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You are right! I was thinking of Hep B, which applies to all I said about my son above. That's the one they give to newborns in the US, on the DAY THEY'RE BORN! And it is transmitted by sexual contact and sharing of dirty needles. And the US has the highest 1st-day death rate of newborns amongst modern countries. Pure coincidence I'm sure!
┬й 2025 Steve Kirsch
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You are right! I was thinking of Hep B, which applies to all I said about my son above. That's the one they give to newborns in the US, on the DAY THEY'RE BORN! And it is transmitted by sexual contact and sharing of dirty needles. And the US has the highest 1st-day death rate of newborns amongst modern countries. Pure coincidence I'm sure!
I asked the Minnesota department of health why. This was 9 years ago. It took going up the ladder through quite a few people. This was their response. Pre chewed food. There is a large Somali immigrant population in MN and there is a practice of relatives pre chewing food and feeding it to children. So EVERY child regardless of their cultural racial background gets one of theses shots. It is beyond insane. Teach people not to do this don't vaccinate everyone because one culture has this practice. But this was what I was told. The Hep B shot is dangerous and unnecessary but it's protocol. I even asked my doctor why and he just shrugged. "It's protocol". Yes it is. A protocol of destruction.
Hepatitis B shots given at birth became the norm in all 50 states beginning in 1991. Minnesota has a high Somali population. This is NOT the case with other states. This "reason" you rec'd by "going up the ladder" in Minnesota is incorrect, although they may be trying to "sell" that reason or maybe even believe this reason in Minnesota since the Somali Civil War caused a large influx of Somali refugees in Minnesota starting in 1991 aided by the charitable organizations in Minnesota. (voluntary agencies, called VOLAGS, that contract with the State Department. Minnesota has very active ones like Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities, and World Relief Minnesota) Sex workers and needle drug users in the US were not motivated to get the Hep B shot for which it was designed and Pharma didn't want to be stuck with an orphan drug so they keep saying it's because of the POSSIBLE (but they never admit, highly, highly unlikely) exposure of a baby to an infected needle in the hospital or infected bodily fluids from a family or extended member. Mother's are tested for Hep B during pregancy. The reality is Pharma wanted the captured mother and infant at birth in the hospital setting and to take advantage of a liability free product for $$$. Also, when a baby is damaged by a Hep B shot at birth Pharma gets to claim "see... the baby/child was ALWAYS like this". Very important for families to refuse the Hep B and Vitamin K shots {both with 250 mcg of aluminum) at birth, so that the parents KNOW that their infant WAS HEALTHY AT BIRTH. The FATHER must be present at the hospital /birth center and never allow the baby out of his sight until the mother and baby are safely out of the hospital/birth center, regardless of whether they "put in writing" that Vitamin K and Hep B shots are not to be given. The mother is almost always too out of it to protect the baby directly after birth. It doesn't hurt to have a lawyer on speed dial to threaten the medical professionals/hospital social workers if necessary.
Yes you are perfectly correct when you say that is what they are probably trying to either "sell" or they actually believe. They came up with this explanation on the same day as I refused to get off the phone and just kept saying"I'll hold. Someone must have the answer." The US was behind the destabilization in Somalia (my personal opinion and I am not alone) so the US is part of the problem reaction solution dogma. Their reply to me did not hold water. I was just shocked that that was their reply. Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Again when my physician was asked who delivers babies he had no idea the reasoning behind the protocol. So Docs are in the dark. From what turns out to be a very benevolent sounding operation between the government and the charities has been a complete disaster for MN and for Somali mothers. Their children are the one's paying the heavy price although every child is at risk it is african american boy babies that I have heard rank the highest in the damage department of course meaning contracting autism and other health conditions. Pharma captured these mothers in their dirty net. They were never exposed to this stuff in their home countries and then when they deliver their babies here we poison them out of the gate. We are 1 in 26 boys born in MN today last I checked and that was a while ago. If this math keeps up we will be one in 2 and 50 percent of that equation won't be able to toilet themselves. Our services are caving under the pressure. I found the MN department of health's "splaining" to be ridiculous at best and a lie and deflection at worst. Vaccinating all babies for this reason would be completely reckless. When I mention this to politicians they shrug and blow me off. Hospitals test mom and know mom's heb b status so there is no need to vaccinate. I never asked for their stats studies and data regarding the "pre chewed food" bs. These populations brought in by these charities have been left hung out to dry. Dropped like hot potatoes. Their communities now decimated by gang behavior and their young children decimated by autism. MN was not properly set up for the refugees they received. Benevolence is not benevolence when you fail the population you were trying to help and destroy their children's health. (Again we destabilized that country in the first place) We have been playing a bad game of catch up and failing miserably. I have chronically ill children damaged by vaccines. I sat in Gillette Childrens Hospital surrounded by Somali mothers with ill children and translators. I was the minority as a native Minnesotan most days and we spend hella many days. They have been hit hard and are victims in this as well. The pressure in the delivery room is hot and heavy for any mother regardless of her origin. I was given the evil treatment at my vet for refusing to vaccinate my lymes positive dog yesterday because he has been exposed years ago but never fell ill. He is not showing symptoms of Lymes disease. He will always test positive because he has antibodies. So vaccination is futile but they glare at you like you are irresponsible and crazy to refuse. That is bad but the labor and delivery room is the real war zone....I believe my grandson was damaged as well. He is 10. You are right. Never let the kid out of your sight and have your lawyer on speed dial. This is war. I recovered my autistic son with 3 mortgages on our home. He started school as special ed graduated college with a double major summa cum laude and now has a masters degree and works for a university supervising over 1,000 students. No loans no debt he worked and paid for his education all on his own. (his folks were tapped out) Meeting him you would never know. He is no longer presenting. These Somali mothers don't have that option. The suffering continues.
WOW!!! My hat is off to you! Congratulations on recovering your son from vaccine injury!!! BRAVO!!!! Amazing. Be sure your son understands the dangers of vaccines so that he never gets another vaccine and never vaccinates his future children!!! Very important! And make sure he will only marry women who also refuse to vaccinate their children. The toughest situations are when one parent wants to vaccinate and the other does not. These things need to be rectified BEFORE the marriage, during the early courtship! Again I bow to the divine in you that recovered your son! BRAVO!!!
Thanks you are a doll! Truly hats off to the hubby who wrote the checks for every crazy therapy I wanted to try. I don't think I hardly slept for 12 years straight lol! The doctors were stunned and then their response was "Maybe he was never autistic in the first place!" Good Lord! You guys diagnosed him. He met all the DSM-V criteria. We got early diagnosis and early intervention before age 2 which was unheard of back in the day. Then we threw the kitchen sink at Autism. The book that saved him was "Unraveling the Mystery of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder." Written by a mom with a scientist husband. He has had no vaccines since he was a baby when we saw him disappear before our very eyes. I did falter over the flu vaccine one time when I panicked during a "Fake epidemic" when he was in grade school.. I was also told mercury was out of the flu shot by an uninformed healthcare provider. grrrrrr... Wish his outcome could be every child's outcome. Wait I wish autism to be gone for everyone forever. And yes it will be difficult when he finds a gal to marry. Lots of the girls his age got the covid jab as well. They will have to be on the same page. What is sad is his HS girlfriend got damaged from the Gardasil Vaccine. We paid for her recovery as well. She went from not being able to walk, being incontinent and homebound from school , all the doctors giving up on her, (including mayo) to making cheerleading 3 months later after we got her treatment. We knew what to do to help. She is fine now and a flight attendant last we heard. He understands what we went through to get autism gone. He saw his girlfriend suffer. He did the work and put up with all the crazy treatments and therapies. He doesn't want that for his own child. But the brainwashing is strong especially when many colleges mandated the jab. There will be potentially so many consequences for our young people and their future health. Thank you again for your comment. It means a lot!
OMG! Your story just gets more and more amazing! O M G! Thank you and thank you to your husband! There is a website now for singles to meet each other who didn't get the COVID shots. I'll try to find it in my library of links and let you know if I find it. God Bless You and your family!