This is a pandemic of the VACCINATED
Looks like it's time to stop the COVID vaccine. We now have a pandemic of the vaccinated.
I got this info from a very large hospital near where I live. If this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated, then why is EVERYONE in the ICU vaccinated?
This is from a screenshot from one of a doctor’s phone:
It is the vaccinated that are populating the ICUs, not the unvaccinated. This is why they aren’t talking about it.
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I write about COVID mitigation policies, vaccines, corruption, censorship, and early treatments. The data shows that vaccines are ruining the health of Americans and driving the epidemic in a variety of health conditions.
And I'll keep plugging this one until I am proven wrong....My wife and I are the elders of our whole extended family and the only ones unjabbed with this experimental rubbish...And the whole family bar none have now had this's not like we haven't made every effort to catch this thing....I am a recalcitrant type of person so I made every effort to ignore every stupid idea put forward by every stupid health bureaucrat in an effort to see just how stupid their advice really was...turns out, it was worse than I matter how much we disobeyed them, my wife and I couldn't get sick. Talk about a let down....perhaps it's my own lack of judgement dissapointing me...after all these people are a product of a post modern education..I should have known.!🙈
Husband recently received his 5th jab. NOW he is convinced he is safe. He has decided that he will finally eat inside restaurants. 🤦🏻♀️ I’m so done with all of this nonsense. Never been jabbed. I did get the cold over a year ago. Clearly survived. He’s terrified he’s going to die if he gets it. I cannot convince him otherwise. I don’t even care anymore. It’s called customer service. “That’s great dear! You got your 5th shot? Wonderful.” It’s a front row seat to sheer lunacy. So sad. Live my life. I’m a warrior. Steve, your posts are pure nuggets of sanity, humor, and hope. Thank you. And reading comments from other like-minded individuals also helps immeasurably.