UPDATED link to right link.... sorry about that.

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Steve - please give us a shoutout!

We work 24/7 to bring the public the raw uncensored truth.

Please check out the Covid BC channel on Telegram. It contains the largest collection of Covid-19 vaccine injuries and deaths. Each sudden death is paired up with the victim’s vacation status, no guessing games here. CovidBC.me Also check out VaxGenocide.com (In the process of uploading over 1300 vaccine injury videos. When it’s finished it will be the world’s largest collection of Covid-19 vaccine injuries.)

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Love you Steve Kirsch! ❤💜🧡💙💚💛

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To all that think this plan to inject everyone on the planet mrna is to protect us. I need to find the document and will forward it. It is an internal memo between Klauss Schwab the head of the WEF and the current president of Pfizer. They discuss the need to reduce the population of the planet to 4 billion people by 2025. If the current population is 8-9 billion- they are planning to kill off half off us.

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Be careful! You are probably referring to the edited video of an actual conversation between the two miscreants where no such thing was said:


"While answering Schwab's question about Pfizer's non-profit plan for dispensing drugs to 45 economically disadvantaged nations, Bourla said the following, "I think that is really fulfilling of a dream that we had, together with our leadership team when we started in '19. The first week we met in January of '19 in California to set up the goals for the next five years, and one of them was by 2023, we will reduce the number of people in the world that cannot afford our medicines by 50 per cent. I think today, this dream is becoming a reality.'

"Thus, it became clear that in the viral video, Bourla’s words were cut out. Instead of, 'We will reduce the number of people in the world that cannot afford our medicines by 50 per cent,' the viral video shows him saying, 'We will reduce the number of people in the world by 50 per cent.' ”

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pls compare: "we will reduce the number of people in the world that cannot afford our medicines by 50 per cent. ..." vs.: "We will reduce the number of people in the world by 50 per cent.' ” << HELLOOO, he's still talking about reducing a certain number of people, either those who cannot afford their drug prices (meaning poorer people - will they, therefore, make them more affluent? or will they keep them poor and reduce their drug prices instead?), or all people. it is a very, very ominous choice of words.

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I'm seeing a lot of edited videos out there that are so expertly done one almost doesn't notice the editing. Most I come upon, as I look for items to transcribe, are edited down to promote a longer video or interview, but even with these, made with straightforward intentions, strike me as a bit too free-handed. I would strongly suggest paying attention to where one spots any cut in a video, because that's where, depending on the context, you might want to be skeptical.

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Dec 28, 2022Edited
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Or maybe she's intersex? Some intersex people have a penis and also functioning ovaries and a uterus. Though they would usually be raised as boys until they have their period, or else have their junk cut off and raise them as girls.

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Dec 28, 2022Edited
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I'm not an Obama fan at this point, but the story you tell seems preposterous. This subterfuge would have to have been adopted decades ago and would have required impeccable operational security to be maintained the entire time. And the evidence amounts to ... a bulge?

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Dec 28, 2022Edited
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So, with all the high-level memory-hole manipulation required to create an artificial biography of a *woman*, not a trans-woman, but a *born* woman, with all that technologically-empowered, and spycraft-empowered effort, they still aren't able to maintain the kind of operational security that Ru Paul has been doing forever?

And how do they get the kids to cooperate? This whole thing sounds more like a frat-house fantasy than anything that could be real.

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This is something you’ll never see a vaccine proponent admit: they posted miss information

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Yes—please find that document! We would really like to see it. Actually, maybe Steve can write a posting about it so we all will be sure to see it. Thanks!

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Mr Kirsch,

Great start at opening up the “respectful debate arena” in your efforts to find “truth” -- is about the only way to get people, like Dr Dunn, to question the official narrative, and eventually to stop using their status, as a MD, to spread deadly misinformation.

That said, you seem to ignore Occam’s Razor wrt the simple explanations, for many of the injuries that you have associated with mRNA jabs, presented in the CHD video ref’d below. For you not to consider, such seemingly simple and obvious explanations from immunology textbooks, studies, etc tends to put “Dr-Dunn-type blinders” on you.

All need to watch Dr Bhakdi MD explain mRNA flaws, in layperson terms, in this excerpt from CHD TV 2022.10.21 -- (00:45-29:00 of https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/friday-roundtable/worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m-d-sucharit-bhadki-m-d/ ).

Studies, ignoring such basic mRNA flaws, serve as a smokescreen to distract us from the “truth”, that even more devastating flaws were designed into these bogus jabs:

* Antibodies, made by the body in response to these jabs, never get to airway surfaces where they must be to prevent infection.

* The mRNA in these jabs, cause the cells they infect to make foreign, non-self-proteins, which automatically finger these mRNA-infected cells for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2 of human immune system).

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I agree with everything you wrote.

I just made a shorter post making substantially the same points & the same reference, to Sucharit Bhakdi’s clearly laid out warnings. Classics of immunology 101.

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Could you please include a link to your post?

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Dr Yeadon's post (repeated below) is in here, just hard to find


Dr Mike Yeadon

Dec 28, 2022


See short lecture by a retired Professor Sucharit Bhakdi.

Any mRNA injection encoding a foreign protein will induce autoimmune diseases.

The nature & severity will depend upon where the injected material lands up.

In the heart: myocarditis.

In the brain: various neurological illnesses.

In the immune system itself: immune suppression & repeated infectious illnesses. Also, due to loss of immune surveillance, cancer.

These aren’t risks. They’re pharmacology. It’s intended. There’s no other possible interpretation.

We’re in mortal danger because the perpetrators claim to be reformulating all existing “vaccines” as mRNA types.

If the people accept these, they’ll kill a sizeable fraction of the human population.

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Thank you.

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Thank you for your efforts to spread the “truth,” far and wide, on this mRNA fraud.

Just read your comment and watched “Sucharit Bhakdi’s clearly laid out warnings” – that video was much better at covering the topic/fraud than my ref was.

Most will not watch this video close enough to understand its critical importance to their future health and freedoms, so popular “substack hosts” need to highlight these basics over and over again, until most people get them well enough to be enraged.

Hope experts, like yourself, will encourage such hosts to get this word out, as it is one of the few crimes egregious enough to compel people, of all persuasions, to work together peacefully to pressure our justice systems into holding the crooks involved accountable.

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Dr. Yeadon, early in the Covid madness, the first voices of truth and reason I discovered and trusted were Sucharit Bhakdi, Geert Vanden Bossche, and you. I'm a layperson, so the scientific nuts and bolts escaped me, but spiritual discernment was enough to know I was listening to true heroes speaking truth without regard to personal consequences. Thank you for your integrity and the sacrifices you've made in your efforts to save humanity. Fools may not appreciate it, but I fervently believe God will bless you richly.

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Agree -- per my unscientific survey, most experts speaking out against the madness, in spite of the certain, very serious negative consequences to them personally, were people that had the necessary courage because of their faith.

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That’s what is missing in the world these days….faith in God!

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This ER doc knows as much about covid mrna vaccines and data interpretation as my gardener knows about quantum mechanics. Move on to someone else.

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I don't think I can watch anymore videos like this. Not because of Steve but the arrogance and deliberate lying of the people he interviews is just too much to take. This ER docs two main positions are for Bayer and Monsanto gmo food divisions. She knows nothing about covid or covid shots. Pathetic and embarrasing.

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She is not nearly as smart or as informed as she thinks she is - that's what makes her dangerous, as she carries an "MD" title. However, her impotent attempts at red herrings all the way through the debate (so-called, not really, though - she got schooled) and her Fauci-like denials (I don't know / I haven't read that...) at the same time "outs" her as an equivocator and, worse, a pharma shill.

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I am not sure that Dr Dunn was intentionally lying.

She certainly doesn’t know as much as she thinks she knows. I bet she hadn’t even heard of the German autopsy study. But I could be wrong. But, where would she have come across it? Certainly not in her weekly C D C emails or from the American College of emergency Physicians (she’s an ED doc, right?).

I think she didn’t even grasp correctly the 20% mortality stat. Steve never said the vacks kill 20% of the recipients. He only said that, Accor to the German autopsy study, of the people who died post-vacks, 20% had evidence of vacks injury WHEN SUCH INJURY WAS LOOKED FOR.

Trouble is that no one is looking for it.

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Liza Dunn displaying “Willful Blindness” to its fullest extent..

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I like Steve and think he has done a lot of good at informing people. But if his mission is to continue, I think he needs some backup and a team of people to help him.

Steve seems very polite and respectful even with idiots that do not conduct themselves like he does. Steve needs someone on his team that is aggressive that would shut down an idiot like Dr. Dunn in her tracks.

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And not people like Marc Girardot - he was a disaster in the UK medical student debate IMO.

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I am not exactly sure what you are saying, but I am pretty sure I disagree. If you are conversing with someone, you need to hear them out. That means giving them a full amount of time to say what they think. You don't want to "shut them down". As the discourse continues, that is when things get worked out, and the truth prevails. Shutting someone down without letting them give their thoughts does not allow the discussion of what is correct or incorrect with those thoughts. Just sayin.

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I agree with you Bobby, you need to let people expess themselves and say what they think in simple terms if they are so inclined like Dr. Dunn did. I did find her lacking in knowledge about Covid and Vaers and the Vax, but she was respectful and at least had the courage to talk about the topic in an open forum, something "the experts" see the quote on quote pls. don't do and I believe they would sound exactly as Dr. Dunn did. I am really convinced that they don't want to talk because they simply don't know if the vax is good or not. They have not the slightest idea.

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You are correct but. Some people deserve to be heard but some people need to be shut down because they are engaged in activities that are killing people.

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If they are killing people because of ignorance, it's even more reason to try to engage in a civil discourse in an attempt to educate them so they will STOP killing people! But I don't think ER docs have much to do with vaccine administration, except perhaps tetanus vaccines.

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Re: backup: Ideally someone forcefully assertive like J. Couey, armed with all the relevant facts/studies and ready with them for immediate conversational deployment in debates. A dissident medical/scientific good cop/bad cop team!

Watch this: Jonathan Couey (Gigaohmbiological) talks with Dr Wilson (Debunk The Funk)


(JC didn't really get anywhere with Wilson, because you can't ultimately get anywhere with propagandists like him, but Wilson was clearly on the defensive throughout the conversation, certainly more than I've seen him be with other more polite interlocutors.)

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I am watching this video and it is hilarious.

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I followed the advice of a poster below and found this "ER" doctors LinkedIn page.

Her current position is Medical Affairs Lead for Bayer Crop Science. She also still works for Monsanto. How an ER doctor comes to a place where they promote GMO's, plant genetics and the contamination of our food supply eludes me. I have changed my mind. This doctor is not only financially compromised but pure evil. Steve, keep away from her- she is toxic and can never be trusted.

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We know Bayer/Monsanto are all part of the same club, NOT HEALTH. I agree Steve is too kind to these people. I have known for tooooo long and have zero tolerance for what they are doing. They are part of the problem. I bet you she buys organic because she knows pesticides and gmos are toxic, but won't admit it in a public forum. Let's not forget that FDA, food and death administration, has changed the wording, bioengineered!!! They want us to eat lab meats, vegetables and fruits. Hope people are waking up to what crazy country we are living in. All the letter agencies ARE CORRUPT!!!! Let's not forget chemtrails as they are spraying us daily with toxins, mold, microplastics, aluminum, barium etc etc. Thanks for looking into her.

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The bugs. You forgot the bugs! Cricket meal is already turning up in highly processed foods!

Everybody: READ THE LABELS if you DON'T want to eat allergenic ground up dried bugs!!!!!!!

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They can hide things as they don't have to disclose everything to us. Hence a good reason to make more ourselves. Stop buying candy from Nestlé. Super globalists company, also known for taking water and selling for a profit. Water should never cost money as we are living on a water planet. I tell my city that I pay for water to my house, pay for it to be filtered in several places and pay to send it back again.. That makes so much sense, Not!! Buy from smaller more local people too and we can help eachother out.

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As a former regulatory employee in another former IG Faben chemical company, this is what the executive ranks and high level Stewardship regulatory positions are full of. Just spewing the narrative without a single thread of critical thinking. It’s an echo chamber of over educated sheep.

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The system relies on it.

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Trustee of modern chemistry. PU.

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It' not even chemistry its changing the DNA of our food and bodies and playing God.

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God isn't out to kill all of us. This is more like Playing Alien Invaders trying to exterminate humanity.

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I disagree. She needs to be exposed for what she is.

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Exposure is good but I doubt Steve will bring up her background and expose her for what she is. No disrespect to you or Steve, but Steve seems to be a gentle person and not into verbal combat. In dog terms, Steve is a golden retriever. If you take on Dr. Dunn you need to be a pit bull or rottweiler.

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going into ad hominem attacks is counter productive.

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it's always about the dialogue, not about labeling ('good' vs 'bad').

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1000% agree.

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Wait was anyone attacked? It said Steve was a gentle person but not into verbal combat. Lots of people are like that.

Am I missing something?

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I think Steve might have meant that for him to engage in ad hominem attacks would be counter productive?

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The world needs ER doctors and I have worked with them. The job sucks and they are under a huge amount of stress and have a high suicide and alcoholism rate. They are completely unqualified to talk about covid or covid shots. Making things worse this doctor is financially compromised if not intolerant ignorant and close minded

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But apparently this is not a real ER doc but currently a flunky for Bayer/Monsanto.

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Dr. Liza Dunn, MD. @DrLizaMD

She said that the mRNA technology will be used as an anti-cancer drug. The facts are that this technology was abandoned about 10 years ago. It was replaced by the very successful technology based on humanized monoclonal antibodies.

If you want to read more, please read about how President Jimmy E. Carter was cured from melanoma.

Dr. Liza Dunn, MD. @DrLizaMD

She also said that the mRNA technology is fascinating and that it can be used to construct other vaccines. My question is that subunit vaccine technology in use since the 1970s is safe and effective.

There is no need to use a vaccine technology that was discarded by 2019 for the reason it doesn't stay in the deltoid muscle but spreads throughout the body transforming cells and instruction them to make a foreign protein.

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Nothing ever "stayed in the deltoid muscle".

People inject intramuscularly BECAUSE of energetic distribution:


This is the NIH themselves: "The bulky muscles have good vascularity, and therefore the injected drug ***quickly reaches the systemic circulation***"

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so even that she doesn't understand? did she ever think about it at all, or is she just parroting bullet points?

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I don't know. Biology isn't easy.

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being a Md one assumes she has studied it and therefore have some understanding of it, or...? (rhetorical question mr Pieniazek). thanks for your comments, much appreciated. have a good New Year :-))

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I did not study medicine. Instead, I'm a molecular biologist, so I see that the pandemic is based on lies. Thanks for your kind words and wishes. Have a wonderful 2023!

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Thank you for commenting on my reply to Steve. Yes, you are correct that drugs, including the mRNA pseudovaccines that are not immunogenic, will enter the bloodstream very quickly when injected into the deltoid muscle and may be found in various organs. However, immunogenic attenuated or subunit vaccines are quickly localized in this muscle by the immune system and are not normally transported to other organs of the body. This is typical fate of foreign proteins entering your body. Do you remember what happens (and why) after you are bitten by a mosquito or another biting or stinging insect?

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stinging nettle. jelly fish, aaarch.....!! so these stay localised, is that it?

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Yes, unless you have an extensive allergic reaction.

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I haven’t seen that one before.

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From what I’ve read and seen, the mRNA platform is much more likely to promote cancer than to fight it...

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What is PD-L1


PD-L1 increased significantly and significantly after inoculation.

Increased PD-L1 surface expression on peripheral blood granulocytes and monocytes after inoculation.


To put it simply, it is easy to express Tumor.

It might be Turbo-Cancer.

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They discovered that the mRNA platform was too dangerous for anything except use as cancer drugs, because in advanced cancers, presumably they were going to die anyway, so only in those patients was it considered to be worth the risk. The lipid nanoparticles are inherently toxic even without a genetic payload.

mRNA flunks for gene therapy because the body always mounts an immune response against the introduced "non-self" protein material. BUT that very immune response makes every one of them TOO DANGEROUS to inject into humans! There is NO WAY to prevent dangerous autoimmune reactions to the proteins produced by them. This is FAILED TECHNOLOGY! People continuing to push these on the public are either very ignorant or trying to commit genocide.

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"People continuing to push these on the public are either very ignorant or trying to commit genocide."

A third possibility: they are being paid to push them on the public.

As Upton Sinclair once said, "It is difficult to get a man (or woman) to understand something when his (her) salary depends on his (her) not understanding it."(parentheses added to make the statement more germane to the current case)

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I agree.

I was referring to the new ‘turbo cancers’ ....the accelerated cancers now being reported.

Anecdotal, but my next door neighbor (who’s cancer was in remission) was ‘vaccinated’ and next came the two brain tumors. They were successfully removed, he came home for two days, and then he had to go back to the hospital for blood clots on his lungs. He got out last week...

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Would he be open to taking regular doses of Ivermectin (or resveritrol) to neutrazile the spikes, and vitamins C, D, and K2 to improve immune function and help reduce blood clots, as well as vitamin E, Omega 3 fish oils, and NAC to maybe also help with clots (even though COVID shot-clots are not normal and are resistant to therapies)? Nattokinase or Seripeptase may also help dissolve clots, but, again these are NOT normal clots!

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I doubt it. He’s a true believer.

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Exact same thing happened to someone I know.

She passed away on Christmas eve.

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I’m sorry. That sucks.

Just more needless pain brought into the world....by Pfizer (or Moderna)

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fascinating my ass, then let the wonder doc take all the jabs and let us know how that works out for her, idiot prat.

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I would not trust pseudouridinated mRNA as a cancer drug. It would likely erase one's immunity to the coded antigen and cause it to come back with a vengeance a few months later. Maybe if it were used instead to activate tumor suppressor genes that are defective in the individual.

Oh and no vaccine stays in the deltoid muscle. If you want the vaccine to stay put you inject it subcutaneously. This was common knowledge prior to 2020.

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No, that's incorrect. The immune response against a foreign antigen is instantaneous. Please recall that swelling after an injection of a foreign antigen is limited to the site of the injection.

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I doubt it stays put even when injected sub-q.

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If you're fat then the lipid nanoparticles get lost in the fat, and even if they do somehow make it to the blood vessels, well, with all those plaques in the way how are they going to transfect? Is this vaccine revenge of the fatties against all the fit people with squeaky-clean arteries and 0% body fat?

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LNPs don't "get lost in the fat", they attach to whatever cell membranes they come into contact with. And the presence of arterial plaque will have zero effect on their ability to bond to ACE2 receptors in vascular endothelium. Arterial plaque is only ever present in lesions representing a tiny part of the interior surface of the larger arteries. It does NOT line the arteries like clogged plumbing pipes! So your imagery doesn't work.

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Somehow make it to the blood vessels? There is no way they don't.

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Maybe not for a fit or skinny person but a morbidly obese person? I dunno...

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Even subcutaneously, an injected substance will suffuse, to all over the body.

Blood and lymph circulation..... :)

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Yeah but it's slower. That's why they inject live virus vaccines that way.

The only way that might be safe would be oral/nasal administration. Assuming it only transfects the first epithelial layer...

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they're already trying out nasal vaccines: "India has rolled out a nasal drop vaccine, iNCOVACC [...while....] China authorised the use of the world’s first inhaled vaccine, Convidecia Air, [....] delivered through a puff of air from a nebulizer that is then inhaled by mouth..." - https://asianews.network/india-rolls-out-nasal-vaccine-as-it-prepares-for-rise-in-covid-19-cases/

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There was a big hullabaloo in the media several years ago about development of a nasal vaccine for the flu and for rhinoviruses. Some time later it was evident that this was just paid advertisement. These vaccines did not work.

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The LNP particles spread around the body within a few hours.

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And the damage gets distributed so no immediate adverse effects, while an accidental IV injection will bring all the damage to the heart or some other organ. That's why such a broad variety of adverse effects, all depends on which vein you hit.

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Why is it that it seems so many doctors are not considering how fluids move in the body from the interstitial spaces to the lymphatic system to the circulatory system and then back to the interstitial spaces.... It's an endless cycle that our survival depends on. Interstitial fluid--> lymph fluid--->blood plasma---->Interstitial fluid---> etc, etc, etc.

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We are all so smart.

Because we have open minds.

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Nice for trying Steve but she is an ER doc and doesn't even know that the covid shot spike protein is far more damaging to the heart than covid itself.

If you put her up against someone like Dr. Yeadon or Dr. McCullough, they would destroy her in a second. Look into her background. It's very interesting and explains why she is compelled to lie push the agenda of her masters and controllers.

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another idiot jed, can we get an informed doc to debate, not a doc paid by monsanto or another vile company to be a propganda whore?

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@Bayer4crops was a clue all right.

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I found her LinkedIn resume and it was terrifying. She is evil beyond belief.

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Was it Trollope who said that the worst tyrants are the ones who tell you, and perhaps actually think, that they've got their boot on your neck for your own good?

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IG Farben for crops?

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I might buy that if it was the original variant but I doubt Omicron is that dangerous.

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Yeadon asserted long ago that the difference in the genomes of the variants as compared to the original is so minuscule it had no practical implications for virus behavior or pathological potential. The variants were a construct by world health and the media to keep the fear going. PU.

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Then why is the “vaccine” wholly ineffective against the variants?

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Recently he wrote he isn't so sure there's even a new pathogen. Which would imply the "variants" really just is variations of RNA originating from different humans all having some unique characteristics. This is what Steve Falconer/Spacebusters at bitchute thinks. Falconer goes further and so do I claiming what's considered viruses aren't the cellular debris under microscopes. Think motoroil,pawpaw tested positivr through PCR and the alleged SARS-COV-2 virus has only been made up in silico. And what doesn't RAT react on?

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Supposedly Omicron's protein is folded such that the furin cleavage site is inaccessible which makes a huge difference in deadliness.

The vaccine is deadly precisely because the virus is deadly and it imitates its action to an excessive degree.

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The virus isnt even close to being as deadly or transmissible as advertised. It effects specific medical profiles as does any respiratory viral pathogen. It has to be present in the subject in high enough quantities to overcome immunity and replicate. The primary test attached to every case, hospitalization and death statistics there is was a massive false positive generator. The Corman Drosten protocol dictated high sensitivity and no specificity. The test was/is based upon a 'in silico' or computer simulation of a previous virus and can only read the presence of viral genetic material. Of any virus. In increasingly minute amounts. One has to be very vulnerable to be meaningfully infected. The bio engineered virus was a fizzle. Check out the Corman Drosten Review report on line. Have to go to an alternative site as Google has made the report site inaccessible. Available on PDF. PU.

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I wonder what it is that makes a person vulnerable to long COVID. I suspect I've got the CCR5 delta 32 mutation and that it makes me invulnerable to long COVID.

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Funny I have never had "vaccine" in 30 years and been in close contact with people that claim they were sick from covid. I have been just fine.

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A small percentage of humans have a genetic mutation that makes them immune to COVID. Or you might just have antibodies from another human Coronavirus that cross reacted with SARS-CoV-2 so you never got symptoms, but still developed some immunity. Too many different possibilities. Human immunity is astoundingly complicated. And Fauci and Co. try to rediculously oversimplify it. One size fits all? What a joke! Nobody who is COVID-recovered should have ever taken any of the shots! (Nor anyone else!)

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Where?! Ugg!!

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You need a Twatter account to listen... thanks but no thanks!

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Liza looks like a really lovely person in that photo... I start feeling very sorry for people like her - decent, well-meaning folks who gradually come to realise how brutally deceived they have been...

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Great work Steve. We need much more debate. I suggest all medics read the book 'turtles all the way down'' to see the level of deception at play with pharma ''science'' vs vaccines. It's shocking ! You are being massively deceived and putting people's lives at risk with your blinkered 'safe and effective' mantra. It's easier that way right ? Wake up !!

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What I found frustrating is she kept asserting that sars-cov2-19 is more dangerous than the vaccine, which MIGHT be true - the problem is that the vaccines are not effective - it doesn't even matter if they are safe.

There's been no efficacy demonstrated of the vaccines. It doesn't prevent infection, it doesn't prevent transmission.

No, it's POSSIBLE that the reason people who have been heavily vaccines may correspond to people who are more likely to get the vaccine. We don't have a control group - people who feel they are less healthy are more likely to get 2, 3, 4 whatever vaccines. Maybe they are less healthy?

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She's just not smart enough to debate anyone informed on the covid vaccine subject. She may be a doctor, but that doesn't mean she's an expert at reading studies or interpretting data. Actually it means she's exactly the opposite of the expert we needed to debate.

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"There are more deaths being reported to VAERS because people are aware of it now"

Dunn's argument that the increased number of reports is due to awareness of the VAERS reporting system doesn't hold water. This is the largest mass injection campaign in human history. The technology behind these injections has never been used before, making this the largest ever human experiment of all time. Might this have something to do with it?

As Kirsch brings up, there is no evidence for her assertions, just speculation.

Occam's razor is indeed the most obvious and therefore likely culprit it the cause of this rather than simply "over-reporting".

Dunn's argument that looking at the data and reducing the number of reports to a proportional number that reflects the historic reporting through VAERS is not a great use of time if (as the data likely proves) that we have a dangerous product being used which is causing mortality and injury at a level we seem to be seeing. What all physicians, doctors and medical practitioners should be doing is STOPPING THE EXPERIMENTAL SHOTS NOW. Surely? Isn't the hypocratic oath's opening "first, do no harm"?

Steve Kirsch being very civil and courteous regarding Dunn's unawareness of this substack.

"Just because there's an increase of reporting to the system, doesn't mean there's actual vaccine-induced serious side-effects"

I think I have listened enough to complete the poll now. Hats off to Steve for having this debate, for his patience and politeness. Also for Liza Dunn for participating in the debate too! It is a rare moment to see this debate aired in public.

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Wow, I'm in shock.

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Here is another for Liza Dunn: https://vigilantfox.substack.com/p/criminal-malfeasance-pfizer-knew. Not that she has the courage to come here and check the comments out.

(I don't put Dr. in front of her name because she doesn't deserve it).

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Hi Mr. Kirsch, My daughter was vaccine injured in 2015. From my experience it was a living hell trying to get help for my daughter. I was the one who first entered my daughters injury into VAERS. Let me tell you that it is no easy task. In order to report you must have the vaccine lot #, date of vaccination and location where the vaccine was received. These various pieces of information cannot be faked! Also, the CDC contacted me and questioned me about my daughters symptoms and doctors visits. Ultimately, the doctor also reported my daughters injury. If I had known that a vaccine could injure my daughter so badly, I would have NEVER told her to get it!! Because of my daughter's previous vaccine injury, we do not trust the CDC. Evidently the ER doctor does not realize that it is NOT EASY to REPORT a vaccine injury!

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In your 'Twitter Spaces' discussion with Dr. Liza Dunn, I was surprised you didn't mention the section from an FDA disclosure that reports the deaths in the vaccinated group to be 23.5% higher than in the placebo group. The document, dated November 8, 2021, and entitled "Summary Basis for Regulatory Action," states the following near the top of page 23:

"From Dose 1 through the March 13, 2021 data cutoff date, there were a total of 38 deaths, 21 in the COMIRNATY group and 17 in the placebo group..."

Here's the direct link to FDA document:


Back to my analysis: Since 21 minus 17 equals 4, and 4 divided by 17 equals 23.5%, it's fascinating how similar that percentage is to the 20% you mentioned from the Schwab paper.

Further, I originally learned of the FDA disclosure via the following site:


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Liza did not seem to be listening to Steve's questions and did not understand when he asked hypotheticals about when do you start to question safety signals. She also tried to bulldoze information, overwhelming opposition with speed of delivery and terminology. She had not done her background research and seemed unable to grasp all-cause mortality versus covid incidence in the Pfizer data. Sadly her arguments seemed to have no more substance than 'trust the science' the conflict of interest 'science' the pharmaceutical companies provide.

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"She also tried to bulldoze information, overwhelming opposition with speed of delivery and terminology."

Typical action of an uninformed debater or worse, misdirection by a biased speaker. We see it all the time.

As the old saying goes, "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit."

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You’re a God Send. I thank you for all the effort you put into finding answers and how you don’t stop. We should not let this catastrophe of Crimes Against Humanity go silent. This is the most important issue going on in this world and no one should stop because the story is getting old.

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You might want to tell Liza Dunn about the Highwire episode #280 which features an extended interview with Maddie de Garay's parents. In it they tell the detailed story of how the trial staff managed to hide her injury, avoid a proper diagnosis (and therefore withholding IVIg when it would have been most helpful early on), and basically violate all protocols of human decency in relating to someone whose child their product injured. Perhaps this will start to break her naive trust in pharma.


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Steve, I hope you get Liza back on. I am interested if she thinks the Earth is flat, and I expect some very good arguments from her.

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Steve, I hope you get Liza back on. I am interested if she thinks the Earth is flat, and I expect some very good arguments from her.

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