Destroy the immune system which will increase the medical interaction thus increase Rx ... follow the money.

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The Fareed and Tyson protocol link is dead.

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The Fareed and Tyson protocol link is dead.

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It was bad enough I was forced to get jabbed once - after having been through COVID (no real Sx other than spondylitis playing up for three days, didn't know it was COVID until a week after I got better,) and some damned fool decided that natural immunity wasn't a "thing" anymore and /everybody/ had to get gene Tx to go into a hospital - convalescent or no - and my wife was in hospital.

I therefore loaded up on IVM and went to get the adenovirus-vector J&J, on the thought that IVM (effective against adenovirus) would prevent the adenovirus from having any effect on my system. I front-loaded with about triple the recommended dose the day before, then went to the recommended dose and "walked it down" over the next week. No ill effects, and I can say that I've been exposed to COVID several times over the intervening three years (I got the clot shot in JUL2021) with no ill effects. So, natural immunity retained (you think I wanted to mess with immunity that saw me get over COVID with no Sx other than a three-day backache? Are you crazy?)

Meanwhile, I have responses prepared should either of us happen to go symptomatic again (IVM, HCQ, D3, K2, nattokinase, and other little goodies that research has shown to be effective in high doses,) and we are (so far) taking D3/K2 (5kIU and 90mcg) and nattokinase (2,667FU) daily. I am always looking for anything else that would prove effective, and watchig this Substack is proving informative.

(And, on a side note, I do hope we restore vision to Mr. Kirsche's eye. I proposed a mechanical solution, to be sure, but I deal with mechanical things. It's just how I think.)

Anyhow, she remains unvaxed. I have precisely ZERO intention of ever taking another shot. Frankly, I have no intention of taking another vaccine at all, with the exception of TDaP (the reason being, I work with metal - both professionally and as a hobby. I don't think they're going to make that an xRNA, but I will be checking the phial before they draw the shot anyhow, because they have made me paranoid. And, "even paranoids have enemies." (The /sole/ and /only/ reason I took a vax in the first place was to visit her in hospital without racking up felonious assault charges for depopulating their security department. The IVM and J&J gave me an out - a way to "get the shot without getting the shot.") I doubt she'll be taking another vax at all. As far as the "permanent" ones - I've already been immunized against everything except death from my time in the Air Force (and I've recovered from being medically dead twice already. Trauma case, both times - they brought me back once, and I came back on my own the other. "Spontaneous revival" - it's uncommon, but it's documented.)

I find it interesting that I got sick for three days and I was done - unvaxxed. I know people 20 years younger (and more fit) that took the vax and were down for 2-4 weeks after each shot! And, everyone I know that has had the 'rona multiple times has had the vax - everyone I know unvaxed that has had the 'rona has had it exactly /once/ early on, and never caught it again.

Go figure.

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get jabbed every 30 days? that is a death sentence. bioweapons kill.

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I waited two years before getting the vaccine. I waited to see how my family and friends fared. Four months after receiving it, I got Covid omicron. It was very contagious but was basically a terrible cough that lasted about 2 months for me. I tested negative twice. By the third test, I was finally positive for Covid. The symptoms didn’t change, but it took 3 tests. Shake my head!

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Why does anyone ever get a Covid test? Didn't the inventor say they were useless for this application. Geez. I have lived almost 70 years and never needed a test to tell me I'm sick.

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Tests are fake and dont work it tells you nothing

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Here is the best-ever quote from Anthony Fauci ( HE SAID WHAT!!) with a brilliant song to explain https://www.bitchute.com/video/r620VzwMcY58/. Dr. Anthony Fauci. Once in a movie, on how dangerous it would be for an HIV vaccine, he said, "If you take it and a year goes by and everything is fine, then you give it to 500 people and a year goes by and everything is fine, then you give it to thousands of people and you realize that it takes 12 years for all hell to break loose, and what have you done?” Gary Null's "The Myth of AIDS" (which I highly suggest you watch for perspective).For more perspective please join https://normanjames.substack.com/

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If the Israel populas was vaxx more than any other country for covid and is now suffering at a high rate where does the the troops come from? If they are iin a multi front war soon they may need 500,000 to 800,000 troops? Help me on this one please!

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While we focus on the damages COVID vaccines cause to immune systems, a broader plot is unfolding encompassing digital enslavement via 5G, smart cities, digital money, the annhilation of our food supply because God's food destroys the nanotech.

they needed to create a need for mass frequent vaccinations and they need to eliminate real food in order to meld internet interfaces into human beings to complete mankind's final enslavement..

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That is it in a nutshell. Exactly what is happening. Slow murder and attention spans are shorter than the time it takes to prove the crime.

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speaking of, I believe that articles like THIS that I have posted on Twitter are the main reason

they scrubbed me permanently yesterday

They told me I had violated their rules but did not clarify

I have never used profane, vulgar or threatening language as others have but

I guess TRUTH is STILL elusive to them. . .I believe Musk has a lot of leftovers from

Dorsey/Agrawal daze. . . .I was reinstated earlier this year from having been permanently

suspended in 6/22 but I believe since then they have monitored me.

My analytics page reflect their continued use of a machete on my account

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I had to create another account. They /still/ haven't told me why I got axed. Fortunately, I've got plenty of emails.

I just have to rebuild reputation, and see how thoroly they scrubbed my last account - maybe I can dig around and find out /why/ they scrubbed me? The funny thing is that it can't be for anything that /I/ did - I was on a social media hiatus and my account got hijacked! I kept asking, but I never even got a reply... Not even a "violated TOS" message...

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and they never will. I have repeatedly asked and there has never been a reply other than I violated THEIR standards

Musk has none any more than Dorsey or Agrawal did.

I still have my account but I am limited to read only

I REFUSE to let it go because it IS MY account. I don't want somebody using my


I refuse to try to get around it by opening a new account as some have suggested

NOTHING is different for me. I call it TRUE and it would just be a matter of time befre

thy scrubbed that too

I had 15.9K followers and my stats often reflected 178K impression in a 28 day period

but I would never see more than a handful for any tweet

That is how much they wanted to keep me quiet and when that didn't work they

permanently suspended me.

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I am 62 years old. No covid vaccines but fully vaccinated as a child.

I grew up with severe eczema.

In California as a baby on till we moved to Arizona it was on my neck, inside of elbows and back of legs. During summer months it was raw oozing sores covering neck and inside soft tissue of elbows and knees. Then it would dry up into a giant scab which if I bent my neck, arms or at my knees it would painfully crack open, bleed.

When we moved to Arizona it cleared up.

But within a few years I began getting itchy bumps on my feet on the tender spots between the toes and on the bottom especially the arch.

After Aunt Flo began her visits, just before I turned 10 my feet suddenly flared up and giant blisters stacked partially OVER each other. Walls of the blisters inside of other blisters.

My parents insurance approved a wheelchair for me. Day I got it my hands started. I missed a few months of school.

I still have flare ups but nothing as bad as between 3rd and 6th grade.

I have asthma and am allergic to many things from milk to tomatoes and while I can ingest some I have to be careful. I'm even allergic to olives and mushrooms!! Also the metal nickle which is in stainless steel. Had to switch cookware even.

Five kids in the family and I am the "problem" child.

I also have skeletal deformities my feet and back being the worse. Not sure if that's just bad luck. My arches are super high. My dad's were flat. Have no idea if this could be related. I wish I had known when my daughter was born early 80's.

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Hope you find something that helps and share it with us. So very sad for your suffering.

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Isn't that the purpose? Destroy the immune system, and continue the destruction. Gates said his quota percentage of depopulation hasn't been met yet. But never fear, he will keep pushing for death. He would make his eugenic daddy proud - - right to the pits of hell, if he doesn't have a 180 degree of repentance and conversion.

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He's a reprobate. If he's a he.

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Arrest Birx, Fauci and all CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.

Fraud and homicide are ...NOT included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!

RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

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DOJ is racketeering headquarters now. Selling franchises to congress and big business.

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Every thing they do and say is about propaganda only, to further their genocidal agenda. They want only 99 million U.S. citizens by 2030 - and they'll stop at nothing to do so.

We are currently at 334 million.

So it's mass quick kill thru the jab, and death thru illnesses exacerbated BY the jab, and mass sterilization via jab ( and food poisoning and chemical spills & destroying food supply and economy).

Lions, and Tigers...and Bears...and Democidal lunatics

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Is this a reprint? at the top is says Dec 24, 2021, then a part says Jan. 7, 2022.

does this apply in Apr 2023??

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Countries like Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland are not owned by big pharma like the U.S. Their studies will be raw and far more accurate and authentic to science than you will ever find in the U.S. Doesn't mean some infiltration has not taken place, but it's not as extreme as the US, UK, Germany and many other countries.

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