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I am a Licensed Professional Counselor who specializes in helping men who have same-sex attraction try to overcome the unwanted attraction, or overcome sexual addiction, or both.
Every single case I have seen, without exception, the male client has described a matriarchal family with the overbearing and emotionally immature (anxious, angr…
© 2025 Steve Kirsch
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I am a Licensed Professional Counselor who specializes in helping men who have same-sex attraction try to overcome the unwanted attraction, or overcome sexual addiction, or both.
Every single case I have seen, without exception, the male client has described a matriarchal family with the overbearing and emotionally immature (anxious, angry, or emotionally exploitative) mother and the emotionally distant father. It seems there could be a correlation between overbearing (anxious) mothers and the likelihood that they will have their children vaccinated (out of their own fear), whereas the mothers of the unvaccinated are more interested in doing what is best for their sons.
It seems a correlation may also exist that the fathers of the unvaccinated are more involved in the family, and in family decisions, which is not characteristic of families of men who have same-sex attraction.
Further studies would need to be conducted to test these correlations and see if it is in fact the effect of the vaccine, or if the psychological/emotional components of father/mother produce both the same-sex-attracted children withand also high vaccination rates.
They can be both. According to the diet-stress-diathesis model of homosexuality, brain inflammation from foreign substances and emotional stress add up to the totality of causes to cause homosexuality.
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A Diet-stress-diathesis Model of Homosexuality
Rita Strakosha
I see that you are a therapist. I think that a therapy using repeated (as needed) extended fasting to decrease sexual interest to the minimum and then jumpstart it after refeeding , combined with diet, sleep hygiene and other lifestyle changes would work best. Also, ss attractions may be due to brain inflammation caused by certain foods/chemicals. Ecological , orthomolecular psychiatrists have described almost any known psychiatric symptom to be caused as "allergic reactions". See Theron Randolph, Marshall Mandell, William Philpott etc. Ecological doctors eliminate foods/chemicals, reintroduce them and observe for reactions. Among foods, gluten, milk, egg white are the most allergic. Kathryn Lenz caused LGBT behaviors by injecting egg white into pregnant dams, so it is not so far fetched.