around 20 years old. I was around these girls a lot when my daughter was growing up and they were all very feminine.
Yes, it appears strange because it is orchestrated. I said the same thing when suddenly a few years ago all the university age kids in UK went vegan at the same time. Agendas are being pushed on all fronts. Evil!
Going vegan I could see as a fad. Then a cheeseburger wafts by and it’s over. Cutting your penis off though? Not a fad.
This is a mind control cult. That's why people will go so far as bodily mutilation after being indoctrinated, and why this agenda being taught in schools is so dangerous and harmful to children.
There are many examples of cults doing extreme things, sometimes involving extreme forms of child abuse. For example, modern Mormon polygamy groups have been known to exile boys who were "leftovers" because there weren't enough women to go around, as well as having rampant child abuse, especially with forced marriages of teenagers.
See the BITE model by Steve Hassan identifying cult groups. This trans cult especially fits the criteria for controlling the identity of the cult member, giving them a new identity, controlling what they wear, etc., and persecuting anyone who disagrees with them or leaves their cult.
Well, now you have vaccines as a confounding factor. Can't lay all the blame on cult psychology.
Bingo... https://anderdaa7.substack.com/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=web&utm_content=comment_metadata
Yes this is a huge problem among this age group. Abigail Shier wrote a book called Irreversable Damage about the phenomenon of ROGD (Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria) in girls. It is clearly a social contagion that is being encouraged by the schools, the medical industry, the psychological professional groups, etc. It appears to be driven from the U.N. down.
Thank you for the book recommendation. I knew a lot of it was psychological manipulation as well. One of my daughter’s friends had some mental health issues so I’m sure she was more vulnerable to it. It’s all so sad.
What about HPV vaccines? They are done in adolescence and cause premature ovarian failure.
Men shouldn't be allowed to vote.
You are the proof.
Proof women cannot think
LOL wow great points. Men are children.
Kat, stop pooping in the planter…. Chad, if you get caught “marking” once more, you’re gonna be a eunuch cat. Not lets settle down and refocus on the real rabid cats🤣
This is a more plausible explanation than attributing the increase to woke ideology, and activism. So now the defenders of the vaccines in question will claim that woke ideology and activism are confounding factors. If something is not the cause, it must be a confounding factor!
Correlation is not causation. Many variables correlate with the value systems of parents who limit or opt out of vaccination. I would expect those variables to have a huge impact on the mental health and gender identity of children.
You leaping into claims of causation calls into question your credibility, even if you cite a source to justify the causation claims. Are you trying to discredit those who have concerns about vaccines? Countless people will run with your hasty claims and make fools of themselves, and worse, bring discredit on credible concerns about vaccines.
I've been thinking about this, and I suspect there is a potential biasing factor.
Fifty years of political 'anti-discrimination'' law, which started for a very valid reason, but has extended its borders now beyond all rationality is coming home to bite us in our culture.
People supporting the current vax climate tend to be in on the more liberal side of things and have accepted, even encouraged these sexual experiments--afraid to 'inhibit' their children's 'self actualization'.
By contrast many (not all) who are deeply skeptical of the vaccine mandates tend to be more conservative who feel it is the parents job to provide guidance to their children, who then tend to grow into their physical makeup instead of trying to deny it.
Exceptions notwithstanding, I am confident conservatively raised children are far more likely to become fully comfortable with their actual 'birth gender' instead of going off on a (delusional in my opinion) chase for something else.
It should not be a surprise that those who distrust this vaccine program are the same people distrust the 'gender identity movement'.
That can easily skew your statistics.
Sorry but girly girls who pass through puberty and then turn on a dime and want to 'transition' is not caused by vaccination. I do not deny that more autistic girls (and boys) have this thought thrust upon them. But when the orchestrators in charge are determined to increase patient population via well-funded campus 'wellness' forms looking for 10 different 'gender identities' clearly there is something far, far more insidious happening. Look for the seeding of this idea that 'gender identity' is real. It is a load of bull but It is everywhere.
There are survey responses in the Airtable of respondents who were not vaxxed, mothers weren't vaxxed either, who responded that they are "gay" or "trans". If vaccines are responsible, why are there respondents who have zero vaccines and also have sexual/identity issues?
That doesn’t seem plausible. It started way before 2020.
there is another bias. Don't parents come to this clinic because they don't vaccinate? And therefore, there may already be people who are less easily influenced by nature.
Allergic reactions/inflammation in the pregnant dams cause LGBT offspring in the experiments of Kathryn Lenz. Vaccines during pregnancy may be the source of such inflammation. Patients with bipolar depression, report switch to LGBT mainly during manic episodes. Manic episodes are associated with brain inflammation. Therefore LGBT may be due to brain inflammation in the relevant circuits. Also, since vaccines are a component cause of autism and autistic children have higher levels of LGBT, vaccines cause LGBT. But as a component cause, not as a sole cause. There are plenty other causes. See: https://psikolog1.wordpress.com/2018/03/18/modern-diet-and-stress-cause-homosexuality-a-hypothesis-and-a-potential-therapy/
I am a Licensed Professional Counselor who specializes in helping men who have same-sex attraction try to overcome the unwanted attraction, or overcome sexual addiction, or both.
Every single case I have seen, without exception, the male client has described a matriarchal family with the overbearing and emotionally immature (anxious, angry, or emotionally exploitative) mother and the emotionally distant father. It seems there could be a correlation between overbearing (anxious) mothers and the likelihood that they will have their children vaccinated (out of their own fear), whereas the mothers of the unvaccinated are more interested in doing what is best for their sons.
It seems a correlation may also exist that the fathers of the unvaccinated are more involved in the family, and in family decisions, which is not characteristic of families of men who have same-sex attraction.
Further studies would need to be conducted to test these correlations and see if it is in fact the effect of the vaccine, or if the psychological/emotional components of father/mother produce both the same-sex-attracted children withand also high vaccination rates.
They can be both. According to the diet-stress-diathesis model of homosexuality, brain inflammation from foreign substances and emotional stress add up to the totality of causes to cause homosexuality.
Is this you?
A Diet-stress-diathesis Model of Homosexuality
Rita Strakosha
Correspondence: strakosharita@gmail.com
I see that you are a therapist. I think that a therapy using repeated (as needed) extended fasting to decrease sexual interest to the minimum and then jumpstart it after refeeding , combined with diet, sleep hygiene and other lifestyle changes would work best. Also, ss attractions may be due to brain inflammation caused by certain foods/chemicals. Ecological , orthomolecular psychiatrists have described almost any known psychiatric symptom to be caused as "allergic reactions". See Theron Randolph, Marshall Mandell, William Philpott etc. Ecological doctors eliminate foods/chemicals, reintroduce them and observe for reactions. Among foods, gluten, milk, egg white are the most allergic. Kathryn Lenz caused LGBT behaviors by injecting egg white into pregnant dams, so it is not so far fetched.
I am sure it has to do with the cell lines used to make these vaccines. Using female cells on males, etc... they are destroying us in every way possible...
Hi Steve, I wanted to direct your attention to a book (link below) that was written quite a while ago based on scientific research related to the bombing of London in WWII and the amount of Transexual men, Homosexual men and Effeminate men (2ndary sex characteristics) that resulted. Spike in Transexual men if bombing occurred in the first trimester ("identify" forms in first trimester), spike in homosexual men if the bombing occurred in the 2nd trimester (mating instinct forms), and spike in effeminate qualities in (female 2ndary sex characteristics forms) if bombing occurred in 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The theory is that the slight amount of male hormones that the mother's body normally produces that washes over male fetuses at precise times during gestation was surpressed by the mother's fear during the bombing periods. Perhaps this could be extrapolated to the mother being in a domestic situation (abuse?) that creates uneasiness and fear in the mother? We know that thimerosal and mercury and probabaly also aluminum has a whole body and brain effect in mother and child that may replicate this suppression of the needed, properly timed male hormones during gestation. Here is the Amazon link to the book "Brain Sex" https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0385311834/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
There is a stress-diathesis model of homosexuality, that accomodates this and the vaccines as well. https://osf.io/preprints/psyarxiv/bjxvs
Hi Rita, Thank you. I clicked on the link. The paper is 60 plus pages. Can you give a summary? Does this stress/diathesis model have to do with affects during pregnancy due to mother's production of male hormones or lack thereof? The research behind "Brain Sex" validates 2 overarching and consistent claims of homosexual men: #1 The most common denominator among homosexual men is a life long not so good relationship with an aggressive father (pointing to the mother also being intimidated during the pregnancy #2 "I've been this way my whole life". Looking forward to your reply.
A diagram summary. https://psikolog1.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/figure-3_17-march-2019.jpg.
The weight of each component cause is different from person to person, so it may be 1 or 2 as main reasons in certain cases.
WI-38 is the cell lines from a FEMALE aborted foetus used to cultivate viruses used in vaccines. When you inject the DNA from a FEMALE (carrying two X chromosomes) into a MALE (who already carries one X chromosome and a weaker Y chromosome) you now have an overload of the X chromosome.
Now we have an onslaught of BOYS who think they should be GIRLS.
Do we have male DNA in vaccines? YES!! The MRC-5 is the code given to the fetal cell line also used to cultivate vaccine viral components and it comes from a MALE aborted foetus.
Do we have GIRLS thinking they are BOYS? YES!!
Is it as prominent as boys wanting to be girls? NO! Why?
Because girls have two dominant X chromosomes. When they are injected with a vaccine containing MRC-5, they aren’t just getting a Y chromosome, but yet another dominant X chromosome, on top of the two they already have.
That’s why you don’t see as many girls wanting to be boys as you do the other way around.
The Baphomet is half male, half female, blurring the lines. He is in charge of those who are mandating vaccines - they either kill, maim or confuse our society. Nothing afflicting our children is our fault. It’s ALL damage from a spiritual battle that we are losing unless we can stop the onslaught of poisonous vaccines.
From "The Trozzi Report" on Substack Wins of the Week Ep19- Wouter Aukema, a data forensics analyst with over 30 years experience, teamed up with a software expert to develop a tool where they were able to download ALL 15 million case safety reports over the past 20 years, for 6000 medicinal drug products and substances (within and outside of Europe) including the Covid-19 experimental shots. https://drtrozzi.substack.com/p/wins-of-the-week-ep19-with-ted-kuntz?utm_campaign=email-half-post&r - https://soniaelijah.substack.com/p/true-horrors-of-covid-vaccine-harm?
I highly recommend this book as well, when combining with this information in your post, there's no doubt how gender dysphoria is rising.
Soy Boys: The Rise in Low Testosterone & the Feminization of Men Due to Phytoestrogens https://a.co/d/6wGBXE5
This combined research between the leading breast cancer prevention Dr & bioidentical hormones researcher "Dr Wendy Sellens Bronson" and the numerous other studies presented about the powerful effects of phytoestrogens is very revealing.
You can also find Dr Wendy on Instagram if you'd like to take a look at her work.
1) www.instagram.com/feminizationofmen
2) www.instagram.com/estrogenfree
So, there actually is hard data to back this up. Not just a survey.
About 15 years ago, an assistant attempted to posthumously publish years' worth of data he and his employer had collected. They had been contracted to conduct research on a specific product, during this they accidentally discovered a phenomenon happening to women vaccinated during pregnancy.
In very simplified terms, they discovered that when mom is vaccinated, when the enzyme is sent out to prompt a hormone boost, the autoimmune response attacks the enzyme instead of responding to the prompt. So the infant never receives the needed burst of hormones during final organ and brain development.
When they discovered this, the employer refused to publish. He knew it would end their careers. But he also couldnt let it go, so they continued to replicate and study it privately. When the employer died, his assistant tried to publish posthumously in his name.
I know all of this because I WATCHED the interviews with the assistant. I READ through a bunch of the preprint study. It caught my attention back then because I was actually dating a transman, so I was trying to research and study as much as I could, and I came across it. However, I have been trying to find it for the last 5 years and I can't find a shred of it.
Kathryn Lenz has published experiments on how injecting substances that cause inflammation makes offspring LGBT: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6423032/