Hi Rita, Thank you. I clicked on the link. The paper is 60 plus pages. Can you give a summary? Does this stress/diathesis model have to do with affects during pregnancy due to mother's production of male hormones or lack thereof? The research behind "Brain Sex" validates 2 overarching and consistent claims of homosexual men: #1 The most common denominator among homosexual men is a life long not so good relationship with an aggressive father (pointing to the mother also being intimidated during the pregnancy #2 "I've been this way my whole life". Looking forward to your reply.
There is a stress-diathesis model of homosexuality, that accomodates this and the vaccines as well. https://osf.io/preprints/psyarxiv/bjxvs
Hi Rita, Thank you. I clicked on the link. The paper is 60 plus pages. Can you give a summary? Does this stress/diathesis model have to do with affects during pregnancy due to mother's production of male hormones or lack thereof? The research behind "Brain Sex" validates 2 overarching and consistent claims of homosexual men: #1 The most common denominator among homosexual men is a life long not so good relationship with an aggressive father (pointing to the mother also being intimidated during the pregnancy #2 "I've been this way my whole life". Looking forward to your reply.
A diagram summary. https://psikolog1.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/figure-3_17-march-2019.jpg.
The weight of each component cause is different from person to person, so it may be 1 or 2 as main reasons in certain cases.