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Hi Steve, I wanted to direct your attention to a book (link below) that was written quite a while ago based on scientific research related to the bombing of London in WWII and the amount of Transexual men, Homosexual men and Effeminate men (2ndary sex characteristics) that resulted. Spike in Transexual men if bombing occurred in the firs…
© 2025 Steve Kirsch
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Hi Steve, I wanted to direct your attention to a book (link below) that was written quite a while ago based on scientific research related to the bombing of London in WWII and the amount of Transexual men, Homosexual men and Effeminate men (2ndary sex characteristics) that resulted. Spike in Transexual men if bombing occurred in the first trimester ("identify" forms in first trimester), spike in homosexual men if the bombing occurred in the 2nd trimester (mating instinct forms), and spike in effeminate qualities in (female 2ndary sex characteristics forms) if bombing occurred in 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The theory is that the slight amount of male hormones that the mother's body normally produces that washes over male fetuses at precise times during gestation was surpressed by the mother's fear during the bombing periods. Perhaps this could be extrapolated to the mother being in a domestic situation (abuse?) that creates uneasiness and fear in the mother? We know that thimerosal and mercury and probabaly also aluminum has a whole body and brain effect in mother and child that may replicate this suppression of the needed, properly timed male hormones during gestation. Here is the Amazon link to the book "Brain Sex"
There is a stress-diathesis model of homosexuality, that accomodates this and the vaccines as well.
Hi Rita, Thank you. I clicked on the link. The paper is 60 plus pages. Can you give a summary? Does this stress/diathesis model have to do with affects during pregnancy due to mother's production of male hormones or lack thereof? The research behind "Brain Sex" validates 2 overarching and consistent claims of homosexual men: #1 The most common denominator among homosexual men is a life long not so good relationship with an aggressive father (pointing to the mother also being intimidated during the pregnancy #2 "I've been this way my whole life". Looking forward to your reply.
A diagram summary.
The weight of each component cause is different from person to person, so it may be 1 or 2 as main reasons in certain cases.