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To add a little other perspective. I won't argue with your position at all because vaccines and DNA are totally outside my wheelhouse.
I am a mental health professional specializing in sexual and identity issues. In nearly every case of men or women clients with gender dysphoria is a family dynamic with a mom who fits the DSM-V criteria f…
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To add a little other perspective. I won't argue with your position at all because vaccines and DNA are totally outside my wheelhouse.
I am a mental health professional specializing in sexual and identity issues. In nearly every case of men or women clients with gender dysphoria is a family dynamic with a mom who fits the DSM-V criteria for covert narcissism, and a dad who plays her enforcer but is afraid of her.
The male clients with same-sex attraction have the overbearing mom (not usually as severe as above) and emotionally distant dad who rejects the son. The female clients also had the overbearing or disconnected moms, and were often raised as substitutes for the son dad never had.
Not saying your theory about vaccines and DNA is incorrect, just providing a psycho-emotional perspective.
Also as a mental health practitioner take a peek at Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Pyroluria and their relationship to mental health issues. I have been investigating these as 3 of my children have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome hypermobility type III. There are comorbidities between these syndromes and psychiatric presentations. I have not investigated them with respect to sexual and gender identity issues. Not sure if these possibly relate to vaccine damage as hypo-laxity is listed on the package inserts as a side effect, (EDS type 3 is the only EDS without a genetic test available) but I am finding a host of links to other psychological issues including anxiety and addiction. All 3 conditions suffer from a lack of awareness in the medical and psychiatric community.
The psychological "expert" perspective used to be that refrigerator mothers caused autism back in the day. So glad one has been laid to rest in the appropriate grave. I have 4 sons and a daughter. 2 sons are gay and one son is (was) autistic and straight and one is dyslexic has an auditory processing disorder and is straight. They are all very close in age raised by the same stay at home mother and full time working father in a non chemically dependent "traditional mom/dad role leaning" if you will household. Although no household is perfect, we were wracked by the stress and financial pressure of chronic illness in all our children, we did our best and were a team. For my sons I have a diesel mechanic (Son #3, straight and dyslexic no HS diploma), a dance teacher and choreographer, (Son #1 gay), hospitality manager, (Son #2 gay), and the formerly autistic (Son #4) is straight (but autistics are high in homosexuality and asexuality from what I understand). He was never supposed to go to regular school and always supposed to live with us but with heavy lifting, alternative therapies and early intervention, graduated college summa cum laude double major, has a master's degree and works for a university and is no longer "presenting" as autistic. His degrees are communication and psychology with a masters in higher ed. It took a lot of money and time most people don't have getting him the help he needed. Hospitality manager gay son did present some dysphoria in jr high and highschool but settled into being gay. (he is in his late 20's now tho not sure how things would have went down had we been navigating his teenage years in the present climate) Dyslexic diesel mechanic #3 and formerly Autistic #4 are less than 2 years apart. Gay Son #2 hospitality dude and Diesel mechanic dude #3 are less than 2 years apart. Our oldest daughter is married, has a son and teaches yoga and dance. She also has OCD which runs in my husbands family. We supported our children and loved them as they presented helping them to reach their full potential according to their interests whatever that was. (Thats how you get a diesel mechanic and a dance choreographer raised in the same family so I guess you can say we were pretty accepting of our children's differences and let them be them) Son # 2 had 9 aquariums in the house at one time. Uffda! They all say they had great childhoods. Our gay sons did struggle in high school until we changed their schools. Our kids are now ages 35 to 24 and are fairly happy successful adults. The diesel mechanic son struggled with alcohol but is in recovery. When our oldest gay son came out I already suspected, but my husband struggled with it at first but then came round to even offer our home to a kid who's parent's kicked him out when they found out he was gay. Were we perfect parents? Nope. Far from it. We had a crazy heavy load to carry. Did our personalities cause our kids to be gay and autistic or contribute? I'd say nope. All our kiddos have NORD registered rare chronic health conditions, however, too long to list here. We spent lots of time at Mayo, Gillette, and Children's Hospitals. Not arguing your experience with your clientele, I am not a medical professional with your expertise (although I do own my own big fat DSM-V criteria book lol,) just laying our situation out there. All of my kids were highly vaccinated which I now regret. Steve's data does not show the same outcome of health problems and gender issues/same sex attraction in the non vaccinated group. Not saying that your experience with your client base is not accurate from your perspective. The US has an epidemic of chronically ill children. It is no wonder they struggle mentally as well. My question is WHY? These children and families need our support and help. Again not challenging your psycho emotional perspective, glad you are there to help those families, just offering up our personal experience. We didn't seek therapy for their sexual and identity issues, so you wouldn't have run into a family like ours. We just accepted where they were and supported them.
There are environmental factors increasing the odds for homosexuality, to which all children are exposed, but react to them differently depending on the genetics. Sleep debt is almost universal due to artificial light, which is similar to stimulant drugs, EMF-s, and it causes all kinds of mental health issues. Microplastic pollution is in rain water, plants; mercury is in the sea fish; pesticides are in food etc. and these all are endocrine disruptors. Inflammatory food that disturbs hormones and sleep is common. Vaccines teach the immune system to react in an allergic way, not involving the innnate immune system, possibly involving the nervous system in a nonadaptive way, causing mental health symptoms whenever there is inflammation (my opinion). The HPV vaccine which targets the reproductive system may be adding to all this burden?
Yes all of the above are contributing environmental factors. My sons girlfriend was injured by the Gardasil vaccine in HS. First shot passed out hit her head concussion. Second shot urinary incontinence, and severe menstrual bleeding, (golf ball size clots the bathroom looked like a murder scene) she was seen at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN and they sent her to bladder retraining therapy. 3rd shot POTS, chest pain, severe spinal pain, attacks that looked like seizures, she became unable to walk without assistance. She was homebound from school with a tutor. 5 ER visits, 3 hospitalizations one at the U of M children's hospital and one at Minneapolis Childrens. MRI scans and spinal taps blood work ups were done.
Doctors threw up their hands and referred her to neuropsych (Code for its in your head) I brought all sorts of information to them showing she was presenting over 90 percent of symptoms associated with injury from the Gardasil vaccine. I was almost kicked out of the hospital and the girl's mother was told by the neurologist to stop listening to me. Sent a video of one of the attacks to a world renown homeopath. She said "get her to me this is aluminum poisoning from vaccines and it is destroying the myelin sheath around her spinal cord." Massive doses of Vit C during "attacks" and a heavy duty detox protocol was advised. Within 3 months she made cheerleading. Went off protocol (because thats what teens do when the feel better) and the attacks and symptoms came back. She finished the treatment and has been fine since. Proof positive the homeopath beat every single specialist doctor at the game of cure the patient. Gardasil has a very bad track record for side effects and has been responsible for deaths where it has been proven and where the government has paid out damages. This girl was on MA due to having a single mother so she has been vaxxed to the max as that is what they do with people on assistance. They last dated in 2015 so I don't know the impact on reproductive health (she is currently a flight attendant) although there was a lawsuit by twins in Wisconsin who went into menopause in their early 20's. I have a physician retired friend who had a gardasil girl end up at mayo with seizures after the vaccine. The government and the doctors absolutely refuse to look at Gardasil as the problem. Just as with Autism that makes them culpable. The damages owed to families and the victims would be massive. That is the dark corner in which they will never look unless they are forced. The homeopath who specializes in vaccine injury treatment does not treat Covid jab injuries because in her words "It is not a vaccine"